eHealth Infrastructure (v2019.5)

General Guidance

Introduction to Domain

Introduction to the eHealth domain can be found at the wiki site.

Modeling Approach

The eHealth Infrastructure is based on an open modeling approach to using FHIR. With the open modeling, optional elements of the various FHIR resources have been retained even when not included in the initial data requirements. This except the few odd occurrences where elements have been removed to reduce they ways in which resources can be connected as the fewer ways suffice.

Compared to the closed modeling approach, where those (initially) superfluous elements are removed, the open modeling approach is prepared for adaptation. It enables an evolutionary use of elements where parties can agree on supporting otherwise unused elements for, say, pilot projects and then propagate use of the elements once proven valuable. This without interfering with regular use of the resources.


eHealth Infrastructure security mechanisms are described on the wiki site.