eHealth Infrastructure
3.0.0 - release

eHealth Infrastructure - Local Development build (v3.0.0) built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) Build Tools. See the Directory of published versions

ConceptMap: UCUM code to PrintSymbol mapping (Experimental)

Official URL: Version: 3.0.0
Active as of 2020-08-31 Computable Name: conceptmap-ucum-to-printsymbol

Mapping from eHealthUnit to UCUM printSymbol supplement

ACTIVE (not intended for production usage). Published on 2020-08-31 00:00:00+0000 by Den telemedicinske infrastruktur (eHealth Infrastructure) (Den telemedicinske infrastruktur (eHealth Infrastructure):

Group 1Mapping from Unified Code for Units of Measure (UCUM) to UCUM printSymbol supplement

Source CodeRelationshipTarget CodeComment
% (percent)% (percent)Should really be specializes but igpublisher turns into narrower (which requires a comment)
1/min (one per minute)1/min (one per minute)Should really be specializes but igpublisher turns into narrower (which requires a comment)
kg (kilogram)kg (kilogram)Should really be specializes but igpublisher turns into narrower (which requires a comment)
kg/m2 (kilogram / (meter ^ 2))kg/m2 (kilogram / (meter ^ 2))Should really be specializes but igpublisher turns into narrower (which requires a comment)
m (meter)m (meter)Should really be specializes but igpublisher turns into narrower (which requires a comment)
L (liter)L (liter)Should really be specializes but igpublisher turns into narrower (which requires a comment)
{ratio} (ratio){ratio} (ratio)Should really be specializes but igpublisher turns into narrower (which requires a comment)
mm[Hg] (millimeter of mercury)mm[Hg] (millimeter of mercury)Should really be specializes but igpublisher turns into narrower (which requires a comment)
{Number} (Number){Number} (Number)Should really be specializes but igpublisher turns into narrower (which requires a comment)
Cel (degree Celsius)Cel (degree Celsius)Should really be specializes but igpublisher turns into narrower (which requires a comment)
mg/L (milligram per liter)mg/L (milligram per liter)Should really be specializes but igpublisher turns into narrower (which requires a comment)
/min (per minute)/min (per minute)Should really be specializes but igpublisher turns into narrower (which requires a comment)

Group 2Mapping from eHealthUnitCodes to UCUM printSymbol supplement

Source CodeRelationshipTarget CodeComment
1/30sec (one per 30 seconds)1/30sec (one per 30 seconds)Should really be specializes but igpublisher turns into narrower (which requires a comment)
percentpointpercentpointShould really be specializes but igpublisher turns into narrower (which requires a comment)