eHealth Infrastructure
2.10.0 - release

eHealth Infrastructure - Local Development build (v2.10.0). See the Directory of published versions

Resource Profile: ehealth-questionnaire-advanced

Official URL: Version: 2.10.0
Active as of 2023-10-24 Computable Name: ehealth-questionnaire-advanced


QuestionnaireAdvanced inherits all functionality from EHealthQuestionnaire while adding the option to have mathematical calculations as part of the Questionnaire.

Scope and Usage

Same scope and usage as the standart Questionnaire in the eHealth infrastructure.

Setting minimal and maximal number of permitted choices

A question where possible answers are given as a list of options (of item.type set to choice) can allow multiple choices by setting item.repeats to true. When no further constraints are set, item.repeats set to true means that any number of the options can be provided as answer to the question in a QuestionnaireResponse. The standard extensions item.questionnaire-minOccurs and item.questionnaire-maxOccurs can be used to set such further constraints.

  • item.questionnaire-minOccurs sets the minimum number of answers allowed, for instance 2 (of the number of options, say, 5). The element shall be set only when its value is greater than one.
  • item.questionnaire-maxOccurs sets the maximum number of answers allowed, for instance 3 (of the number of options, say 5). The element shall be set only when its value is greater than one.

When exactly one answer shall be required, item.requied shall be set to true and item.repeats shall be set to false. When exactly one answer is permitted, item.requied shall be set to false and item.repeats shall be set to false. In these cases, the minOCcurs and maxOccurs shall not be used.

Feedback to the Patient

The Questionnaire resource supports the Question Feedback Pattern from DK QFDD questionnaires. This enables immediate feedback to the patient upon answering a question.

The feedback is pre-defined in the Questionnaire resource using the element, so that for each item a patient feedback can be prepared. The feedback will be shown to the patient if the patient’s answer to an item lies within a given interval. The mechanism only works for questions which can be answered with a numeric value. The interval is defined by the min and a max elements of the feedback extension. If the Patient answers the item with a numeric value in the interval given by min-max then the value of the feedback extension is intended to be shown to the Patient.


In the recommendation element, a questionnaire can optionally hold a “degree of recommendation” intended to aid the Practitioner in deciding whether or not the Questionnaire should be applied to the Patient.

Calculated Expressions

In the EHealthQuestionnaireAdvanced a calculatedExpression can be added to an Item in the questionnaire. This expression can be set to take inputs from ordinalValues or variables which can then be processed by the expression. By setting the usageMode the Practitioner can decide when to display the calculation, for example whether it should be visible right away or only when all variables have been entered.


  • This Resource Profile is not used by any profiles in this Implementation Guide

Formal Views of Profile Content

Description of Profiles, Differentials, Snapshots and how the different presentations work.

This structure is derived from ehealth-questionnaire

NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. Questionnaire 0..*ehealth-questionnaireA structured set of questions
... variable 0..*ExpressionVariable for processing
... item
.... calculatedExpression 0..1ExpressionExpression-determined initial value
.... usageMode 0..1codecapture | display | display-non-empty | capture-display | capture-display-non-empty
Binding: QuestionnaireItemUsageMode (required): Identifies the modes of usage of a questionnaire that should enable a particular questionnaire item.

.... answerOption
..... ordinalValue 0..1decimalAssigned Ordinal Value

doco Documentation for this format


Other representations of profile: CSV, Excel, Schematron