eHealth Infrastructure (v2019.5.1)

StructureDefinition: ehealth-questionnaire

Formal Views of Profile Content

The official URL for this profile is:

This profile builds on Questionnaire.

This profile was published on Thu May 16 12:32:10 UTC 2019 as a draft by

Description of Profiles, Differentials, Snapshots, and how the XML and JSON presentations work.


Terminology Bindings

Questionnaire.languageCommon LanguagesextensibleCommon Languages
Questionnaire.jurisdictionJurisdiction ValueSetextensibleJurisdiction ValueSet
Questionnaire.codeQuestionnaire Question CodesexampleQuestionnaire Question Codes
Questionnaire.item.codeQuestionnaire Question CodesexampleQuestionnaire Question Codes
Questionnaire.item.enableWhen.answer[x]Questionnaire Answer CodesexampleQuestionnaire Answer Codes
Questionnaire.item.option.value[x]Questionnaire Answer CodesexampleQuestionnaire Answer Codes
Questionnaire.item.initial[x]Questionnaire Answer CodesexampleQuestionnaire Answer Codes


dom-2QuestionnaireIf the resource is contained in another resource, it SHALL NOT contain nested Resources
: contained.contained.empty()
dom-1QuestionnaireIf the resource is contained in another resource, it SHALL NOT contain any narrative
: contained.text.empty()
dom-4QuestionnaireIf a resource is contained in another resource, it SHALL NOT have a meta.versionId or a meta.lastUpdated
: contained.meta.versionId.empty() and contained.meta.lastUpdated.empty()
dom-3QuestionnaireIf the resource is contained in another resource, it SHALL be referred to from elsewhere in the resource
: contained.where(('#'+id in %resource.descendants().reference).not()).empty()
que-2QuestionnaireThe link ids for groups and questions must be unique within the questionnaire
: descendants().linkId.isDistinct()
ele-1Questionnaire.itemAll FHIR elements must have a @value or children
: hasValue() | (children().count() > id.count())
que-9Questionnaire.itemRead-only can't be specified for "display" items
: type!='display' or readOnly.empty()
que-8Questionnaire.itemDefault values can't be specified for groups or display items
: (type!='group' and type!='display') or initial.empty()
que-6Questionnaire.itemRequired and repeat aren't permitted for display items
: type!='display' or (required.empty() and repeats.empty())
que-5Questionnaire.itemOnly 'choice' items can have options
: (type ='choice' or type = 'open-choice') or (options.empty() and option.empty())
que-4Questionnaire.itemA question cannot have both option and options
: option.empty() or options.empty()
que-3Questionnaire.itemDisplay items cannot have a "code" asserted
: type!='display' or code.empty()
que-10Questionnaire.itemMaximum length can only be declared for simple question types
: (type in ('boolean' | 'decimal' | 'integer' | 'string' | 'text' | 'url')) or maxLength.empty()
que-1Questionnaire.itemGroup items must have nested items, display items cannot have nested items
: (type='group' implies item.empty().not()) and (type.trace('type')='display' implies item.trace('item').empty())
ele-1Questionnaire.item.enableWhenAll FHIR elements must have a @value or children
: hasValue() | (children().count() > id.count())
que-7Questionnaire.item.enableWhenenableWhen must contain either a 'answer' or a 'hasAnswer' element
: hasAnswer.exists() xor answer.exists()
ele-1Questionnaire.item.optionAll FHIR elements must have a @value or children
: hasValue() | (children().count() > id.count())