eHealth Infrastructure
2.10.0 - release

eHealth Infrastructure - Local Development build (v2.10.0). See the Directory of published versions

CodeSystem: Usage Quality

Official URL: Version: 2.10.0
Active as of 2019-01-29 Computable Name: UsageQuality

Quality codes for usage or operating of measuring device

This Code system is referenced in the content logical definition of the following value sets:

This code system defines the following codes:

LvlCodeDisplayDefinitionDansk (Danish, da)
1none No quality neededQuality value where no derivation rule logic nor values are expectedIngen betjeningskvalitet krævet/ventet
2  unknown Unknown qualityUnknown quality (Unlikely to be adequate if a quality value is expected)Ukendt betjeningskvalitet
3    derivation-error Error in deriving or determining the qualityQuality value could not be derived due to insufficient input, unknown/unavailable logic, or other errorBetjeningskvaliteten kunne ikke bestemmes grundet manglende input, utilgængelig logik, eller anden fejl.
4      normal Normal/neutral usage qualityNormal/neutral usage qualityNormal eller neutral betjeningskvalitet
5        instructions-followed Performed in accordance with instructionsPerformed in accordance with instructionsBrugsvejledning fulgt
5        instructions-not-followed Performed without following instructionsPerformed without following instructionsBrugsvejledning ej fulgt
5        entered-manually Manually entered measurementManually entered measurementManuelt indtastet måling
5        automatically-transferred Automatically transferred measurementAutomatically transferred measurementAutomatisk overført måling
1TBD Example value - Under constructionExample value - Under construction
1TBD2 Example value2 - Under constructionExample value2 - Under construction