{ "resourceType" : "CapabilityStatement", "id" : "measurement", "text" : { "status" : "generated", "div" : "<div xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\"><h2/><table><tr><td>Mode</td><td>SERVER</td></tr><tr><td>Description</td><td/></tr><tr><td>Transaction</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>System History</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>System Search</td><td></td></tr></table><table><tr><th><b>Resource Type</b></th><th><b>Profile</b></th><th><b title=\"GET a resource (read interaction)\">Read</b></th><th><b title=\"GET past versions of resources (vread interaction)\">V-Read</b></th><th><b title=\"GET all set of resources of the type (search interaction)\">Search</b></th><th><b title=\"PUT a new resource version (update interaction)\">Update</b></th><th><b title=\"PATCH a new resource version (patch interaction)\">Patch</b></th><th><b title=\"POST a new resource (create interaction)\">Create</b></th></tr><tr><td>Communication</td><td><a href=\"http://ehealth.sundhed.dk/fhir/StructureDefinition/ehealth-communication\">http://ehealth.sundhed.dk/fhir/StructureDefinition/ehealth-communication</a></td><td>y</td><td>y</td><td>y</td><td></td><td>y</td><td>y</td></tr><tr><td>Media</td><td><a href=\"http://ehealth.sundhed.dk/fhir/StructureDefinition/ehealth-media\">http://ehealth.sundhed.dk/fhir/StructureDefinition/ehealth-media</a></td><td>y</td><td>y</td><td>y</td><td></td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>Observation</td><td><a href=\"http://ehealth.sundhed.dk/fhir/StructureDefinition/ehealth-observation\">http://ehealth.sundhed.dk/fhir/StructureDefinition/ehealth-observation</a></td><td>y</td><td>y</td><td>y</td><td></td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>OperationDefinition</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/OperationDefinition\">http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/OperationDefinition</a></td><td>y</td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>Provenance</td><td><a href=\"http://ehealth.sundhed.dk/fhir/StructureDefinition/ehealth-provenance\">http://ehealth.sundhed.dk/fhir/StructureDefinition/ehealth-provenance</a></td><td>y</td><td>y</td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>QuestionnaireResponse</td><td><a href=\"http://ehealth.sundhed.dk/fhir/StructureDefinition/ehealth-questionnaireresponse\">http://ehealth.sundhed.dk/fhir/StructureDefinition/ehealth-questionnaireresponse</a></td><td>y</td><td>y</td><td>y</td><td></td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>StructureDefinition</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/StructureDefinition\">http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/StructureDefinition</a></td><td>y</td><td></td><td>y</td><td></td><td></td><td></td></tr></table></div>" }, "url" : "http://ehealth.sundhed.dk/fhir/CapabilityStatement/measurement", "version" : "2019.6.1", "status" : "active", "date" : "2019-11-04T12:31:46+00:00", "publisher" : "Not provided", "kind" : "instance", "software" : { "name" : "measurement", "version" : "1.2.0" }, "implementation" : { "description" : "eHealth measurement service", "url" : "http://measurement.devtest.systematic-ehealth.com/fhir" }, "fhirVersion" : "3.0.1", "acceptUnknown" : "extensions", "format" : [ "application/fhir+xml", "application/fhir+json" ], "rest" : [ { "mode" : "server", "resource" : [ { "type" : "Communication", "profile" : { "reference" : "http://ehealth.sundhed.dk/fhir/StructureDefinition/ehealth-communication" }, "interaction" : [ { "code" : "read" }, { "code" : "vread" }, { "code" : "patch" }, { "code" : "create" }, { "code" : "search-type" } ], "conditionalCreate" : true, "searchParam" : [ { "name" : "context", "type" : "reference", "documentation" : "Encounter or episode leading to message" }, { "name" : "recipient", "type" : "reference", "documentation" : "Message recipient" }, { "name" : "recipientCareTeam", "type" : "reference", "documentation" : "Recipient care team" }, { "name" : "sender", "type" : "reference", "documentation" : "Message sender" }, { "name" : "senderCareTeam", "type" : "reference", "documentation" : "Sender care team" }, { "name" : "subject", "type" : "reference", "documentation" : "Focus of message" } ] }, { "type" : "Media", "profile" : { "reference" : "http://ehealth.sundhed.dk/fhir/StructureDefinition/ehealth-media" }, "interaction" : [ { "code" : "read" }, { "code" : "vread" }, { "code" : "search-type" } ], "searchInclude" : [ "Provenance:target" ], "searchParam" : [ { "name" : "_content", "type" : "string", "documentation" : "Search the contents of the resource's data using a fulltext search" }, { "name" : "based-on", "type" : "reference", "documentation" : "Procedure that caused this media to be created" }, { "name" : "context", "type" : "reference", "documentation" : "Episode associated with media" }, { "name" : "date", "type" : "date", "documentation" : "When Media was collected" }, { "name" : "qualityCode", "type" : "token", "documentation" : "Quality code of the media" }, { "name" : "qualityType", "type" : "token", "documentation" : "Quality type of the media" }, { "name" : "subject", "type" : "reference", "documentation" : "Who/What this Media is a record of" }, { "name" : "type", "type" : "token", "documentation" : "photo | video | audio" } ] }, { "type" : "Observation", "profile" : { "reference" : "http://ehealth.sundhed.dk/fhir/StructureDefinition/ehealth-observation" }, "interaction" : [ { "code" : "read" }, { "code" : "vread" }, { "code" : "search-type" } ], "searchInclude" : [ "Provenance:target" ], "searchParam" : [ { "name" : "_content", "type" : "string", "documentation" : "Search the contents of the resource's data using a fulltext search" }, { "name" : "_id", "type" : "token", "documentation" : "The ID of the resource" }, { "name" : "_text", "type" : "string", "documentation" : "Search the contents of the resource's narrative using a fulltext search" }, { "name" : "based-on", "type" : "reference", "documentation" : "Reference to the test or procedure request." }, { "name" : "code", "type" : "token", "documentation" : "The code of the observation type" }, { "name" : "context", "type" : "reference", "documentation" : "Episode associated with media" }, { "name" : "date", "type" : "date", "documentation" : "Obtained date/time. If the obtained element is a period, a date that falls in the period" }, { "name" : "patient", "type" : "reference", "documentation" : "The subject that the observation is about (if patient)" }, { "name" : "qualityCode", "type" : "token", "documentation" : "The quality code of the observation" }, { "name" : "qualityType", "type" : "token", "documentation" : "The quality type of the observation" }, { "name" : "subject", "type" : "reference", "documentation" : "The subject that the observation is about" } ] }, { "type" : "OperationDefinition", "profile" : { "reference" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/OperationDefinition" }, "interaction" : [ { "code" : "read" } ] }, { "type" : "Provenance", "profile" : { "reference" : "http://ehealth.sundhed.dk/fhir/StructureDefinition/ehealth-provenance" }, "interaction" : [ { "code" : "read" }, { "code" : "vread" } ] }, { "type" : "QuestionnaireResponse", "profile" : { "reference" : "http://ehealth.sundhed.dk/fhir/StructureDefinition/ehealth-questionnaireresponse" }, "interaction" : [ { "code" : "read" }, { "code" : "vread" }, { "code" : "search-type" } ], "searchInclude" : [ "Provenance:target" ], "searchParam" : [ { "name" : "authored", "type" : "date", "documentation" : "When the questionnaire response was last changed" }, { "name" : "based-on", "type" : "reference", "documentation" : "Plan/proposal/order fulfilled by this questionnaire response" }, { "name" : "context", "type" : "reference", "documentation" : "Encounter / Episode associated with media" }, { "name" : "qualityCode", "type" : "token", "documentation" : "The quality code of the questionnaire response" }, { "name" : "qualityType", "type" : "token", "documentation" : "The quality type of the questionnaire response" }, { "name" : "questionnaire", "type" : "reference", "documentation" : "The questionnaire the answers are provided for" }, { "name" : "subject", "type" : "reference", "documentation" : "The subject of the questionnaire response" } ] }, { "type" : "StructureDefinition", "profile" : { "reference" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/StructureDefinition" }, "interaction" : [ { "code" : "read" }, { "code" : "search-type" } ], "searchParam" : [ { "name" : "type", "type" : "token", "documentation" : "Type defined or constrained by this structure" } ] } ], "operation" : [ { "name" : "submit-measurement", "definition" : { "reference" : "http://measurement.devtest.systematic-ehealth.com/fhir/OperationDefinition/-s-submit-measurement" } }, { "name" : "search-measurements", "definition" : { "reference" : "http://measurement.devtest.systematic-ehealth.com/fhir/OperationDefinition/-s-search-measurements" } }, { "name" : "validate", "definition" : { "reference" : "http://measurement.devtest.systematic-ehealth.com/fhir/OperationDefinition/Communication--validate" } }, { "name" : "validate", "definition" : { "reference" : "http://measurement.devtest.systematic-ehealth.com/fhir/OperationDefinition/Communication-i-validate" } }, { "name" : "validate", "definition" : { "reference" : "http://measurement.devtest.systematic-ehealth.com/fhir/OperationDefinition/Media-i-validate" } }, { "name" : "validate", "definition" : { "reference" : "http://measurement.devtest.systematic-ehealth.com/fhir/OperationDefinition/Media--validate" } }, { "name" : "validate", "definition" : { "reference" : "http://measurement.devtest.systematic-ehealth.com/fhir/OperationDefinition/Observation-i-validate" } }, { "name" : "validate", "definition" : { "reference" : "http://measurement.devtest.systematic-ehealth.com/fhir/OperationDefinition/Observation--validate" } }, { "name" : "validate", "definition" : { "reference" : "http://measurement.devtest.systematic-ehealth.com/fhir/OperationDefinition/QuestionnaireResponse-i-validate" } }, { "name" : "validate", "definition" : { "reference" : "http://measurement.devtest.systematic-ehealth.com/fhir/OperationDefinition/QuestionnaireResponse--validate" } } ] } ] }