eHealth Infrastructure (v1.0.0)

Extensions defined as part of the Danish Telemedicine Implementation Guide

  • minimumQuality The minimum requirements for qualities
  • author People/organisations who maintains the plan definition. This will often be identical to the owner.
  • AuthorizationTime Contains date and time of authorization
  • monitoringResponsible Individuals, careteam and/or organization responsible for monitoring this plan.
  • monitoringResponsibleHistory Individuals, careteam and/or organization who was responsible for monitoring this plan in the specified period
  • statusHistory History of status changes
  • decisionRule Decision support identification, parameters and result
  • eHealth CorrespondanceAddress CorrespondanceAddress
  • calibrationExpires Date when the current calibration expires and recalibration is required.
  • properties Properties of this device. Properties are static by nature whereas .qualities are dynamic and may change during the life cycle or calibration cycle of a device.
  • qualities Current device quality
  • qualityHistory History of device quality
  • templateQualities Device quality default settings for an initial, a degraded, and an overriden device quality.
  • privatelyOwned True if this device is privately owned (BYOD - Bring you own device).
  • suppliers Suppliers of different kinds. E.g device suppliers, support suppliers, training suppliers, etc.
  • careManagerHistory History of care managers/care co-ordinators for the patient.
  • careManagers Care manager/care co-ordinator for the patient.
  • Functioncal Capacity Describes the functional capacity of a patient. This extension is a generic construct in the sense that only one the group *ValueSet* is specified. This means that the selected *code.coding.code* in this construct MUST contain a value from the selected *ValueSet* in group.coding.code. An optional score can be given to the *code.coding.code* in the score.coding.code
  • GeneralHealthCondition Describes the general health condition of a patient
  • Identifier Extension to identify a document/information reference
  • intendedAudience Specifies that the plan is only intended for use in the specified organisations. Leave blank if the plan is intended for global use.
  • eHealth ITCompetenceLevel This extension describes the IT skills of a patient
  • basedOn Library that this library is based on
  • parameterBinding Mappings of parameters defined for the library
  • parameterName Name of the parameter given as string. This must match the parameter name in the ParameterDefinition.
  • eHealth MunicipalityCode Danish municipality code (DK: "kommunekode")
  • eHealth PatientContactNote This note holds the information of when the patient is available for communication - eg. between 10 and 12 every monday
  • eHealth ReferenceType Indicates the type of a document/information reference
  • revision Business revision of the questionnaire.
  • maxValue The inclusive upper bound on the range of allowed values for the data element.
  • minValue The inclusive lower bound on the range of allowed values for the data element.
  • relatedTo Relations to other Organizations
  • telecomCustodian Custodian of this ContactPoint.
  • owner The formal owner of the PlanDefinition
  • role Roles involved in the Plan
  • quality Requirements for qualities
  • author Responsible organization for the content.
  • custodian Responsible organization for the provision.
  • feedback Feedback if reponse is within the defined range.
  • intendedOrganization The questionnaire is intended to be used by these organizations.
  • maxOccurs The maximum number of times the group must appear, or the minimum number of answers for a question - when greater than 1 and not unlimited.
  • minOccurs The minimum number of times the group must appear, or the minimum number of answers for a question - when greater than 1.
  • eHealth Questionnaire Recommendation Defines the recommendation state of the questionnaire.
  • eHealth RegionalSubdivisionCode Danish regional code
  • reuseCriteria Defines if and when a response can be reused.
  • sliderStepValue For slider-based controls, indicates the step size to use when toggling the control up or down.
  • recommendation The recommendation state of the plan definition
  • referenceRange Provides guide for interpretation. Must have at least a low or a high.
  • Description The description of a document/information reference
  • eHealth RelatedPerson In some cases a will also be populated as a RelatedPerson resource. This linkage permits the linkage between the 2 resources to be able to accurately indicate a representation of the same individual, and updating details between could be appropriate.
  • responsible Individuals, careteam and/or organization who was responsible for monitoring this plan in the specified period
  • responsibleHistory Individuals, careteam and/or organization who was responsible for monitoring this plan in the specified period
  • sharingPolicy Policy for sharing this resource with national data banks.
  • category Category of task.