eHealth Infrastructure
2022.2 - release

eHealth Infrastructure - Local Development build (v2022.2). See the Directory of published versions

: Create a clone of an ActivityDefinition - XML Representation

Active as of 2022-06-20

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<OperationDefinition xmlns="">
  <id value="ActivityDefinitionPlanDefinition-i-create-clone"/>
    <status value="extensions"/>
    <div xmlns=""><h2>create-clone</h2><p>OPERATION: create-clone</p><p>The official URL for this operation definition is: </p><pre></pre><div><h3>Input</h3>
<li>resourceId: reference to the ActivityDefinition resource that should be cloned</li>
<li>clone_operation: minor-version/major-version/copy Coding from codesystem:</li>
<li>default-clone-behavior: true/false. False signifies deep-clone mode where the list of deep-clone-references determine which resources should be cloned</li>
<li>deep-clone-references: References to resources to create as new resources rather than referencing the existing ones.</li>
<p>Bundle containing all resources that were created during the operation.</p>
<li>New business versions require that the user has modifier-role: owner or co-author for the resource</li>
<li>New business version can be made only when no draft resource exists (having identical base identifier).</li>
<li>Read/search/create privileges are required for the resource types affected by $create-clone</li>
</div><p>URL: [base]/ActivityDefinition/[id]/$create-clone</p><p>URL: [base]/PlanDefinition/[id]/$create-clone</p><p>Parameters</p><table class="grid"><tr><td><b>Use</b></td><td><b>Name</b></td><td><b>Cardinality</b></td><td><b>Type</b></td><td><b>Binding</b></td><td><b>Documentation</b></td></tr><tr><td>IN</td><td>clone-operation</td><td>0..1</td><td><a href="">Coding</a></td><td/><td/></tr><tr><td>IN</td><td>default-clone-behavior</td><td>0..1</td><td><a href="">boolean</a></td><td/><td/></tr><tr><td>IN</td><td>deep-clone-references</td><td>0..*</td><td><a href="">Reference</a></td><td/><td/></tr></table></div>
  <version value="2022.2"/>
  <name value="create-clone"/>
  <title value="Create a clone of an ActivityDefinition"/>
  <status value="active"/>
  <kind value="operation"/>
  <date value="2022-06-20T13:22:29+00:00"/>
  <publisher value="Systematic | Trifork"/>
    <name value="Systematic | Trifork"/>
      <system value="url"/>
      <value value=""/>
               value="### Input
- resourceId: reference to the ActivityDefinition resource that should be cloned
- clone_operation: minor-version/major-version/copy Coding from codesystem: 
- default-clone-behavior: true/false. False signifies deep-clone mode where the list of deep-clone-references determine which resources should be cloned 
- deep-clone-references: References to resources to create as new resources rather than referencing the existing ones.

### Output
Bundle containing all resources that were created during the operation.

### Validation
- New business versions require that the user has modifier-role: owner or co-author for the resource
- New business version can be made only when no draft resource exists (having identical base identifier).
- Read/search/create privileges are required for the resource types affected by $create-clone
  <affectsState value="true"/>
  <code value="create-clone"/>
  <resource value="ActivityDefinition"/>
  <resource value="PlanDefinition"/>
  <system value="false"/>
  <type value="false"/>
  <instance value="true"/>
    <name value="clone-operation"/>
    <use value="in"/>
    <min value="0"/>
    <max value="1"/>
    <type value="Coding"/>
    <name value="default-clone-behavior"/>
    <use value="in"/>
    <min value="0"/>
    <max value="1"/>
    <type value="boolean"/>
    <name value="deep-clone-references"/>
    <use value="in"/>
    <min value="0"/>
    <max value="*"/>
    <type value="Reference"/>