eHealth Infrastructure
3.1.0 - release

eHealth Infrastructure - Local Development build (v3.1.0) built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) Build Tools. See the Directory of published versions

ValueSet: DK_IHE_EventCodeLists_VS

Official URL: Version: 3.1.0
Active as of 2019-12-11 Computable Name: DK_IHE_EventCodeLists_VS

Event codes used in DK IHE Document sharing. The codes shall be NPU or procedure codes used in the Danish health care systems.


Logical Definition (CLD)

This value set includes codes based on the following rules:

  • Include these codes as defined in urn:oid:
    ALAL03Psykiske lidelser og adfærdsmæssige forstyrrelser
    ALAL21Kronisk obstruktiv lungesygdom (KOL)
    ALAL22Type 2-diabetes
    ALAL51Graviditet, fødsel og barsel
  • Include these codes as defined in urn:oid:
    NPU03804Pt—Legeme; masse = ? kgPt—Legeme; masse = ? kg
    NPU03963U—Erythrocytter; arb.k.(proc.) = ?U—Erythrocytter; arb.k.(proc.) = ?
    NPU21692Hjerte—Systole; frekv. = ? × 1/minHjerte—Systole; frekv. = ? × 1/min
    NPU22089P(kB)—Glucose; stofk. = ? mmol/LP(kB)—Glucose; stofk. = ? mmol/L
  • Include these codes as defined in urn-oid-
    NPU19748C-reaktivt protein [CRP];PP—C-reaktivt protein; massek. = ? mg/L
    DNK05472Blodtryk systolisk;ArmArm—Blodtryk(systolisk); tryk = ? mmHg
    DNK05473Blodtryk diastolisk;ArmArm—Blodtryk(diastolisk); tryk = ? mmHg
    MCS88100FEV6;LungeLunge—Lungefunktionsundersøgelse COPD FEV6; vol. = ? L
    MCS88015FEV1;LungeLunge—Lungefunktionsundersøgelse FEV1; vol. = ? L
  • Include all codes defined in urn:oid:



This value set contains 21 concepts.

  ALAL03urn:oid: lidelser og adfærdsmæssige forstyrrelser
  ALAL21urn:oid: obstruktiv lungesygdom (KOL)
  ALAL22urn:oid: 2-diabetes
  ALAL51urn:oid:, fødsel og barsel
  NPU03804urn:oid:—Legeme; masse = ? kg

Pt—Legeme; masse = ? kg

  NPU03963urn:oid:—Erythrocytter; arb.k.(proc.) = ?

U—Erythrocytter; arb.k.(proc.) = ?

  NPU21692urn:oid:—Systole; frekv. = ? × 1/min

Hjerte—Systole; frekv. = ? × 1/min

  NPU22089urn:oid:—Glucose; stofk. = ? mmol/L

P(kB)—Glucose; stofk. = ? mmol/L

  NPU19748urn-oid- protein [CRP];P

P—C-reaktivt protein; massek. = ? mg/L

  DNK05472urn-oid- systolisk;Arm

Arm—Blodtryk(systolisk); tryk = ? mmHg

  DNK05473urn-oid- diastolisk;Arm

Arm—Blodtryk(diastolisk); tryk = ? mmHg


Lunge—Lungefunktionsundersøgelse COPD FEV6; vol. = ? L


Lunge—Lungefunktionsundersøgelse FEV1; vol. = ? L

  3d3d6f46-ea42-4d64-a2bb-52646dcd6513urn:oid: v.3

Psoriasis; Version: 3; Dato: 2021-12-03

  1de279ff-99fd-4544-9e41-300f56bc08e4urn:oid: v.10

Spørgeskema i forb. med diabetes; Version: 10; Dato: 2021-12-07

  898cba44-c668-41e8-ac25-c2b880ac7090urn:oid: uddrag start v.3

Kort spørgeskema i forbindelse med hjerterehabilitering, start; Version: 3; Dato: 20220610

  c820effc-91d3-45cd-b2df-53ae95284349urn:oid: uddrag slut v.3

Kort spørgeskema i forbindelse med hjerterehabilitering, slut; Version: 3; Dato: 2022-06-10

Explanation of the columns that may appear on this page:

Level A few code lists that FHIR defines are hierarchical - each code is assigned a level. In this scheme, some codes are under other codes, and imply that the code they are under also applies
System The source of the definition of the code (when the value set draws in codes defined elsewhere)
Code The code (used as the code in the resource instance)
Display The display (used in the display element of a Coding). If there is no display, implementers should not simply display the code, but map the concept into their application
Definition An explanation of the meaning of the concept
Comments Additional notes about how to use the code