eHealth Infrastructure (v2020.6.1)

Binary retrieve-document

OPERATION: retrieve-document

The official URL for this operation definition is:–retrieve-document

This operation retrieves a document from the national IHE XDS.b based document sharing infrastructure.

The operation implements the Document Responder actor of the ITI-68 Retrieve Document transaction of Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise (IHE) Mobile access to Health Documents (MHD) with XDS on FHIR option. The ITI-68 is described in IHE ITI Supplement MHD.


The input url shall be given as the DocumentReference.content.attachment.url of a DocumentReference returned from the operation DocumentReference search provided by the same service.


When found and available to the requesting user, the document is captured in the Binary.content.

Error(s) are returned in an OperationOutcome.

URL: GET [base]/Binary/$retrieve-document?url=[url]


Use Name Cardinality Type Binding Documentation
IN url 1..1 string    
OUT return 1..1 Binary