eHealth Infrastructure
3.0.0 - release

eHealth Infrastructure - Local Development build (v3.0.0) built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) Build Tools. See the Directory of published versions

: reporting - TTL Representation

Active as of 2024-02-04

Raw ttl | Download

@prefix fhir: <> .
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .

# - resource -------------------------------------------------------------------

 a fhir:CapabilityStatement ;
  fhir:nodeRole fhir:treeRoot ;
  fhir:id [ fhir:v "reporting"] ; # 
  fhir:text [
fhir:status [ fhir:v "extensions" ] ;
fhir:div "<div xmlns=\"\"><h2 id=\"title\"/><ul><li>Implementation Guide Version: 3.0.0</li><li>FHIR Version: 4.0.1</li><li>Supported Formats: <code>application/fhir+xml</code>, <code>xml</code>, <code>application/fhir+json</code>, <code>json</code>, <code>application/x-turtle</code>, <code>ttl</code>, <code>html/json</code>, <code>html/xml</code>, <code>html/turtle</code></li><li>Supported Patch Formats: </li><li>Published on: Sun Feb 04 02:52:13 UTC 2024</li><li>Published by: Den telemedicinske infrastruktur (eHealth Infrastructure)</li></ul><blockquote class=\"impl-note\"><p><strong>Note to Implementers: FHIR Capabilities</strong></p><p>Any FHIR capability may be 'allowed' by the system unless explicitly marked as &quot;SHALL NOT&quot;. A few items are marked as MAY in the Implementation Guide to highlight their potential relevance to the use case.</p></blockquote><h2 id=\"rest\">FHIR RESTful Capabilities</h2><div class=\"panel panel-default\"><div class=\"panel-heading\"><h3 id=\"mode1\" class=\"panel-title\">Mode: <code>server</code></h3></div><div class=\"panel-body\"><div class=\"lead\"><em>Summary of System-wide Interactions</em></div><ul><li>Supports the <code>transaction</code> interaction.</li><li>Supports the <code>history-system</code> interaction.</li></ul></div></div><h3 id=\"resourcesCap1\">Capabilities by Resource/Profile</h3><h4 id=\"resourcesSummary1\">Summary</h4><p>The summary table lists the resources that are part of this configuration, and for each resource it lists:</p><ul><li>The relevant profiles (if any)</li><li>The interactions supported by each resource (<b><span class=\"bg-info\">R</span></b>ead, <b><span class=\"bg-info\">S</span></b>earch, <b><span class=\"bg-info\">U</span></b>pdate, and <b><span class=\"bg-info\">C</span></b>reate, are always shown, while <b><span class=\"bg-info\">VR</span></b>ead, <b><span class=\"bg-info\">P</span></b>atch, <b><span class=\"bg-info\">D</span></b>elete, <b><span class=\"bg-info\">H</span></b>istory on <b><span class=\"bg-info\">I</span></b>nstance, or <b><span class=\"bg-info\">H</span></b>istory on <b><span class=\"bg-info\">T</span></b>ype are only present if at least one of the resources has support for them.</li><li><span>The required, recommended, and some optional search parameters (if any). </span></li><li>The linked resources enabled for <code>_include</code></li><li>The other resources enabled for <code>_revinclude</code></li><li>The operations on the resource (if any)</li></ul><div class=\"table-responsive\"><table class=\"table table-condensed table-hover\"><thead><tr><th><b>Resource Type</b></th><th><b>Profile</b></th><th class=\"text-center\"><b title=\"GET a resource (read interaction)\">R</b></th><th class=\"text-center\"><b title=\"GET past versions of resources (vread interaction)\">V-R</b></th><th class=\"text-center\"><b title=\"GET all set of resources of the type (search interaction)\">S</b></th><th class=\"text-center\"><b title=\"PUT a new resource version (update interaction)\">U</b></th><th class=\"text-center\"><b title=\"POST a new resource (create interaction)\">C</b></th><th class=\"text-center\"><b title=\"DELETE a resource (delete interaction)\">D</b></th><th><b title=\"Required and recommended search parameters\">Searches</b></th><th><code><b>_include</b></code></th><th><code><b>_revinclude</b></code></th><th><b>Operations</b></th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td><a href=\"#Binary1-1\">Binary</a></td><td><a href=\"\"></a></td><td>y</td><td class=\"text-center\">y</td><td class=\"text-center\"></td><td class=\"text-center\"></td><td class=\"text-center\"></td><td class=\"text-center\">y</td><td></td><td><code>*</code></td><td/><td/></tr><tr><td><a href=\"#OperationDefinition1-2\">OperationDefinition</a></td><td><a href=\"\"></a></td><td>y</td><td class=\"text-center\"></td><td class=\"text-center\"></td><td class=\"text-center\"></td><td class=\"text-center\"></td><td class=\"text-center\"></td><td></td><td><code>*</code></td><td/><td/></tr></tbody></table></div><hr/><div class=\"panel panel-default\"><div class=\"panel-heading\"><h4 id=\"Binary1-1\" class=\"panel-title\"><span style=\"float: right;\">Resource Conformance: supported</span>Binary</h4></div><div class=\"panel-body\"><div class=\"container\"><div class=\"row\"><div class=\"col-lg-6\"><span class=\"lead\">Base System Profile</span><br/><a href=\"\"></a></div><div class=\"col-lg-3\"><span class=\"lead\">Profile Conformance</span><br/><b>SHALL</b></div><div class=\"col-lg-3\"><span class=\"lead\">Reference Policy</span><br/></div></div><p/><div class=\"row\"><div class=\"col-lg-6\"><span class=\"lead\">Interaction summary</span><br/><ul><li>Supports <code>vread</code>, <code>read</code>, <code>delete</code>.</li></ul></div></div><p/></div></div></div><div class=\"panel panel-default\"><div class=\"panel-heading\"><h4 id=\"OperationDefinition1-2\" class=\"panel-title\"><span style=\"float: right;\">Resource Conformance: supported</span>OperationDefinition</h4></div><div class=\"panel-body\"><div class=\"container\"><div class=\"row\"><div class=\"col-lg-6\"><span class=\"lead\">Base System Profile</span><br/><a href=\"\"></a></div><div class=\"col-lg-3\"><span class=\"lead\">Profile Conformance</span><br/><b>SHALL</b></div><div class=\"col-lg-3\"><span class=\"lead\">Reference Policy</span><br/></div></div><p/><div class=\"row\"><div class=\"col-lg-6\"><span class=\"lead\">Interaction summary</span><br/><ul><li>Supports <code>read</code>.</li></ul></div></div><p/></div></div></div></div>"
  ] ; # 
  fhir:url [ fhir:v ""^^xsd:anyURI] ; # 
  fhir:version [ fhir:v "3.0.0"] ; # 
  fhir:name [ fhir:v "reporting"] ; # 
  fhir:status [ fhir:v "active"] ; # 
  fhir:date [ fhir:v "2024-02-04T02:52:13.657+00:00"^^xsd:dateTime] ; # 
  fhir:publisher [ fhir:v "Den telemedicinske infrastruktur (eHealth Infrastructure)"] ; # 
  fhir:contact ( [
fhir:name [ fhir:v "Den telemedicinske infrastruktur (eHealth Infrastructure)" ] ;
    ( fhir:telecom [
fhir:system [ fhir:v "url" ] ;
fhir:value [ fhir:v "" ]     ] )
  ] ) ; # 
  fhir:kind [ fhir:v "instance"] ; # 
  fhir:software [
fhir:name [ fhir:v "reporting" ] ;
fhir:version [ fhir:v "1.11.2" ]
  ] ; # 
  fhir:implementation [
fhir:description [ fhir:v "eHealth reporting service" ] ;
fhir:url [ fhir:v ""^^xsd:anyURI ]
  ] ; # 
  fhir:fhirVersion [ fhir:v "4.0.1"] ; # 
  fhir:format ( [ fhir:v "application/fhir+xml"] [ fhir:v "xml"] [ fhir:v "application/fhir+json"] [ fhir:v "json"] [ fhir:v "application/x-turtle"] [ fhir:v "ttl"] [ fhir:v "html/json"] [ fhir:v "html/xml"] [ fhir:v "html/turtle"] ) ; # 
  fhir:rest ( [
fhir:mode [ fhir:v "server" ] ;
    ( fhir:resource [
fhir:type [ fhir:v "Binary" ] ;
fhir:profile [
fhir:v ""^^xsd:anyURI ;
fhir:link <>       ] ;
      ( fhir:interaction [
fhir:code [ fhir:v "vread" ]       ] [
fhir:code [ fhir:v "read" ]       ] [
fhir:code [ fhir:v "delete" ]       ] ) ;
fhir:conditionalDelete [ fhir:v "multiple" ] ;
      ( fhir:searchInclude [ fhir:v "*" ] )     ] [
fhir:type [ fhir:v "OperationDefinition" ] ;
fhir:profile [
fhir:v ""^^xsd:anyURI ;
fhir:link <>       ] ;
      ( fhir:interaction [
fhir:code [ fhir:v "read" ]       ] ) ;
      ( fhir:searchInclude [ fhir:v "*" ] )     ] ) ;
    ( fhir:interaction [
fhir:code [ fhir:v "transaction" ]     ] [
fhir:code [ fhir:v "history-system" ]     ] ) ;
    ( fhir:operation [
fhir:name [ fhir:v "get-report-job-status" ] ;
fhir:definition [
fhir:v ""^^xsd:anyURI ;
fhir:link <>       ] ;
fhir:documentation [ fhir:v "### Status Contents \nThis operation returns status for reports scheduled by the user (by schedule or execute)\n### Output\nThe output is a Bundle containing Parameters resources for each scheduled report.\nThe parts of the Parameters describe the class of report, the parameters that the report\nwas scheduled with, the user ID, the status of the report, a reference to the report Binary\nand time of creation, start, and end of execution.\n### Example output\n{\n  'resourceType': 'Bundle',\n  'type': 'collection',\n  'entry': [\n    {\n      'fullUrl': 'ce35bcd5-4bb2-4c6e-b230-5347df1fe9bc',\n      'resource': {\n        'resourceType': 'Parameters',\n        'id': 'ce35bcd5-4bb2-4c6e-b230-5347df1fe9bc',\n        'parameter': [\n          {\n            'name': 'reportJob',\n            'part': [\n              {\n                'name': 'reportClass',\n                'valueString': 'com.systematic.ehealth.reporting.reports.PatientsUsageReport'\n              },\n              {\n                'name': 'userId',\n                'valueString': '0aaca7cd-67c3-48dd-a8c4-0cceecb5d276'\n              },\n              {\n                'name': 'status',\n                'valueString': 'DONE'\n              },\n              {\n                'name': 'binary',\n                'valueReference': {\n                  'reference': ''\n                }\n              },\n              {\n                'name': 'parameters',\n                'resource': {\n                  'resourceType': 'Parameters',\n                  'parameter': [\n                    {\n                      'name': 'anonymization',\n                      'valueString': 'None'\n                    }\n                  ]\n                }\n              },\n              {\n                'name': 'created',\n                'valueDateTime': '2023-10-12T09:51:50+00:00'\n              },\n              {\n                'name': 'started',\n                'valueDateTime': '2023-10-12T09:51:50+00:00'\n              },\n              {\n                'name': 'ended',\n                'valueDateTime': '2023-10-12T09:51:51+00:00'\n              }\n            ]\n          }\n        ]\n      }\n    }\n  ]\n}" ]     ] [
fhir:name [ fhir:v "schedule-questionnaireresponses" ] ;
fhir:definition [
fhir:v ""^^xsd:anyURI ;
fhir:link <>       ] ;
fhir:documentation [ fhir:v "### Report Contents\nThis report contains a collection of questionnaire responses and related resources\n- Organizations\n- CareTeams\n- PlanDefinitions\n- ActivityDefinitions\n- Questionnaires\n- QuestionnaireResponses\n- Communication\n- ServiceRequestSummary\n### Grouping \nThis report is grouped by Questionnaire. Each group is returned as a FHIR bundle in a separate JSon file.\n### Parameters\n- organization: Filter on EpisodeOfCare.managingOrganization match\n- condition: Filter on CarePlan.addresses.code match\n- period: Filter on QuestionnaireResponse.authored within period\n- plan: Filter on Plan match\n- questionnaire: Filter on ActivityDefinition.composed-of match\n- careteam: Filter on careteam in CarePlan.careteam or\n- tag: Filter on tag match\n\n### Output\nOutput can be found in Binary.content. This is a Base64 encoded .zip file containing JSon files corresponding to the report groups.\n### Example output\n### Output\n{\n  'resourceType' : 'Bundle',\n  'id' : 'Questionnaire/44529',\n  'entry' : [ {\n    'fullUrl' : '',\n    'resource' : {\n      'resourceType' : 'PlanDefinition',\n      'id' : '24206',\n      'meta' : {\n        'versionId' : '1',\n        'profile' : [ '' ]\n      },\n      'extension' : [ {\n        'url' : '',\n        'extension' : [ {\n          'url' : 'reference',\n          'valueReference' : {\n            'reference' : ''\n          }\n        }, {\n          'url' : 'role',\n          'valueCodeableConcept' : {\n            'coding' : [ {\n              'system' : '',\n              'code' : 'owner'\n            } ]\n          }\n        } ]\n      } ],\n      'version' : '1.0',\n      'status' : 'active',\n      'action' : [ {\n        'definitionCanonical' : ''\n      } ]\n    }\n  }, {\n    'fullUrl' : '',\n    'resource' : {\n      'resourceType' : 'ActivityDefinition',\n      'id' : '10919',\n      'meta' : {\n        'versionId' : '1',\n        'profile' : [ '' ]\n      },\n      'extension' : [ {\n        'url' : '',\n        'valueCodeableConcept' : {\n          'coding' : [ {\n            'system' : '',\n            'code' : 'noSharing'\n          } ]\n        }\n      }, {\n        'url' : '',\n        'extension' : [ {\n          'url' : 'reference',\n          'valueReference' : {\n            'reference' : ''\n          }\n        }, {\n          'url' : 'role',\n          'valueCodeableConcept' : {\n            'coding' : [ {\n              'system' : '',\n              'code' : 'owner'\n            } ]\n          }\n        } ]\n      } ],\n      'version' : '1.0',\n      'name' : '0ca879ed-678c-4439-aa4a-efc597f92dfb',\n      'status' : 'active',\n      'topic' : [ {\n        'coding' : [ {\n          'system' : '',\n          'code' : 'treatment'\n        } ]\n      } ],\n      'relatedArtifact' : [ {\n        'type' : 'composed-of',\n        'resource' : ''\n      } ],\n      'code' : {\n        'coding' : [ {\n          'system' : '',\n          'code' : '273586006'\n        } ]\n      }\n    }\n  }, {\n    'fullUrl' : '',\n    'resource' : {\n      'resourceType' : 'Questionnaire',\n      'id' : '44529',\n      'meta' : {\n        'versionId' : '1',\n        'profile' : [ '' ]\n      },\n      'extension' : [ {\n        'url' : '',\n        'valueCodeableConcept' : {\n          'coding' : [ {\n            'system' : '',\n            'code' : 'QQ'\n          } ]\n        }\n      }, {\n        'url' : '',\n        'extension' : [ {\n          'url' : 'reference',\n          'valueReference' : {\n            'reference' : ''\n          }\n        }, {\n          'url' : 'role',\n          'valueCodeableConcept' : {\n            'coding' : [ {\n              'system' : '',\n              'code' : 'owner'\n            } ]\n          }\n        } ]\n      } ],\n      'version' : '1.0',\n      'name' : '090b990e-046a-4374-b7c6-b08613a41cce',\n      'status' : 'active'\n    }\n  }, {\n    'fullUrl' : '',\n    'resource' : {\n      'resourceType' : 'Organization',\n      'id' : '98618',\n      'meta' : {\n        'versionId' : '1',\n        'profile' : [ '' ]\n      },\n      'extension' : [ {\n        'url' : '',\n        'valueCodeableConcept' : {\n          'coding' : [ {\n            'system' : '',\n            'code' : 'manual'\n          } ]\n        }\n      }, {\n        'url' : '',\n        'valueCodeableConcept' : {\n          'coding' : [ {\n            'system' : '',\n            'code' : 'NotSynchronized'\n          } ]\n        }\n      } ],\n      'identifier' : [ {\n        'use' : 'official',\n        'system' : 'urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.',\n        'value' : '11111111',\n        'period' : {\n          'start' : '2023-10-10T14:49:12+02:00'\n        }\n      } ],\n      'active' : false,\n      'name' : 'defaultTestFactory-be16f47b-1f8a-4440-a02e-23da1219b0ca',\n      'partOf' : {\n        'reference' : ''\n      }\n    }\n  }, {\n    'fullUrl' : '',\n    'resource' : {\n      'resourceType' : 'CareTeam',\n      'id' : '87455',\n      'meta' : {\n        'versionId' : '1',\n        'profile' : [ '' ]\n      },\n      'identifier' : [ {\n        'system' : 'urn:ietf:rfc:3986',\n        'value' : 'urn:uuid:9658ef5f-019a-4c90-9c41-f3ad14a31777'\n      } ],\n      'status' : 'active',\n      'name' : '1b900db5-09dd-4563-b612-2b81201fab16',\n      'reasonCode' : [ {\n        'coding' : [ {\n          'system' : 'urn:oid:',\n          'code' : 'DJ44'\n        } ]\n      } ]\n    }\n  }, {\n    'fullUrl' : '',\n    'resource' : {\n      'resourceType' : 'QuestionnaireResponse',\n      'id' : '92491',\n      'meta' : {\n        'versionId' : '1',\n        'profile' : [ '' ]\n      },\n      'extension' : [ {\n        'url' : '',\n        'valueReference' : {\n          'reference' : ''\n        }\n      }, {\n        'url' : '',\n        'extension' : [ {\n          'url' : 'serviceRequestVersionId',\n          'valueId' : ''\n        }, {\n          'url' : 'start',\n          'valueDateTime' : '2023-10-10T14:49:12+02:00'\n        }, {\n          'url' : 'end',\n          'valueDateTime' : '2023-10-10T14:49:12+02:00'\n        }, {\n          'url' : 'type',\n          'valueCodeableConcept' : {\n            'coding' : [ {\n              'system' : '',\n              'code' : 'Resolved'\n            } ]\n          }\n        } ]\n      } ],\n      'basedOn' : [ {\n        'reference' : ''\n      } ],\n      'questionnaire' : '',\n      'status' : 'completed',\n      'subject' : {\n        'reference' : ''\n      },\n      'authored' : '2023-10-10T14:49:12+02:00',\n      'source' : {\n        'reference' : ''\n      }\n    }\n  }, {\n    'fullUrl' : '',\n    'resource' : {\n      'resourceType' : 'Communication',\n      'id' : '97180',\n      'meta' : {\n        'versionId' : '1',\n        'profile' : [ '' ]\n      },\n      'extension' : [ {\n        'url' : '',\n        'valueReference' : {\n          'reference' : ''\n        }\n      }, {\n        'url' : '',\n        'valueCodeableConcept' : {\n          'coding' : [ {\n            'system' : '',\n            'code' : 'None'\n          } ]\n        }\n      } ],\n      'basedOn' : [ {\n        'reference' : ''\n      } ],\n      'status' : 'in-progress',\n      'category' : [ {\n        'coding' : [ {\n          'system' : '',\n          'code' : 'annotation'\n        } ]\n      }, {\n        'coding' : [ {\n          'system' : '',\n          'code' : 'advice'\n        } ]\n      } ],\n      'subject' : {\n        'reference' : ''\n      },\n      'topic' : {\n        'coding' : [ {\n          'system' : '',\n          'code' : 'report-labs'\n        } ]\n      },\n      'sent' : '2023-10-10T14:49:12+02:00',\n      'reasonCode' : [ {\n        'coding' : [ {\n          'system' : '',\n          'code' : 'ReminderSubmitMeasurement'\n        } ]\n      } ]\n    }\n  }, {\n    'fullUrl' : 'urn:uuid:57cfd6a7-dd43-4caa-8220-d50c77aebd8b',\n    'resource' : {\n      'resourceType' : 'Parameters',\n      'parameter' : [ {\n        'name' : 'serviceRequestResponseSummary',\n        'part' : [ {\n          'name' : 'serviceRequest',\n          'valueReference' : {\n            'reference' : ''\n          },\n          'part' : [ {\n            'name' : 'condition',\n            'valueCoding' : {\n              'system' : 'urn:oid:',\n              'code' : 'DJ44',\n              'display' : 'Kronisk obstruktiv lungesygdom'\n            }\n          }, {\n            'name' : 'episodeOfCareManagingOrganization',\n            'valueReference' : {\n              'reference' : ''\n            }\n          }, {\n            'name' : 'episodeOfCarePeriod',\n            'valuePeriod' : {\n              'start' : '1970-01-01T01:00:01+01:00',\n              'end' : '1970-01-01T01:01:40+01:00'\n            }\n          }, {\n            'name' : 'patientIdentifier',\n            'valueIdentifier' : {\n              'system' : 'urn:oid:',\n              'value' : '0101010001'\n            }\n          }, {\n            'name' : 'statusHistory',\n            'part' : [ {\n              'name' : 'statusPeriod',\n              'part' : [ {\n                'name' : 'status',\n                'valueCoding' : {\n                  'system' : '',\n                  'code' : 'draft'\n                }\n              }, {\n                'name' : 'period',\n                'valuePeriod' : {\n                  'start' : '2023-10-02T12:49:12+00:00',\n                  'end' : '2023-10-03T12:49:12+00:00'\n                }\n              } ]\n            }, {\n              'name' : 'statusPeriod',\n              'part' : [ {\n                'name' : 'status',\n                'valueCoding' : {\n                  'system' : '',\n                  'code' : 'active'\n                }\n              }, {\n                'name' : 'period',\n                'valuePeriod' : {\n                  'start' : '2023-10-03T12:49:12+00:00',\n                  'end' : '2023-10-04T12:49:12+00:00'\n                }\n              } ]\n            }, {\n              'name' : 'statusPeriod',\n              'part' : [ {\n                'name' : 'status',\n                'valueCoding' : {\n                  'system' : '',\n                  'code' : 'on-hold'\n                }\n              }, {\n                'name' : 'period',\n                'valuePeriod' : {\n                  'start' : '2023-10-04T12:49:12+00:00',\n                  'end' : '2023-10-05T12:49:12+00:00'\n                }\n              } ]\n            }, {\n              'name' : 'statusPeriod',\n              'part' : [ {\n                'name' : 'status',\n                'valueCoding' : {\n                  'system' : '',\n                  'code' : 'active'\n                }\n              }, {\n                'name' : 'period',\n                'valuePeriod' : {\n                  'start' : '2023-10-05T12:49:12+00:00',\n                  'end' : '2023-10-08T12:49:12+00:00'\n                }\n              } ]\n            }, {\n              'name' : 'statusPeriod',\n              'part' : [ {\n                'name' : 'status',\n                'valueCoding' : {\n                  'system' : '',\n                  'code' : 'on-hold'\n                }\n              }, {\n                'name' : 'period',\n                'valuePeriod' : {\n                  'start' : '2023-10-08T12:49:12+00:00'\n                }\n              } ]\n            } ]\n          }, {\n            'name' : 'involvedCareTeams',\n            'part' : [ {\n              'name' : 'careTeam',\n              'valueReference' : {\n                'reference' : ''\n              }\n            } ]\n          }, {\n            'name' : 'responses',\n            'part' : [ {\n              'name' : 'response',\n              'part' : [ {\n                'name' : 'occurrence',\n                'part' : [ {\n                  'name' : 'serviceRequestVersionId',\n                  'valueId' : ''\n                }, {\n                  'name' : 'start',\n                  'valueDateTime' : '2023-10-10T14:49:12+02:00'\n                }, {\n                  'name' : 'end',\n                  'valueDateTime' : '2023-10-10T14:49:12+02:00'\n                }, {\n                  'name' : 'type',\n                  'valueCodeableConcept' : {\n                    'coding' : [ {\n                      'system' : '',\n                      'code' : 'Resolved'\n                    } ]\n                  }\n                } ]\n              }, {\n                'name' : 'questionnaireResponse',\n                'valueReference' : {\n                  'reference' : ''\n                }\n              }, {\n                'name' : 'submitted',\n                'valueDateTime' : '2023-10-10T12:49:12+00:00'\n              } ]\n            } ]\n          }, {\n            'name' : 'communications',\n            'part' : [ {\n              'name' : 'communication',\n              'valueReference' : {\n                'reference' : ''\n              }\n            } ]\n          } ]\n        } ]\n      } ]\n    }\n  } ]\n}" ]     ] [
fhir:name [ fhir:v "fetch-questionnaireresponses" ] ;
fhir:definition [
fhir:v ""^^xsd:anyURI ;
fhir:link <>       ] ;
fhir:documentation [ fhir:v "### Report Contents\nThis report contains a collection of questionnaire responses and related resources\n- Organizations\n- CareTeams\n- PlanDefinitions\n- ActivityDefinitions\n- Questionnaires\n- QuestionnaireResponses\n- Communication\n- ServiceRequestSummary\n### Grouping \nThis report is grouped by Questionnaire. Each group is returned as a FHIR bundle in a separate JSon file.\n### Parameters\n- organization: Filter on EpisodeOfCare.managingOrganization match\n- condition: Filter on CarePlan.addresses.code match\n- period: Filter on QuestionnaireResponse.authored within period\n- plan: Filter on Plan match\n- questionnaire: Filter on ActivityDefinition.composed-of match\n- careteam: Filter on careteam in CarePlan.careteam or\n- tag: Filter on tag match\n\n### Output\nOutput can be found in Binary.content. This is a Base64 encoded .zip file containing JSon files corresponding to the report groups.\n### Example output\n### Output\n{\n  'resourceType' : 'Bundle',\n  'id' : 'Questionnaire/44529',\n  'entry' : [ {\n    'fullUrl' : '',\n    'resource' : {\n      'resourceType' : 'PlanDefinition',\n      'id' : '24206',\n      'meta' : {\n        'versionId' : '1',\n        'profile' : [ '' ]\n      },\n      'extension' : [ {\n        'url' : '',\n        'extension' : [ {\n          'url' : 'reference',\n          'valueReference' : {\n            'reference' : ''\n          }\n        }, {\n          'url' : 'role',\n          'valueCodeableConcept' : {\n            'coding' : [ {\n              'system' : '',\n              'code' : 'owner'\n            } ]\n          }\n        } ]\n      } ],\n      'version' : '1.0',\n      'status' : 'active',\n      'action' : [ {\n        'definitionCanonical' : ''\n      } ]\n    }\n  }, {\n    'fullUrl' : '',\n    'resource' : {\n      'resourceType' : 'ActivityDefinition',\n      'id' : '10919',\n      'meta' : {\n        'versionId' : '1',\n        'profile' : [ '' ]\n      },\n      'extension' : [ {\n        'url' : '',\n        'valueCodeableConcept' : {\n          'coding' : [ {\n            'system' : '',\n            'code' : 'noSharing'\n          } ]\n        }\n      }, {\n        'url' : '',\n        'extension' : [ {\n          'url' : 'reference',\n          'valueReference' : {\n            'reference' : ''\n          }\n        }, {\n          'url' : 'role',\n          'valueCodeableConcept' : {\n            'coding' : [ {\n              'system' : '',\n              'code' : 'owner'\n            } ]\n          }\n        } ]\n      } ],\n      'version' : '1.0',\n      'name' : '0ca879ed-678c-4439-aa4a-efc597f92dfb',\n      'status' : 'active',\n      'topic' : [ {\n        'coding' : [ {\n          'system' : '',\n          'code' : 'treatment'\n        } ]\n      } ],\n      'relatedArtifact' : [ {\n        'type' : 'composed-of',\n        'resource' : ''\n      } ],\n      'code' : {\n        'coding' : [ {\n          'system' : '',\n          'code' : '273586006'\n        } ]\n      }\n    }\n  }, {\n    'fullUrl' : '',\n    'resource' : {\n      'resourceType' : 'Questionnaire',\n      'id' : '44529',\n      'meta' : {\n        'versionId' : '1',\n        'profile' : [ '' ]\n      },\n      'extension' : [ {\n        'url' : '',\n        'valueCodeableConcept' : {\n          'coding' : [ {\n            'system' : '',\n            'code' : 'QQ'\n          } ]\n        }\n      }, {\n        'url' : '',\n        'extension' : [ {\n          'url' : 'reference',\n          'valueReference' : {\n            'reference' : ''\n          }\n        }, {\n          'url' : 'role',\n          'valueCodeableConcept' : {\n            'coding' : [ {\n              'system' : '',\n              'code' : 'owner'\n            } ]\n          }\n        } ]\n      } ],\n      'version' : '1.0',\n      'name' : '090b990e-046a-4374-b7c6-b08613a41cce',\n      'status' : 'active'\n    }\n  }, {\n    'fullUrl' : '',\n    'resource' : {\n      'resourceType' : 'Organization',\n      'id' : '98618',\n      'meta' : {\n        'versionId' : '1',\n        'profile' : [ '' ]\n      },\n      'extension' : [ {\n        'url' : '',\n        'valueCodeableConcept' : {\n          'coding' : [ {\n            'system' : '',\n            'code' : 'manual'\n          } ]\n        }\n      }, {\n        'url' : '',\n        'valueCodeableConcept' : {\n          'coding' : [ {\n            'system' : '',\n            'code' : 'NotSynchronized'\n          } ]\n        }\n      } ],\n      'identifier' : [ {\n        'use' : 'official',\n        'system' : 'urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.',\n        'value' : '11111111',\n        'period' : {\n          'start' : '2023-10-10T14:49:12+02:00'\n        }\n      } ],\n      'active' : false,\n      'name' : 'defaultTestFactory-be16f47b-1f8a-4440-a02e-23da1219b0ca',\n      'partOf' : {\n        'reference' : ''\n      }\n    }\n  }, {\n    'fullUrl' : '',\n    'resource' : {\n      'resourceType' : 'CareTeam',\n      'id' : '87455',\n      'meta' : {\n        'versionId' : '1',\n        'profile' : [ '' ]\n      },\n      'identifier' : [ {\n        'system' : 'urn:ietf:rfc:3986',\n        'value' : 'urn:uuid:9658ef5f-019a-4c90-9c41-f3ad14a31777'\n      } ],\n      'status' : 'active',\n      'name' : '1b900db5-09dd-4563-b612-2b81201fab16',\n      'reasonCode' : [ {\n        'coding' : [ {\n          'system' : 'urn:oid:',\n          'code' : 'DJ44'\n        } ]\n      } ]\n    }\n  }, {\n    'fullUrl' : '',\n    'resource' : {\n      'resourceType' : 'QuestionnaireResponse',\n      'id' : '92491',\n      'meta' : {\n        'versionId' : '1',\n        'profile' : [ '' ]\n      },\n      'extension' : [ {\n        'url' : '',\n        'valueReference' : {\n          'reference' : ''\n        }\n      }, {\n        'url' : '',\n        'extension' : [ {\n          'url' : 'serviceRequestVersionId',\n          'valueId' : ''\n        }, {\n          'url' : 'start',\n          'valueDateTime' : '2023-10-10T14:49:12+02:00'\n        }, {\n          'url' : 'end',\n          'valueDateTime' : '2023-10-10T14:49:12+02:00'\n        }, {\n          'url' : 'type',\n          'valueCodeableConcept' : {\n            'coding' : [ {\n              'system' : '',\n              'code' : 'Resolved'\n            } ]\n          }\n        } ]\n      } ],\n      'basedOn' : [ {\n        'reference' : ''\n      } ],\n      'questionnaire' : '',\n      'status' : 'completed',\n      'subject' : {\n        'reference' : ''\n      },\n      'authored' : '2023-10-10T14:49:12+02:00',\n      'source' : {\n        'reference' : ''\n      }\n    }\n  }, {\n    'fullUrl' : '',\n    'resource' : {\n      'resourceType' : 'Communication',\n      'id' : '97180',\n      'meta' : {\n        'versionId' : '1',\n        'profile' : [ '' ]\n      },\n      'extension' : [ {\n        'url' : '',\n        'valueReference' : {\n          'reference' : ''\n        }\n      }, {\n        'url' : '',\n        'valueCodeableConcept' : {\n          'coding' : [ {\n            'system' : '',\n            'code' : 'None'\n          } ]\n        }\n      } ],\n      'basedOn' : [ {\n        'reference' : ''\n      } ],\n      'status' : 'in-progress',\n      'category' : [ {\n        'coding' : [ {\n          'system' : '',\n          'code' : 'annotation'\n        } ]\n      }, {\n        'coding' : [ {\n          'system' : '',\n          'code' : 'advice'\n        } ]\n      } ],\n      'subject' : {\n        'reference' : ''\n      },\n      'topic' : {\n        'coding' : [ {\n          'system' : '',\n          'code' : 'report-labs'\n        } ]\n      },\n      'sent' : '2023-10-10T14:49:12+02:00',\n      'reasonCode' : [ {\n        'coding' : [ {\n          'system' : '',\n          'code' : 'ReminderSubmitMeasurement'\n        } ]\n      } ]\n    }\n  }, {\n    'fullUrl' : 'urn:uuid:57cfd6a7-dd43-4caa-8220-d50c77aebd8b',\n    'resource' : {\n      'resourceType' : 'Parameters',\n      'parameter' : [ {\n        'name' : 'serviceRequestResponseSummary',\n        'part' : [ {\n          'name' : 'serviceRequest',\n          'valueReference' : {\n            'reference' : ''\n          },\n          'part' : [ {\n            'name' : 'condition',\n            'valueCoding' : {\n              'system' : 'urn:oid:',\n              'code' : 'DJ44',\n              'display' : 'Kronisk obstruktiv lungesygdom'\n            }\n          }, {\n            'name' : 'episodeOfCareManagingOrganization',\n            'valueReference' : {\n              'reference' : ''\n            }\n          }, {\n            'name' : 'episodeOfCarePeriod',\n            'valuePeriod' : {\n              'start' : '1970-01-01T01:00:01+01:00',\n              'end' : '1970-01-01T01:01:40+01:00'\n            }\n          }, {\n            'name' : 'patientIdentifier',\n            'valueIdentifier' : {\n              'system' : 'urn:oid:',\n              'value' : '0101010001'\n            }\n          }, {\n            'name' : 'statusHistory',\n            'part' : [ {\n              'name' : 'statusPeriod',\n              'part' : [ {\n                'name' : 'status',\n                'valueCoding' : {\n                  'system' : '',\n                  'code' : 'draft'\n                }\n              }, {\n                'name' : 'period',\n                'valuePeriod' : {\n                  'start' : '2023-10-02T12:49:12+00:00',\n                  'end' : '2023-10-03T12:49:12+00:00'\n                }\n              } ]\n            }, {\n              'name' : 'statusPeriod',\n              'part' : [ {\n                'name' : 'status',\n                'valueCoding' : {\n                  'system' : '',\n                  'code' : 'active'\n                }\n              }, {\n                'name' : 'period',\n                'valuePeriod' : {\n                  'start' : '2023-10-03T12:49:12+00:00',\n                  'end' : '2023-10-04T12:49:12+00:00'\n                }\n              } ]\n            }, {\n              'name' : 'statusPeriod',\n              'part' : [ {\n                'name' : 'status',\n                'valueCoding' : {\n                  'system' : '',\n                  'code' : 'on-hold'\n                }\n              }, {\n                'name' : 'period',\n                'valuePeriod' : {\n                  'start' : '2023-10-04T12:49:12+00:00',\n                  'end' : '2023-10-05T12:49:12+00:00'\n                }\n              } ]\n            }, {\n              'name' : 'statusPeriod',\n              'part' : [ {\n                'name' : 'status',\n                'valueCoding' : {\n                  'system' : '',\n                  'code' : 'active'\n                }\n              }, {\n                'name' : 'period',\n                'valuePeriod' : {\n                  'start' : '2023-10-05T12:49:12+00:00',\n                  'end' : '2023-10-08T12:49:12+00:00'\n                }\n              } ]\n            }, {\n              'name' : 'statusPeriod',\n              'part' : [ {\n                'name' : 'status',\n                'valueCoding' : {\n                  'system' : '',\n                  'code' : 'on-hold'\n                }\n              }, {\n                'name' : 'period',\n                'valuePeriod' : {\n                  'start' : '2023-10-08T12:49:12+00:00'\n                }\n              } ]\n            } ]\n          }, {\n            'name' : 'involvedCareTeams',\n            'part' : [ {\n              'name' : 'careTeam',\n              'valueReference' : {\n                'reference' : ''\n              }\n            } ]\n          }, {\n            'name' : 'responses',\n            'part' : [ {\n              'name' : 'response',\n              'part' : [ {\n                'name' : 'occurrence',\n                'part' : [ {\n                  'name' : 'serviceRequestVersionId',\n                  'valueId' : ''\n                }, {\n                  'name' : 'start',\n                  'valueDateTime' : '2023-10-10T14:49:12+02:00'\n                }, {\n                  'name' : 'end',\n                  'valueDateTime' : '2023-10-10T14:49:12+02:00'\n                }, {\n                  'name' : 'type',\n                  'valueCodeableConcept' : {\n                    'coding' : [ {\n                      'system' : '',\n                      'code' : 'Resolved'\n                    } ]\n                  }\n                } ]\n              }, {\n                'name' : 'questionnaireResponse',\n                'valueReference' : {\n                  'reference' : ''\n                }\n              }, {\n                'name' : 'submitted',\n                'valueDateTime' : '2023-10-10T12:49:12+00:00'\n              } ]\n            } ]\n          }, {\n            'name' : 'communications',\n            'part' : [ {\n              'name' : 'communication',\n              'valueReference' : {\n                'reference' : ''\n              }\n            } ]\n          } ]\n        } ]\n      } ]\n    }\n  } ]\n}" ]     ] [
fhir:name [ fhir:v "execute-questionnaireresponses" ] ;
fhir:definition [
fhir:v ""^^xsd:anyURI ;
fhir:link <>       ] ;
fhir:documentation [ fhir:v "### Report Contents\nThis report contains a collection of questionnaire responses and related resources\n- Organizations\n- CareTeams\n- PlanDefinitions\n- ActivityDefinitions\n- Questionnaires\n- QuestionnaireResponses\n- Communication\n- ServiceRequestSummary\n### Grouping \nThis report is grouped by Questionnaire. Each group is returned as a FHIR bundle in a separate JSon file.\n### Parameters\n- organization: Filter on EpisodeOfCare.managingOrganization match\n- condition: Filter on CarePlan.addresses.code match\n- period: Filter on QuestionnaireResponse.authored within period\n- plan: Filter on Plan match\n- questionnaire: Filter on ActivityDefinition.composed-of match\n- careteam: Filter on careteam in CarePlan.careteam or\n- tag: Filter on tag match\n\n### Output\nOutput can be found in Binary.content. This is a Base64 encoded .zip file containing JSon files corresponding to the report groups.\n### Example output\n### Output\n{\n  'resourceType' : 'Bundle',\n  'id' : 'Questionnaire/44529',\n  'entry' : [ {\n    'fullUrl' : '',\n    'resource' : {\n      'resourceType' : 'PlanDefinition',\n      'id' : '24206',\n      'meta' : {\n        'versionId' : '1',\n        'profile' : [ '' ]\n      },\n      'extension' : [ {\n        'url' : '',\n        'extension' : [ {\n          'url' : 'reference',\n          'valueReference' : {\n            'reference' : ''\n          }\n        }, {\n          'url' : 'role',\n          'valueCodeableConcept' : {\n            'coding' : [ {\n              'system' : '',\n              'code' : 'owner'\n            } ]\n          }\n        } ]\n      } ],\n      'version' : '1.0',\n      'status' : 'active',\n      'action' : [ {\n        'definitionCanonical' : ''\n      } ]\n    }\n  }, {\n    'fullUrl' : '',\n    'resource' : {\n      'resourceType' : 'ActivityDefinition',\n      'id' : '10919',\n      'meta' : {\n        'versionId' : '1',\n        'profile' : [ '' ]\n      },\n      'extension' : [ {\n        'url' : '',\n        'valueCodeableConcept' : {\n          'coding' : [ {\n            'system' : '',\n            'code' : 'noSharing'\n          } ]\n        }\n      }, {\n        'url' : '',\n        'extension' : [ {\n          'url' : 'reference',\n          'valueReference' : {\n            'reference' : ''\n          }\n        }, {\n          'url' : 'role',\n          'valueCodeableConcept' : {\n            'coding' : [ {\n              'system' : '',\n              'code' : 'owner'\n            } ]\n          }\n        } ]\n      } ],\n      'version' : '1.0',\n      'name' : '0ca879ed-678c-4439-aa4a-efc597f92dfb',\n      'status' : 'active',\n      'topic' : [ {\n        'coding' : [ {\n          'system' : '',\n          'code' : 'treatment'\n        } ]\n      } ],\n      'relatedArtifact' : [ {\n        'type' : 'composed-of',\n        'resource' : ''\n      } ],\n      'code' : {\n        'coding' : [ {\n          'system' : '',\n          'code' : '273586006'\n        } ]\n      }\n    }\n  }, {\n    'fullUrl' : '',\n    'resource' : {\n      'resourceType' : 'Questionnaire',\n      'id' : '44529',\n      'meta' : {\n        'versionId' : '1',\n        'profile' : [ '' ]\n      },\n      'extension' : [ {\n        'url' : '',\n        'valueCodeableConcept' : {\n          'coding' : [ {\n            'system' : '',\n            'code' : 'QQ'\n          } ]\n        }\n      }, {\n        'url' : '',\n        'extension' : [ {\n          'url' : 'reference',\n          'valueReference' : {\n            'reference' : ''\n          }\n        }, {\n          'url' : 'role',\n          'valueCodeableConcept' : {\n            'coding' : [ {\n              'system' : '',\n              'code' : 'owner'\n            } ]\n          }\n        } ]\n      } ],\n      'version' : '1.0',\n      'name' : '090b990e-046a-4374-b7c6-b08613a41cce',\n      'status' : 'active'\n    }\n  }, {\n    'fullUrl' : '',\n    'resource' : {\n      'resourceType' : 'Organization',\n      'id' : '98618',\n      'meta' : {\n        'versionId' : '1',\n        'profile' : [ '' ]\n      },\n      'extension' : [ {\n        'url' : '',\n        'valueCodeableConcept' : {\n          'coding' : [ {\n            'system' : '',\n            'code' : 'manual'\n          } ]\n        }\n      }, {\n        'url' : '',\n        'valueCodeableConcept' : {\n          'coding' : [ {\n            'system' : '',\n            'code' : 'NotSynchronized'\n          } ]\n        }\n      } ],\n      'identifier' : [ {\n        'use' : 'official',\n        'system' : 'urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.',\n        'value' : '11111111',\n        'period' : {\n          'start' : '2023-10-10T14:49:12+02:00'\n        }\n      } ],\n      'active' : false,\n      'name' : 'defaultTestFactory-be16f47b-1f8a-4440-a02e-23da1219b0ca',\n      'partOf' : {\n        'reference' : ''\n      }\n    }\n  }, {\n    'fullUrl' : '',\n    'resource' : {\n      'resourceType' : 'CareTeam',\n      'id' : '87455',\n      'meta' : {\n        'versionId' : '1',\n        'profile' : [ '' ]\n      },\n      'identifier' : [ {\n        'system' : 'urn:ietf:rfc:3986',\n        'value' : 'urn:uuid:9658ef5f-019a-4c90-9c41-f3ad14a31777'\n      } ],\n      'status' : 'active',\n      'name' : '1b900db5-09dd-4563-b612-2b81201fab16',\n      'reasonCode' : [ {\n        'coding' : [ {\n          'system' : 'urn:oid:',\n          'code' : 'DJ44'\n        } ]\n      } ]\n    }\n  }, {\n    'fullUrl' : '',\n    'resource' : {\n      'resourceType' : 'QuestionnaireResponse',\n      'id' : '92491',\n      'meta' : {\n        'versionId' : '1',\n        'profile' : [ '' ]\n      },\n      'extension' : [ {\n        'url' : '',\n        'valueReference' : {\n          'reference' : ''\n        }\n      }, {\n        'url' : '',\n        'extension' : [ {\n          'url' : 'serviceRequestVersionId',\n          'valueId' : ''\n        }, {\n          'url' : 'start',\n          'valueDateTime' : '2023-10-10T14:49:12+02:00'\n        }, {\n          'url' : 'end',\n          'valueDateTime' : '2023-10-10T14:49:12+02:00'\n        }, {\n          'url' : 'type',\n          'valueCodeableConcept' : {\n            'coding' : [ {\n              'system' : '',\n              'code' : 'Resolved'\n            } ]\n          }\n        } ]\n      } ],\n      'basedOn' : [ {\n        'reference' : ''\n      } ],\n      'questionnaire' : '',\n      'status' : 'completed',\n      'subject' : {\n        'reference' : ''\n      },\n      'authored' : '2023-10-10T14:49:12+02:00',\n      'source' : {\n        'reference' : ''\n      }\n    }\n  }, {\n    'fullUrl' : '',\n    'resource' : {\n      'resourceType' : 'Communication',\n      'id' : '97180',\n      'meta' : {\n        'versionId' : '1',\n        'profile' : [ '' ]\n      },\n      'extension' : [ {\n        'url' : '',\n        'valueReference' : {\n          'reference' : ''\n        }\n      }, {\n        'url' : '',\n        'valueCodeableConcept' : {\n          'coding' : [ {\n            'system' : '',\n            'code' : 'None'\n          } ]\n        }\n      } ],\n      'basedOn' : [ {\n        'reference' : ''\n      } ],\n      'status' : 'in-progress',\n      'category' : [ {\n        'coding' : [ {\n          'system' : '',\n          'code' : 'annotation'\n        } ]\n      }, {\n        'coding' : [ {\n          'system' : '',\n          'code' : 'advice'\n        } ]\n      } ],\n      'subject' : {\n        'reference' : ''\n      },\n      'topic' : {\n        'coding' : [ {\n          'system' : '',\n          'code' : 'report-labs'\n        } ]\n      },\n      'sent' : '2023-10-10T14:49:12+02:00',\n      'reasonCode' : [ {\n        'coding' : [ {\n          'system' : '',\n          'code' : 'ReminderSubmitMeasurement'\n        } ]\n      } ]\n    }\n  }, {\n    'fullUrl' : 'urn:uuid:57cfd6a7-dd43-4caa-8220-d50c77aebd8b',\n    'resource' : {\n      'resourceType' : 'Parameters',\n      'parameter' : [ {\n        'name' : 'serviceRequestResponseSummary',\n        'part' : [ {\n          'name' : 'serviceRequest',\n          'valueReference' : {\n            'reference' : ''\n          },\n          'part' : [ {\n            'name' : 'condition',\n            'valueCoding' : {\n              'system' : 'urn:oid:',\n              'code' : 'DJ44',\n              'display' : 'Kronisk obstruktiv lungesygdom'\n            }\n          }, {\n            'name' : 'episodeOfCareManagingOrganization',\n            'valueReference' : {\n              'reference' : ''\n            }\n          }, {\n            'name' : 'episodeOfCarePeriod',\n            'valuePeriod' : {\n              'start' : '1970-01-01T01:00:01+01:00',\n              'end' : '1970-01-01T01:01:40+01:00'\n            }\n          }, {\n            'name' : 'patientIdentifier',\n            'valueIdentifier' : {\n              'system' : 'urn:oid:',\n              'value' : '0101010001'\n            }\n          }, {\n            'name' : 'statusHistory',\n            'part' : [ {\n              'name' : 'statusPeriod',\n              'part' : [ {\n                'name' : 'status',\n                'valueCoding' : {\n                  'system' : '',\n                  'code' : 'draft'\n                }\n              }, {\n                'name' : 'period',\n                'valuePeriod' : {\n                  'start' : '2023-10-02T12:49:12+00:00',\n                  'end' : '2023-10-03T12:49:12+00:00'\n                }\n              } ]\n            }, {\n              'name' : 'statusPeriod',\n              'part' : [ {\n                'name' : 'status',\n                'valueCoding' : {\n                  'system' : '',\n                  'code' : 'active'\n                }\n              }, {\n                'name' : 'period',\n                'valuePeriod' : {\n                  'start' : '2023-10-03T12:49:12+00:00',\n                  'end' : '2023-10-04T12:49:12+00:00'\n                }\n              } ]\n            }, {\n              'name' : 'statusPeriod',\n              'part' : [ {\n                'name' : 'status',\n                'valueCoding' : {\n                  'system' : '',\n                  'code' : 'on-hold'\n                }\n              }, {\n                'name' : 'period',\n                'valuePeriod' : {\n                  'start' : '2023-10-04T12:49:12+00:00',\n                  'end' : '2023-10-05T12:49:12+00:00'\n                }\n              } ]\n            }, {\n              'name' : 'statusPeriod',\n              'part' : [ {\n                'name' : 'status',\n                'valueCoding' : {\n                  'system' : '',\n                  'code' : 'active'\n                }\n              }, {\n                'name' : 'period',\n                'valuePeriod' : {\n                  'start' : '2023-10-05T12:49:12+00:00',\n                  'end' : '2023-10-08T12:49:12+00:00'\n                }\n              } ]\n            }, {\n              'name' : 'statusPeriod',\n              'part' : [ {\n                'name' : 'status',\n                'valueCoding' : {\n                  'system' : '',\n                  'code' : 'on-hold'\n                }\n              }, {\n                'name' : 'period',\n                'valuePeriod' : {\n                  'start' : '2023-10-08T12:49:12+00:00'\n                }\n              } ]\n            } ]\n          }, {\n            'name' : 'involvedCareTeams',\n            'part' : [ {\n              'name' : 'careTeam',\n              'valueReference' : {\n                'reference' : ''\n              }\n            } ]\n          }, {\n            'name' : 'responses',\n            'part' : [ {\n              'name' : 'response',\n              'part' : [ {\n                'name' : 'occurrence',\n                'part' : [ {\n                  'name' : 'serviceRequestVersionId',\n                  'valueId' : ''\n                }, {\n                  'name' : 'start',\n                  'valueDateTime' : '2023-10-10T14:49:12+02:00'\n                }, {\n                  'name' : 'end',\n                  'valueDateTime' : '2023-10-10T14:49:12+02:00'\n                }, {\n                  'name' : 'type',\n                  'valueCodeableConcept' : {\n                    'coding' : [ {\n                      'system' : '',\n                      'code' : 'Resolved'\n                    } ]\n                  }\n                } ]\n              }, {\n                'name' : 'questionnaireResponse',\n                'valueReference' : {\n                  'reference' : ''\n                }\n              }, {\n                'name' : 'submitted',\n                'valueDateTime' : '2023-10-10T12:49:12+00:00'\n              } ]\n            } ]\n          }, {\n            'name' : 'communications',\n            'part' : [ {\n              'name' : 'communication',\n              'valueReference' : {\n                'reference' : ''\n              }\n            } ]\n          } ]\n        } ]\n      } ]\n    }\n  } ]\n}" ]     ] [
fhir:name [ fhir:v "schedule-patient-usage-stats" ] ;
fhir:definition [
fhir:v ""^^xsd:anyURI ;
fhir:link <>       ] ;
fhir:documentation [ fhir:v "### Report Contents\nThis report contains an overview of the number of unique active citizens with Episodes of Care, shown both on monthly and yearly basis.\n### Grouping \nThis report is grouped by months and years. All groups are contained in the same JSON file.\n### Parameters\n- None\n### Output\nOutput can be found in Binary.content. This is a Base64 encoded .zip file containing a JSon file corresponding to the report groups.\n### Example output\nAll returned objects are Fhir resources. See the implementation guide for details\nFirst example is the monthly data:\n\n{\n	'PatientsUsageSummary': {\n		'monthData': [\n			{\n				'month': '1',\n				'year': '1970',\n				'entries': [\n					{\n						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCareBeingActiveSevenOrMoreDays',\n						'count': 1,\n						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0\n					},\n					{\n						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCare',\n						'count': 1,\n						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0\n					}\n				]\n			},\n			{\n				'month': '2',\n				'year': '1970',\n				'entries': [\n					{\n						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCareBeingActiveSevenOrMoreDays',\n						'count': 1,\n						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0\n					},\n					{\n						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCare',\n						'count': 1,\n						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0\n					}\n				]\n			},\n			{\n				'month': '3',\n				'year': '1970',\n				'entries': [\n					{\n						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCareBeingActiveSevenOrMoreDays',\n						'count': 1,\n						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0\n					},\n					{\n						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCare',\n						'count': 1,\n						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0\n					}\n				]\n			},\n			{\n				'month': '4',\n				'year': '1970',\n				'entries': [\n					{\n						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCareBeingActiveSevenOrMoreDays',\n						'count': 1,\n						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0\n					},\n					{\n						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCare',\n						'count': 1,\n						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0\n					}\n				]\n			},\n			{\n				'month': '5',\n				'year': '1970',\n				'entries': [\n					{\n						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCareBeingActiveSevenOrMoreDays',\n						'count': 1,\n						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0\n					},\n					{\n						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCare',\n						'count': 1,\n						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0\n					}\n				]\n			},\n			{\n				'month': '6',\n				'year': '1970',\n				'entries': [\n					{\n						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCareBeingActiveSevenOrMoreDays',\n						'count': 1,\n						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0\n					},\n					{\n						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCare',\n						'count': 1,\n						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0\n					}\n				]\n			},\n			{\n				'month': '7',\n				'year': '1970',\n				'entries': [\n					{\n						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCareBeingActiveSevenOrMoreDays',\n						'count': 1,\n						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0\n					},\n					{\n						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCare',\n						'count': 1,\n						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0\n					}\n				]\n			},\n			{\n				'month': '8',\n				'year': '1970',\n				'entries': [\n					{\n						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCareBeingActiveSevenOrMoreDays',\n						'count': 1,\n						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0\n					},\n					{\n						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCare',\n						'count': 1,\n						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0\n					}\n				]\n			},\n			{\n				'month': '9',\n				'year': '1970',\n				'entries': [\n					{\n						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCareBeingActiveSevenOrMoreDays',\n						'count': 1,\n						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0\n					},\n					{\n						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCare',\n						'count': 1,\n						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0\n					}\n				]\n			},\n			{\n				'month': '10',\n				'year': '1970',\n				'entries': [\n					{\n						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCareBeingActiveSevenOrMoreDays',\n						'count': 1,\n						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0\n					},\n					{\n						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCare',\n						'count': 1,\n						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0\n					}\n				]\n			},\n			{\n				'month': '11',\n				'year': '1970',\n				'entries': [\n					{\n						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCareBeingActiveSevenOrMoreDays',\n						'count': 1,\n						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0\n					},\n					{\n						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCare',\n						'count': 1,\n						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0\n					}\n				]\n			},\n			{\n				'month': '12',\n				'year': '1970',\n				'entries': [\n					{\n						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCareBeingActiveSevenOrMoreDays',\n						'count': 1,\n						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0\n					},\n					{\n						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCare',\n						'count': 1,\n						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0\n					}\n				]\n			}\n      ]\n   }\n}\n\nSecond example is the yearly data:\n\n{\n	'PatientsUsageSummary': {\n		'yearData': [\n			{\n				'year': '1970',\n				'entries': [\n					{\n						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCareBeingActiveSevenOrMoreDays',\n						'count': 12,\n						'average': 1.0,\n						'usageBaseline': 10000,\n						'averageRounded': 1000.0,\n						'averageBeyondBaseline': 0\n					},\n					{\n						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCare',\n						'count': 12,\n						'average': 1.0,\n						'usageBaseline': 10000,\n						'averageRounded': 1000.0,\n						'averageBeyondBaseline': 0\n					}\n				]\n			}\n      ]\n   }\n}" ]     ] [
fhir:name [ fhir:v "fetch-patient-usage-stats" ] ;
fhir:definition [
fhir:v ""^^xsd:anyURI ;
fhir:link <>       ] ;
fhir:documentation [ fhir:v "### Report Contents\nThis report contains an overview of the number of unique active citizens with Episodes of Care, shown both on monthly and yearly basis.\n### Grouping \nThis report is grouped by months and years. All groups are contained in the same JSON file.\n### Parameters\n- None\n### Output\nOutput can be found in Binary.content. This is a Base64 encoded .zip file containing a JSon file corresponding to the report groups.\n### Example output\nAll returned objects are Fhir resources. See the implementation guide for details\nFirst example is the monthly data:\n\n{\n	'PatientsUsageSummary': {\n		'monthData': [\n			{\n				'month': '1',\n				'year': '1970',\n				'entries': [\n					{\n						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCareBeingActiveSevenOrMoreDays',\n						'count': 1,\n						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0\n					},\n					{\n						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCare',\n						'count': 1,\n						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0\n					}\n				]\n			},\n			{\n				'month': '2',\n				'year': '1970',\n				'entries': [\n					{\n						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCareBeingActiveSevenOrMoreDays',\n						'count': 1,\n						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0\n					},\n					{\n						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCare',\n						'count': 1,\n						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0\n					}\n				]\n			},\n			{\n				'month': '3',\n				'year': '1970',\n				'entries': [\n					{\n						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCareBeingActiveSevenOrMoreDays',\n						'count': 1,\n						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0\n					},\n					{\n						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCare',\n						'count': 1,\n						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0\n					}\n				]\n			},\n			{\n				'month': '4',\n				'year': '1970',\n				'entries': [\n					{\n						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCareBeingActiveSevenOrMoreDays',\n						'count': 1,\n						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0\n					},\n					{\n						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCare',\n						'count': 1,\n						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0\n					}\n				]\n			},\n			{\n				'month': '5',\n				'year': '1970',\n				'entries': [\n					{\n						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCareBeingActiveSevenOrMoreDays',\n						'count': 1,\n						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0\n					},\n					{\n						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCare',\n						'count': 1,\n						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0\n					}\n				]\n			},\n			{\n				'month': '6',\n				'year': '1970',\n				'entries': [\n					{\n						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCareBeingActiveSevenOrMoreDays',\n						'count': 1,\n						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0\n					},\n					{\n						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCare',\n						'count': 1,\n						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0\n					}\n				]\n			},\n			{\n				'month': '7',\n				'year': '1970',\n				'entries': [\n					{\n						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCareBeingActiveSevenOrMoreDays',\n						'count': 1,\n						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0\n					},\n					{\n						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCare',\n						'count': 1,\n						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0\n					}\n				]\n			},\n			{\n				'month': '8',\n				'year': '1970',\n				'entries': [\n					{\n						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCareBeingActiveSevenOrMoreDays',\n						'count': 1,\n						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0\n					},\n					{\n						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCare',\n						'count': 1,\n						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0\n					}\n				]\n			},\n			{\n				'month': '9',\n				'year': '1970',\n				'entries': [\n					{\n						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCareBeingActiveSevenOrMoreDays',\n						'count': 1,\n						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0\n					},\n					{\n						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCare',\n						'count': 1,\n						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0\n					}\n				]\n			},\n			{\n				'month': '10',\n				'year': '1970',\n				'entries': [\n					{\n						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCareBeingActiveSevenOrMoreDays',\n						'count': 1,\n						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0\n					},\n					{\n						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCare',\n						'count': 1,\n						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0\n					}\n				]\n			},\n			{\n				'month': '11',\n				'year': '1970',\n				'entries': [\n					{\n						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCareBeingActiveSevenOrMoreDays',\n						'count': 1,\n						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0\n					},\n					{\n						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCare',\n						'count': 1,\n						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0\n					}\n				]\n			},\n			{\n				'month': '12',\n				'year': '1970',\n				'entries': [\n					{\n						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCareBeingActiveSevenOrMoreDays',\n						'count': 1,\n						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0\n					},\n					{\n						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCare',\n						'count': 1,\n						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0\n					}\n				]\n			}\n      ]\n   }\n}\n\nSecond example is the yearly data:\n\n{\n	'PatientsUsageSummary': {\n		'yearData': [\n			{\n				'year': '1970',\n				'entries': [\n					{\n						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCareBeingActiveSevenOrMoreDays',\n						'count': 12,\n						'average': 1.0,\n						'usageBaseline': 10000,\n						'averageRounded': 1000.0,\n						'averageBeyondBaseline': 0\n					},\n					{\n						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCare',\n						'count': 12,\n						'average': 1.0,\n						'usageBaseline': 10000,\n						'averageRounded': 1000.0,\n						'averageBeyondBaseline': 0\n					}\n				]\n			}\n      ]\n   }\n}" ]     ] [
fhir:name [ fhir:v "execute-patient-usage-stats" ] ;
fhir:definition [
fhir:v ""^^xsd:anyURI ;
fhir:link <>       ] ;
fhir:documentation [ fhir:v "### Report Contents\nThis report contains an overview of the number of unique active citizens with Episodes of Care, shown both on monthly and yearly basis.\n### Grouping \nThis report is grouped by months and years. All groups are contained in the same JSON file.\n### Parameters\n- None\n### Output\nOutput can be found in Binary.content. This is a Base64 encoded .zip file containing a JSon file corresponding to the report groups.\n### Example output\nAll returned objects are Fhir resources. See the implementation guide for details\nFirst example is the monthly data:\n\n{\n	'PatientsUsageSummary': {\n		'monthData': [\n			{\n				'month': '1',\n				'year': '1970',\n				'entries': [\n					{\n						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCareBeingActiveSevenOrMoreDays',\n						'count': 1,\n						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0\n					},\n					{\n						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCare',\n						'count': 1,\n						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0\n					}\n				]\n			},\n			{\n				'month': '2',\n				'year': '1970',\n				'entries': [\n					{\n						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCareBeingActiveSevenOrMoreDays',\n						'count': 1,\n						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0\n					},\n					{\n						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCare',\n						'count': 1,\n						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0\n					}\n				]\n			},\n			{\n				'month': '3',\n				'year': '1970',\n				'entries': [\n					{\n						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCareBeingActiveSevenOrMoreDays',\n						'count': 1,\n						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0\n					},\n					{\n						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCare',\n						'count': 1,\n						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0\n					}\n				]\n			},\n			{\n				'month': '4',\n				'year': '1970',\n				'entries': [\n					{\n						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCareBeingActiveSevenOrMoreDays',\n						'count': 1,\n						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0\n					},\n					{\n						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCare',\n						'count': 1,\n						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0\n					}\n				]\n			},\n			{\n				'month': '5',\n				'year': '1970',\n				'entries': [\n					{\n						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCareBeingActiveSevenOrMoreDays',\n						'count': 1,\n						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0\n					},\n					{\n						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCare',\n						'count': 1,\n						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0\n					}\n				]\n			},\n			{\n				'month': '6',\n				'year': '1970',\n				'entries': [\n					{\n						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCareBeingActiveSevenOrMoreDays',\n						'count': 1,\n						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0\n					},\n					{\n						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCare',\n						'count': 1,\n						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0\n					}\n				]\n			},\n			{\n				'month': '7',\n				'year': '1970',\n				'entries': [\n					{\n						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCareBeingActiveSevenOrMoreDays',\n						'count': 1,\n						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0\n					},\n					{\n						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCare',\n						'count': 1,\n						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0\n					}\n				]\n			},\n			{\n				'month': '8',\n				'year': '1970',\n				'entries': [\n					{\n						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCareBeingActiveSevenOrMoreDays',\n						'count': 1,\n						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0\n					},\n					{\n						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCare',\n						'count': 1,\n						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0\n					}\n				]\n			},\n			{\n				'month': '9',\n				'year': '1970',\n				'entries': [\n					{\n						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCareBeingActiveSevenOrMoreDays',\n						'count': 1,\n						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0\n					},\n					{\n						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCare',\n						'count': 1,\n						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0\n					}\n				]\n			},\n			{\n				'month': '10',\n				'year': '1970',\n				'entries': [\n					{\n						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCareBeingActiveSevenOrMoreDays',\n						'count': 1,\n						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0\n					},\n					{\n						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCare',\n						'count': 1,\n						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0\n					}\n				]\n			},\n			{\n				'month': '11',\n				'year': '1970',\n				'entries': [\n					{\n						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCareBeingActiveSevenOrMoreDays',\n						'count': 1,\n						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0\n					},\n					{\n						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCare',\n						'count': 1,\n						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0\n					}\n				]\n			},\n			{\n				'month': '12',\n				'year': '1970',\n				'entries': [\n					{\n						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCareBeingActiveSevenOrMoreDays',\n						'count': 1,\n						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0\n					},\n					{\n						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCare',\n						'count': 1,\n						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0\n					}\n				]\n			}\n      ]\n   }\n}\n\nSecond example is the yearly data:\n\n{\n	'PatientsUsageSummary': {\n		'yearData': [\n			{\n				'year': '1970',\n				'entries': [\n					{\n						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCareBeingActiveSevenOrMoreDays',\n						'count': 12,\n						'average': 1.0,\n						'usageBaseline': 10000,\n						'averageRounded': 1000.0,\n						'averageBeyondBaseline': 0\n					},\n					{\n						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCare',\n						'count': 12,\n						'average': 1.0,\n						'usageBaseline': 10000,\n						'averageRounded': 1000.0,\n						'averageBeyondBaseline': 0\n					}\n				]\n			}\n      ]\n   }\n}" ]     ] [
fhir:name [ fhir:v "schedule-ssl-orders" ] ;
fhir:definition [
fhir:v ""^^xsd:anyURI ;
fhir:link <>       ] ;
fhir:documentation [ fhir:v "### Report Contents\nThis report contains SSL Orders\n- OrderDetails\n- OrderLines\n- TraceLines\n### Grouping \nOrder. Each Order is returned in a single JSon file.\n### Parameters\n- organization: Filter on Order.buyer\n- period: Filter on TraceLine.timestamp\n- seller: Filter on Order.seller\n### Output\nOutput can be found in Binary.content. This is a Base64 encoded .zip file containing JSon files corresponding to the report groups.\n### Example output\nAll returned objects are SSL resources. See the SSL API description for details\n\n    {\n        'OrderDetails': {\n            'order': {\n                'id': '',\n                'threadId': null,\n                'identifiers': null,\n                'status': null,\n                'priority': null,\n                'notes': null,\n                'buyer': '',\n                'seller': '',\n                'sellerDeliveryContactEmail': null,\n                'carePlanRef': null,\n                'carePlanTitle': null,\n                'earliestDeliveryDate': null,\n                'latestDeliveryDate': null,\n                'receiver': null\n            },\n            'orderLines': [{\n                    'id': '',\n                    'order': '',\n                    'status': null,\n                    'item': null,\n                    'agreedDate': null,\n                    'device': null\n                }\n            ],\n            'traceLines': [{\n                    'id': '',\n                    'timestamp': '2019-12-24T18:00:00Z',\n                    'createdByOrganization': null,\n                    'createdByUser': null,\n                    'text': null,\n                    'supplementaryText': null,\n                    'order': '',\n                    'orderLine': null,\n                    'statusChange': null\n                }\n            ]\n        }\n    }" ]     ] [
fhir:name [ fhir:v "fetch-ssl-orders" ] ;
fhir:definition [
fhir:v ""^^xsd:anyURI ;
fhir:link <>       ] ;
fhir:documentation [ fhir:v "### Report Contents\nThis report contains SSL Orders\n- OrderDetails\n- OrderLines\n- TraceLines\n### Grouping \nOrder. Each Order is returned in a single JSon file.\n### Parameters\n- organization: Filter on Order.buyer\n- period: Filter on TraceLine.timestamp\n- seller: Filter on Order.seller\n### Output\nOutput can be found in Binary.content. This is a Base64 encoded .zip file containing JSon files corresponding to the report groups.\n### Example output\nAll returned objects are SSL resources. See the SSL API description for details\n\n    {\n        'OrderDetails': {\n            'order': {\n                'id': '',\n                'threadId': null,\n                'identifiers': null,\n                'status': null,\n                'priority': null,\n                'notes': null,\n                'buyer': '',\n                'seller': '',\n                'sellerDeliveryContactEmail': null,\n                'carePlanRef': null,\n                'carePlanTitle': null,\n                'earliestDeliveryDate': null,\n                'latestDeliveryDate': null,\n                'receiver': null\n            },\n            'orderLines': [{\n                    'id': '',\n                    'order': '',\n                    'status': null,\n                    'item': null,\n                    'agreedDate': null,\n                    'device': null\n                }\n            ],\n            'traceLines': [{\n                    'id': '',\n                    'timestamp': '2019-12-24T18:00:00Z',\n                    'createdByOrganization': null,\n                    'createdByUser': null,\n                    'text': null,\n                    'supplementaryText': null,\n                    'order': '',\n                    'orderLine': null,\n                    'statusChange': null\n                }\n            ]\n        }\n    }" ]     ] [
fhir:name [ fhir:v "execute-ssl-orders" ] ;
fhir:definition [
fhir:v ""^^xsd:anyURI ;
fhir:link <>       ] ;
fhir:documentation [ fhir:v "### Report Contents\nThis report contains SSL Orders\n- OrderDetails\n- OrderLines\n- TraceLines\n### Grouping \nOrder. Each Order is returned in a single JSon file.\n### Parameters\n- organization: Filter on Order.buyer\n- period: Filter on TraceLine.timestamp\n- seller: Filter on Order.seller\n### Output\nOutput can be found in Binary.content. This is a Base64 encoded .zip file containing JSon files corresponding to the report groups.\n### Example output\nAll returned objects are SSL resources. See the SSL API description for details\n\n    {\n        'OrderDetails': {\n            'order': {\n                'id': '',\n                'threadId': null,\n                'identifiers': null,\n                'status': null,\n                'priority': null,\n                'notes': null,\n                'buyer': '',\n                'seller': '',\n                'sellerDeliveryContactEmail': null,\n                'carePlanRef': null,\n                'carePlanTitle': null,\n                'earliestDeliveryDate': null,\n                'latestDeliveryDate': null,\n                'receiver': null\n            },\n            'orderLines': [{\n                    'id': '',\n                    'order': '',\n                    'status': null,\n                    'item': null,\n                    'agreedDate': null,\n                    'device': null\n                }\n            ],\n            'traceLines': [{\n                    'id': '',\n                    'timestamp': '2019-12-24T18:00:00Z',\n                    'createdByOrganization': null,\n                    'createdByUser': null,\n                    'text': null,\n                    'supplementaryText': null,\n                    'order': '',\n                    'orderLine': null,\n                    'statusChange': null\n                }\n            ]\n        }\n    }" ]     ] [
fhir:name [ fhir:v "schedule-practitioner-stats" ] ;
fhir:definition [
fhir:v ""^^xsd:anyURI ;
fhir:link <>       ] ;
fhir:documentation [ fhir:v "### Report Contents\nThis report contains counts of practitioners associated with Organizations and CareTeams\n- List of Organization and associated practitonerCount\n- List of CareTeam and associated practitionerCount\n### Grouping \nNone. The report is returned in a single JSon file.\n### Parameters\n- organization: \n    - CareTeam: Filter on CareTeam.ManagingOrganization match\n    - PractitionerRole: Filter on PractitionerRole.Organization match\n- period\n    - CareTeam: Filter on CareTeam.participant.period overlap\n    - PractitionerRole: Filter on PractitionerRole.perid overlap\n### Output\nOutput can be found in Binary.content. This is a Base64 encoded .zip file containing JSon files corresponding to the report groups.\n### Example output\nOrganization and CareTeam are Fhir resources. See the implementation guide for details\n\n    {\n        'PractitionerSummary': {\n            'organizationPractitionerStatistics': [{\n                    'organization': {\n                        'resourceType': 'Organization',\n                        'id': '69075',\n                        'meta': {\n                            'profile': ['']\n                        },\n                        'extension': [{\n                                'url': '',\n                                'valueCodeableConcept': {\n                                    'coding': [{\n                                            'system': '',\n                                            'code': 'manual'\n                                        }\n                                    ]\n                                }\n                            }, {\n                                'url': '',\n                                'valueCodeableConcept': {\n                                    'coding': [{\n                                            'system': '',\n                                            'code': 'NotSynchronized'\n                                        }\n                                    ]\n                                }\n                            }\n                        ],\n                        'name': 'e7c2b264-b2d9-4a6d-aba9-f23be1017d39'\n                    },\n                    'practitionerCount': 1\n                }\n            ],\n            'careTeamPractitionerStatistics': [{\n                    'careTeam': {\n                        'resourceType': 'CareTeam',\n                        'id': '44267',\n                        'meta': {\n                            'versionId': '1',\n                            'profile': ['']\n                        },\n                        'identifier': [{\n                                'id': '7ced02e2-3082-4e02-86cc-030e8df8906d',\n                                'system': 'urn:ietf:rfc:3986'\n                            }\n                        ],\n                        'status': 'active',\n                        'name': 'd1e7d427-1565-42f6-951d-5508d494d4c8',\n                        'reasonCode': [{\n                                'coding': [{\n                                        'system': '',\n                                        'code': 'TBD'\n                                    }\n                                ]\n                            }\n                        ],\n                        'managingOrganization': [{\n                                'reference': ''\n                            }\n                        ]\n                    },\n                    'practitionerCount': 0\n                }, {\n                    'careTeam': {\n                        'resourceType': 'CareTeam',\n                        'id': '40831',\n                        'meta': {\n                            'versionId': '1',\n                            'profile': ['']\n                        },\n                        'identifier': [{\n                                'id': 'f12b2b87-95d9-487c-b088-457acfa1693f',\n                                'system': 'urn:ietf:rfc:3986'\n                            }\n                        ],\n                        'status': 'active',\n                        'name': 'c572c5ac-bac3-4f9e-b948-795db7563145',\n                        'reasonCode': [{\n                                'coding': [{\n                                        'system': '',\n                                        'code': 'TBD'\n                                    }\n                                ]\n                            }\n                        ],\n                        'managingOrganization': [{\n                                'reference': ''\n                            }\n                        ]\n                    },\n                    'practitionerCount': 0\n                }, {\n                    'careTeam': {\n                        'resourceType': 'CareTeam',\n                        'id': '78765',\n                        'meta': {\n                            'versionId': '1',\n                            'profile': ['']\n                        },\n                        'identifier': [{\n                                'id': '7378e850-aff6-430d-9e86-cca801bf2375',\n                                'system': 'urn:ietf:rfc:3986'\n                            }\n                        ],\n                        'status': 'active',\n                        'name': '3e038dd3-9e80-41e4-9932-8597f8706da4',\n                        'reasonCode': [{\n                                'coding': [{\n                                        'system': '',\n                                        'code': 'TBD'\n                                    }\n                                ]\n                            }\n                        ],\n                        'managingOrganization': [{\n                                'reference': ''\n                            }\n                        ]\n                    },\n                    'practitionerCount': 0\n                }, {\n                    'careTeam': {\n                        'resourceType': 'CareTeam',\n                        'id': '46096',\n                        'meta': {\n                            'versionId': '1',\n                            'profile': ['']\n                        },\n                        'identifier': [{\n                                'id': '37a66140-dc7e-4ea4-9ec7-d0dd91adf7c8',\n                                'system': 'urn:ietf:rfc:3986'\n                            }\n                        ],\n                        'status': 'active',\n                        'name': '311ebab3-d310-44bb-b72b-65bdf74b3729',\n                        'reasonCode': [{\n                                'coding': [{\n                                        'system': '',\n                                        'code': 'TBD'\n                                    }\n                                ]\n                            }\n                        ],\n                        'managingOrganization': [{\n                                'reference': ''\n                            }\n                        ]\n                    },\n                    'practitionerCount': 0\n                }, {\n                    'careTeam': {\n                        'resourceType': 'CareTeam',\n                        'id': '32543',\n                        'meta': {\n                            'versionId': '1',\n                            'profile': ['']\n                        },\n                        'identifier': [{\n                                'id': '3671c951-d20e-4d5c-82ec-fae5ee03821e',\n                                'system': 'urn:ietf:rfc:3986'\n                            }\n                        ],\n                        'status': 'active',\n                        'name': '1f74a06c-8ae1-4b5c-b5ee-49abfd2d28e1',\n                        'reasonCode': [{\n                                'coding': [{\n                                        'system': '',\n                                        'code': 'TBD'\n                                    }\n                                ]\n                            }\n                        ],\n                        'managingOrganization': [{\n                                'reference': ''\n                            }\n                        ]\n                    },\n                    'practitionerCount': 0\n                }\n            ]\n        }\n    }" ]     ] [
fhir:name [ fhir:v "fetch-practitioner-stats" ] ;
fhir:definition [
fhir:v ""^^xsd:anyURI ;
fhir:link <>       ] ;
fhir:documentation [ fhir:v "### Report Contents\nThis report contains counts of practitioners associated with Organizations and CareTeams\n- List of Organization and associated practitonerCount\n- List of CareTeam and associated practitionerCount\n### Grouping \nNone. The report is returned in a single JSon file.\n### Parameters\n- organization: \n    - CareTeam: Filter on CareTeam.ManagingOrganization match\n    - PractitionerRole: Filter on PractitionerRole.Organization match\n- period\n    - CareTeam: Filter on CareTeam.participant.period overlap\n    - PractitionerRole: Filter on PractitionerRole.perid overlap\n### Output\nOutput can be found in Binary.content. This is a Base64 encoded .zip file containing JSon files corresponding to the report groups.\n### Example output\nOrganization and CareTeam are Fhir resources. See the implementation guide for details\n\n    {\n        'PractitionerSummary': {\n            'organizationPractitionerStatistics': [{\n                    'organization': {\n                        'resourceType': 'Organization',\n                        'id': '69075',\n                        'meta': {\n                            'profile': ['']\n                        },\n                        'extension': [{\n                                'url': '',\n                                'valueCodeableConcept': {\n                                    'coding': [{\n                                            'system': '',\n                                            'code': 'manual'\n                                        }\n                                    ]\n                                }\n                            }, {\n                                'url': '',\n                                'valueCodeableConcept': {\n                                    'coding': [{\n                                            'system': '',\n                                            'code': 'NotSynchronized'\n                                        }\n                                    ]\n                                }\n                            }\n                        ],\n                        'name': 'e7c2b264-b2d9-4a6d-aba9-f23be1017d39'\n                    },\n                    'practitionerCount': 1\n                }\n            ],\n            'careTeamPractitionerStatistics': [{\n                    'careTeam': {\n                        'resourceType': 'CareTeam',\n                        'id': '44267',\n                        'meta': {\n                            'versionId': '1',\n                            'profile': ['']\n                        },\n                        'identifier': [{\n                                'id': '7ced02e2-3082-4e02-86cc-030e8df8906d',\n                                'system': 'urn:ietf:rfc:3986'\n                            }\n                        ],\n                        'status': 'active',\n                        'name': 'd1e7d427-1565-42f6-951d-5508d494d4c8',\n                        'reasonCode': [{\n                                'coding': [{\n                                        'system': '',\n                                        'code': 'TBD'\n                                    }\n                                ]\n                            }\n                        ],\n                        'managingOrganization': [{\n                                'reference': ''\n                            }\n                        ]\n                    },\n                    'practitionerCount': 0\n                }, {\n                    'careTeam': {\n                        'resourceType': 'CareTeam',\n                        'id': '40831',\n                        'meta': {\n                            'versionId': '1',\n                            'profile': ['']\n                        },\n                        'identifier': [{\n                                'id': 'f12b2b87-95d9-487c-b088-457acfa1693f',\n                                'system': 'urn:ietf:rfc:3986'\n                            }\n                        ],\n                        'status': 'active',\n                        'name': 'c572c5ac-bac3-4f9e-b948-795db7563145',\n                        'reasonCode': [{\n                                'coding': [{\n                                        'system': '',\n                                        'code': 'TBD'\n                                    }\n                                ]\n                            }\n                        ],\n                        'managingOrganization': [{\n                                'reference': ''\n                            }\n                        ]\n                    },\n                    'practitionerCount': 0\n                }, {\n                    'careTeam': {\n                        'resourceType': 'CareTeam',\n                        'id': '78765',\n                        'meta': {\n                            'versionId': '1',\n                            'profile': ['']\n                        },\n                        'identifier': [{\n                                'id': '7378e850-aff6-430d-9e86-cca801bf2375',\n                                'system': 'urn:ietf:rfc:3986'\n                            }\n                        ],\n                        'status': 'active',\n                        'name': '3e038dd3-9e80-41e4-9932-8597f8706da4',\n                        'reasonCode': [{\n                                'coding': [{\n                                        'system': '',\n                                        'code': 'TBD'\n                                    }\n                                ]\n                            }\n                        ],\n                        'managingOrganization': [{\n                                'reference': ''\n                            }\n                        ]\n                    },\n                    'practitionerCount': 0\n                }, {\n                    'careTeam': {\n                        'resourceType': 'CareTeam',\n                        'id': '46096',\n                        'meta': {\n                            'versionId': '1',\n                            'profile': ['']\n                        },\n                        'identifier': [{\n                                'id': '37a66140-dc7e-4ea4-9ec7-d0dd91adf7c8',\n                                'system': 'urn:ietf:rfc:3986'\n                            }\n                        ],\n                        'status': 'active',\n                        'name': '311ebab3-d310-44bb-b72b-65bdf74b3729',\n                        'reasonCode': [{\n                                'coding': [{\n                                        'system': '',\n                                        'code': 'TBD'\n                                    }\n                                ]\n                            }\n                        ],\n                        'managingOrganization': [{\n                                'reference': ''\n                            }\n                        ]\n                    },\n                    'practitionerCount': 0\n                }, {\n                    'careTeam': {\n                        'resourceType': 'CareTeam',\n                        'id': '32543',\n                        'meta': {\n                            'versionId': '1',\n                            'profile': ['']\n                        },\n                        'identifier': [{\n                                'id': '3671c951-d20e-4d5c-82ec-fae5ee03821e',\n                                'system': 'urn:ietf:rfc:3986'\n                            }\n                        ],\n                        'status': 'active',\n                        'name': '1f74a06c-8ae1-4b5c-b5ee-49abfd2d28e1',\n                        'reasonCode': [{\n                                'coding': [{\n                                        'system': '',\n                                        'code': 'TBD'\n                                    }\n                                ]\n                            }\n                        ],\n                        'managingOrganization': [{\n                                'reference': ''\n                            }\n                        ]\n                    },\n                    'practitionerCount': 0\n                }\n            ]\n        }\n    }" ]     ] [
fhir:name [ fhir:v "execute-practitioner-stats" ] ;
fhir:definition [
fhir:v ""^^xsd:anyURI ;
fhir:link <>       ] ;
fhir:documentation [ fhir:v "### Report Contents\nThis report contains counts of practitioners associated with Organizations and CareTeams\n- List of Organization and associated practitonerCount\n- List of CareTeam and associated practitionerCount\n### Grouping \nNone. The report is returned in a single JSon file.\n### Parameters\n- organization: \n    - CareTeam: Filter on CareTeam.ManagingOrganization match\n    - PractitionerRole: Filter on PractitionerRole.Organization match\n- period\n    - CareTeam: Filter on CareTeam.participant.period overlap\n    - PractitionerRole: Filter on PractitionerRole.perid overlap\n### Output\nOutput can be found in Binary.content. This is a Base64 encoded .zip file containing JSon files corresponding to the report groups.\n### Example output\nOrganization and CareTeam are Fhir resources. See the implementation guide for details\n\n    {\n        'PractitionerSummary': {\n            'organizationPractitionerStatistics': [{\n                    'organization': {\n                        'resourceType': 'Organization',\n                        'id': '69075',\n                        'meta': {\n                            'profile': ['']\n                        },\n                        'extension': [{\n                                'url': '',\n                                'valueCodeableConcept': {\n                                    'coding': [{\n                                            'system': '',\n                                            'code': 'manual'\n                                        }\n                                    ]\n                                }\n                            }, {\n                                'url': '',\n                                'valueCodeableConcept': {\n                                    'coding': [{\n                                            'system': '',\n                                            'code': 'NotSynchronized'\n                                        }\n                                    ]\n                                }\n                            }\n                        ],\n                        'name': 'e7c2b264-b2d9-4a6d-aba9-f23be1017d39'\n                    },\n                    'practitionerCount': 1\n                }\n            ],\n            'careTeamPractitionerStatistics': [{\n                    'careTeam': {\n                        'resourceType': 'CareTeam',\n                        'id': '44267',\n                        'meta': {\n                            'versionId': '1',\n                            'profile': ['']\n                        },\n                        'identifier': [{\n                                'id': '7ced02e2-3082-4e02-86cc-030e8df8906d',\n                                'system': 'urn:ietf:rfc:3986'\n                            }\n                        ],\n                        'status': 'active',\n                        'name': 'd1e7d427-1565-42f6-951d-5508d494d4c8',\n                        'reasonCode': [{\n                                'coding': [{\n                                        'system': '',\n                                        'code': 'TBD'\n                                    }\n                                ]\n                            }\n                        ],\n                        'managingOrganization': [{\n                                'reference': ''\n                            }\n                        ]\n                    },\n                    'practitionerCount': 0\n                }, {\n                    'careTeam': {\n                        'resourceType': 'CareTeam',\n                        'id': '40831',\n                        'meta': {\n                            'versionId': '1',\n                            'profile': ['']\n                        },\n                        'identifier': [{\n                                'id': 'f12b2b87-95d9-487c-b088-457acfa1693f',\n                                'system': 'urn:ietf:rfc:3986'\n                            }\n                        ],\n                        'status': 'active',\n                        'name': 'c572c5ac-bac3-4f9e-b948-795db7563145',\n                        'reasonCode': [{\n                                'coding': [{\n                                        'system': '',\n                                        'code': 'TBD'\n                                    }\n                                ]\n                            }\n                        ],\n                        'managingOrganization': [{\n                                'reference': ''\n                            }\n                        ]\n                    },\n                    'practitionerCount': 0\n                }, {\n                    'careTeam': {\n                        'resourceType': 'CareTeam',\n                        'id': '78765',\n                        'meta': {\n                            'versionId': '1',\n                            'profile': ['']\n                        },\n                        'identifier': [{\n                                'id': '7378e850-aff6-430d-9e86-cca801bf2375',\n                                'system': 'urn:ietf:rfc:3986'\n                            }\n                        ],\n                        'status': 'active',\n                        'name': '3e038dd3-9e80-41e4-9932-8597f8706da4',\n                        'reasonCode': [{\n                                'coding': [{\n                                        'system': '',\n                                        'code': 'TBD'\n                                    }\n                                ]\n                            }\n                        ],\n                        'managingOrganization': [{\n                                'reference': ''\n                            }\n                        ]\n                    },\n                    'practitionerCount': 0\n                }, {\n                    'careTeam': {\n                        'resourceType': 'CareTeam',\n                        'id': '46096',\n                        'meta': {\n                            'versionId': '1',\n                            'profile': ['']\n                        },\n                        'identifier': [{\n                                'id': '37a66140-dc7e-4ea4-9ec7-d0dd91adf7c8',\n                                'system': 'urn:ietf:rfc:3986'\n                            }\n                        ],\n                        'status': 'active',\n                        'name': '311ebab3-d310-44bb-b72b-65bdf74b3729',\n                        'reasonCode': [{\n                                'coding': [{\n                                        'system': '',\n                                        'code': 'TBD'\n                                    }\n                                ]\n                            }\n                        ],\n                        'managingOrganization': [{\n                                'reference': ''\n                            }\n                        ]\n                    },\n                    'practitionerCount': 0\n                }, {\n                    'careTeam': {\n                        'resourceType': 'CareTeam',\n                        'id': '32543',\n                        'meta': {\n                            'versionId': '1',\n                            'profile': ['']\n                        },\n                        'identifier': [{\n                                'id': '3671c951-d20e-4d5c-82ec-fae5ee03821e',\n                                'system': 'urn:ietf:rfc:3986'\n                            }\n                        ],\n                        'status': 'active',\n                        'name': '1f74a06c-8ae1-4b5c-b5ee-49abfd2d28e1',\n                        'reasonCode': [{\n                                'coding': [{\n                                        'system': '',\n                                        'code': 'TBD'\n                                    }\n                                ]\n                            }\n                        ],\n                        'managingOrganization': [{\n                                'reference': ''\n                            }\n                        ]\n                    },\n                    'practitionerCount': 0\n                }\n            ]\n        }\n    }" ]     ] [
fhir:name [ fhir:v "schedule-practitioner-gdpr" ] ;
fhir:definition [
fhir:v ""^^xsd:anyURI ;
fhir:link <>       ] ;
fhir:documentation [ fhir:v "### Report Contents\nThis report contains all information related to the specified Practitioner\n- Practitioner\n- CareTeam\n- PractitionerRole\n### Grouping \nNone. The report is returned in a single JSon file.\n### Parameters\n- organization: \n    - Practitioner: Not filtered\n    - CareTeam: Filter on CareTeam.ManagingOrganization match\n    - PractitionerRole: Filter on PractitionerRole.Organization match\n- period: not used\n- practitionerID: The practitioner to fetch information for\n### Output\nOutput can be found in Binary.content. This is a Base64 encoded .zip file containing JSon files corresponding to the report groups.\n### Example output\nAll returned objects are Fhir resources. See the implementation guide for details\n\n    {\n        'EHealthPractitioner': {\n            'resourceType': 'Practitioner',\n            'id': '20599',\n            'meta': {\n                'versionId': '1',\n                'profile': ['']\n            },\n            'name': [{\n                    'family': '2f82a48c-61cc-4c7f-855a-3e6b59729ef1'\n                }\n            ]\n        },\n        'EHealthPractitionerRole': [],\n        'EHealthCareTeam': [{\n                'resourceType': 'CareTeam',\n                'id': '99438',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'identifier': [{\n                        'id': 'f556eab1-dbe9-40e3-9edd-149fa3bd1ae0',\n                        'system': 'urn:ietf:rfc:3986'\n                    }\n                ],\n                'status': 'active',\n                'name': 'f9d27974-6a6a-44fb-b6eb-bcd22d769a18',\n                'participant': [{\n                        'member': {\n                            'reference': ''\n                        }\n                    }\n                ],\n                'reasonCode': [{\n                        'coding': [{\n                                'system': '',\n                                'code': 'TBD'\n                            }\n                        ]\n                    }\n                ],\n                'managingOrganization': [{\n                        'reference': ''\n                    }\n                ]\n            }\n        ]\n    }" ]     ] [
fhir:name [ fhir:v "fetch-practitioner-gdpr" ] ;
fhir:definition [
fhir:v ""^^xsd:anyURI ;
fhir:link <>       ] ;
fhir:documentation [ fhir:v "### Report Contents\nThis report contains all information related to the specified Practitioner\n- Practitioner\n- CareTeam\n- PractitionerRole\n### Grouping \nNone. The report is returned in a single JSon file.\n### Parameters\n- organization: \n    - Practitioner: Not filtered\n    - CareTeam: Filter on CareTeam.ManagingOrganization match\n    - PractitionerRole: Filter on PractitionerRole.Organization match\n- period: not used\n- practitionerID: The practitioner to fetch information for\n### Output\nOutput can be found in Binary.content. This is a Base64 encoded .zip file containing JSon files corresponding to the report groups.\n### Example output\nAll returned objects are Fhir resources. See the implementation guide for details\n\n    {\n        'EHealthPractitioner': {\n            'resourceType': 'Practitioner',\n            'id': '20599',\n            'meta': {\n                'versionId': '1',\n                'profile': ['']\n            },\n            'name': [{\n                    'family': '2f82a48c-61cc-4c7f-855a-3e6b59729ef1'\n                }\n            ]\n        },\n        'EHealthPractitionerRole': [],\n        'EHealthCareTeam': [{\n                'resourceType': 'CareTeam',\n                'id': '99438',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'identifier': [{\n                        'id': 'f556eab1-dbe9-40e3-9edd-149fa3bd1ae0',\n                        'system': 'urn:ietf:rfc:3986'\n                    }\n                ],\n                'status': 'active',\n                'name': 'f9d27974-6a6a-44fb-b6eb-bcd22d769a18',\n                'participant': [{\n                        'member': {\n                            'reference': ''\n                        }\n                    }\n                ],\n                'reasonCode': [{\n                        'coding': [{\n                                'system': '',\n                                'code': 'TBD'\n                            }\n                        ]\n                    }\n                ],\n                'managingOrganization': [{\n                        'reference': ''\n                    }\n                ]\n            }\n        ]\n    }" ]     ] [
fhir:name [ fhir:v "execute-practitioner-gdpr" ] ;
fhir:definition [
fhir:v ""^^xsd:anyURI ;
fhir:link <>       ] ;
fhir:documentation [ fhir:v "### Report Contents\nThis report contains all information related to the specified Practitioner\n- Practitioner\n- CareTeam\n- PractitionerRole\n### Grouping \nNone. The report is returned in a single JSon file.\n### Parameters\n- organization: \n    - Practitioner: Not filtered\n    - CareTeam: Filter on CareTeam.ManagingOrganization match\n    - PractitionerRole: Filter on PractitionerRole.Organization match\n- period: not used\n- practitionerID: The practitioner to fetch information for\n### Output\nOutput can be found in Binary.content. This is a Base64 encoded .zip file containing JSon files corresponding to the report groups.\n### Example output\nAll returned objects are Fhir resources. See the implementation guide for details\n\n    {\n        'EHealthPractitioner': {\n            'resourceType': 'Practitioner',\n            'id': '20599',\n            'meta': {\n                'versionId': '1',\n                'profile': ['']\n            },\n            'name': [{\n                    'family': '2f82a48c-61cc-4c7f-855a-3e6b59729ef1'\n                }\n            ]\n        },\n        'EHealthPractitionerRole': [],\n        'EHealthCareTeam': [{\n                'resourceType': 'CareTeam',\n                'id': '99438',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'identifier': [{\n                        'id': 'f556eab1-dbe9-40e3-9edd-149fa3bd1ae0',\n                        'system': 'urn:ietf:rfc:3986'\n                    }\n                ],\n                'status': 'active',\n                'name': 'f9d27974-6a6a-44fb-b6eb-bcd22d769a18',\n                'participant': [{\n                        'member': {\n                            'reference': ''\n                        }\n                    }\n                ],\n                'reasonCode': [{\n                        'coding': [{\n                                'system': '',\n                                'code': 'TBD'\n                            }\n                        ]\n                    }\n                ],\n                'managingOrganization': [{\n                        'reference': ''\n                    }\n                ]\n            }\n        ]\n    }" ]     ] [
fhir:name [ fhir:v "schedule-patient-total" ] ;
fhir:definition [
fhir:v ""^^xsd:anyURI ;
fhir:link <>       ] ;
fhir:documentation [ fhir:v "### Report Contents\nThis report contains clinical information for each Patient\n### Grouping \nThis report is grouped by EpsiodeOfCare. Each group is returned in a separate JSon file.\n### Parameters\n- organization: Filter on EpisodeOfCare.managingOrganization match\n- period: Filter on EpisodeOfCare.period overlap\n- conditionCode: Filter on Condition.code related to EpisodeOfCare\n- status: Filter on EpisodeOfCare.status\n### Output\nOutput can be found in Binary.content. This is a Base64 encoded .zip file containing JSon files corresponding to the report groups.\n### Example output\nAll returned objects are Fhir resources. See the implementation guide for details\n\n    {\n        'Patient': {\n            'resourceType': 'Patient',\n            'id': '70791',\n            'meta': {\n                'versionId': '1'\n            }\n        },\n        'EHealthEpisodeOfCare': [{\n                'resourceType': 'EpisodeOfCare',\n                'id': '10928',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'extension': [{\n                        'url': '',\n                        'valueReference': {\n                            'reference': ''\n                        }\n                    }\n                ],\n                'status': 'active',\n                'diagnosis': [{\n                        'condition': {\n                            'reference': ''\n                        },\n                        'rank': 1\n                    }\n                ],\n                'patient': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'managingOrganization': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'period': {\n                    'start': '1970-01-01T01:00:01+01:00',\n                    'end': '1970-01-01T01:01:40+01:00'\n                }\n            }, {\n                'resourceType': 'EpisodeOfCare',\n                'id': '48392',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'extension': [{\n                        'url': '',\n                        'valueReference': {\n                            'reference': ''\n                        }\n                    }\n                ],\n                'status': 'active',\n                'diagnosis': [{\n                        'condition': {\n                            'reference': ''\n                        },\n                        'rank': 1\n                    }\n                ],\n                'patient': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'managingOrganization': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'period': {\n                    'start': '1970-01-01T01:00:01+01:00',\n                    'end': '1970-01-01T01:01:40+01:00'\n                }\n            }\n        ],\n        'EHealthDeviceUseStatement': [{\n                'resourceType': 'DeviceUseStatement',\n                'id': '4021',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'extension': [{\n                        'url': '',\n                        'valueReference': {\n                            'reference': ''\n                        }\n                    }\n                ],\n                'status': 'active',\n                'subject': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'device': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                }\n            }, {\n                'resourceType': 'DeviceUseStatement',\n                'id': '5732',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'extension': [{\n                        'url': '',\n                        'valueReference': {\n                            'reference': ''\n                        }\n                    }\n                ],\n                'status': 'active',\n                'subject': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'device': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                }\n            }\n        ],\n        'EHealthDevice': [{\n                'resourceType': 'Device',\n                'id': '81729',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'extension': [{\n                        'url': '',\n                        'valueBoolean': true\n                    }\n                ],\n                'status': 'active'\n            }, {\n                'resourceType': 'Device',\n                'id': '91432',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'extension': [{\n                        'url': '',\n                        'valueBoolean': true\n                    }\n                ],\n                'status': 'active'\n            }\n        ],\n        'EHealthDeviceMetric': [{\n                'resourceType': 'DeviceMetric',\n                'id': '35094',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'extension': [{\n                        'url': '',\n                        'extension': [{\n                                'url': 'category',\n                                'valueCodeableConcept': {\n                                    'coding': [{\n                                            'system': '',\n                                            'code': 'initial'\n                                        }\n                                    ]\n                                }\n                            }, {\n                                'url': 'value',\n                                'valueInteger': 5\n                            }\n                        ]\n                    }, {\n                        'url': '',\n                        'extension': [{\n                                'url': 'category',\n                                'valueCodeableConcept': {\n                                    'coding': [{\n                                            'system': '',\n                                            'code': 'initial'\n                                        }\n                                    ]\n                                }\n                            }, {\n                                'url': 'value',\n                                'valueInteger': 10\n                            }\n                        ]\n                    }, {\n                        'url': '',\n                        'extension': [{\n                                'url': 'category',\n                                'valueCodeableConcept': {\n                                    'coding': [{\n                                            'system': '',\n                                            'code': 'initial'\n                                        }\n                                    ]\n                                }\n                            }, {\n                                'url': 'value',\n                                'valueInteger': 12\n                            }\n                        ]\n                    }, {\n                        'url': '',\n                        'extension': [{\n                                'url': 'category',\n                                'valueCodeableConcept': {\n                                    'coding': [{\n                                            'system': '',\n                                            'code': 'initial'\n                                        }\n                                    ]\n                                }\n                            }, {\n                                'url': 'value',\n                                'valueInteger': 14\n                            }\n                        ]\n                    }\n                ],\n                'identifier': {\n                    'value': 'Foo'\n                },\n                'type': {\n                    'text': 'code'\n                },\n                'source': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'category': 'calculation'\n            }, {\n                'resourceType': 'DeviceMetric',\n                'id': '22449',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'extension': [{\n                        'url': '',\n                        'extension': [{\n                                'url': 'category',\n                                'valueCodeableConcept': {\n                                    'coding': [{\n                                            'system': '',\n                                            'code': 'initial'\n                                        }\n                                    ]\n                                }\n                            }, {\n                                'url': 'value',\n                                'valueInteger': 5\n                            }\n                        ]\n                    }, {\n                        'url': '',\n                        'extension': [{\n                                'url': 'category',\n                                'valueCodeableConcept': {\n                                    'coding': [{\n                                            'system': '',\n                                            'code': 'initial'\n                                        }\n                                    ]\n                                }\n                            }, {\n                                'url': 'value',\n                                'valueInteger': 10\n                            }\n                        ]\n                    }, {\n                        'url': '',\n                        'extension': [{\n                                'url': 'category',\n                                'valueCodeableConcept': {\n                                    'coding': [{\n                                            'system': '',\n                                            'code': 'initial'\n                                        }\n                                    ]\n                                }\n                            }, {\n                                'url': 'value',\n                                'valueInteger': 12\n                            }\n                        ]\n                    }, {\n                        'url': '',\n                        'extension': [{\n                                'url': 'category',\n                                'valueCodeableConcept': {\n                                    'coding': [{\n                                            'system': '',\n                                            'code': 'initial'\n                                        }\n                                    ]\n                                }\n                            }, {\n                                'url': 'value',\n                                'valueInteger': 14\n                            }\n                        ]\n                    }\n                ],\n                'identifier': {\n                    'value': 'Foo'\n                },\n                'type': {\n                    'text': 'code'\n                },\n                'source': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'category': 'calculation'\n            }\n        ],\n        'EHealthConsent': [{\n                'resourceType': 'Consent',\n                'id': '51690',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'status': 'active',\n                'category': [{\n                        'coding': [{\n                                'code': 'TBD'\n                            }\n                        ]\n                    }\n                ],\n                'patient': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'period': {\n                    'start': '1970-01-01T01:00:01+01:00',\n                    'end': '1970-01-01T01:01:40+01:00'\n                },\n                'consentingParty': [{\n                        'reference': ''\n                    }\n                ],\n                'actor': [{\n                        'id': 'f31bec27-965f-49ea-b8fe-5fdb259c539d',\n                        'role': {\n                            'coding': [{\n                                    'code': 'authserver'\n                                }\n                            ]\n                        },\n                        'reference': {\n                            'reference': ''\n                        }\n                    }\n                ],\n                'policyRule': 'Rule',\n                'data': [{\n                        'meaning': 'related',\n                        'reference': {\n                            'reference': ''\n                        }\n                    }\n                ]\n            }\n        ],\n        'EHealthCarePlan': [{\n                'resourceType': 'CarePlan',\n                'id': '87235',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'definition': [{\n                        'reference': ''\n                    }\n                ],\n                'status': 'draft',\n                'intent': 'option',\n                'category': [{\n                        'coding': [{\n                                'system': '',\n                                'code': 'TBD'\n                            }\n                        ]\n                    }\n                ],\n                'subject': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'context': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'period': {\n                    'start': '1970-01-01T01:00:01+01:00',\n                    'end': '1970-01-01T01:01:40+01:00'\n                },\n                'addresses': [{\n                        'reference': ''\n                    }\n                ]\n            }, {\n                'resourceType': 'CarePlan',\n                'id': '23385',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'definition': [{\n                        'reference': ''\n                    }\n                ],\n                'status': 'draft',\n                'intent': 'option',\n                'category': [{\n                        'coding': [{\n                                'system': '',\n                                'code': 'TBD'\n                            }\n                        ]\n                    }\n                ],\n                'subject': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'context': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'period': {\n                    'start': '1970-01-01T01:00:01+01:00',\n                    'end': '1970-01-01T01:01:40+01:00'\n                },\n                'addresses': [{\n                        'reference': ''\n                    }\n                ]\n            }\n        ],\n        'EHealthServiceRequest': [{\n                'resourceType': 'ServiceRequest',\n                'id': '18904',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'extension': [{\n                        'url': '',\n                        'valueCodeableConcept': {\n                            'coding': [{\n                                    'system': '',\n                                    'code': 'TBD'\n                                }\n                            ]\n                        }\n                    }\n                ],\n                'definition': [{\n                        'reference': ''\n                    }\n                ],\n                'status': 'completed',\n                'intent': 'filler-order',\n                'code': {\n                    'coding': [{\n                            'system': '',\n                            'code': 'TBD'\n                        }\n                    ],\n                    'text': '7654414a-7f86-4170-9920-fde60368b58b'\n                },\n                'subject': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'context': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                }\n            }\n        ],\n        'EHealthCondition': [{\n                'resourceType': 'Condition',\n                'id': '22743',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'clinicalStatus': 'active',\n                'code': {\n                    'coding': [{\n                            'system': '',\n                            'code': 'TBD'\n                        }\n                    ]\n                },\n                'subject': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'context': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                }\n            }\n        ],\n        'EHealthObservation': [{\n                'resourceType': 'Observation',\n                'id': '55832',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'basedOn': [{\n                        'reference': ''\n                    }\n                ],\n                'status': 'amended',\n                'code': {\n                    'coding': [{\n                            'system': 'urn:oid:',\n                            'code': 'NPU03011'\n                        }\n                    ]\n                },\n                'subject': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'context': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'effectivePeriod': {\n                    'start': '2020-03-26T13:37:40+01:00',\n                    'end': '2020-03-26T13:37:40+01:00'\n                },\n                'performer': [{\n                        'reference': ''\n                    }\n                ],\n                'device': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                }\n            }\n        ],\n        'EHealthQuestionnaireResponse': [{\n                'resourceType': 'QuestionnaireResponse',\n                'id': '21957',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'basedOn': [{\n                        'reference': ''\n                    }\n                ],\n                'questionnaire': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'status': 'completed',\n                'subject': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'context': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'authored': '2020-03-26T13:37:40+01:00',\n                'source': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                }\n            }\n        ],\n        'EHealthMedia': [{\n                'resourceType': 'Media',\n                'id': '18256',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'extension': [{\n                        'url': '',\n                        'extension': [{\n                                'url': 'qualityType',\n                                'valueCodeableConcept': {\n                                    'coding': [{\n                                            'system': '',\n                                            'code': 'TBD'\n                                        }\n                                    ]\n                                }\n                            }, {\n                                'url': 'qualityCode',\n                                'valueCodeableConcept': {\n                                    'coding': [{\n                                            'system': '',\n                                            'code': 'TBD'\n                                        }\n                                    ]\n                                }\n                            }\n                        ]\n                    }\n                ],\n                'basedOn': [{\n                        'reference': ''\n                    }\n                ],\n                'type': 'audio',\n                'subject': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'context': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'occurrenceDateTime': '2020-03-26T13:37:40+01:00',\n                'content': {\n                    'language': 'en'\n                }\n            }\n        ],\n        'EHealthClinicalImpression': [{\n                'resourceType': 'ClinicalImpression',\n                'id': '39697',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'status': 'draft',\n                'code': {\n                    'coding': [{\n                            'system': '',\n                            'code': 'TBD'\n                        }\n                    ]\n                },\n                'subject': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'context': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                }\n            }\n        ]\n    }" ]     ] [
fhir:name [ fhir:v "fetch-patient-total" ] ;
fhir:definition [
fhir:v ""^^xsd:anyURI ;
fhir:link <>       ] ;
fhir:documentation [ fhir:v "### Report Contents\nThis report contains clinical information for each Patient\n### Grouping \nThis report is grouped by EpsiodeOfCare. Each group is returned in a separate JSon file.\n### Parameters\n- organization: Filter on EpisodeOfCare.managingOrganization match\n- period: Filter on EpisodeOfCare.period overlap\n- conditionCode: Filter on Condition.code related to EpisodeOfCare\n- status: Filter on EpisodeOfCare.status\n### Output\nOutput can be found in Binary.content. This is a Base64 encoded .zip file containing JSon files corresponding to the report groups.\n### Example output\nAll returned objects are Fhir resources. See the implementation guide for details\n\n    {\n        'Patient': {\n            'resourceType': 'Patient',\n            'id': '70791',\n            'meta': {\n                'versionId': '1'\n            }\n        },\n        'EHealthEpisodeOfCare': [{\n                'resourceType': 'EpisodeOfCare',\n                'id': '10928',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'extension': [{\n                        'url': '',\n                        'valueReference': {\n                            'reference': ''\n                        }\n                    }\n                ],\n                'status': 'active',\n                'diagnosis': [{\n                        'condition': {\n                            'reference': ''\n                        },\n                        'rank': 1\n                    }\n                ],\n                'patient': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'managingOrganization': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'period': {\n                    'start': '1970-01-01T01:00:01+01:00',\n                    'end': '1970-01-01T01:01:40+01:00'\n                }\n            }, {\n                'resourceType': 'EpisodeOfCare',\n                'id': '48392',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'extension': [{\n                        'url': '',\n                        'valueReference': {\n                            'reference': ''\n                        }\n                    }\n                ],\n                'status': 'active',\n                'diagnosis': [{\n                        'condition': {\n                            'reference': ''\n                        },\n                        'rank': 1\n                    }\n                ],\n                'patient': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'managingOrganization': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'period': {\n                    'start': '1970-01-01T01:00:01+01:00',\n                    'end': '1970-01-01T01:01:40+01:00'\n                }\n            }\n        ],\n        'EHealthDeviceUseStatement': [{\n                'resourceType': 'DeviceUseStatement',\n                'id': '4021',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'extension': [{\n                        'url': '',\n                        'valueReference': {\n                            'reference': ''\n                        }\n                    }\n                ],\n                'status': 'active',\n                'subject': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'device': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                }\n            }, {\n                'resourceType': 'DeviceUseStatement',\n                'id': '5732',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'extension': [{\n                        'url': '',\n                        'valueReference': {\n                            'reference': ''\n                        }\n                    }\n                ],\n                'status': 'active',\n                'subject': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'device': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                }\n            }\n        ],\n        'EHealthDevice': [{\n                'resourceType': 'Device',\n                'id': '81729',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'extension': [{\n                        'url': '',\n                        'valueBoolean': true\n                    }\n                ],\n                'status': 'active'\n            }, {\n                'resourceType': 'Device',\n                'id': '91432',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'extension': [{\n                        'url': '',\n                        'valueBoolean': true\n                    }\n                ],\n                'status': 'active'\n            }\n        ],\n        'EHealthDeviceMetric': [{\n                'resourceType': 'DeviceMetric',\n                'id': '35094',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'extension': [{\n                        'url': '',\n                        'extension': [{\n                                'url': 'category',\n                                'valueCodeableConcept': {\n                                    'coding': [{\n                                            'system': '',\n                                            'code': 'initial'\n                                        }\n                                    ]\n                                }\n                            }, {\n                                'url': 'value',\n                                'valueInteger': 5\n                            }\n                        ]\n                    }, {\n                        'url': '',\n                        'extension': [{\n                                'url': 'category',\n                                'valueCodeableConcept': {\n                                    'coding': [{\n                                            'system': '',\n                                            'code': 'initial'\n                                        }\n                                    ]\n                                }\n                            }, {\n                                'url': 'value',\n                                'valueInteger': 10\n                            }\n                        ]\n                    }, {\n                        'url': '',\n                        'extension': [{\n                                'url': 'category',\n                                'valueCodeableConcept': {\n                                    'coding': [{\n                                            'system': '',\n                                            'code': 'initial'\n                                        }\n                                    ]\n                                }\n                            }, {\n                                'url': 'value',\n                                'valueInteger': 12\n                            }\n                        ]\n                    }, {\n                        'url': '',\n                        'extension': [{\n                                'url': 'category',\n                                'valueCodeableConcept': {\n                                    'coding': [{\n                                            'system': '',\n                                            'code': 'initial'\n                                        }\n                                    ]\n                                }\n                            }, {\n                                'url': 'value',\n                                'valueInteger': 14\n                            }\n                        ]\n                    }\n                ],\n                'identifier': {\n                    'value': 'Foo'\n                },\n                'type': {\n                    'text': 'code'\n                },\n                'source': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'category': 'calculation'\n            }, {\n                'resourceType': 'DeviceMetric',\n                'id': '22449',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'extension': [{\n                        'url': '',\n                        'extension': [{\n                                'url': 'category',\n                                'valueCodeableConcept': {\n                                    'coding': [{\n                                            'system': '',\n                                            'code': 'initial'\n                                        }\n                                    ]\n                                }\n                            }, {\n                                'url': 'value',\n                                'valueInteger': 5\n                            }\n                        ]\n                    }, {\n                        'url': '',\n                        'extension': [{\n                                'url': 'category',\n                                'valueCodeableConcept': {\n                                    'coding': [{\n                                            'system': '',\n                                            'code': 'initial'\n                                        }\n                                    ]\n                                }\n                            }, {\n                                'url': 'value',\n                                'valueInteger': 10\n                            }\n                        ]\n                    }, {\n                        'url': '',\n                        'extension': [{\n                                'url': 'category',\n                                'valueCodeableConcept': {\n                                    'coding': [{\n                                            'system': '',\n                                            'code': 'initial'\n                                        }\n                                    ]\n                                }\n                            }, {\n                                'url': 'value',\n                                'valueInteger': 12\n                            }\n                        ]\n                    }, {\n                        'url': '',\n                        'extension': [{\n                                'url': 'category',\n                                'valueCodeableConcept': {\n                                    'coding': [{\n                                            'system': '',\n                                            'code': 'initial'\n                                        }\n                                    ]\n                                }\n                            }, {\n                                'url': 'value',\n                                'valueInteger': 14\n                            }\n                        ]\n                    }\n                ],\n                'identifier': {\n                    'value': 'Foo'\n                },\n                'type': {\n                    'text': 'code'\n                },\n                'source': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'category': 'calculation'\n            }\n        ],\n        'EHealthConsent': [{\n                'resourceType': 'Consent',\n                'id': '51690',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'status': 'active',\n                'category': [{\n                        'coding': [{\n                                'code': 'TBD'\n                            }\n                        ]\n                    }\n                ],\n                'patient': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'period': {\n                    'start': '1970-01-01T01:00:01+01:00',\n                    'end': '1970-01-01T01:01:40+01:00'\n                },\n                'consentingParty': [{\n                        'reference': ''\n                    }\n                ],\n                'actor': [{\n                        'id': 'f31bec27-965f-49ea-b8fe-5fdb259c539d',\n                        'role': {\n                            'coding': [{\n                                    'code': 'authserver'\n                                }\n                            ]\n                        },\n                        'reference': {\n                            'reference': ''\n                        }\n                    }\n                ],\n                'policyRule': 'Rule',\n                'data': [{\n                        'meaning': 'related',\n                        'reference': {\n                            'reference': ''\n                        }\n                    }\n                ]\n            }\n        ],\n        'EHealthCarePlan': [{\n                'resourceType': 'CarePlan',\n                'id': '87235',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'definition': [{\n                        'reference': ''\n                    }\n                ],\n                'status': 'draft',\n                'intent': 'option',\n                'category': [{\n                        'coding': [{\n                                'system': '',\n                                'code': 'TBD'\n                            }\n                        ]\n                    }\n                ],\n                'subject': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'context': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'period': {\n                    'start': '1970-01-01T01:00:01+01:00',\n                    'end': '1970-01-01T01:01:40+01:00'\n                },\n                'addresses': [{\n                        'reference': ''\n                    }\n                ]\n            }, {\n                'resourceType': 'CarePlan',\n                'id': '23385',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'definition': [{\n                        'reference': ''\n                    }\n                ],\n                'status': 'draft',\n                'intent': 'option',\n                'category': [{\n                        'coding': [{\n                                'system': '',\n                                'code': 'TBD'\n                            }\n                        ]\n                    }\n                ],\n                'subject': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'context': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'period': {\n                    'start': '1970-01-01T01:00:01+01:00',\n                    'end': '1970-01-01T01:01:40+01:00'\n                },\n                'addresses': [{\n                        'reference': ''\n                    }\n                ]\n            }\n        ],\n        'EHealthServiceRequest': [{\n                'resourceType': 'ServiceRequest',\n                'id': '18904',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'extension': [{\n                        'url': '',\n                        'valueCodeableConcept': {\n                            'coding': [{\n                                    'system': '',\n                                    'code': 'TBD'\n                                }\n                            ]\n                        }\n                    }\n                ],\n                'definition': [{\n                        'reference': ''\n                    }\n                ],\n                'status': 'completed',\n                'intent': 'filler-order',\n                'code': {\n                    'coding': [{\n                            'system': '',\n                            'code': 'TBD'\n                        }\n                    ],\n                    'text': '7654414a-7f86-4170-9920-fde60368b58b'\n                },\n                'subject': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'context': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                }\n            }\n        ],\n        'EHealthCondition': [{\n                'resourceType': 'Condition',\n                'id': '22743',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'clinicalStatus': 'active',\n                'code': {\n                    'coding': [{\n                            'system': '',\n                            'code': 'TBD'\n                        }\n                    ]\n                },\n                'subject': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'context': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                }\n            }\n        ],\n        'EHealthObservation': [{\n                'resourceType': 'Observation',\n                'id': '55832',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'basedOn': [{\n                        'reference': ''\n                    }\n                ],\n                'status': 'amended',\n                'code': {\n                    'coding': [{\n                            'system': 'urn:oid:',\n                            'code': 'NPU03011'\n                        }\n                    ]\n                },\n                'subject': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'context': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'effectivePeriod': {\n                    'start': '2020-03-26T13:37:40+01:00',\n                    'end': '2020-03-26T13:37:40+01:00'\n                },\n                'performer': [{\n                        'reference': ''\n                    }\n                ],\n                'device': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                }\n            }\n        ],\n        'EHealthQuestionnaireResponse': [{\n                'resourceType': 'QuestionnaireResponse',\n                'id': '21957',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'basedOn': [{\n                        'reference': ''\n                    }\n                ],\n                'questionnaire': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'status': 'completed',\n                'subject': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'context': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'authored': '2020-03-26T13:37:40+01:00',\n                'source': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                }\n            }\n        ],\n        'EHealthMedia': [{\n                'resourceType': 'Media',\n                'id': '18256',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'extension': [{\n                        'url': '',\n                        'extension': [{\n                                'url': 'qualityType',\n                                'valueCodeableConcept': {\n                                    'coding': [{\n                                            'system': '',\n                                            'code': 'TBD'\n                                        }\n                                    ]\n                                }\n                            }, {\n                                'url': 'qualityCode',\n                                'valueCodeableConcept': {\n                                    'coding': [{\n                                            'system': '',\n                                            'code': 'TBD'\n                                        }\n                                    ]\n                                }\n                            }\n                        ]\n                    }\n                ],\n                'basedOn': [{\n                        'reference': ''\n                    }\n                ],\n                'type': 'audio',\n                'subject': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'context': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'occurrenceDateTime': '2020-03-26T13:37:40+01:00',\n                'content': {\n                    'language': 'en'\n                }\n            }\n        ],\n        'EHealthClinicalImpression': [{\n                'resourceType': 'ClinicalImpression',\n                'id': '39697',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'status': 'draft',\n                'code': {\n                    'coding': [{\n                            'system': '',\n                            'code': 'TBD'\n                        }\n                    ]\n                },\n                'subject': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'context': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                }\n            }\n        ]\n    }" ]     ] [
fhir:name [ fhir:v "execute-patient-total" ] ;
fhir:definition [
fhir:v ""^^xsd:anyURI ;
fhir:link <>       ] ;
fhir:documentation [ fhir:v "### Report Contents\nThis report contains clinical information for each Patient\n### Grouping \nThis report is grouped by EpsiodeOfCare. Each group is returned in a separate JSon file.\n### Parameters\n- organization: Filter on EpisodeOfCare.managingOrganization match\n- period: Filter on EpisodeOfCare.period overlap\n- conditionCode: Filter on Condition.code related to EpisodeOfCare\n- status: Filter on EpisodeOfCare.status\n### Output\nOutput can be found in Binary.content. This is a Base64 encoded .zip file containing JSon files corresponding to the report groups.\n### Example output\nAll returned objects are Fhir resources. See the implementation guide for details\n\n    {\n        'Patient': {\n            'resourceType': 'Patient',\n            'id': '70791',\n            'meta': {\n                'versionId': '1'\n            }\n        },\n        'EHealthEpisodeOfCare': [{\n                'resourceType': 'EpisodeOfCare',\n                'id': '10928',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'extension': [{\n                        'url': '',\n                        'valueReference': {\n                            'reference': ''\n                        }\n                    }\n                ],\n                'status': 'active',\n                'diagnosis': [{\n                        'condition': {\n                            'reference': ''\n                        },\n                        'rank': 1\n                    }\n                ],\n                'patient': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'managingOrganization': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'period': {\n                    'start': '1970-01-01T01:00:01+01:00',\n                    'end': '1970-01-01T01:01:40+01:00'\n                }\n            }, {\n                'resourceType': 'EpisodeOfCare',\n                'id': '48392',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'extension': [{\n                        'url': '',\n                        'valueReference': {\n                            'reference': ''\n                        }\n                    }\n                ],\n                'status': 'active',\n                'diagnosis': [{\n                        'condition': {\n                            'reference': ''\n                        },\n                        'rank': 1\n                    }\n                ],\n                'patient': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'managingOrganization': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'period': {\n                    'start': '1970-01-01T01:00:01+01:00',\n                    'end': '1970-01-01T01:01:40+01:00'\n                }\n            }\n        ],\n        'EHealthDeviceUseStatement': [{\n                'resourceType': 'DeviceUseStatement',\n                'id': '4021',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'extension': [{\n                        'url': '',\n                        'valueReference': {\n                            'reference': ''\n                        }\n                    }\n                ],\n                'status': 'active',\n                'subject': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'device': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                }\n            }, {\n                'resourceType': 'DeviceUseStatement',\n                'id': '5732',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'extension': [{\n                        'url': '',\n                        'valueReference': {\n                            'reference': ''\n                        }\n                    }\n                ],\n                'status': 'active',\n                'subject': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'device': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                }\n            }\n        ],\n        'EHealthDevice': [{\n                'resourceType': 'Device',\n                'id': '81729',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'extension': [{\n                        'url': '',\n                        'valueBoolean': true\n                    }\n                ],\n                'status': 'active'\n            }, {\n                'resourceType': 'Device',\n                'id': '91432',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'extension': [{\n                        'url': '',\n                        'valueBoolean': true\n                    }\n                ],\n                'status': 'active'\n            }\n        ],\n        'EHealthDeviceMetric': [{\n                'resourceType': 'DeviceMetric',\n                'id': '35094',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'extension': [{\n                        'url': '',\n                        'extension': [{\n                                'url': 'category',\n                                'valueCodeableConcept': {\n                                    'coding': [{\n                                            'system': '',\n                                            'code': 'initial'\n                                        }\n                                    ]\n                                }\n                            }, {\n                                'url': 'value',\n                                'valueInteger': 5\n                            }\n                        ]\n                    }, {\n                        'url': '',\n                        'extension': [{\n                                'url': 'category',\n                                'valueCodeableConcept': {\n                                    'coding': [{\n                                            'system': '',\n                                            'code': 'initial'\n                                        }\n                                    ]\n                                }\n                            }, {\n                                'url': 'value',\n                                'valueInteger': 10\n                            }\n                        ]\n                    }, {\n                        'url': '',\n                        'extension': [{\n                                'url': 'category',\n                                'valueCodeableConcept': {\n                                    'coding': [{\n                                            'system': '',\n                                            'code': 'initial'\n                                        }\n                                    ]\n                                }\n                            }, {\n                                'url': 'value',\n                                'valueInteger': 12\n                            }\n                        ]\n                    }, {\n                        'url': '',\n                        'extension': [{\n                                'url': 'category',\n                                'valueCodeableConcept': {\n                                    'coding': [{\n                                            'system': '',\n                                            'code': 'initial'\n                                        }\n                                    ]\n                                }\n                            }, {\n                                'url': 'value',\n                                'valueInteger': 14\n                            }\n                        ]\n                    }\n                ],\n                'identifier': {\n                    'value': 'Foo'\n                },\n                'type': {\n                    'text': 'code'\n                },\n                'source': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'category': 'calculation'\n            }, {\n                'resourceType': 'DeviceMetric',\n                'id': '22449',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'extension': [{\n                        'url': '',\n                        'extension': [{\n                                'url': 'category',\n                                'valueCodeableConcept': {\n                                    'coding': [{\n                                            'system': '',\n                                            'code': 'initial'\n                                        }\n                                    ]\n                                }\n                            }, {\n                                'url': 'value',\n                                'valueInteger': 5\n                            }\n                        ]\n                    }, {\n                        'url': '',\n                        'extension': [{\n                                'url': 'category',\n                                'valueCodeableConcept': {\n                                    'coding': [{\n                                            'system': '',\n                                            'code': 'initial'\n                                        }\n                                    ]\n                                }\n                            }, {\n                                'url': 'value',\n                                'valueInteger': 10\n                            }\n                        ]\n                    }, {\n                        'url': '',\n                        'extension': [{\n                                'url': 'category',\n                                'valueCodeableConcept': {\n                                    'coding': [{\n                                            'system': '',\n                                            'code': 'initial'\n                                        }\n                                    ]\n                                }\n                            }, {\n                                'url': 'value',\n                                'valueInteger': 12\n                            }\n                        ]\n                    }, {\n                        'url': '',\n                        'extension': [{\n                                'url': 'category',\n                                'valueCodeableConcept': {\n                                    'coding': [{\n                                            'system': '',\n                                            'code': 'initial'\n                                        }\n                                    ]\n                                }\n                            }, {\n                                'url': 'value',\n                                'valueInteger': 14\n                            }\n                        ]\n                    }\n                ],\n                'identifier': {\n                    'value': 'Foo'\n                },\n                'type': {\n                    'text': 'code'\n                },\n                'source': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'category': 'calculation'\n            }\n        ],\n        'EHealthConsent': [{\n                'resourceType': 'Consent',\n                'id': '51690',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'status': 'active',\n                'category': [{\n                        'coding': [{\n                                'code': 'TBD'\n                            }\n                        ]\n                    }\n                ],\n                'patient': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'period': {\n                    'start': '1970-01-01T01:00:01+01:00',\n                    'end': '1970-01-01T01:01:40+01:00'\n                },\n                'consentingParty': [{\n                        'reference': ''\n                    }\n                ],\n                'actor': [{\n                        'id': 'f31bec27-965f-49ea-b8fe-5fdb259c539d',\n                        'role': {\n                            'coding': [{\n                                    'code': 'authserver'\n                                }\n                            ]\n                        },\n                        'reference': {\n                            'reference': ''\n                        }\n                    }\n                ],\n                'policyRule': 'Rule',\n                'data': [{\n                        'meaning': 'related',\n                        'reference': {\n                            'reference': ''\n                        }\n                    }\n                ]\n            }\n        ],\n        'EHealthCarePlan': [{\n                'resourceType': 'CarePlan',\n                'id': '87235',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'definition': [{\n                        'reference': ''\n                    }\n                ],\n                'status': 'draft',\n                'intent': 'option',\n                'category': [{\n                        'coding': [{\n                                'system': '',\n                                'code': 'TBD'\n                            }\n                        ]\n                    }\n                ],\n                'subject': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'context': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'period': {\n                    'start': '1970-01-01T01:00:01+01:00',\n                    'end': '1970-01-01T01:01:40+01:00'\n                },\n                'addresses': [{\n                        'reference': ''\n                    }\n                ]\n            }, {\n                'resourceType': 'CarePlan',\n                'id': '23385',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'definition': [{\n                        'reference': ''\n                    }\n                ],\n                'status': 'draft',\n                'intent': 'option',\n                'category': [{\n                        'coding': [{\n                                'system': '',\n                                'code': 'TBD'\n                            }\n                        ]\n                    }\n                ],\n                'subject': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'context': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'period': {\n                    'start': '1970-01-01T01:00:01+01:00',\n                    'end': '1970-01-01T01:01:40+01:00'\n                },\n                'addresses': [{\n                        'reference': ''\n                    }\n                ]\n            }\n        ],\n        'EHealthServiceRequest': [{\n                'resourceType': 'ServiceRequest',\n                'id': '18904',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'extension': [{\n                        'url': '',\n                        'valueCodeableConcept': {\n                            'coding': [{\n                                    'system': '',\n                                    'code': 'TBD'\n                                }\n                            ]\n                        }\n                    }\n                ],\n                'definition': [{\n                        'reference': ''\n                    }\n                ],\n                'status': 'completed',\n                'intent': 'filler-order',\n                'code': {\n                    'coding': [{\n                            'system': '',\n                            'code': 'TBD'\n                        }\n                    ],\n                    'text': '7654414a-7f86-4170-9920-fde60368b58b'\n                },\n                'subject': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'context': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                }\n            }\n        ],\n        'EHealthCondition': [{\n                'resourceType': 'Condition',\n                'id': '22743',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'clinicalStatus': 'active',\n                'code': {\n                    'coding': [{\n                            'system': '',\n                            'code': 'TBD'\n                        }\n                    ]\n                },\n                'subject': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'context': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                }\n            }\n        ],\n        'EHealthObservation': [{\n                'resourceType': 'Observation',\n                'id': '55832',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'basedOn': [{\n                        'reference': ''\n                    }\n                ],\n                'status': 'amended',\n                'code': {\n                    'coding': [{\n                            'system': 'urn:oid:',\n                            'code': 'NPU03011'\n                        }\n                    ]\n                },\n                'subject': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'context': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'effectivePeriod': {\n                    'start': '2020-03-26T13:37:40+01:00',\n                    'end': '2020-03-26T13:37:40+01:00'\n                },\n                'performer': [{\n                        'reference': ''\n                    }\n                ],\n                'device': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                }\n            }\n        ],\n        'EHealthQuestionnaireResponse': [{\n                'resourceType': 'QuestionnaireResponse',\n                'id': '21957',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'basedOn': [{\n                        'reference': ''\n                    }\n                ],\n                'questionnaire': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'status': 'completed',\n                'subject': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'context': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'authored': '2020-03-26T13:37:40+01:00',\n                'source': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                }\n            }\n        ],\n        'EHealthMedia': [{\n                'resourceType': 'Media',\n                'id': '18256',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'extension': [{\n                        'url': '',\n                        'extension': [{\n                                'url': 'qualityType',\n                                'valueCodeableConcept': {\n                                    'coding': [{\n                                            'system': '',\n                                            'code': 'TBD'\n                                        }\n                                    ]\n                                }\n                            }, {\n                                'url': 'qualityCode',\n                                'valueCodeableConcept': {\n                                    'coding': [{\n                                            'system': '',\n                                            'code': 'TBD'\n                                        }\n                                    ]\n                                }\n                            }\n                        ]\n                    }\n                ],\n                'basedOn': [{\n                        'reference': ''\n                    }\n                ],\n                'type': 'audio',\n                'subject': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'context': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'occurrenceDateTime': '2020-03-26T13:37:40+01:00',\n                'content': {\n                    'language': 'en'\n                }\n            }\n        ],\n        'EHealthClinicalImpression': [{\n                'resourceType': 'ClinicalImpression',\n                'id': '39697',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'status': 'draft',\n                'code': {\n                    'coding': [{\n                            'system': '',\n                            'code': 'TBD'\n                        }\n                    ]\n                },\n                'subject': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'context': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                }\n            }\n        ]\n    }" ]     ] [
fhir:name [ fhir:v "schedule-patient-gdpr" ] ;
fhir:definition [
fhir:v ""^^xsd:anyURI ;
fhir:link <>       ] ;
fhir:documentation [ fhir:v "### Report Contents\nThis report contains all information related to the specified Patient:\n### Grouping \nNone. This report returns a single JSon file.\n### Parameters\n- organization: Filter on EpisodeOfCare.managingOrganization match\n- period: not used.\n- patient: The patient to fetch information for.\n### Output\nOutput can be found in Binary.content. This is a Base64 encoded .zip file containing JSon files corresponding to the report groups.\n### Example output\nAll returned objects are Fhir resources. See the implementation guide for details\n\n    {\n        'Patient': {\n            'resourceType': 'Patient',\n            'id': '70791',\n            'meta': {\n                'versionId': '1'\n            }\n        },\n        'Communication': [{\n                'resourceType': 'Communication',\n                'id': '29256',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1'\n                },\n                'context': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                }\n            }\n        ],\n        'RelatedPerson': [{\n                'resourceType': 'RelatedPerson',\n                'id': '44196',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'identifier': [{\n                        'use': 'official',\n                        'system': 'urn:oid:',\n                        'value': '2412001234'\n                    }\n                ],\n                'patient': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'name': [{\n                        'text': 'Tester'\n                    }\n                ]\n            }\n        ],\n        'Appointment': [{\n                'resourceType': 'Appointment',\n                'id': '74036',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1'\n                },\n                'participant': [{\n                        'id': '5fda865d-5e46-4fc4-8dcc-9b5f9a6b501a',\n                        'actor': {\n                            'reference': ''\n                        }\n                    }\n                ]\n            }\n        ],\n        'AppointmentResponse': [{\n                'resourceType': 'AppointmentResponse',\n                'id': '63226',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1'\n                },\n                'actor': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                }\n            }\n        ],\n        'EHealthEpisodeOfCare': [{\n                'resourceType': 'EpisodeOfCare',\n                'id': '10928',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'extension': [{\n                        'url': '',\n                        'valueReference': {\n                            'reference': ''\n                        }\n                    }\n                ],\n                'status': 'active',\n                'diagnosis': [{\n                        'condition': {\n                            'reference': ''\n                        },\n                        'rank': 1\n                    }\n                ],\n                'patient': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'managingOrganization': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'period': {\n                    'start': '1970-01-01T01:00:01+01:00',\n                    'end': '1970-01-01T01:01:40+01:00'\n                }\n            }, {\n                'resourceType': 'EpisodeOfCare',\n                'id': '48392',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'extension': [{\n                        'url': '',\n                        'valueReference': {\n                            'reference': ''\n                        }\n                    }\n                ],\n                'status': 'active',\n                'diagnosis': [{\n                        'condition': {\n                            'reference': ''\n                        },\n                        'rank': 1\n                    }\n                ],\n                'patient': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'managingOrganization': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'period': {\n                    'start': '1970-01-01T01:00:01+01:00',\n                    'end': '1970-01-01T01:01:40+01:00'\n                }\n            }\n        ],\n        'EHealthDeviceUseStatement': [{\n                'resourceType': 'DeviceUseStatement',\n                'id': '4021',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'extension': [{\n                        'url': '',\n                        'valueReference': {\n                            'reference': ''\n                        }\n                    }\n                ],\n                'status': 'active',\n                'subject': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'device': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                }\n            }, {\n                'resourceType': 'DeviceUseStatement',\n                'id': '5732',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'extension': [{\n                        'url': '',\n                        'valueReference': {\n                            'reference': ''\n                        }\n                    }\n                ],\n                'status': 'active',\n                'subject': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'device': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                }\n            }\n        ],\n        'EHealthDevice': [{\n                'resourceType': 'Device',\n                'id': '81729',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'extension': [{\n                        'url': '',\n                        'valueBoolean': true\n                    }\n                ],\n                'status': 'active'\n            }, {\n                'resourceType': 'Device',\n                'id': '91432',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'extension': [{\n                        'url': '',\n                        'valueBoolean': true\n                    }\n                ],\n                'status': 'active'\n            }\n        ],\n        'EHealthDeviceMetric': [{\n                'resourceType': 'DeviceMetric',\n                'id': '35094',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'extension': [{\n                        'url': '',\n                        'extension': [{\n                                'url': 'category',\n                                'valueCodeableConcept': {\n                                    'coding': [{\n                                            'system': '',\n                                            'code': 'initial'\n                                        }\n                                    ]\n                                }\n                            }, {\n                                'url': 'value',\n                                'valueInteger': 5\n                            }\n                        ]\n                    }, {\n                        'url': '',\n                        'extension': [{\n                                'url': 'category',\n                                'valueCodeableConcept': {\n                                    'coding': [{\n                                            'system': '',\n                                            'code': 'initial'\n                                        }\n                                    ]\n                                }\n                            }, {\n                                'url': 'value',\n                                'valueInteger': 10\n                            }\n                        ]\n                    }, {\n                        'url': '',\n                        'extension': [{\n                                'url': 'category',\n                                'valueCodeableConcept': {\n                                    'coding': [{\n                                            'system': '',\n                                            'code': 'initial'\n                                        }\n                                    ]\n                                }\n                            }, {\n                                'url': 'value',\n                                'valueInteger': 12\n                            }\n                        ]\n                    }, {\n                        'url': '',\n                        'extension': [{\n                                'url': 'category',\n                                'valueCodeableConcept': {\n                                    'coding': [{\n                                            'system': '',\n                                            'code': 'initial'\n                                        }\n                                    ]\n                                }\n                            }, {\n                                'url': 'value',\n                                'valueInteger': 14\n                            }\n                        ]\n                    }\n                ],\n                'identifier': {\n                    'value': 'Foo'\n                },\n                'type': {\n                    'text': 'code'\n                },\n                'source': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'category': 'calculation'\n            }, {\n                'resourceType': 'DeviceMetric',\n                'id': '22449',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'extension': [{\n                        'url': '',\n                        'extension': [{\n                                'url': 'category',\n                                'valueCodeableConcept': {\n                                    'coding': [{\n                                            'system': '',\n                                            'code': 'initial'\n                                        }\n                                    ]\n                                }\n                            }, {\n                                'url': 'value',\n                                'valueInteger': 5\n                            }\n                        ]\n                    }, {\n                        'url': '',\n                        'extension': [{\n                                'url': 'category',\n                                'valueCodeableConcept': {\n                                    'coding': [{\n                                            'system': '',\n                                            'code': 'initial'\n                                        }\n                                    ]\n                                }\n                            }, {\n                                'url': 'value',\n                                'valueInteger': 10\n                            }\n                        ]\n                    }, {\n                        'url': '',\n                        'extension': [{\n                                'url': 'category',\n                                'valueCodeableConcept': {\n                                    'coding': [{\n                                            'system': '',\n                                            'code': 'initial'\n                                        }\n                                    ]\n                                }\n                            }, {\n                            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            'addresses': [{\n                        'reference': ''\n                    }\n                ]\n            }\n        ],\n        'EHealthServiceRequest': [{\n                'resourceType': 'ServiceRequest',\n                'id': '18904',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'extension': [{\n                        'url': '',\n                        'valueCodeableConcept': {\n                            'coding': [{\n                                    'system': '',\n                                    'code': 'TBD'\n                                }\n                            ]\n                        }\n                    }\n                ],\n                'definition': [{\n                        'reference': ''\n                    }\n                ],\n                'status': 'completed',\n                'intent': 'filler-order',\n                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            'reference': ''\n                }\n            }\n        ],\n        'EHealthCommunication': [{\n                'resourceType': 'Communication',\n                'id': '29256',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'context': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                }\n            }\n        ],\n        'EHealthProvenance': [{\n                'resourceType': 'Provenance',\n                'id': '68399',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'target': [{\n                        'reference': ''\n                    }\n                ],\n                'recorded': '2020-03-26T13:37:39.772+01:00',\n                'policy': ['policy'],\n                'agent': [{\n                        'whoReference': {\n                            'reference': ''\n     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fhir:name [ fhir:v "fetch-patient-gdpr" ] ;
fhir:definition [
fhir:v ""^^xsd:anyURI ;
fhir:link <>       ] ;
fhir:documentation [ fhir:v "### Report Contents\nThis report contains all information related to the specified Patient\n### Grouping \nNone. This report returns a single JSon file.\n### Parameters\n- organization: Filter on EpisodeOfCare.managingOrganization match\n- period: not used.\n- patient: The patient to fetch information for.\n### Output\nOutput can be found in Binary.content. This is a Base64 encoded .zip file containing JSon files corresponding to the report groups.\n### Example output\nAll returned objects are Fhir resources. See the implementation guide for details\n\n    {\n        'Patient': {\n            'resourceType': 'Patient',\n            'id': '70791',\n            'meta': {\n                'versionId': '1'\n            }\n        },\n        'Communication': [{\n                'resourceType': 'Communication',\n                'id': '29256',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1'\n                },\n                'context': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                }\n            }\n        ],\n        'RelatedPerson': [{\n                'resourceType': 'RelatedPerson',\n                'id': '44196',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'identifier': [{\n                        'use': 'official',\n                        'system': 'urn:oid:',\n                        'value': '2412001234'\n                    }\n                ],\n                'patient': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'name': [{\n                        'text': 'Tester'\n                    }\n                ]\n            }\n        ],\n        'Appointment': [{\n                'resourceType': 'Appointment',\n                'id': '74036',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1'\n                },\n                'participant': [{\n                        'id': '5fda865d-5e46-4fc4-8dcc-9b5f9a6b501a',\n                        'actor': {\n                            'reference': ''\n                        }\n                    }\n                ]\n            }\n        ],\n        'AppointmentResponse': [{\n                'resourceType': 'AppointmentResponse',\n                'id': '63226',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1'\n                },\n                'actor': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                }\n            }\n        ],\n        'EHealthEpisodeOfCare': [{\n                'resourceType': 'EpisodeOfCare',\n                'id': '10928',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'extension': [{\n                        'url': '',\n                        'valueReference': {\n                            'reference': ''\n                        }\n                    }\n                ],\n                'status': 'active',\n                'diagnosis': [{\n                        'condition': {\n                            'reference': ''\n                        },\n                        'rank': 1\n                    }\n                ],\n                'patient': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'managingOrganization': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'period': {\n                    'start': '1970-01-01T01:00:01+01:00',\n                    'end': '1970-01-01T01:01:40+01:00'\n                }\n            }, {\n                'resourceType': 'EpisodeOfCare',\n                'id': '48392',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'extension': [{\n                        'url': '',\n                        'valueReference': {\n                            'reference': ''\n                        }\n                    }\n                ],\n                'status': 'active',\n                'diagnosis': [{\n                        'condition': {\n                            'reference': ''\n                        },\n                        'rank': 1\n                    }\n                ],\n                'patient': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'managingOrganization': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'period': {\n                    'start': '1970-01-01T01:00:01+01:00',\n                    'end': '1970-01-01T01:01:40+01:00'\n                }\n            }\n        ],\n        'EHealthDeviceUseStatement': [{\n                'resourceType': 'DeviceUseStatement',\n                'id': '4021',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'extension': [{\n                        'url': '',\n                        'valueReference': {\n                            'reference': ''\n                        }\n                    }\n                ],\n                'status': 'active',\n                'subject': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'device': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                }\n            }, {\n                'resourceType': 'DeviceUseStatement',\n                'id': '5732',\n               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     }, {\n                'resourceType': 'Device',\n                'id': '91432',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'extension': [{\n                        'url': '',\n                        'valueBoolean': true\n                    }\n                ],\n                'status': 'active'\n            }\n        ],\n        'EHealthDeviceMetric': [{\n                'resourceType': 'DeviceMetric',\n                'id': '35094',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'extension': [{\n                        'url': '',\n                        'extension': [{\n                                'url': 'category',\n                                'valueCodeableConcept': {\n                                    'coding': [{\n                                            'system': '',\n  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              'reference': ''\n                },\n                'context': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                }\n            }\n        ],\n        'EHealthObservation': [{\n                'resourceType': 'Observation',\n                'id': '55832',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'basedOn': [{\n                        'reference': ''\n                    }\n                ],\n                'status': 'amended',\n                'code': {\n                    'coding': [{\n                            'system': 'urn:oid:',\n                            'code': 'NPU03011'\n                        }\n                    ]\n                },\n                'subject': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'context': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'effectivePeriod': {\n     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'reference': ''\n                },\n                'authored': '2020-03-26T13:37:40+01:00',\n                'source': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                }\n            }\n        ],\n        'EHealthMedia': [{\n                'resourceType': 'Media',\n                'id': '18256',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'extension': [{\n                        'url': '',\n                        'extension': [{\n                                'url': 'qualityType',\n                                'valueCodeableConcept': {\n                                    'coding': [{\n                                            'system': '',\n                                            'code': 'TBD'\n                                        }\n                                    ]\n                                }\n                            }, {\n                                'url': 'qualityCode',\n                                'valueCodeableConcept': {\n                                    'coding': [{\n                                            'system': '',\n                                            'code': 'TBD'\n                                        }\n                                    ]\n                                }\n                            }\n                        ]\n                    }\n                ],\n                'basedOn': [{\n                        'reference': ''\n                    }\n                ],\n                'type': 'audio',\n                'subject': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'context': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'occurrenceDateTime': '2020-03-26T13:37:40+01:00',\n                'content': {\n                    'language': 'en'\n                }\n            }\n        ],\n        'EHealthClinicalImpression': [{\n                'resourceType': 'ClinicalImpression',\n                'id': '39697',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'status': 'draft',\n                'code': {\n                    'coding': [{\n                            'system': '',\n                            'code': 'TBD'\n                        }\n                    ]\n                },\n                'subject': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'context': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                }\n            }\n        ],\n        'EHealthTask': [{\n                'resourceType': 'Task',\n                'id': '96988',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'extension': [{\n                        'url': '',\n                        'valueCodeableConcept': {\n                            'coding': [{\n                                    'system': '',\n                                    'code': 'TBD'\n                                }\n                            ]\n                        }\n                    }, {\n                        'url': '',\n                        'valueCodeableConcept': {\n                            'coding': [{\n                                    'system': '',\n                                    'code': 'None'\n                                }\n                            ]\n                        }\n                    }, {\n                        'url': '',\n                        'valueReference': {\n                            'reference': ''\n                        }\n                    }\n                ],\n                'status': 'draft',\n                'intent': 'proposal',\n                'priority': 'routine',\n                'context': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                }\n            }\n        ],\n        'EHealthCommunication': [{\n                'resourceType': 'Communication',\n                'id': '29256',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'context': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                }\n            }\n        ],\n        'EHealthProvenance': [{\n                'resourceType': 'Provenance',\n                'id': '68399',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'target': [{\n                        'reference': ''\n                    }\n                ],\n                'recorded': '2020-03-26T13:37:39.772+01:00',\n                'policy': ['policy'],\n                'agent': [{\n                        'whoReference': {\n                            'reference': ''\n                        }\n                    }\n                ]\n            }, {\n                'resourceType': 'Provenance',\n                'id': '96195',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'target': [{\n                        'reference': ''\n                    }\n                ],\n                'recorded': '2020-03-26T13:37:39.801+01:00',\n                'policy': ['policy'],\n                'agent': [{\n                        'whoReference': {\n                            'reference': ''\n                        }\n                    }\n                ]\n            }\n        ]\n    }" ]     ] [
fhir:name [ fhir:v "execute-patient-gdpr" ] ;
fhir:definition [
fhir:v ""^^xsd:anyURI ;
fhir:link <>       ] ;
fhir:documentation [ fhir:v "### Report Contents\nThis report contains all information related to the specified Patient\n### Grouping \nNone. This report returns a single JSon file.\n### Parameters\n- organization: Filter on EpisodeOfCare.managingOrganization match\n- period: not used.\n- patient: The patient to fetch information for.\n### Output\nOutput can be found in Binary.content. This is a Base64 encoded .zip file containing JSon files corresponding to the report groups.\n### Example output\nAll returned objects are Fhir resources. See the implementation guide for details\n\n    {\n        'Patient': {\n            'resourceType': 'Patient',\n            'id': '70791',\n            'meta': {\n                'versionId': '1'\n            }\n        },\n        'Communication': [{\n                'resourceType': 'Communication',\n                'id': '29256',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1'\n                },\n                'context': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                }\n            }\n        ],\n        'RelatedPerson': [{\n                'resourceType': 'RelatedPerson',\n                'id': '44196',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'identifier': [{\n                        'use': 'official',\n                        'system': 'urn:oid:',\n                        'value': '2412001234'\n                    }\n                ],\n                'patient': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'name': [{\n                        'text': 'Tester'\n                    }\n                ]\n            }\n        ],\n        'Appointment': [{\n                'resourceType': 'Appointment',\n                'id': '74036',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1'\n                },\n                'participant': [{\n                        'id': '5fda865d-5e46-4fc4-8dcc-9b5f9a6b501a',\n                        'actor': {\n                            'reference': ''\n                        }\n                    }\n                ]\n            }\n        ],\n        'AppointmentResponse': [{\n                'resourceType': 'AppointmentResponse',\n                'id': '63226',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1'\n                },\n                'actor': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                }\n            }\n        ],\n        'EHealthEpisodeOfCare': [{\n                'resourceType': 'EpisodeOfCare',\n                'id': '10928',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'extension': [{\n                        'url': '',\n                        'valueReference': {\n                            'reference': ''\n                        }\n                    }\n                ],\n                'status': 'active',\n                'diagnosis': [{\n                        'condition': {\n                            'reference': ''\n                        },\n                        'rank': 1\n                    }\n                ],\n                'patient': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'managingOrganization': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'period': {\n                    'start': '1970-01-01T01:00:01+01:00',\n                    'end': '1970-01-01T01:01:40+01:00'\n                }\n            }, {\n                'resourceType': 'EpisodeOfCare',\n                'id': '48392',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'extension': [{\n                        'url': '',\n                        'valueReference': {\n                            'reference': ''\n                        }\n                    }\n                ],\n                'status': 'active',\n                'diagnosis': [{\n                        'condition': {\n                            'reference': ''\n                        },\n                        'rank': 1\n                    }\n                ],\n                'patient': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'managingOrganization': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'period': {\n                    'start': '1970-01-01T01:00:01+01:00',\n                    'end': '1970-01-01T01:01:40+01:00'\n                }\n            }\n        ],\n        'EHealthDeviceUseStatement': [{\n                'resourceType': 'DeviceUseStatement',\n                'id': '4021',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'extension': [{\n                        'url': '',\n                        'valueReference': {\n                            'reference': ''\n                        }\n                    }\n                ],\n                'status': 'active',\n                'subject': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'device': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                }\n            }, {\n                'resourceType': 'DeviceUseStatement',\n                'id': '5732',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'extension': [{\n                        'url': '',\n                        'valueReference': {\n                            'reference': ''\n                        }\n                    }\n                ],\n                'status': 'active',\n                'subject': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'device': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                }\n            }\n        ],\n        'EHealthDevice': [{\n                'resourceType': 'Device',\n                'id': '81729',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'extension': [{\n                        'url': '',\n                        'valueBoolean': true\n                    }\n                ],\n                'status': 'active'\n            }, {\n                'resourceType': 'Device',\n                'id': '91432',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'extension': [{\n                        'url': '',\n                        'valueBoolean': true\n                    }\n                ],\n                'status': 'active'\n            }\n        ],\n        'EHealthDeviceMetric': [{\n                'resourceType': 'DeviceMetric',\n                'id': '35094',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'extension': [{\n                        'url': '',\n                        'extension': [{\n                                'url': 'category',\n                                'valueCodeableConcept': {\n                                    'coding': [{\n                                            'system': '',\n                                            'code': 'initial'\n                                        }\n                                    ]\n                                }\n                            }, {\n                                'url': 'value',\n                                'valueInteger': 5\n                            }\n                        ]\n                    }, {\n                        'url': '',\n                        'extension': [{\n                                'url': 'category',\n                                'valueCodeableConcept': {\n                                    'coding': [{\n                                            'system': '',\n                                            'code': 'initial'\n                                        }\n                                    ]\n                                }\n                            }, {\n                                'url': 'value',\n                                'valueInteger': 10\n                            }\n                        ]\n                    }, {\n                        'url': '',\n                        'extension': [{\n                                'url': 'category',\n                                'valueCodeableConcept': {\n                                    'coding': [{\n                                            'system': '',\n                                            'code': 'initial'\n                                        }\n                                    ]\n                                }\n                            }, {\n                                'url': 'value',\n                                'valueInteger': 12\n                            }\n                        ]\n                    }, {\n                        'url': '',\n                        'extension': [{\n                                'url': 'category',\n                                'valueCodeableConcept': {\n                                    'coding': [{\n                                            'system': '',\n                                            'code': 'initial'\n                                        }\n                                    ]\n                                }\n                            }, {\n                                'url': 'value',\n                                'valueInteger': 14\n                            }\n                        ]\n                    }\n                ],\n                'identifier': {\n                    'value': 'Foo'\n                },\n                'type': {\n                    'text': 'code'\n                },\n                'source': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'category': 'calculation'\n            }, {\n                'resourceType': 'DeviceMetric',\n                'id': '22449',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'extension': [{\n                        'url': '',\n                        'extension': [{\n                                'url': 'category',\n                                'valueCodeableConcept': {\n                                    'coding': [{\n                                            'system': '',\n                                            'code': 'initial'\n                                        }\n                                    ]\n                                }\n                            }, {\n                                'url': 'value',\n                                'valueInteger': 5\n                            }\n                        ]\n                    }, {\n                        'url': '',\n                        'extension': [{\n                                'url': 'category',\n                                'valueCodeableConcept': {\n                                    'coding': [{\n                                            'system': '',\n                                            'code': 'initial'\n                                        }\n                                    ]\n                                }\n                            }, {\n                                'url': 'value',\n                                'valueInteger': 10\n                            }\n                        ]\n                    }, {\n                        'url': '',\n                        'extension': [{\n                                'url': 'category',\n                                'valueCodeableConcept': {\n                                    'coding': [{\n                                            'system': '',\n                                            'code': 'initial'\n                                        }\n                                    ]\n                                }\n                            }, {\n                                'url': 'value',\n                                'valueInteger': 12\n                            }\n                        ]\n                    }, {\n                        'url': '',\n                        'extension': [{\n                                'url': 'category',\n                                'valueCodeableConcept': {\n                                    'coding': [{\n                                            'system': '',\n                                            'code': 'initial'\n                                        }\n                                    ]\n                                }\n                            }, {\n                                'url': 'value',\n                                'valueInteger': 14\n                            }\n                        ]\n                    }\n                ],\n                'identifier': {\n                    'value': 'Foo'\n                },\n                'type': {\n                    'text': 'code'\n                },\n                'source': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'category': 'calculation'\n            }\n        ],\n        'EHealthConsent': [{\n                'resourceType': 'Consent',\n                'id': '51690',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'status': 'active',\n                'category': [{\n                        'coding': [{\n                                'code': 'TBD'\n                            }\n                        ]\n                    }\n                ],\n                'patient': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'period': {\n                    'start': '1970-01-01T01:00:01+01:00',\n                    'end': '1970-01-01T01:01:40+01:00'\n                },\n                'consentingParty': [{\n                        'reference': ''\n                    }\n                ],\n                'actor': [{\n                        'id': 'f31bec27-965f-49ea-b8fe-5fdb259c539d',\n                        'role': {\n                            'coding': [{\n                                    'code': 'authserver'\n                                }\n                            ]\n                        },\n                        'reference': {\n                            'reference': ''\n                        }\n                    }\n                ],\n                'policyRule': 'Rule',\n                'data': [{\n                        'meaning': 'related',\n                        'reference': {\n                            'reference': ''\n                        }\n                    }\n                ]\n            }\n        ],\n        'EHealthCarePlan': [{\n                'resourceType': 'CarePlan',\n                'id': '87235',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'definition': [{\n                        'reference': ''\n                    }\n                ],\n                'status': 'draft',\n                'intent': 'option',\n                'category': [{\n                        'coding': [{\n                                'system': '',\n                                'code': 'TBD'\n                            }\n                        ]\n                    }\n                ],\n                'subject': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'context': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'period': {\n                    'start': '1970-01-01T01:00:01+01:00',\n                    'end': '1970-01-01T01:01:40+01:00'\n                },\n                'addresses': [{\n                        'reference': ''\n                    }\n                ]\n            }, {\n                'resourceType': 'CarePlan',\n                'id': '23385',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'definition': [{\n                        'reference': ''\n                    }\n                ],\n                'status': 'draft',\n                'intent': 'option',\n                'category': [{\n                        'coding': [{\n                                'system': '',\n                                'code': 'TBD'\n                            }\n                        ]\n                    }\n                ],\n                'subject': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'context': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'period': {\n                    'start': '1970-01-01T01:00:01+01:00',\n                    'end': '1970-01-01T01:01:40+01:00'\n                },\n                'addresses': [{\n                        'reference': ''\n                    }\n                ]\n            }\n        ],\n        'EHealthServiceRequest': [{\n                'resourceType': 'ServiceRequest',\n                'id': '18904',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'extension': [{\n                        'url': '',\n                        'valueCodeableConcept': {\n                            'coding': [{\n                                    'system': '',\n                                    'code': 'TBD'\n                                }\n                            ]\n                        }\n                    }\n                ],\n                'definition': [{\n                        'reference': ''\n                    }\n                ],\n                'status': 'completed',\n                'intent': 'filler-order',\n                'code': {\n                    'coding': [{\n                            'system': '',\n                            'code': 'TBD'\n                        }\n                    ],\n                    'text': '7654414a-7f86-4170-9920-fde60368b58b'\n                },\n                'subject': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'context': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                }\n            }\n        ],\n        'EHealthCondition': [{\n                'resourceType': 'Condition',\n                'id': '22743',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'clinicalStatus': 'active',\n                'code': {\n                    'coding': [{\n                            'system': '',\n                            'code': 'TBD'\n                        }\n                    ]\n                },\n                'subject': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'context': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                }\n            }\n        ],\n        'EHealthObservation': [{\n                'resourceType': 'Observation',\n                'id': '55832',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'basedOn': [{\n                        'reference': ''\n                    }\n                ],\n                'status': 'amended',\n                'code': {\n                    'coding': [{\n                            'system': 'urn:oid:',\n                            'code': 'NPU03011'\n                        }\n                    ]\n                },\n                'subject': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'context': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'effectivePeriod': {\n                    'start': '2020-03-26T13:37:40+01:00',\n                    'end': '2020-03-26T13:37:40+01:00'\n                },\n                'performer': [{\n                        'reference': ''\n                    }\n                ],\n                'device': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                }\n            }\n        ],\n        'EHealthQuestionnaireResponse': [{\n                'resourceType': 'QuestionnaireResponse',\n                'id': '21957',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'basedOn': [{\n                        'reference': ''\n                    }\n                ],\n                'questionnaire': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'status': 'completed',\n                'subject': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'context': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'authored': '2020-03-26T13:37:40+01:00',\n                'source': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                }\n            }\n        ],\n        'EHealthMedia': [{\n                'resourceType': 'Media',\n                'id': '18256',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'extension': [{\n                        'url': '',\n                        'extension': [{\n                                'url': 'qualityType',\n                                'valueCodeableConcept': {\n                                    'coding': [{\n                                            'system': '',\n                                            'code': 'TBD'\n                                        }\n                                    ]\n                                }\n                            }, {\n                                'url': 'qualityCode',\n                                'valueCodeableConcept': {\n                                    'coding': [{\n                                            'system': '',\n                                            'code': 'TBD'\n                                        }\n                                    ]\n                                }\n                            }\n                        ]\n                    }\n                ],\n                'basedOn': [{\n                        'reference': ''\n                    }\n                ],\n                'type': 'audio',\n                'subject': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'context': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'occurrenceDateTime': '2020-03-26T13:37:40+01:00',\n                'content': {\n                    'language': 'en'\n                }\n            }\n        ],\n        'EHealthClinicalImpression': [{\n                'resourceType': 'ClinicalImpression',\n                'id': '39697',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'status': 'draft',\n                'code': {\n                    'coding': [{\n                            'system': '',\n                            'code': 'TBD'\n                        }\n                    ]\n                },\n                'subject': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'context': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                }\n            }\n        ],\n        'EHealthTask': [{\n                'resourceType': 'Task',\n                'id': '96988',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'extension': [{\n                        'url': '',\n                        'valueCodeableConcept': {\n                            'coding': [{\n                                    'system': '',\n                                    'code': 'TBD'\n                                }\n                            ]\n                        }\n                    }, {\n                        'url': '',\n                        'valueCodeableConcept': {\n                            'coding': [{\n                                    'system': '',\n                                    'code': 'None'\n                                }\n                            ]\n                        }\n                    }, {\n                        'url': '',\n                        'valueReference': {\n                            'reference': ''\n                        }\n                    }\n                ],\n                'status': 'draft',\n                'intent': 'proposal',\n                'priority': 'routine',\n                'context': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                }\n            }\n        ],\n        'EHealthCommunication': [{\n                'resourceType': 'Communication',\n                'id': '29256',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'context': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                }\n            }\n        ],\n        'EHealthProvenance': [{\n                'resourceType': 'Provenance',\n                'id': '68399',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'target': [{\n                        'reference': ''\n                    }\n                ],\n                'recorded': '2020-03-26T13:37:39.772+01:00',\n                'policy': ['policy'],\n                'agent': [{\n                        'whoReference': {\n                            'reference': ''\n                        }\n                    }\n                ]\n            }, {\n                'resourceType': 'Provenance',\n                'id': '96195',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'target': [{\n                        'reference': ''\n                    }\n                ],\n                'recorded': '2020-03-26T13:37:39.801+01:00',\n                'policy': ['policy'],\n                'agent': [{\n                        'whoReference': {\n                            'reference': ''\n                        }\n                    }\n                ]\n            }\n        ]\n    }" ]     ] [
fhir:name [ fhir:v "schedule-patient-devices" ] ;
fhir:definition [
fhir:v ""^^xsd:anyURI ;
fhir:link <>       ] ;
fhir:documentation [ fhir:v "### Report Contents\nThis report contains Device information for each EpisodeOfCare:\n- Device\n- DeviceUseStatement\n- DeviceMetrics\n### Grouping \nThis report is grouped by EpsiodeOfCare. Each group is returned in a separate JSon file.\n### Parameters\n- organization: Filter on EpisodeOfCare.managingOrganization match\n- period: Filter on DeviceUseStatement.whenUsed overlap\n### Output\nOutput can be found in Binary.content. This is a Base64 encoded .zip file containing JSon files corresponding to the report groups.\n### Example output\nAll returned objects are Fhir resources. See the implementation guide for details\n\n    {\n        'EHealthEpisodeOfCare': {\n            'resourceType': 'EpisodeOfCare',\n            'id': 'F417C17F9FDE24C9090BD629C8EE1697',\n            'meta': {\n                'versionId': '1',\n                'profile': ['']\n            },\n            'extension': [{\n                    'url': '',\n                    'valueReference': {\n                        'reference': ''\n                    }\n                }\n            ],\n            'status': 'active',\n            'diagnosis': [{\n                    'condition': {\n                        'reference': ''\n                    },\n                    'rank': 1\n                }\n            ],\n            'patient': {\n                'reference': ''\n            },\n            'managingOrganization': {\n                'reference': ''\n            },\n            'period': {\n                'start': '1970-01-01T01:00:01+01:00',\n                'end': '1970-01-01T01:01:40+01:00'\n            }\n        },\n        'EHealthDeviceUseStatement': [{\n                'resourceType': 'DeviceUseStatement',\n                'id': '9541E8EAEAD24376F208D5CD8A4D25F5',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'extension': [{\n                        'url': '',\n                        'valueReference': {\n                            'reference': ''\n                        }\n                    }\n                ],\n                'status': 'active',\n                'subject': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'device': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                }\n            }\n        ],\n        'EHealthDevice': [{\n                'resourceType': 'Device',\n                'id': '08D51B81A7FE5B480278150A94D4048A',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'extension': [{\n                        'url': '',\n                        'valueBoolean': true\n                    }\n                ],\n                'status': 'active'\n            }\n        ],\n        'EHealthDeviceMetric': [{\n                'resourceType': 'DeviceMetric',\n                'id': '7EA21ACD27EE012439F1440574A6BB21',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'extension': [{\n                        'url': '',\n                        'extension': [{\n                                'url': 'category',\n                                'valueCodeableConcept': {\n                                    'coding': [{\n                                            'system': '',\n                                            'code': 'initial'\n                                        }\n                                    ]\n                                }\n                            }, {\n                                'url': 'value',\n                                'valueInteger': 5\n                            }\n                        ]\n                    }, {\n                        'url': '',\n                        'extension': [{\n                                'url': 'category',\n                                'valueCodeableConcept': {\n                                    'coding': [{\n                                            'system': '',\n                                            'code': 'initial'\n                                        }\n                                    ]\n                                }\n                            }, {\n                                'url': 'value',\n                                'valueInteger': 10\n                            }\n                        ]\n                    }, {\n                        'url': '',\n                        'extension': [{\n                                'url': 'category',\n                                'valueCodeableConcept': {\n                                    'coding': [{\n                                            'system': '',\n                                            'code': 'initial'\n                                        }\n                                    ]\n                                }\n                            }, {\n                                'url': 'value',\n                                'valueInteger': 12\n                            }\n                        ]\n                    }, {\n                        'url': '',\n                        'extension': [{\n                                'url': 'category',\n                                'valueCodeableConcept': {\n                                    'coding': [{\n                                            'system': '',\n                                            'code': 'initial'\n                                        }\n                                    ]\n                                }\n                            }, {\n                                'url': 'value',\n                                'valueInteger': 14\n                            }\n                        ]\n                    }\n                ],\n                'identifier': {\n                    'value': 'Foo'\n                },\n                'type': {\n                    'text': 'code'\n                },\n                'source': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'category': 'calculation'\n            }\n        ]\n    }" ]     ] [
fhir:name [ fhir:v "fetch-patient-devices" ] ;
fhir:definition [
fhir:v ""^^xsd:anyURI ;
fhir:link <>       ] ;
fhir:documentation [ fhir:v "### Report Contents\nThis report contains Device information for each EpisodeOfCare:\n- Device\n- DeviceUseStatement\n- DeviceMetrics\n### Grouping \nThis report is grouped by EpsiodeOfCare. Each group is returned in a separate JSon file.\n### Parameters\n- organization: Filter on EpisodeOfCare.managingOrganization match\n- period: Filter on DeviceUseStatement.whenUsed overlap\n### Output\nOutput can be found in Binary.content. This is a Base64 encoded .zip file containing JSon files corresponding to the report groups.\n### Example output\nAll returned objects are Fhir resources. See the implementation guide for details\n\n    {\n        'EHealthEpisodeOfCare': {\n            'resourceType': 'EpisodeOfCare',\n            'id': 'F417C17F9FDE24C9090BD629C8EE1697',\n            'meta': {\n                'versionId': '1',\n                'profile': ['']\n            },\n            'extension': [{\n                    'url': '',\n                    'valueReference': {\n                        'reference': ''\n                    }\n                }\n            ],\n            'status': 'active',\n            'diagnosis': [{\n                    'condition': {\n                        'reference': ''\n                    },\n                    'rank': 1\n                }\n            ],\n            'patient': {\n                'reference': ''\n            },\n            'managingOrganization': {\n                'reference': ''\n            },\n            'period': {\n                'start': '1970-01-01T01:00:01+01:00',\n                'end': '1970-01-01T01:01:40+01:00'\n            }\n        },\n        'EHealthDeviceUseStatement': [{\n                'resourceType': 'DeviceUseStatement',\n                'id': '9541E8EAEAD24376F208D5CD8A4D25F5',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'extension': [{\n                        'url': '',\n                        'valueReference': {\n                            'reference': ''\n                        }\n                    }\n                ],\n                'status': 'active',\n                'subject': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'device': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                }\n            }\n        ],\n        'EHealthDevice': [{\n                'resourceType': 'Device',\n                'id': '08D51B81A7FE5B480278150A94D4048A',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'extension': [{\n                        'url': '',\n                        'valueBoolean': true\n                    }\n                ],\n                'status': 'active'\n            }\n        ],\n        'EHealthDeviceMetric': [{\n                'resourceType': 'DeviceMetric',\n                'id': '7EA21ACD27EE012439F1440574A6BB21',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'extension': [{\n                        'url': '',\n                        'extension': [{\n                                'url': 'category',\n                                'valueCodeableConcept': {\n                                    'coding': [{\n                                            'system': '',\n                                            'code': 'initial'\n                                        }\n                                    ]\n                                }\n                            }, {\n                                'url': 'value',\n                                'valueInteger': 5\n                            }\n                        ]\n                    }, {\n                        'url': '',\n                        'extension': [{\n                                'url': 'category',\n                                'valueCodeableConcept': {\n                                    'coding': [{\n                                            'system': '',\n                                            'code': 'initial'\n                                        }\n                                    ]\n                                }\n                            }, {\n                                'url': 'value',\n                                'valueInteger': 10\n                            }\n                        ]\n                    }, {\n                        'url': '',\n                        'extension': [{\n                                'url': 'category',\n                                'valueCodeableConcept': {\n                                    'coding': [{\n                                            'system': '',\n                                            'code': 'initial'\n                                        }\n                                    ]\n                                }\n                            }, {\n                                'url': 'value',\n                                'valueInteger': 12\n                            }\n                        ]\n                    }, {\n                        'url': '',\n                        'extension': [{\n                                'url': 'category',\n                                'valueCodeableConcept': {\n                                    'coding': [{\n                                            'system': '',\n                                            'code': 'initial'\n                                        }\n                                    ]\n                                }\n                            }, {\n                                'url': 'value',\n                                'valueInteger': 14\n                            }\n                        ]\n                    }\n                ],\n                'identifier': {\n                    'value': 'Foo'\n                },\n                'type': {\n                    'text': 'code'\n                },\n                'source': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'category': 'calculation'\n            }\n        ]\n    }" ]     ] [
fhir:name [ fhir:v "execute-patient-devices" ] ;
fhir:definition [
fhir:v ""^^xsd:anyURI ;
fhir:link <>       ] ;
fhir:documentation [ fhir:v "### Report Contents\nThis report contains Device information for each EpisodeOfCare:\n- Device\n- DeviceUseStatement\n- DeviceMetrics\n### Grouping \nThis report is grouped by EpsiodeOfCare. Each group is returned in a separate JSon file.\n### Parameters\n- organization: Filter on EpisodeOfCare.managingOrganization match\n- period: Filter on DeviceUseStatement.whenUsed overlap\n### Output\nOutput can be found in Binary.content. This is a Base64 encoded .zip file containing JSon files corresponding to the report groups.\n### Example output\nAll returned objects are Fhir resources. See the implementation guide for details\n\n    {\n        'EHealthEpisodeOfCare': {\n            'resourceType': 'EpisodeOfCare',\n            'id': 'F417C17F9FDE24C9090BD629C8EE1697',\n            'meta': {\n                'versionId': '1',\n                'profile': ['']\n            },\n            'extension': [{\n                    'url': '',\n                    'valueReference': {\n                        'reference': ''\n                    }\n                }\n            ],\n            'status': 'active',\n            'diagnosis': [{\n                    'condition': {\n                        'reference': ''\n                    },\n                    'rank': 1\n                }\n            ],\n            'patient': {\n                'reference': ''\n            },\n            'managingOrganization': {\n                'reference': ''\n            },\n            'period': {\n                'start': '1970-01-01T01:00:01+01:00',\n                'end': '1970-01-01T01:01:40+01:00'\n            }\n        },\n        'EHealthDeviceUseStatement': [{\n                'resourceType': 'DeviceUseStatement',\n                'id': '9541E8EAEAD24376F208D5CD8A4D25F5',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'extension': [{\n                        'url': '',\n                        'valueReference': {\n                            'reference': ''\n                        }\n                    }\n                ],\n                'status': 'active',\n                'subject': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'device': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                }\n            }\n        ],\n        'EHealthDevice': [{\n                'resourceType': 'Device',\n                'id': '08D51B81A7FE5B480278150A94D4048A',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'extension': [{\n                        'url': '',\n                        'valueBoolean': true\n                    }\n                ],\n                'status': 'active'\n            }\n        ],\n        'EHealthDeviceMetric': [{\n                'resourceType': 'DeviceMetric',\n                'id': '7EA21ACD27EE012439F1440574A6BB21',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'extension': [{\n                        'url': '',\n                        'extension': [{\n                                'url': 'category',\n                                'valueCodeableConcept': {\n                                    'coding': [{\n                                            'system': '',\n                                            'code': 'initial'\n                                        }\n                                    ]\n                                }\n                            }, {\n                                'url': 'value',\n                                'valueInteger': 5\n                            }\n                        ]\n                    }, {\n                        'url': '',\n                        'extension': [{\n                                'url': 'category',\n                                'valueCodeableConcept': {\n                                    'coding': [{\n                                            'system': '',\n                                            'code': 'initial'\n                                        }\n                                    ]\n                                }\n                            }, {\n                                'url': 'value',\n                                'valueInteger': 10\n                            }\n                        ]\n                    }, {\n                        'url': '',\n                        'extension': [{\n                                'url': 'category',\n                                'valueCodeableConcept': {\n                                    'coding': [{\n                                            'system': '',\n                                            'code': 'initial'\n                                        }\n                                    ]\n                                }\n                            }, {\n                                'url': 'value',\n                                'valueInteger': 12\n                            }\n                        ]\n                    }, {\n                        'url': '',\n                        'extension': [{\n                                'url': 'category',\n                                'valueCodeableConcept': {\n                                    'coding': [{\n                                            'system': '',\n                                            'code': 'initial'\n                                        }\n                                    ]\n                                }\n                            }, {\n                                'url': 'value',\n                                'valueInteger': 14\n                            }\n                        ]\n                    }\n                ],\n                'identifier': {\n                    'value': 'Foo'\n                },\n                'type': {\n                    'text': 'code'\n                },\n                'source': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'category': 'calculation'\n            }\n        ]\n    }" ]     ] [
fhir:name [ fhir:v "schedule-measurement-stats" ] ;
fhir:definition [
fhir:v ""^^xsd:anyURI ;
fhir:link <>       ] ;
fhir:documentation [ fhir:v "### Report Contents\nThis report contains counts of Measurements for each EpisodeOfCare:\n- Observation\n- QuestionnaireResponse\n- Media\n### Grouping \nThis report is grouped by EpsiodeOfCare. Each group is returned in a separate JSon file.\n### Parameters\n- organization: Filter on EpisodeOfCare.managingOrganization match\n- period: Filter on:\n    - Observation.effective inside period for Observations\n    - Questionnaire.authored inside period for QuestionnaireResponses\n    - Media.occurence inside period for Media\n### Output\nOutput can be found in Binary.content. This is a Base64 encoded .zip file containing JSon files corresponding to the report groups.\n### Example output\nEHealthEpisodeOfCare is a Fhir resource. See the implementation guide for details\n\n    {\n        'EHealthEpisodeOfCare': {\n            'resourceType': 'EpisodeOfCare',\n            'id': '21357',\n            'meta': {\n                'versionId': '1',\n                'profile': ['']\n            },\n            'extension': [{\n                    'url': '',\n                    'valueReference': {\n                        'reference': ''\n                    }\n                }\n            ],\n            'status': 'active',\n            'diagnosis': [{\n                    'condition': {\n                        'reference': ''\n                    },\n                    'rank': 1\n                }\n            ],\n            'patient': {\n                'reference': ''\n            },\n            'managingOrganization': {\n                'reference': ''\n            },\n            'period': {\n                'start': '1970-01-01T01:00:01+01:00',\n                'end': '1970-01-01T01:01:40+01:00'\n            }\n        },\n        'EpisodeOfCareMeasurementSummary': {\n            'observationCount': 5,\n            'mediaCount': 0,\n            'questionnaireResponseCount': 0\n        }\n    }" ]     ] [
fhir:name [ fhir:v "fetch-measurement-stats" ] ;
fhir:definition [
fhir:v ""^^xsd:anyURI ;
fhir:link <>       ] ;
fhir:documentation [ fhir:v "### Report Contents\nThis report contains counts of Measurements for each EpisodeOfCare:\n- Observation\n- QuestionnaireResponse\n- Media\n### Grouping \nThis report is grouped by EpsiodeOfCare. Each group is returned in a separate JSon file.\n### Parameters\n- organization: Filter on EpisodeOfCare.managingOrganization match\n- period: Filter on:\n    - Observation.effective inside period for Observations\n    - Questionnaire.authored inside period for QuestionnaireResponses\n    - Media.occurence inside period for Media\n### Output\nOutput can be found in Binary.content. This is a Base64 encoded .zip file containing JSon files corresponding to the report groups.\n### Example output\nEHealthEpisodeOfCare is a Fhir resource. See the implementation guide for details\n\n    {\n        'EHealthEpisodeOfCare': {\n            'resourceType': 'EpisodeOfCare',\n            'id': '21357',\n            'meta': {\n                'versionId': '1',\n                'profile': ['']\n            },\n            'extension': [{\n                    'url': '',\n                    'valueReference': {\n                        'reference': ''\n                    }\n                }\n            ],\n            'status': 'active',\n            'diagnosis': [{\n                    'condition': {\n                        'reference': ''\n                    },\n                    'rank': 1\n                }\n            ],\n            'patient': {\n                'reference': ''\n            },\n            'managingOrganization': {\n                'reference': ''\n            },\n            'period': {\n                'start': '1970-01-01T01:00:01+01:00',\n                'end': '1970-01-01T01:01:40+01:00'\n            }\n        },\n        'EpisodeOfCareMeasurementSummary': {\n            'observationCount': 5,\n            'mediaCount': 0,\n            'questionnaireResponseCount': 0\n        }\n    }" ]     ] [
fhir:name [ fhir:v "execute-measurement-stats" ] ;
fhir:definition [
fhir:v ""^^xsd:anyURI ;
fhir:link <>       ] ;
fhir:documentation [ fhir:v "### Report Contents\nThis report contains counts of Measurements for each EpisodeOfCare:\n- Observation\n- QuestionnaireResponse\n- Media\n### Grouping \nThis report is grouped by EpsiodeOfCare. Each group is returned in a separate JSon file.\n### Parameters\n- organization: Filter on EpisodeOfCare.managingOrganization match\n- period: Filter on:\n    - Observation.effective inside period for Observations\n    - Questionnaire.authored inside period for QuestionnaireResponses\n    - Media.occurence inside period for Media\n### Output\nOutput can be found in Binary.content. This is a Base64 encoded .zip file containing JSon files corresponding to the report groups.\n### Example output\nEHealthEpisodeOfCare is a Fhir resource. See the implementation guide for details\n\n    {\n        'EHealthEpisodeOfCare': {\n            'resourceType': 'EpisodeOfCare',\n            'id': '21357',\n            'meta': {\n                'versionId': '1',\n                'profile': ['']\n            },\n            'extension': [{\n                    'url': '',\n                    'valueReference': {\n                        'reference': ''\n                    }\n                }\n            ],\n            'status': 'active',\n            'diagnosis': [{\n                    'condition': {\n                        'reference': ''\n                    },\n                    'rank': 1\n                }\n            ],\n            'patient': {\n                'reference': ''\n            },\n            'managingOrganization': {\n                'reference': ''\n            },\n            'period': {\n                'start': '1970-01-01T01:00:01+01:00',\n                'end': '1970-01-01T01:01:40+01:00'\n            }\n        },\n        'EpisodeOfCareMeasurementSummary': {\n            'observationCount': 5,\n            'mediaCount': 0,\n            'questionnaireResponseCount': 0\n        }\n    }" ]     ] [
fhir:name [ fhir:v "schedule-careteam-stats" ] ;
fhir:definition [
fhir:v ""^^xsd:anyURI ;
fhir:link <>       ] ;
fhir:documentation [ fhir:v "### Report Contents\nThis report contains counts of resources associated with CareTeams:\n- EpisodeOfCare\n- CarePlan\n- Task: Count for each task category\n### Grouping \nThis report is grouped by CareTeam. Each group is returned in a separate JSon file.\n### Parameters\n- organization: Filter on CareTeam.managingOrganization match\n- period: Filter on:\n    - CarePlan.period overlap for CarePlans\n    - EpisodeOfCare.period overlap for EpisodeOfCare\n    - Task.authoredOn inside period for Tasks\n### Output\nOutput can be found in Binary.content. This is a Base64 encoded .zip file containing JSon files corresponding to the report groups.\n### Example output\nEHealthCareTeam is a Fhir resource. See the implementation guide for details\n\n    {\n        'EHealthCareTeam': {\n            'resourceType': 'CareTeam',\n            'id': '12958',\n            'meta': {\n                'versionId': '1',\n                'profile': ['']\n            },\n            'identifier': [{\n                    'id': '59f70e4e-1c31-4647-8c91-404939b6b14e',\n                    'system': 'urn:ietf:rfc:3986'\n                }\n            ],\n            'status': 'active',\n            'name': '0cea5c11-af39-4e5c-8733-9f532ea9961a',\n            'reasonCode': [{\n                    'coding': [{\n                            'system': '',\n                            'code': 'TBD'\n                        }\n                    ]\n                }\n            ],\n            'managingOrganization': [{\n                    'reference': ''\n                }\n            ]\n        },\n        'CareTeamSummary': {\n            'episodeOfCareCount': 2,\n            'carePlanCount': 6,\n            'taskCountByCategory': {\n                'MissingMeasurementResolving': 2\n            }\n        }\n    }" ]     ] [
fhir:name [ fhir:v "fetch-careteam-stats" ] ;
fhir:definition [
fhir:v ""^^xsd:anyURI ;
fhir:link <>       ] ;
fhir:documentation [ fhir:v "### Report Contents\nThis report contains counts of resources associated with CareTeams:\n- EpisodeOfCare\n- CarePlan\n- Task: Count for each task category\n### Grouping \nThis report is grouped by CareTeam. Each group is returned in a separate JSon file.\n### Parameters\n- organization: Filter on CareTeam.managingOrganization match\n- period: Filter on:\n    - CarePlan.period overlap for CarePlans\n    - EpisodeOfCare.period overlap for EpisodeOfCare\n    - Task.authoredOn inside period for Tasks\n### Output\nOutput can be found in Binary.content. This is a Base64 encoded .zip file containing JSon files corresponding to the report groups.\n### Example output\nEHealthCareTeam is a Fhir resource. See the implementation guide for details\n\n    {\n        'EHealthCareTeam': {\n            'resourceType': 'CareTeam',\n            'id': '12958',\n            'meta': {\n                'versionId': '1',\n                'profile': ['']\n            },\n            'identifier': [{\n                    'id': '59f70e4e-1c31-4647-8c91-404939b6b14e',\n                    'system': 'urn:ietf:rfc:3986'\n                }\n            ],\n            'status': 'active',\n            'name': '0cea5c11-af39-4e5c-8733-9f532ea9961a',\n            'reasonCode': [{\n                    'coding': [{\n                            'system': '',\n                            'code': 'TBD'\n                        }\n                    ]\n                }\n            ],\n            'managingOrganization': [{\n                    'reference': ''\n                }\n            ]\n        },\n        'CareTeamSummary': {\n            'episodeOfCareCount': 2,\n            'carePlanCount': 6,\n            'taskCountByCategory': {\n                'MissingMeasurementResolving': 2\n            }\n        }\n    }" ]     ] [
fhir:name [ fhir:v "execute-careteam-stats" ] ;
fhir:definition [
fhir:v ""^^xsd:anyURI ;
fhir:link <>       ] ;
fhir:documentation [ fhir:v "### Report Contents\nThis report contains counts of resources associated with CareTeams:\n- EpisodeOfCare\n- CarePlan\n- Task: Count for each task category\n### Grouping \nThis report is grouped by CareTeam. Each group is returned in a separate JSon file.\n### Parameters\n- organization: Filter on CareTeam.managingOrganization match\n- period: Filter on:\n    - CarePlan.period overlap for CarePlans\n    - EpisodeOfCare.period overlap for EpisodeOfCare\n    - Task.authoredOn inside period for Tasks\n### Output\nOutput can be found in Binary.content. This is a Base64 encoded .zip file containing JSon files corresponding to the report groups.\n### Example output\nEHealthCareTeam is a Fhir resource. See the implementation guide for details\n\n    {\n        'EHealthCareTeam': {\n            'resourceType': 'CareTeam',\n            'id': '12958',\n            'meta': {\n                'versionId': '1',\n                'profile': ['']\n            },\n            'identifier': [{\n                    'id': '59f70e4e-1c31-4647-8c91-404939b6b14e',\n                    'system': 'urn:ietf:rfc:3986'\n                }\n            ],\n            'status': 'active',\n            'name': '0cea5c11-af39-4e5c-8733-9f532ea9961a',\n            'reasonCode': [{\n                    'coding': [{\n                            'system': '',\n                            'code': 'TBD'\n                        }\n                    ]\n                }\n            ],\n            'managingOrganization': [{\n                    'reference': ''\n                }\n            ]\n        },\n        'CareTeamSummary': {\n            'episodeOfCareCount': 2,\n            'carePlanCount': 6,\n            'taskCountByCategory': {\n                'MissingMeasurementResolving': 2\n            }\n        }\n    }" ]     ] [
fhir:name [ fhir:v "schedule-careplans-by-patient" ] ;
fhir:definition [
fhir:v ""^^xsd:anyURI ;
fhir:link <>       ] ;
fhir:documentation [ fhir:v "### Report Contents\nThis report contains the following resources:\n- EpisodeOfCare\n- PlanDefinition\n- CarePlan\n- ServiceRequest\n### Grouping \nThis report is grouped by EpisodeOfCare. Each group is returned in a separate JSon file.\n### Parameters\n- organization: Filter on EpisodeOfCare.managingOrganization match\n- period: Filter on CarePlan.period overlap\n### Output\nOutput can be found in Binary.content. This is a Base64 encoded .zip file containing JSon files corresponding to the report groups.\n### Example output\nAll returned objects are Fhir resources. See the implementation guide for details\n\n    {\n        'EHealthEpisodeOfCare': {\n            'resourceType': 'EpisodeOfCare',\n            'id': '30254',\n            'meta': {\n                'versionId': '1',\n                'profile': ['']\n            },\n            'extension': [{\n                    'url': '',\n                    'valueReference': {\n                        'reference': ''\n                    }\n                }\n            ],\n            'status': 'active',\n            'diagnosis': [{\n                    'condition': {\n                        'reference': ''\n                    },\n                    'rank': 1\n                }\n            ],\n            'patient': {\n                'reference': ''\n            },\n            'managingOrganization': {\n                'reference': ''\n            },\n            'period': {\n                'start': '1970-01-01T01:00:01+01:00',\n                'end': '1970-01-01T01:01:40+01:00'\n            }\n        },\n        'EHealthCarePlan': [{\n                'resourceType': 'CarePlan',\n                'id': '1597',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'definition': [{\n                        'reference': ''\n                    }\n                ],\n                'status': 'draft',\n                'intent': 'option',\n                'category': [{\n                        'coding': [{\n                                'system': '',\n                                'code': 'TBD'\n                            }\n                        ]\n                    }\n                ],\n                'subject': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'context': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'period': {\n                    'start': '1970-01-01T01:00:01+01:00',\n                    'end': '1970-01-01T01:01:40+01:00'\n                },\n                'addresses': [{\n                        'reference': ''\n                    }\n                ],\n                'activity': [{\n                        'reference': {\n                            'reference': ''\n                        }\n                    }\n                ]\n            }\n        ],\n        'EHealthPlanDefinition': [{\n                'resourceType': 'PlanDefinition',\n                'id': '59578',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'extension': [{\n                        'url': '',\n                        'extension': [{\n                                'url': 'reference',\n                                'valueReference': {\n                                    'reference': ''\n                                }\n                            }, {\n                                'url': 'role',\n                                'valueCodeableConcept': {\n                                    'coding': [{\n                                            'system': '',\n                                            'code': 'owner'\n                                        }\n                                    ]\n                                }\n                            }\n                        ]\n                    }\n                ],\n                'version': 'c701b8e8-abe6-41bd-9db5-c05b94bc1e2b',\n                'status': 'active'\n            }\n        ],\n        'EHealthServiceRequest': [{\n                'resourceType': 'ServiceRequest',\n                'id': '76916',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'extension': [{\n                        'url': '',\n                        'valueCodeableConcept': {\n                            'coding': [{\n                                    'system': '',\n                                    'code': 'TBD'\n                                }\n                            ]\n                        }\n                    }\n                ],\n                'definition': [{\n                        'reference': ''\n                    }\n                ],\n                'status': 'completed',\n                'intent': 'filler-order',\n                'code': {\n                    'coding': [{\n                            'system': '',\n                            'code': 'TBD'\n                        }\n                    ],\n                    'text': '31d136f2-0b98-4e0a-8f82-f0731b54893d'\n                },\n                'subject': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'context': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                }\n            }\n        ]\n    }" ]     ] [
fhir:name [ fhir:v "fetch-careplans-by-patient" ] ;
fhir:definition [
fhir:v ""^^xsd:anyURI ;
fhir:link <>       ] ;
fhir:documentation [ fhir:v "### Report Contents\nThis report contains the following resources:\n- EpisodeOfCare\n- PlanDefinition\n- CarePlan\n- ServiceRequest\n### Grouping \nThis report is grouped by EpisodeOfCare. Each group is returned in a separate JSon file.\n### Parameters\n- organization: Filter on EpisodeOfCare.managingOrganization match\n- period: Filter on CarePlan.period overlap\n### Output\nOutput can be found in Binary.content. This is a Base64 encoded .zip file containing JSon files corresponding to the report groups.\n### Example output\nAll returned objects are Fhir resources. See the implementation guide for details\n\n    {\n        'EHealthEpisodeOfCare': {\n            'resourceType': 'EpisodeOfCare',\n            'id': '30254',\n            'meta': {\n                'versionId': '1',\n                'profile': ['']\n            },\n            'extension': [{\n                    'url': '',\n                    'valueReference': {\n                        'reference': ''\n                    }\n                }\n            ],\n            'status': 'active',\n            'diagnosis': [{\n                    'condition': {\n                        'reference': ''\n                    },\n                    'rank': 1\n                }\n            ],\n            'patient': {\n                'reference': ''\n            },\n            'managingOrganization': {\n                'reference': ''\n            },\n            'period': {\n                'start': '1970-01-01T01:00:01+01:00',\n                'end': '1970-01-01T01:01:40+01:00'\n            }\n        },\n        'EHealthCarePlan': [{\n                'resourceType': 'CarePlan',\n                'id': '1597',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'definition': [{\n                        'reference': ''\n                    }\n                ],\n                'status': 'draft',\n                'intent': 'option',\n                'category': [{\n                        'coding': [{\n                                'system': '',\n                                'code': 'TBD'\n                            }\n                        ]\n                    }\n                ],\n                'subject': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'context': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'period': {\n                    'start': '1970-01-01T01:00:01+01:00',\n                    'end': '1970-01-01T01:01:40+01:00'\n                },\n                'addresses': [{\n                        'reference': ''\n                    }\n                ],\n                'activity': [{\n                        'reference': {\n                            'reference': ''\n                        }\n                    }\n                ]\n            }\n        ],\n        'EHealthPlanDefinition': [{\n                'resourceType': 'PlanDefinition',\n                'id': '59578',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'extension': [{\n                        'url': '',\n                        'extension': [{\n                                'url': 'reference',\n                                'valueReference': {\n                                    'reference': ''\n                                }\n                            }, {\n                                'url': 'role',\n                                'valueCodeableConcept': {\n                                    'coding': [{\n                                            'system': '',\n                                            'code': 'owner'\n                                        }\n                                    ]\n                                }\n                            }\n                        ]\n                    }\n                ],\n                'version': 'c701b8e8-abe6-41bd-9db5-c05b94bc1e2b',\n                'status': 'active'\n            }\n        ],\n        'EHealthServiceRequest': [{\n                'resourceType': 'ServiceRequest',\n                'id': '76916',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'extension': [{\n                        'url': '',\n                        'valueCodeableConcept': {\n                            'coding': [{\n                                    'system': '',\n                                    'code': 'TBD'\n                                }\n                            ]\n                        }\n                    }\n                ],\n                'definition': [{\n                        'reference': ''\n                    }\n                ],\n                'status': 'completed',\n                'intent': 'filler-order',\n                'code': {\n                    'coding': [{\n                            'system': '',\n                            'code': 'TBD'\n                        }\n                    ],\n                    'text': '31d136f2-0b98-4e0a-8f82-f0731b54893d'\n                },\n                'subject': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'context': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                }\n            }\n        ]\n    }" ]     ] [
fhir:name [ fhir:v "execute-careplans-by-patient" ] ;
fhir:definition [
fhir:v ""^^xsd:anyURI ;
fhir:link <>       ] ;
fhir:documentation [ fhir:v "### Report Contents\nThis report contains the following resources:\n- EpisodeOfCare\n- PlanDefinition\n- CarePlan\n- ServiceRequest\n### Grouping \nThis report is grouped by EpisodeOfCare. Each group is returned in a separate JSon file.\n### Parameters\n- organization: Filter on EpisodeOfCare.managingOrganization match\n- period: Filter on CarePlan.period overlap\n### Output\nOutput can be found in Binary.content. This is a Base64 encoded .zip file containing JSon files corresponding to the report groups.\n### Example output\nAll returned objects are Fhir resources. See the implementation guide for details\n\n    {\n        'EHealthEpisodeOfCare': {\n            'resourceType': 'EpisodeOfCare',\n            'id': '30254',\n            'meta': {\n                'versionId': '1',\n                'profile': ['']\n            },\n            'extension': [{\n                    'url': '',\n                    'valueReference': {\n                        'reference': ''\n                    }\n                }\n            ],\n            'status': 'active',\n            'diagnosis': [{\n                    'condition': {\n                        'reference': ''\n                    },\n                    'rank': 1\n                }\n            ],\n            'patient': {\n                'reference': ''\n            },\n            'managingOrganization': {\n                'reference': ''\n            },\n            'period': {\n                'start': '1970-01-01T01:00:01+01:00',\n                'end': '1970-01-01T01:01:40+01:00'\n            }\n        },\n        'EHealthCarePlan': [{\n                'resourceType': 'CarePlan',\n                'id': '1597',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'definition': [{\n                        'reference': ''\n                    }\n                ],\n                'status': 'draft',\n                'intent': 'option',\n                'category': [{\n                        'coding': [{\n                                'system': '',\n                                'code': 'TBD'\n                            }\n                        ]\n                    }\n                ],\n                'subject': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'context': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'period': {\n                    'start': '1970-01-01T01:00:01+01:00',\n                    'end': '1970-01-01T01:01:40+01:00'\n                },\n                'addresses': [{\n                        'reference': ''\n                    }\n                ],\n                'activity': [{\n                        'reference': {\n                            'reference': ''\n                        }\n                    }\n                ]\n            }\n        ],\n        'EHealthPlanDefinition': [{\n                'resourceType': 'PlanDefinition',\n                'id': '59578',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'extension': [{\n                        'url': '',\n                        'extension': [{\n                                'url': 'reference',\n                                'valueReference': {\n                                    'reference': ''\n                                }\n                            }, {\n                                'url': 'role',\n                                'valueCodeableConcept': {\n                                    'coding': [{\n                                            'system': '',\n                                            'code': 'owner'\n                                        }\n                                    ]\n                                }\n                            }\n                        ]\n                    }\n                ],\n                'version': 'c701b8e8-abe6-41bd-9db5-c05b94bc1e2b',\n                'status': 'active'\n            }\n        ],\n        'EHealthServiceRequest': [{\n                'resourceType': 'ServiceRequest',\n                'id': '76916',\n                'meta': {\n                    'versionId': '1',\n                    'profile': ['']\n                },\n                'extension': [{\n                        'url': '',\n                        'valueCodeableConcept': {\n                            'coding': [{\n                                    'system': '',\n                                    'code': 'TBD'\n                                }\n                            ]\n                        }\n                    }\n                ],\n                'definition': [{\n                        'reference': ''\n                    }\n                ],\n                'status': 'completed',\n                'intent': 'filler-order',\n                'code': {\n                    'coding': [{\n                            'system': '',\n                            'code': 'TBD'\n                        }\n                    ],\n                    'text': '31d136f2-0b98-4e0a-8f82-f0731b54893d'\n                },\n                'subject': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                },\n                'context': {\n                    'reference': ''\n                }\n            }\n        ]\n    }" ]     ] [
fhir:name [ fhir:v "schedule-careplan-duration-stats" ] ;
fhir:definition [
fhir:v ""^^xsd:anyURI ;
fhir:link <>       ] ;
fhir:documentation [ fhir:v "### Report Contents\nThis report contains statistics on status changes for CarePlans:\n- count: Number of CarePlans in each state\n- min: Shortest time spent in each state\n- max: Longest time spent in each state\n- sum: Sum of time spent in each state\n- average: Average time spent in each state.\n \nThe durations are specified in [ISO 8601]( format.\n### Grouping \nThis report is grouped by PlanDefinition. Each group is returned in a separate JSon file.\n### Parameters\n- organization: Filter on EpisodeOfCare.managingOrganization match\n- period: Filter on CarePlan.period overlap\n- condition: Filter on EpisodeOfCare condition match\n\n### Output\nOutput can be found in Binary.content. This is a Base64 encoded .zip file containing JSon files corresponding to the report groups.\n### Example output\nEHealthPlanDefinition is a Fhir resource. See the implementation guide for details\n\n    {\n        'EHealthPlanDefinition': {\n            'resourceType': 'PlanDefinition',\n            'id': '257',\n            'meta': {\n                'versionId': '1',\n                'profile': ['']\n            },\n            'extension': [{\n                    'url': '',\n                    'extension': [{\n                            'url': 'reference',\n                            'valueReference': {\n                                'reference': ''\n                            }\n                        }, {\n                            'url': 'role',\n                            'valueCodeableConcept': {\n                                'coding': [{\n                                        'system': '',\n                                        'code': 'owner'\n                                    }\n                                ]\n                            }\n                        }\n                    ]\n                }\n            ],\n            'version': 'dc9ecd87-163f-4d2f-bdfe-434085eafe4f',\n            'status': 'active'\n        },\n        'CarePlanStatusDurationSummary': {\n            'statusDurationStatistics': {\n                'draft': {\n                    'status': {\n                        'valueCodeableConcept': {\n                            'coding': [{\n                                    'system': '',\n                                    'code': 'draft'\n                                }\n                            ]\n                        }\n                    },\n                    'durationStatistics': {\n                        'count': 2,\n                        'min': 'P10DT10H0M0S',\n                        'max': 'P15DT0H0M0S',\n                        'sum': 'P25DT10H0M0S',\n                        'average': 'P12DT17H0M0S'\n                    }\n                },\n                'active': {\n                    'status': {\n                        'valueCodeableConcept': {\n                            'coding': [{\n                                    'system': '',\n                                    'code': 'active'\n                                }\n                            ]\n                        }\n                    },\n                    'durationStatistics': {\n                        'count': 2,\n                        'min': 'P200DT0H0M0S',\n                        'max': 'P200DT0H0M0S',\n                        'sum': 'P400DT0H0M0S',\n                        'average': 'P200DT0H0M0S'\n                    }\n                },\n                'completed': {\n                    'status': {\n                        'valueCodeableConcept': {\n                            'coding': [{\n                                    'system': '',\n                                    'code': 'completed'\n                                }\n                            ]\n                        }\n                    },\n                    'durationStatistics': {\n                        'count': 2,\n                        'min': 'P284DT14H0M0S',\n                        'max': 'P380DT0H0M0S',\n                        'sum': 'P664DT14H0M0S',\n                        'average': 'P332DT7H0M0S'\n                    }\n                },\n                'suspended': {\n                    'status': {\n                        'valueCodeableConcept': {\n                            'coding': [{\n                                    'system': '',\n                                    'code': 'suspended'\n                                }\n                            ]\n                        }\n                    },\n                    'durationStatistics': {\n                        'count': 2,\n                        'min': 'P5DT0H0M0S',\n                        'max': 'P5DT0H0M0S',\n                        'sum': 'P10DT0H0M0S',\n                        'average': 'P5DT0H0M0S'\n                    }\n                }\n            }\n        }\n    }" ]     ] [
fhir:name [ fhir:v "fetch-careplan-duration-stats" ] ;
fhir:definition [
fhir:v ""^^xsd:anyURI ;
fhir:link <>       ] ;
fhir:documentation [ fhir:v "### Report Contents\nThis report contains statistics on status changes for CarePlans:\n- count: Number of CarePlans in each state\n- min: Shortest time spent in each state\n- max: Longest time spent in each state\n- sum: Sum of time spent in each state\n- average: Average time spent in each state.\n \nThe durations are specified in [ISO 8601]( format.\n### Grouping \nThis report is grouped by PlanDefinition. Each group is returned in a separate JSon file.\n### Parameters\n- organization: Filter on EpisodeOfCare.managingOrganization match\n- period: Filter on CarePlan.period overlap\n- condition: Filter on EpisodeOfCare condition match\n\n### Output\nOutput can be found in Binary.content. This is a Base64 encoded .zip file containing JSon files corresponding to the report groups.\n### Example output\nEHealthPlanDefinition is a Fhir resource. See the implementation guide for details\n\n    {\n        'EHealthPlanDefinition': {\n            'resourceType': 'PlanDefinition',\n            'id': '257',\n            'meta': {\n                'versionId': '1',\n                'profile': ['']\n            },\n            'extension': [{\n                    'url': '',\n                    'extension': [{\n                            'url': 'reference',\n                            'valueReference': {\n                                'reference': ''\n                            }\n                        }, {\n                            'url': 'role',\n                            'valueCodeableConcept': {\n                                'coding': [{\n                                        'system': '',\n                                        'code': 'owner'\n                                    }\n                                ]\n                            }\n                        }\n                    ]\n                }\n            ],\n            'version': 'dc9ecd87-163f-4d2f-bdfe-434085eafe4f',\n            'status': 'active'\n        },\n        'CarePlanStatusDurationSummary': {\n            'statusDurationStatistics': {\n                'draft': {\n                    'status': {\n                        'valueCodeableConcept': {\n                            'coding': [{\n                                    'system': '',\n                                    'code': 'draft'\n                                }\n                            ]\n                        }\n                    },\n                    'durationStatistics': {\n                        'count': 2,\n                        'min': 'P10DT10H0M0S',\n                        'max': 'P15DT0H0M0S',\n                        'sum': 'P25DT10H0M0S',\n                        'average': 'P12DT17H0M0S'\n                    }\n                },\n                'active': {\n                    'status': {\n                        'valueCodeableConcept': {\n                            'coding': [{\n                                    'system': '',\n                                    'code': 'active'\n                                }\n                            ]\n                        }\n                    },\n                    'durationStatistics': {\n                        'count': 2,\n                        'min': 'P200DT0H0M0S',\n                        'max': 'P200DT0H0M0S',\n                        'sum': 'P400DT0H0M0S',\n                        'average': 'P200DT0H0M0S'\n                    }\n                },\n                'completed': {\n                    'status': {\n                        'valueCodeableConcept': {\n                            'coding': [{\n                                    'system': '',\n                                    'code': 'completed'\n                                }\n                            ]\n                        }\n                    },\n                    'durationStatistics': {\n                        'count': 2,\n                        'min': 'P284DT14H0M0S',\n                        'max': 'P380DT0H0M0S',\n                        'sum': 'P664DT14H0M0S',\n                        'average': 'P332DT7H0M0S'\n                    }\n                },\n                'suspended': {\n                    'status': {\n                        'valueCodeableConcept': {\n                            'coding': [{\n                                    'system': '',\n                                    'code': 'suspended'\n                                }\n                            ]\n                        }\n                    },\n                    'durationStatistics': {\n                        'count': 2,\n                        'min': 'P5DT0H0M0S',\n                        'max': 'P5DT0H0M0S',\n                        'sum': 'P10DT0H0M0S',\n                        'average': 'P5DT0H0M0S'\n                    }\n                }\n            }\n        }\n    }" ]     ] [
fhir:name [ fhir:v "execute-careplan-duration-stats" ] ;
fhir:definition [
fhir:v ""^^xsd:anyURI ;
fhir:link <>       ] ;
fhir:documentation [ fhir:v "### Report Contents\nThis report contains statistics on status changes for CarePlans:\n- count: Number of CarePlans in each state\n- min: Shortest time spent in each state\n- max: Longest time spent in each state\n- sum: Sum of time spent in each state\n- average: Average time spent in each state.\n \nThe durations are specified in [ISO 8601]( format.\n### Grouping \nThis report is grouped by PlanDefinition. Each group is returned in a separate JSon file.\n### Parameters\n- organization: Filter on EpisodeOfCare.managingOrganization match\n- period: Filter on CarePlan.period overlap\n- condition: Filter on EpisodeOfCare condition match\n\n### Output\nOutput can be found in Binary.content. This is a Base64 encoded .zip file containing JSon files corresponding to the report groups.\n### Example output\nEHealthPlanDefinition is a Fhir resource. See the implementation guide for details\n\n    {\n        'EHealthPlanDefinition': {\n            'resourceType': 'PlanDefinition',\n            'id': '257',\n            'meta': {\n                'versionId': '1',\n                'profile': ['']\n            },\n            'extension': [{\n                    'url': '',\n                    'extension': [{\n                            'url': 'reference',\n                            'valueReference': {\n                                'reference': ''\n                            }\n                        }, {\n                            'url': 'role',\n                            'valueCodeableConcept': {\n                                'coding': [{\n                                        'system': '',\n                                        'code': 'owner'\n                                    }\n                                ]\n                            }\n                        }\n                    ]\n                }\n            ],\n            'version': 'dc9ecd87-163f-4d2f-bdfe-434085eafe4f',\n            'status': 'active'\n        },\n        'CarePlanStatusDurationSummary': {\n            'statusDurationStatistics': {\n                'draft': {\n                    'status': {\n                        'valueCodeableConcept': {\n                            'coding': [{\n                                    'system': '',\n                                    'code': 'draft'\n                                }\n                            ]\n                        }\n                    },\n                    'durationStatistics': {\n                        'count': 2,\n                        'min': 'P10DT10H0M0S',\n                        'max': 'P15DT0H0M0S',\n                        'sum': 'P25DT10H0M0S',\n                        'average': 'P12DT17H0M0S'\n                    }\n                },\n                'active': {\n                    'status': {\n                        'valueCodeableConcept': {\n                            'coding': [{\n                                    'system': '',\n                                    'code': 'active'\n                                }\n                            ]\n                        }\n                    },\n                    'durationStatistics': {\n                        'count': 2,\n                        'min': 'P200DT0H0M0S',\n                        'max': 'P200DT0H0M0S',\n                        'sum': 'P400DT0H0M0S',\n                        'average': 'P200DT0H0M0S'\n                    }\n                },\n                'completed': {\n                    'status': {\n                        'valueCodeableConcept': {\n                            'coding': [{\n                                    'system': '',\n                                    'code': 'completed'\n                                }\n                            ]\n                        }\n                    },\n                    'durationStatistics': {\n                        'count': 2,\n                        'min': 'P284DT14H0M0S',\n                        'max': 'P380DT0H0M0S',\n                        'sum': 'P664DT14H0M0S',\n                        'average': 'P332DT7H0M0S'\n                    }\n                },\n                'suspended': {\n                    'status': {\n                        'valueCodeableConcept': {\n                            'coding': [{\n                                    'system': '',\n                                    'code': 'suspended'\n                                }\n                            ]\n                        }\n                    },\n                    'durationStatistics': {\n                        'count': 2,\n                        'min': 'P5DT0H0M0S',\n                        'max': 'P5DT0H0M0S',\n                        'sum': 'P10DT0H0M0S',\n                        'average': 'P5DT0H0M0S'\n                    }\n                }\n            }\n        }\n    }" ]     ] [
fhir:name [ fhir:v "schedule-careplan-customization-stats" ] ;
fhir:definition [
fhir:v ""^^xsd:anyURI ;
fhir:link <>       ] ;
fhir:documentation [ fhir:v "### Report Contents\nThis report contains a count of patient specific modifications of:\n- Measurement schedule timing\n- Reference ranges\n### Grouping \nThis report is grouped by PlanDefinition. Each group is returned in a separate JSon file.\n### Parameters\n- organization: Filter on EpisodeOfCare.managingOrganization match\n- period: Filter on CarePlan.period overlap\n\n### Output\nOutput can be found in Binary.content. This is a Base64 encoded .zip file containing JSon files corresponding to the report groups.\n### Example output\nEHealthPlanDefinition is a Fhir resource. See the implementation guide for details\n\n    {\n        'EHealthPlanDefinition': {\n            'resourceType': 'PlanDefinition',\n            'id': '53450',\n            'meta': {\n                'versionId': '1',\n                'profile': ['']\n            },\n            'extension': [{\n                    'url': '',\n                    'extension': [{\n                            'url': 'reference',\n                            'valueReference': {\n                                'reference': ''\n                            }\n                        }, {\n                            'url': 'role',\n                            'valueCodeableConcept': {\n                                'coding': [{\n                                        'system': '',\n                                        'code': 'owner'\n                                    }\n                                ]\n                            }\n                        }\n                    ]\n                }\n            ],\n            'version': '97219ba1-2202-42a1-b99d-45de3a506b40',\n            'status': 'active'\n        },\n        'CarePlanCustomizationSummary': {\n            'timingCustomizationCount': 1,\n            'referenceRangeCustomizationCount': 1\n        }\n    }" ]     ] [
fhir:name [ fhir:v "fetch-careplan-customization-stats" ] ;
fhir:definition [
fhir:v ""^^xsd:anyURI ;
fhir:link <>       ] ;
fhir:documentation [ fhir:v "### Report Contents\nThis report contains a count of patient specific modifications of:\n- Measurement schedule timing\n- Reference ranges\n### Grouping \nThis report is grouped by PlanDefinition. Each group is returned in a separate JSon file.\n### Parameters\n- organization: Filter on EpisodeOfCare.managingOrganization match\n- period: Filter on CarePlan.period overlap\n\n### Output\nOutput can be found in Binary.content. This is a Base64 encoded .zip file containing JSon files corresponding to the report groups.\n### Example output\nEHealthPlanDefinition is a Fhir resource. See the implementation guide for details\n\n    {\n        'EHealthPlanDefinition': {\n            'resourceType': 'PlanDefinition',\n            'id': '53450',\n            'meta': {\n                'versionId': '1',\n                'profile': ['']\n            },\n            'extension': [{\n                    'url': '',\n                    'extension': [{\n                            'url': 'reference',\n                            'valueReference': {\n                                'reference': ''\n                            }\n                        }, {\n                            'url': 'role',\n                            'valueCodeableConcept': {\n                                'coding': [{\n                                        'system': '',\n                                        'code': 'owner'\n                                    }\n                                ]\n                            }\n                        }\n                    ]\n                }\n            ],\n            'version': '97219ba1-2202-42a1-b99d-45de3a506b40',\n            'status': 'active'\n        },\n        'CarePlanCustomizationSummary': {\n            'timingCustomizationCount': 1,\n            'referenceRangeCustomizationCount': 1\n        }\n    }" ]     ] [
fhir:name [ fhir:v "execute-careplan-customization-stats" ] ;
fhir:definition [
fhir:v ""^^xsd:anyURI ;
fhir:link <>       ] ;
fhir:documentation [ fhir:v "### Report Contents\nThis report contains a count of patient specific modifications of:\n- Measurement schedule timing\n- Reference ranges\n### Grouping \nThis report is grouped by PlanDefinition. Each group is returned in a separate JSon file.\n### Parameters\n- organization: Filter on EpisodeOfCare.managingOrganization match\n- period: Filter on CarePlan.period overlap\n\n### Output\nOutput can be found in Binary.content. This is a Base64 encoded .zip file containing JSon files corresponding to the report groups.\n### Example output\nEHealthPlanDefinition is a Fhir resource. See the implementation guide for details\n\n    {\n        'EHealthPlanDefinition': {\n            'resourceType': 'PlanDefinition',\n            'id': '53450',\n            'meta': {\n                'versionId': '1',\n                'profile': ['']\n            },\n            'extension': [{\n                    'url': '',\n                    'extension': [{\n                            'url': 'reference',\n                            'valueReference': {\n                                'reference': ''\n                            }\n                        }, {\n                            'url': 'role',\n                            'valueCodeableConcept': {\n                                'coding': [{\n                                        'system': '',\n                                        'code': 'owner'\n                                    }\n                                ]\n                            }\n                        }\n                    ]\n                }\n            ],\n            'version': '97219ba1-2202-42a1-b99d-45de3a506b40',\n            'status': 'active'\n        },\n        'CarePlanCustomizationSummary': {\n            'timingCustomizationCount': 1,\n            'referenceRangeCustomizationCount': 1\n        }\n    }" ]     ] [
fhir:name [ fhir:v "schedule-careplan-and-episode-of-care-stats" ] ;
fhir:definition [
fhir:v ""^^xsd:anyURI ;
fhir:link <>       ] ;
fhir:documentation [ fhir:v "### Report Contents\nThis report contains a count of active EpisodeOfCare and CarePlans.\n### Grouping \nThis report is grouped by ConditionCode. Each group is returned in a separate JSon file.\n### Parameters\n- organization: Filter on EpisodeOfCare.managingOrganization match\n- period: Filter on CarePlan.period overlap\n\n### Output\nOutput can be found in Binary.content. This is a Base64 encoded .zip file containing JSon files corresponding to the report groups.\n### Example output\nThe ConditionCode is a Fhir CodeableConcept. See the implementation guide for details\n\n    {\n        'ConditionCode': {\n            'valueCodeableConcept': {\n                'coding': [{\n                        'system': 'urn:oid:',\n                        'code': 'DJ44'\n                    }\n                ]\n            }\n        },\n        'ConditionSummary': {\n            'activeEpisodeOfCareCount': 1,\n            'activeCarePlanCount': 1\n        }\n    }" ]     ] [
fhir:name [ fhir:v "fetch-careplan-and-episode-of-care-stats" ] ;
fhir:definition [
fhir:v ""^^xsd:anyURI ;
fhir:link <>       ] ;
fhir:documentation [ fhir:v "### Report Contents\nThis report contains a count of active EpisodeOfCare and CarePlans.\n### Grouping \nThis report is grouped by ConditionCode. Each group is returned in a separate JSon file.\n### Parameters\n- organization: Filter on EpisodeOfCare.managingOrganization match\n- period: Filter on CarePlan.period overlap\n\n### Output\nOutput can be found in Binary.content. This is a Base64 encoded .zip file containing JSon files corresponding to the report groups.\n### Example output\nThe ConditionCode is a Fhir CodeableConcept. See the implementation guide for details\n\n    {\n        'ConditionCode': {\n            'valueCodeableConcept': {\n                'coding': [{\n                        'system': 'urn:oid:',\n                        'code': 'DJ44'\n                    }\n                ]\n            }\n        },\n        'ConditionSummary': {\n            'activeEpisodeOfCareCount': 1,\n            'activeCarePlanCount': 1\n        }\n    }" ]     ] [
fhir:name [ fhir:v "execute-careplan-and-episode-of-care-stats" ] ;
fhir:definition [
fhir:v ""^^xsd:anyURI ;
fhir:link <>       ] ;
fhir:documentation [ fhir:v "### Report Contents\nThis report contains a count of active EpisodeOfCare and CarePlans.\n### Grouping \nThis report is grouped by ConditionCode. Each group is returned in a separate JSon file.\n### Parameters\n- organization: Filter on EpisodeOfCare.managingOrganization match\n- period: Filter on CarePlan.period overlap\n\n### Output\nOutput can be found in Binary.content. This is a Base64 encoded .zip file containing JSon files corresponding to the report groups.\n### Example output\nThe ConditionCode is a Fhir CodeableConcept. See the implementation guide for details\n\n    {\n        'ConditionCode': {\n            'valueCodeableConcept': {\n                'coding': [{\n                        'system': 'urn:oid:',\n                        'code': 'DJ44'\n                    }\n                ]\n            }\n        },\n        'ConditionSummary': {\n            'activeEpisodeOfCareCount': 1,\n            'activeCarePlanCount': 1\n        }\n    }" ]     ] [
fhir:name [ fhir:v "process-message" ] ;
fhir:definition [
fhir:v ""^^xsd:anyURI ;
fhir:link <>       ] ;
fhir:documentation [ fhir:v "Accept a FHIR Message Bundle for processing" ]     ] [
fhir:name [ fhir:v "perform-reindexing-pass" ] ;
fhir:definition [
fhir:v ""^^xsd:anyURI ;
fhir:link <>       ] ;
fhir:documentation [ fhir:v "Forces a single pass of the resource reindexing processor" ]     ] [
fhir:name [ fhir:v "meta" ] ;
fhir:definition [
fhir:v ""^^xsd:anyURI ;
fhir:link <>       ]     ] [
fhir:name [ fhir:v "get-resource-counts" ] ;
fhir:definition [
fhir:v ""^^xsd:anyURI ;
fhir:link <>       ] ;
fhir:documentation [ fhir:v "Provides the number of resources currently stored on the server, broken down by resource type" ]     ] [
fhir:name [ fhir:v "reindex-terminology" ] ;
fhir:definition [
fhir:v ""^^xsd:anyURI ;
fhir:link <>       ]     ] )
  ] ) . #