{ "resourceType" : "CapabilityStatement", "id" : "terminology", "text" : { "status" : "generated", "div" : "<div xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\"><h2/><table><tr><td>Mode</td><td>SERVER</td></tr><tr><td>Description</td><td/></tr><tr><td>Transaction</td><td>y</td></tr><tr><td>System History</td><td>y</td></tr><tr><td>System Search</td><td></td></tr></table><table><tr><th><b>Resource Type</b></th><th><b>Profile</b></th><th><b title=\"GET a resource (read interaction)\">Read</b></th><th><b title=\"GET past versions of resources (vread interaction)\">V-Read</b></th><th><b title=\"GET all set of resources of the type (search interaction)\">Search</b></th><th><b title=\"PUT a new resource version (update interaction)\">Update</b></th><th><b title=\"PATCH a new resource version (patch interaction)\">Patch</b></th><th><b title=\"POST a new resource (create interaction)\">Create</b></th><th><b title=\"DELETE a resource (delete interaction)\">Delete</b></th><th><b title=\"GET changes to a resource (history interaction on instance)\">Updates</b></th><th><b title=\"GET changes for all resources of the type (history interaction on type)\">History</b></th></tr><tr><td>CodeSystem</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/CodeSystem\">http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/CodeSystem</a></td><td>y</td><td>y</td><td>y</td><td>y</td><td>y</td><td>y</td><td>y</td><td>y</td><td>y</td></tr><tr><td>ConceptMap</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/ConceptMap\">http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/ConceptMap</a></td><td>y</td><td>y</td><td>y</td><td>y</td><td>y</td><td>y</td><td>y</td><td>y</td><td>y</td></tr><tr><td>NamingSystem</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/NamingSystem\">http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/NamingSystem</a></td><td>y</td><td>y</td><td>y</td><td>y</td><td>y</td><td>y</td><td>y</td><td>y</td><td>y</td></tr><tr><td>OperationDefinition</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/OperationDefinition\">http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/OperationDefinition</a></td><td>y</td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>StructureDefinition</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/StructureDefinition\">http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/StructureDefinition</a></td><td>y</td><td></td><td>y</td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>ValueSet</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/ValueSet\">http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/ValueSet</a></td><td>y</td><td>y</td><td>y</td><td>y</td><td>y</td><td>y</td><td>y</td><td>y</td><td>y</td></tr></table></div>" }, "url" : "http://ehealth.sundhed.dk/fhir/CapabilityStatement/terminology", "version" : "2019.5.2", "status" : "active", "date" : "2019-05-29T10:34:18+00:00", "publisher" : "Not provided", "kind" : "instance", "software" : { "name" : "HAPI FHIR Server", "version" : "3.7.0" }, "implementation" : { "description" : "eHealth Terminology Server", "url" : "http://inttest.ehealth.sundhed.dk/terminology/fhir" }, "fhirVersion" : "3.0.1", "format" : [ "application/fhir+xml", "application/fhir+json" ], "rest" : [ { "mode" : "server", "resource" : [ { "extension" : [ { "url" : "http://hl7api.sourceforge.net/hapi-fhir/res/extdefs.html#resourceCount", "valueDecimal" : 46 } ], "type" : "CodeSystem", "profile" : { "reference" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/CodeSystem" }, "interaction" : [ { "code" : "read" }, { "code" : "vread" }, { "code" : "update" }, { "code" : "patch" }, { "code" : "delete" }, { "code" : "history-instance" }, { "code" : "history-type" }, { "code" : "create" }, { "code" : "search-type" } ], "versioning" : "versioned-update", "conditionalCreate" : true, "conditionalUpdate" : true, "conditionalDelete" : "multiple", "searchInclude" : [ "*" ], "searchParam" : [ { "name" : "_language", "type" : "string", "documentation" : "The language of the resource" }, { "name" : "date", "type" : "date", "documentation" : "The code system publication date" }, { "name" : "identifier", "type" : "token", "documentation" : "External identifier for the code system" }, { "name" : "code", "type" : "token", "documentation" : "A code defined in the code system" }, { "name" : "content-mode", "type" : "token", "documentation" : "not-present | example | fragment | complete" }, { "name" : "jurisdiction", "type" : "token", "documentation" : "Intended jurisdiction for the code system" }, { "name" : "description", "type" : "string", "documentation" : "The description of the code system" }, { "name" : "language", "type" : "token", "documentation" : "A language in which a designation is provided" }, { "name" : "title", "type" : "string", "documentation" : "The human-friendly name of the code system" }, { "name" : "version", "type" : "token", "documentation" : "The business version of the code system" }, { "name" : "url", "type" : "uri", "documentation" : "The uri that identifies the code system" }, { "name" : "system", "type" : "uri", "documentation" : "The system for any codes defined by this code system (same as 'url')" }, { "name" : "name", "type" : "string", "documentation" : "Computationally friendly name of the code system" }, { "name" : "publisher", "type" : "string", "documentation" : "Name of the publisher of the code system" }, { "name" : "_id", "type" : "token", "documentation" : "The ID of the resource" }, { "name" : "status", "type" : "token", "documentation" : "The current status of the code system" } ] }, { "type" : "ConceptMap", "profile" : { "reference" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/ConceptMap" }, "interaction" : [ { "code" : "read" }, { "code" : "vread" }, { "code" : "update" }, { "code" : "patch" }, { "code" : "delete" }, { "code" : "history-instance" }, { "code" : "history-type" }, { "code" : "create" }, { "code" : "search-type" } ], "versioning" : "versioned-update", "conditionalCreate" : true, "conditionalUpdate" : true, "conditionalDelete" : "multiple", "searchInclude" : [ "*", "ConceptMap:source", "ConceptMap:source-uri", "ConceptMap:target", "ConceptMap:target-uri" ], "searchParam" : [ { "name" : "_language", "type" : "string", "documentation" : "The language of the resource" }, { "name" : "date", "type" : "date", "documentation" : "The concept map publication date" }, { "name" : "identifier", "type" : "token", "documentation" : "External identifier for the concept map" }, { "name" : "other", "type" : "uri", "documentation" : "Canonical URL for other concept map" }, { "name" : "product", "type" : "uri", "documentation" : "Reference to property mapping depends on" }, { "name" : "dependson", "type" : "uri", "documentation" : "Reference to property mapping depends on" }, { "name" : "target-system", "type" : "uri", "documentation" : "System of the target (if necessary)" }, { "name" : "jurisdiction", "type" : "token", "documentation" : "Intended jurisdiction for the concept map" }, { "name" : "description", "type" : "string", "documentation" : "The description of the concept map" }, { "name" : "source", "type" : "reference", "documentation" : "Identifies the source of the concepts which are being mapped" }, { "name" : "title", "type" : "string", "documentation" : "The human-friendly name of the concept map" }, { "name" : "version", "type" : "token", "documentation" : "The business version of the concept map" }, { "name" : "url", "type" : "uri", "documentation" : "The uri that identifies the concept map" }, { "name" : "target", "type" : "reference", "documentation" : "Provides context to the mappings" }, { "name" : "source-code", "type" : "token", "documentation" : "Identifies element being mapped" }, { "name" : "source-uri", "type" : "reference", "documentation" : "Identifies the source of the concepts which are being mapped" }, { "name" : "name", "type" : "string", "documentation" : "Computationally friendly name of the concept map" }, { "name" : "publisher", "type" : "string", "documentation" : "Name of the publisher of the concept map" }, { "name" : "_id", "type" : "token", "documentation" : "The ID of the resource" }, { "name" : "source-system", "type" : "uri", "documentation" : "Code System (if value set crosses code systems)" }, { "name" : "target-code", "type" : "token", "documentation" : "Code that identifies the target element" }, { "name" : "status", "type" : "token", "documentation" : "The current status of the concept map" }, { "name" : "target-uri", "type" : "reference", "documentation" : "Provides context to the mappings" } ] }, { "type" : "NamingSystem", "profile" : { "reference" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/NamingSystem" }, "interaction" : [ { "code" : "read" }, { "code" : "vread" }, { "code" : "update" }, { "code" : "patch" }, { "code" : "delete" }, { "code" : "history-instance" }, { "code" : "history-type" }, { "code" : "create" }, { "code" : "search-type" } ], "versioning" : "versioned-update", "conditionalCreate" : true, "conditionalUpdate" : true, "conditionalDelete" : "multiple", "searchInclude" : [ "*", "NamingSystem:replaced-by" ], "searchParam" : [ { "name" : "_language", "type" : "string", "documentation" : "The language of the resource" }, { "name" : "date", "type" : "date", "documentation" : "The naming system publication date" }, { "name" : "period", "type" : "date", "documentation" : "When is identifier valid?" }, { "name" : "kind", "type" : "token", "documentation" : "codesystem | identifier | root" }, { "name" : "jurisdiction", "type" : "token", "documentation" : "Intended jurisdiction for the naming system" }, { "name" : "description", "type" : "string", "documentation" : "The description of the naming system" }, { "name" : "type", "type" : "token", "documentation" : "e.g. driver, provider, patient, bank etc." }, { "name" : "id-type", "type" : "token", "documentation" : "oid | uuid | uri | other" }, { "name" : "contact", "type" : "string", "documentation" : "Name of an individual to contact" }, { "name" : "responsible", "type" : "string", "documentation" : "Who maintains system namespace?" }, { "name" : "name", "type" : "string", "documentation" : "Computationally friendly name of the naming system" }, { "name" : "publisher", "type" : "string", "documentation" : "Name of the publisher of the naming system" }, { "name" : "telecom", "type" : "token", "documentation" : "Contact details for individual or organization" }, { "name" : "_id", "type" : "token", "documentation" : "The ID of the resource" }, { "name" : "value", "type" : "string", "documentation" : "The unique identifier" }, { "name" : "replaced-by", "type" : "reference", "documentation" : "Use this instead" }, { "name" : "status", "type" : "token", "documentation" : "The current status of the naming system" } ] }, { "type" : "OperationDefinition", "profile" : { "reference" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/OperationDefinition" }, "interaction" : [ { "code" : "read" } ], "versioning" : "versioned-update", "searchParam" : [ { "name" : "_language", "type" : "string", "documentation" : "The language of the resource" }, { "name" : "date", "type" : "date", "documentation" : "The operation definition publication date" }, { "name" : "code", "type" : "token", "documentation" : "Name used to invoke the operation" }, { "name" : "instance", "type" : "token", "documentation" : "Invoke on an instance?" }, { "name" : "kind", "type" : "token", "documentation" : "operation | query" }, { "name" : "jurisdiction", "type" : "token", "documentation" : "Intended jurisdiction for the operation definition" }, { "name" : "description", "type" : "string", "documentation" : "The description of the operation definition" }, { "name" : "type", "type" : "token", "documentation" : "Invole at the type level?" }, { "name" : "version", "type" : "token", "documentation" : "The business version of the operation definition" }, { "name" : "url", "type" : "uri", "documentation" : "The uri that identifies the operation definition" }, { "name" : "system", "type" : "token", "documentation" : "Invoke at the system level?" }, { "name" : "name", "type" : "string", "documentation" : "Computationally friendly name of the operation definition" }, { "name" : "publisher", "type" : "string", "documentation" : "Name of the publisher of the operation definition" }, { "name" : "_id", "type" : "token", "documentation" : "The ID of the resource" }, { "name" : "param-profile", "type" : "reference", "documentation" : "Profile on the type" }, { "name" : "base", "type" : "reference", "documentation" : "Marks this as a profile of the base" }, { "name" : "status", "type" : "token", "documentation" : "The current status of the operation definition" } ] }, { "type" : "StructureDefinition", "profile" : { "reference" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/StructureDefinition" }, "interaction" : [ { "code" : "read" }, { "code" : "search-type" } ], "versioning" : "versioned-update", "searchParam" : [ { "name" : "_language", "type" : "string", "documentation" : "The language of the resource" }, { "name" : "date", "type" : "date", "documentation" : "The structure definition publication date" }, { "name" : "identifier", "type" : "token", "documentation" : "External identifier for the structure definition" }, { "name" : "valueset", "type" : "reference", "documentation" : "A vocabulary binding reference" }, { "name" : "kind", "type" : "token", "documentation" : "primitive-type | complex-type | resource | logical" }, { "name" : "jurisdiction", "type" : "token", "documentation" : "Intended jurisdiction for the structure definition" }, { "name" : "description", "type" : "string", "documentation" : "The description of the structure definition" }, { "name" : "context-type", "type" : "token", "documentation" : "resource | datatype | extension" }, { "name" : "experimental", "type" : "token", "documentation" : "For testing purposes, not real usage" }, { "name" : "abstract", "type" : "token", "documentation" : "Whether the structure is abstract" }, { "name" : "title", "type" : "string", "documentation" : "The human-friendly name of the structure definition" }, { "name" : "type", "type" : "token", "documentation" : "Type defined or constrained by this structure" }, { "name" : "version", "type" : "token", "documentation" : "The business version of the structure definition" }, { "name" : "url", "type" : "uri", "documentation" : "The uri that identifies the structure definition" }, { "name" : "path", "type" : "token", "documentation" : "A path that is constrained in the profile" }, { "name" : "ext-context", "type" : "string", "documentation" : "Where the extension can be used in instances" }, { "name" : "base-path", "type" : "token", "documentation" : "Path that identifies the base element" }, { "name" : "name", "type" : "string", "documentation" : "Computationally friendly name of the structure definition" }, { "name" : "publisher", "type" : "string", "documentation" : "Name of the publisher of the structure definition" }, { "name" : "derivation", "type" : "token", "documentation" : "specialization | constraint - How relates to base definition" }, { "name" : "_id", "type" : "token", "documentation" : "The ID of the resource" }, { "name" : "keyword", "type" : "token", "documentation" : "A code for the profile" }, { "name" : "base", "type" : "uri", "documentation" : "Definition that this type is constrained/specialized from" }, { "name" : "status", "type" : "token", "documentation" : "The current status of the structure definition" } ] }, { "extension" : [ { "url" : "http://hl7api.sourceforge.net/hapi-fhir/res/extdefs.html#resourceCount", "valueDecimal" : 54 } ], "type" : "ValueSet", "profile" : { "reference" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/ValueSet" }, "interaction" : [ { "code" : "read" }, { "code" : "vread" }, { "code" : "update" }, { "code" : "patch" }, { "code" : "delete" }, { "code" : "history-instance" }, { "code" : "history-type" }, { "code" : "create" }, { "code" : "search-type" } ], "versioning" : "versioned-update", "conditionalCreate" : true, "conditionalUpdate" : true, "conditionalDelete" : "multiple", "searchInclude" : [ "*" ], "searchParam" : [ { "name" : "_language", "type" : "string", "documentation" : "The language of the resource" }, { "name" : "date", "type" : "date", "documentation" : "The value set publication date" }, { "name" : "identifier", "type" : "token", "documentation" : "External identifier for the value set" }, { "name" : "jurisdiction", "type" : "token", "documentation" : "Intended jurisdiction for the value set" }, { "name" : "description", "type" : "string", "documentation" : "The description of the value set" }, { "name" : "title", "type" : "string", "documentation" : "The human-friendly name of the value set" }, { "name" : "version", "type" : "token", "documentation" : "The business version of the value set" }, { "name" : "url", "type" : "uri", "documentation" : "The uri that identifies the value set" }, { "name" : "expansion", "type" : "uri", "documentation" : "Uniquely identifies this expansion" }, { "name" : "reference", "type" : "uri", "documentation" : "A code system included or excluded in the value set or an imported value set" }, { "name" : "name", "type" : "string", "documentation" : "Computationally friendly name of the value set" }, { "name" : "publisher", "type" : "string", "documentation" : "Name of the publisher of the value set" }, { "name" : "_id", "type" : "token", "documentation" : "The ID of the resource" }, { "name" : "status", "type" : "token", "documentation" : "The current status of the value set" } ] } ], "interaction" : [ { "code" : "history-system" }, { "code" : "transaction" } ], "operation" : [ { "name" : "mark-all-resources-for-reindexing", "definition" : { "reference" : "OperationDefinition/-s-mark-all-resources-for-reindexing" } }, { "name" : "perform-reindexing-pass", "definition" : { "reference" : "OperationDefinition/-s-perform-reindexing-pass" } }, { "name" : "meta", "definition" : { "reference" : "OperationDefinition/-s-meta" } }, { "name" : "get-resource-counts", "definition" : { "reference" : "OperationDefinition/-s-get-resource-counts" } }, { "name" : "suggest-keywords", "definition" : { "reference" : "OperationDefinition/-s-suggest-keywords" } }, { "name" : "expunge", "definition" : { "reference" : "OperationDefinition/-s-expunge" } }, { "name" : "expunge", "definition" : { "reference" : "OperationDefinition/-is-expunge" } }, { "name" : "lookup", "definition" : { "reference" : "OperationDefinition/CodeSystem--lookup" } }, { "name" : "validate", "definition" : { "reference" : "OperationDefinition/CodeSystem-i-validate" } }, { "name" : "validate", "definition" : { "reference" : "OperationDefinition/CodeSystem--validate" } }, { "name" : "meta", "definition" : { "reference" : "OperationDefinition/CodeSystem-i-meta" } }, { "name" : "meta", "definition" : { "reference" : "OperationDefinition/CodeSystem--meta" } }, { "name" : "expunge", "definition" : { "reference" : "OperationDefinition/CodeSystem--expunge" } }, { "name" : "expunge", "definition" : { "reference" : "OperationDefinition/CodeSystem-i-expunge" } }, { "name" : "meta-add", "definition" : { "reference" : "OperationDefinition/CodeSystem-i-meta-add" } }, { "name" : "meta-delete", "definition" : { "reference" : "OperationDefinition/CodeSystem-i-meta-delete" } }, { "name" : "translate", "definition" : { "reference" : "OperationDefinition/ConceptMap-i-translate" } }, { "name" : "validate", "definition" : { "reference" : "OperationDefinition/ConceptMap-i-validate" } }, { "name" : "validate", "definition" : { "reference" : "OperationDefinition/ConceptMap--validate" } }, { "name" : "meta", "definition" : { "reference" : "OperationDefinition/ConceptMap-i-meta" } }, { "name" : "meta", "definition" : { "reference" : "OperationDefinition/ConceptMap--meta" } }, { "name" : "expunge", "definition" : { "reference" : "OperationDefinition/ConceptMap--expunge" } }, { "name" : "expunge", "definition" : { "reference" : "OperationDefinition/ConceptMap-i-expunge" } }, { "name" : "meta-add", "definition" : { "reference" : "OperationDefinition/ConceptMap-i-meta-add" } }, { "name" : "meta-delete", "definition" : { "reference" : "OperationDefinition/ConceptMap-i-meta-delete" } }, { "name" : "validate", "definition" : { "reference" : "OperationDefinition/NamingSystem-i-validate" } }, { "name" : "validate", "definition" : { "reference" : "OperationDefinition/NamingSystem--validate" } }, { "name" : "meta", "definition" : { "reference" : "OperationDefinition/NamingSystem-i-meta" } }, { "name" : "meta", "definition" : { "reference" : "OperationDefinition/NamingSystem--meta" } }, { "name" : "expunge", "definition" : { "reference" : "OperationDefinition/NamingSystem--expunge" } }, { "name" : "expunge", "definition" : { "reference" : "OperationDefinition/NamingSystem-i-expunge" } }, { "name" : "meta-add", "definition" : { "reference" : "OperationDefinition/NamingSystem-i-meta-add" } }, { "name" : "meta-delete", "definition" : { "reference" : "OperationDefinition/NamingSystem-i-meta-delete" } }, { "name" : "expand", "definition" : { "reference" : "OperationDefinition/ValueSet-i-expand" } }, { "name" : "validate-code", "definition" : { "reference" : "OperationDefinition/ValueSet-i-validate-code" } }, { "name" : "validate", "definition" : { "reference" : "OperationDefinition/ValueSet-i-validate" } }, { "name" : "validate", "definition" : { "reference" : "OperationDefinition/ValueSet--validate" } }, { "name" : "meta", "definition" : { "reference" : "OperationDefinition/ValueSet-i-meta" } }, { "name" : "meta", "definition" : { "reference" : "OperationDefinition/ValueSet--meta" } }, { "name" : "expunge", "definition" : { "reference" : "OperationDefinition/ValueSet--expunge" } }, { "name" : "expunge", "definition" : { "reference" : "OperationDefinition/ValueSet-i-expunge" } }, { "name" : "meta-add", "definition" : { "reference" : "OperationDefinition/ValueSet-i-meta-add" } }, { "name" : "meta-delete", "definition" : { "reference" : "OperationDefinition/ValueSet-i-meta-delete" } } ] } ] }