eHealth Infrastructure
3.0.0 - release

eHealth Infrastructure - Local Development build (v3.0.0) built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) Build Tools. See the Directory of published versions

CodeSystem: DK_IHE_FormatCode_CS

Official URL: urn:oid: Version: 3.0.0
Active as of 2019-12-11 Computable Name: DK_IHE_FormatCode_CS
Other Identifiers: id: Uniform Resource Identifier (URI)#urn:oid:

Code system for document format code used in national Document sharing

This Code system is referenced in the content logical definition of the following value sets:

This case-sensitive code system urn:oid: defines the following codes:

urn:ad:dk:medcom:phmr-v1.3:full DK PHMR schemaDocument adheres to HL7 PHMR DK profile ver. 1.0.
urn:ad:dk:medcom:qfdd-v1.1:full DK QFDD schemaDocument adheres to HL7 QFDD DK profile ver. 1.0.
urn:ad:dk:medcom:qfdd-v1.2:full DK QFDD schemaDocument adheres to HL7 QFDD DK profile ver. 1.2
urn:ad:dk:medcom:qrd-v1.1:full DK QRD schemaDocument adheres to HL7 QRD DK profile
urn:ad:dk:medcom:qrd-v1.2:full DK QRD schemaDocument adheres to HL7 QRD DK profile ver. 1.0.
urn:ad:dk:medcom:qrd-v1.3:full DK QRD schemaDocument adheres to HL7 QRD DK profile ver. 1.3
urn:ad:dk:medcom:appointmentsummary:full DK Appointment Summary Document schema
urn:ad:dk:medcom:labreports:svareksponeringsservice Laboratoriesvar (samling af svar)
urn:ad:dk:medcom:cpd-v1.0.1:full DK CPD schemaDocument adheres to HL7 CPD DK profile ver. 1.0.
urn:ad:dk:medcom:pdc-v2.0:full DK PDC schemaDocument adheres to HL7 PDC DK profile ver. 2.0.
urn:ad:dk:medcom:apd-v2.0:full DK APD schemaDocument adheres to HL7 APD DK profile ver. 2.0.
urn:ad:dk:medcom:apd-v2.0.1:full DK APD schemaDocument adheres to HL7 APD DK profile ver. 2.0.1
urn:ad:dk:medcom:cmr-v1.0:full DK CMR schemaDocument adheres to HL7 CMR DK profile ver. 1.0
urn:ad:dk:medcom:sds:cpd-v1.0.1:maternity DK CPD schema for maternityDocument adheres HL7 CPD DK profile ver. 1.0. (maternity)
urn:ad:dk:medcom:prvs-v1.0:full DK PRVS schemaDocument adheres to HL7 PRVS DK profile ver. 1.0
urn:ad:dk:medcom:pdc-v3.0:full DK PDC schemaDocument adheres to HL7 PDC DK profile ver. 3.0
urn:ad:dk:medcom:cpd-v2.0:full DK CPD schemaDocument adheres to HL7 CPD DK profile ver. 2.0
urn:ad:dk:medcom:phad-v1.0:full DK PHAD schemaDocument adheres to HL7 PHAD DK profile ver. 1.0