eHealth Infrastructure (v2020.7)

conceptmap-ucum-to-printsymbol (

Mapping from to

ACTIVE (not intended for production usage). Published on Aug 31, 2020 12:00:00 AM by Systematic A/S (Systematic A/S:

Source CodeRelationshipDestination CodeComment
%has specialization% (percent)Should really be specializes but igpublisher turns into narrower (which requires a comment)
1/minhas specialization1/minShould really be specializes but igpublisher turns into narrower (which requires a comment)
kghas specializationkg (kilogram)Should really be specializes but igpublisher turns into narrower (which requires a comment)
kg/m2has specializationkg/m2 (kilogram / (meter ^ 2))Should really be specializes but igpublisher turns into narrower (which requires a comment)
mhas specializationm (meter)Should really be specializes but igpublisher turns into narrower (which requires a comment)
Lhas specializationL (liter)Should really be specializes but igpublisher turns into narrower (which requires a comment)
{ratio}has specialization{ratio} (ratio)Should really be specializes but igpublisher turns into narrower (which requires a comment)
mm[Hg]has specializationmm[Hg] (millimeter of mercury)Should really be specializes but igpublisher turns into narrower (which requires a comment)
{Number}has specialization{Number} (Number)Should really be specializes but igpublisher turns into narrower (which requires a comment)
Source CodeRelationshipDestination CodeComment
1/30sec (one per 30 seconds)has specialization1/30sec (one per 30 seconds)Should really be specializes but igpublisher turns into narrower (which requires a comment)