eHealth Infrastructure
3.0.0 - release

eHealth Infrastructure - Local Development build (v3.0.0) built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) Build Tools. See the Directory of published versions

: reporting - XML Representation

Active as of 2024-02-04

Raw xml | Download

<CapabilityStatement xmlns="">
  <id value="reporting"/>
    <status value="extensions"/>
    <div xmlns=""><h2 id="title"/><ul><li>Implementation Guide Version: 3.0.0</li><li>FHIR Version: 4.0.1</li><li>Supported Formats: <code>application/fhir+xml</code>, <code>xml</code>, <code>application/fhir+json</code>, <code>json</code>, <code>application/x-turtle</code>, <code>ttl</code>, <code>html/json</code>, <code>html/xml</code>, <code>html/turtle</code></li><li>Supported Patch Formats: </li><li>Published on: Sun Feb 04 02:52:13 UTC 2024</li><li>Published by: Den telemedicinske infrastruktur (eHealth Infrastructure)</li></ul><blockquote class="impl-note"><p><strong>Note to Implementers: FHIR Capabilities</strong></p><p>Any FHIR capability may be 'allowed' by the system unless explicitly marked as &quot;SHALL NOT&quot;. A few items are marked as MAY in the Implementation Guide to highlight their potential relevance to the use case.</p></blockquote><h2 id="rest">FHIR RESTful Capabilities</h2><div class="panel panel-default"><div class="panel-heading"><h3 id="mode1" class="panel-title">Mode: <code>server</code></h3></div><div class="panel-body"><div class="lead"><em>Summary of System-wide Interactions</em></div><ul><li>Supports the <code>transaction</code> interaction.</li><li>Supports the <code>history-system</code> interaction.</li></ul></div></div><h3 id="resourcesCap1">Capabilities by Resource/Profile</h3><h4 id="resourcesSummary1">Summary</h4><p>The summary table lists the resources that are part of this configuration, and for each resource it lists:</p><ul><li>The relevant profiles (if any)</li><li>The interactions supported by each resource (<b><span class="bg-info">R</span></b>ead, <b><span class="bg-info">S</span></b>earch, <b><span class="bg-info">U</span></b>pdate, and <b><span class="bg-info">C</span></b>reate, are always shown, while <b><span class="bg-info">VR</span></b>ead, <b><span class="bg-info">P</span></b>atch, <b><span class="bg-info">D</span></b>elete, <b><span class="bg-info">H</span></b>istory on <b><span class="bg-info">I</span></b>nstance, or <b><span class="bg-info">H</span></b>istory on <b><span class="bg-info">T</span></b>ype are only present if at least one of the resources has support for them.</li><li><span>The required, recommended, and some optional search parameters (if any). </span></li><li>The linked resources enabled for <code>_include</code></li><li>The other resources enabled for <code>_revinclude</code></li><li>The operations on the resource (if any)</li></ul><div class="table-responsive"><table class="table table-condensed table-hover"><thead><tr><th><b>Resource Type</b></th><th><b>Profile</b></th><th class="text-center"><b title="GET a resource (read interaction)">R</b></th><th class="text-center"><b title="GET past versions of resources (vread interaction)">V-R</b></th><th class="text-center"><b title="GET all set of resources of the type (search interaction)">S</b></th><th class="text-center"><b title="PUT a new resource version (update interaction)">U</b></th><th class="text-center"><b title="POST a new resource (create interaction)">C</b></th><th class="text-center"><b title="DELETE a resource (delete interaction)">D</b></th><th><b title="Required and recommended search parameters">Searches</b></th><th><code><b>_include</b></code></th><th><code><b>_revinclude</b></code></th><th><b>Operations</b></th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td><a href="#Binary1-1">Binary</a></td><td><a href=""></a></td><td>y</td><td class="text-center">y</td><td class="text-center"></td><td class="text-center"></td><td class="text-center"></td><td class="text-center">y</td><td></td><td><code>*</code></td><td/><td/></tr><tr><td><a href="#OperationDefinition1-2">OperationDefinition</a></td><td><a href=""></a></td><td>y</td><td class="text-center"></td><td class="text-center"></td><td class="text-center"></td><td class="text-center"></td><td class="text-center"></td><td></td><td><code>*</code></td><td/><td/></tr></tbody></table></div><hr/><div class="panel panel-default"><div class="panel-heading"><h4 id="Binary1-1" class="panel-title"><span style="float: right;">Resource Conformance: supported</span>Binary</h4></div><div class="panel-body"><div class="container"><div class="row"><div class="col-lg-6"><span class="lead">Base System Profile</span><br/><a href=""></a></div><div class="col-lg-3"><span class="lead">Profile Conformance</span><br/><b>SHALL</b></div><div class="col-lg-3"><span class="lead">Reference Policy</span><br/></div></div><p/><div class="row"><div class="col-lg-6"><span class="lead">Interaction summary</span><br/><ul><li>Supports <code>vread</code>, <code>read</code>, <code>delete</code>.</li></ul></div></div><p/></div></div></div><div class="panel panel-default"><div class="panel-heading"><h4 id="OperationDefinition1-2" class="panel-title"><span style="float: right;">Resource Conformance: supported</span>OperationDefinition</h4></div><div class="panel-body"><div class="container"><div class="row"><div class="col-lg-6"><span class="lead">Base System Profile</span><br/><a href=""></a></div><div class="col-lg-3"><span class="lead">Profile Conformance</span><br/><b>SHALL</b></div><div class="col-lg-3"><span class="lead">Reference Policy</span><br/></div></div><p/><div class="row"><div class="col-lg-6"><span class="lead">Interaction summary</span><br/><ul><li>Supports <code>read</code>.</li></ul></div></div><p/></div></div></div></div>
  <url value=""/>
  <version value="3.0.0"/>
  <name value="reporting"/>
  <status value="active"/>
  <date value="2024-02-04T02:52:13.657+00:00"/>
             value="Den telemedicinske infrastruktur (eHealth Infrastructure)"/>
    <name value="Den telemedicinske infrastruktur (eHealth Infrastructure)"/>
      <system value="url"/>
      <value value=""/>
  <kind value="instance"/>
    <name value="reporting"/>
    <version value="1.11.2"/>
    <description value="eHealth reporting service"/>
    <url value=""/>
  <fhirVersion value="4.0.1"/>
  <format value="application/fhir+xml"/>
  <format value="xml"/>
  <format value="application/fhir+json"/>
  <format value="json"/>
  <format value="application/x-turtle"/>
  <format value="ttl"/>
  <format value="html/json"/>
  <format value="html/xml"/>
  <format value="html/turtle"/>
    <mode value="server"/>
      <type value="Binary"/>
      <profile value=""/>
        <code value="vread"/>
        <code value="read"/>
        <code value="delete"/>
      <conditionalDelete value="multiple"/>
      <searchInclude value="*"/>
      <type value="OperationDefinition"/>
        <code value="read"/>
      <searchInclude value="*"/>
      <code value="transaction"/>
      <code value="history-system"/>
      <name value="get-report-job-status"/>
                     value="### Status Contents 
This operation returns status for reports scheduled by the user (by schedule or execute)
### Output
The output is a Bundle containing Parameters resources for each scheduled report.
The parts of the Parameters describe the class of report, the parameters that the report
was scheduled with, the user ID, the status of the report, a reference to the report Binary
and time of creation, start, and end of execution.
### Example output
  'resourceType': 'Bundle',
  'type': 'collection',
  'entry': [
      'fullUrl': 'ce35bcd5-4bb2-4c6e-b230-5347df1fe9bc',
      'resource': {
        'resourceType': 'Parameters',
        'id': 'ce35bcd5-4bb2-4c6e-b230-5347df1fe9bc',
        'parameter': [
            'name': 'reportJob',
            'part': [
                'name': 'reportClass',
                'valueString': 'com.systematic.ehealth.reporting.reports.PatientsUsageReport'
                'name': 'userId',
                'valueString': '0aaca7cd-67c3-48dd-a8c4-0cceecb5d276'
                'name': 'status',
                'valueString': 'DONE'
                'name': 'binary',
                'valueReference': {
                  'reference': ''
                'name': 'parameters',
                'resource': {
                  'resourceType': 'Parameters',
                  'parameter': [
                      'name': 'anonymization',
                      'valueString': 'None'
                'name': 'created',
                'valueDateTime': '2023-10-12T09:51:50+00:00'
                'name': 'started',
                'valueDateTime': '2023-10-12T09:51:50+00:00'
                'name': 'ended',
                'valueDateTime': '2023-10-12T09:51:51+00:00'
      <name value="schedule-questionnaireresponses"/>
                     value="### Report Contents
This report contains a collection of questionnaire responses and related resources
- Organizations
- CareTeams
- PlanDefinitions
- ActivityDefinitions
- Questionnaires
- QuestionnaireResponses
- Communication
- ServiceRequestSummary
### Grouping 
This report is grouped by Questionnaire. Each group is returned as a FHIR bundle in a separate JSon file.
### Parameters
- organization: Filter on EpisodeOfCare.managingOrganization match
- condition: Filter on CarePlan.addresses.code match
- period: Filter on QuestionnaireResponse.authored within period
- plan: Filter on Plan match
- questionnaire: Filter on ActivityDefinition.composed-of match
- careteam: Filter on careteam in CarePlan.careteam or
- tag: Filter on tag match

### Output
Output can be found in Binary.content. This is a Base64 encoded .zip file containing JSon files corresponding to the report groups.
### Example output
### Output
  'resourceType' : 'Bundle',
  'id' : 'Questionnaire/44529',
  'entry' : [ {
    'fullUrl' : '',
    'resource' : {
      'resourceType' : 'PlanDefinition',
      'id' : '24206',
      'meta' : {
        'versionId' : '1',
        'profile' : [ '' ]
      'extension' : [ {
        'url' : '',
        'extension' : [ {
          'url' : 'reference',
          'valueReference' : {
            'reference' : ''
        }, {
          'url' : 'role',
          'valueCodeableConcept' : {
            'coding' : [ {
              'system' : '',
              'code' : 'owner'
            } ]
        } ]
      } ],
      'version' : '1.0',
      'status' : 'active',
      'action' : [ {
        'definitionCanonical' : ''
      } ]
  }, {
    'fullUrl' : '',
    'resource' : {
      'resourceType' : 'ActivityDefinition',
      'id' : '10919',
      'meta' : {
        'versionId' : '1',
        'profile' : [ '' ]
      'extension' : [ {
        'url' : '',
        'valueCodeableConcept' : {
          'coding' : [ {
            'system' : '',
            'code' : 'noSharing'
          } ]
      }, {
        'url' : '',
        'extension' : [ {
          'url' : 'reference',
          'valueReference' : {
            'reference' : ''
        }, {
          'url' : 'role',
          'valueCodeableConcept' : {
            'coding' : [ {
              'system' : '',
              'code' : 'owner'
            } ]
        } ]
      } ],
      'version' : '1.0',
      'name' : '0ca879ed-678c-4439-aa4a-efc597f92dfb',
      'status' : 'active',
      'topic' : [ {
        'coding' : [ {
          'system' : '',
          'code' : 'treatment'
        } ]
      } ],
      'relatedArtifact' : [ {
        'type' : 'composed-of',
        'resource' : ''
      } ],
      'code' : {
        'coding' : [ {
          'system' : '',
          'code' : '273586006'
        } ]
  }, {
    'fullUrl' : '',
    'resource' : {
      'resourceType' : 'Questionnaire',
      'id' : '44529',
      'meta' : {
        'versionId' : '1',
        'profile' : [ '' ]
      'extension' : [ {
        'url' : '',
        'valueCodeableConcept' : {
          'coding' : [ {
            'system' : '',
            'code' : 'QQ'
          } ]
      }, {
        'url' : '',
        'extension' : [ {
          'url' : 'reference',
          'valueReference' : {
            'reference' : ''
        }, {
          'url' : 'role',
          'valueCodeableConcept' : {
            'coding' : [ {
              'system' : '',
              'code' : 'owner'
            } ]
        } ]
      } ],
      'version' : '1.0',
      'name' : '090b990e-046a-4374-b7c6-b08613a41cce',
      'status' : 'active'
  }, {
    'fullUrl' : '',
    'resource' : {
      'resourceType' : 'Organization',
      'id' : '98618',
      'meta' : {
        'versionId' : '1',
        'profile' : [ '' ]
      'extension' : [ {
        'url' : '',
        'valueCodeableConcept' : {
          'coding' : [ {
            'system' : '',
            'code' : 'manual'
          } ]
      }, {
        'url' : '',
        'valueCodeableConcept' : {
          'coding' : [ {
            'system' : '',
            'code' : 'NotSynchronized'
          } ]
      } ],
      'identifier' : [ {
        'use' : 'official',
        'system' : 'urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.',
        'value' : '11111111',
        'period' : {
          'start' : '2023-10-10T14:49:12+02:00'
      } ],
      'active' : false,
      'name' : 'defaultTestFactory-be16f47b-1f8a-4440-a02e-23da1219b0ca',
      'partOf' : {
        'reference' : ''
  }, {
    'fullUrl' : '',
    'resource' : {
      'resourceType' : 'CareTeam',
      'id' : '87455',
      'meta' : {
        'versionId' : '1',
        'profile' : [ '' ]
      'identifier' : [ {
        'system' : 'urn:ietf:rfc:3986',
        'value' : 'urn:uuid:9658ef5f-019a-4c90-9c41-f3ad14a31777'
      } ],
      'status' : 'active',
      'name' : '1b900db5-09dd-4563-b612-2b81201fab16',
      'reasonCode' : [ {
        'coding' : [ {
          'system' : 'urn:oid:',
          'code' : 'DJ44'
        } ]
      } ]
  }, {
    'fullUrl' : '',
    'resource' : {
      'resourceType' : 'QuestionnaireResponse',
      'id' : '92491',
      'meta' : {
        'versionId' : '1',
        'profile' : [ '' ]
      'extension' : [ {
        'url' : '',
        'valueReference' : {
          'reference' : ''
      }, {
        'url' : '',
        'extension' : [ {
          'url' : 'serviceRequestVersionId',
          'valueId' : ''
        }, {
          'url' : 'start',
          'valueDateTime' : '2023-10-10T14:49:12+02:00'
        }, {
          'url' : 'end',
          'valueDateTime' : '2023-10-10T14:49:12+02:00'
        }, {
          'url' : 'type',
          'valueCodeableConcept' : {
            'coding' : [ {
              'system' : '',
              'code' : 'Resolved'
            } ]
        } ]
      } ],
      'basedOn' : [ {
        'reference' : ''
      } ],
      'questionnaire' : '',
      'status' : 'completed',
      'subject' : {
        'reference' : ''
      'authored' : '2023-10-10T14:49:12+02:00',
      'source' : {
        'reference' : ''
  }, {
    'fullUrl' : '',
    'resource' : {
      'resourceType' : 'Communication',
      'id' : '97180',
      'meta' : {
        'versionId' : '1',
        'profile' : [ '' ]
      'extension' : [ {
        'url' : '',
        'valueReference' : {
          'reference' : ''
      }, {
        'url' : '',
        'valueCodeableConcept' : {
          'coding' : [ {
            'system' : '',
            'code' : 'None'
          } ]
      } ],
      'basedOn' : [ {
        'reference' : ''
      } ],
      'status' : 'in-progress',
      'category' : [ {
        'coding' : [ {
          'system' : '',
          'code' : 'annotation'
        } ]
      }, {
        'coding' : [ {
          'system' : '',
          'code' : 'advice'
        } ]
      } ],
      'subject' : {
        'reference' : ''
      'topic' : {
        'coding' : [ {
          'system' : '',
          'code' : 'report-labs'
        } ]
      'sent' : '2023-10-10T14:49:12+02:00',
      'reasonCode' : [ {
        'coding' : [ {
          'system' : '',
          'code' : 'ReminderSubmitMeasurement'
        } ]
      } ]
  }, {
    'fullUrl' : 'urn:uuid:57cfd6a7-dd43-4caa-8220-d50c77aebd8b',
    'resource' : {
      'resourceType' : 'Parameters',
      'parameter' : [ {
        'name' : 'serviceRequestResponseSummary',
        'part' : [ {
          'name' : 'serviceRequest',
          'valueReference' : {
            'reference' : ''
          'part' : [ {
            'name' : 'condition',
            'valueCoding' : {
              'system' : 'urn:oid:',
              'code' : 'DJ44',
              'display' : 'Kronisk obstruktiv lungesygdom'
          }, {
            'name' : 'episodeOfCareManagingOrganization',
            'valueReference' : {
              'reference' : ''
          }, {
            'name' : 'episodeOfCarePeriod',
            'valuePeriod' : {
              'start' : '1970-01-01T01:00:01+01:00',
              'end' : '1970-01-01T01:01:40+01:00'
          }, {
            'name' : 'patientIdentifier',
            'valueIdentifier' : {
              'system' : 'urn:oid:',
              'value' : '0101010001'
          }, {
            'name' : 'statusHistory',
            'part' : [ {
              'name' : 'statusPeriod',
              'part' : [ {
                'name' : 'status',
                'valueCoding' : {
                  'system' : '',
                  'code' : 'draft'
              }, {
                'name' : 'period',
                'valuePeriod' : {
                  'start' : '2023-10-02T12:49:12+00:00',
                  'end' : '2023-10-03T12:49:12+00:00'
              } ]
            }, {
              'name' : 'statusPeriod',
              'part' : [ {
                'name' : 'status',
                'valueCoding' : {
                  'system' : '',
                  'code' : 'active'
              }, {
                'name' : 'period',
                'valuePeriod' : {
                  'start' : '2023-10-03T12:49:12+00:00',
                  'end' : '2023-10-04T12:49:12+00:00'
              } ]
            }, {
              'name' : 'statusPeriod',
              'part' : [ {
                'name' : 'status',
                'valueCoding' : {
                  'system' : '',
                  'code' : 'on-hold'
              }, {
                'name' : 'period',
                'valuePeriod' : {
                  'start' : '2023-10-04T12:49:12+00:00',
                  'end' : '2023-10-05T12:49:12+00:00'
              } ]
            }, {
              'name' : 'statusPeriod',
              'part' : [ {
                'name' : 'status',
                'valueCoding' : {
                  'system' : '',
                  'code' : 'active'
              }, {
                'name' : 'period',
                'valuePeriod' : {
                  'start' : '2023-10-05T12:49:12+00:00',
                  'end' : '2023-10-08T12:49:12+00:00'
              } ]
            }, {
              'name' : 'statusPeriod',
              'part' : [ {
                'name' : 'status',
                'valueCoding' : {
                  'system' : '',
                  'code' : 'on-hold'
              }, {
                'name' : 'period',
                'valuePeriod' : {
                  'start' : '2023-10-08T12:49:12+00:00'
              } ]
            } ]
          }, {
            'name' : 'involvedCareTeams',
            'part' : [ {
              'name' : 'careTeam',
              'valueReference' : {
                'reference' : ''
            } ]
          }, {
            'name' : 'responses',
            'part' : [ {
              'name' : 'response',
              'part' : [ {
                'name' : 'occurrence',
                'part' : [ {
                  'name' : 'serviceRequestVersionId',
                  'valueId' : ''
                }, {
                  'name' : 'start',
                  'valueDateTime' : '2023-10-10T14:49:12+02:00'
                }, {
                  'name' : 'end',
                  'valueDateTime' : '2023-10-10T14:49:12+02:00'
                }, {
                  'name' : 'type',
                  'valueCodeableConcept' : {
                    'coding' : [ {
                      'system' : '',
                      'code' : 'Resolved'
                    } ]
                } ]
              }, {
                'name' : 'questionnaireResponse',
                'valueReference' : {
                  'reference' : ''
              }, {
                'name' : 'submitted',
                'valueDateTime' : '2023-10-10T12:49:12+00:00'
              } ]
            } ]
          }, {
            'name' : 'communications',
            'part' : [ {
              'name' : 'communication',
              'valueReference' : {
                'reference' : ''
            } ]
          } ]
        } ]
      } ]
  } ]
      <name value="fetch-questionnaireresponses"/>
                     value="### Report Contents
This report contains a collection of questionnaire responses and related resources
- Organizations
- CareTeams
- PlanDefinitions
- ActivityDefinitions
- Questionnaires
- QuestionnaireResponses
- Communication
- ServiceRequestSummary
### Grouping 
This report is grouped by Questionnaire. Each group is returned as a FHIR bundle in a separate JSon file.
### Parameters
- organization: Filter on EpisodeOfCare.managingOrganization match
- condition: Filter on CarePlan.addresses.code match
- period: Filter on QuestionnaireResponse.authored within period
- plan: Filter on Plan match
- questionnaire: Filter on ActivityDefinition.composed-of match
- careteam: Filter on careteam in CarePlan.careteam or
- tag: Filter on tag match

### Output
Output can be found in Binary.content. This is a Base64 encoded .zip file containing JSon files corresponding to the report groups.
### Example output
### Output
  'resourceType' : 'Bundle',
  'id' : 'Questionnaire/44529',
  'entry' : [ {
    'fullUrl' : '',
    'resource' : {
      'resourceType' : 'PlanDefinition',
      'id' : '24206',
      'meta' : {
        'versionId' : '1',
        'profile' : [ '' ]
      'extension' : [ {
        'url' : '',
        'extension' : [ {
          'url' : 'reference',
          'valueReference' : {
            'reference' : ''
        }, {
          'url' : 'role',
          'valueCodeableConcept' : {
            'coding' : [ {
              'system' : '',
              'code' : 'owner'
            } ]
        } ]
      } ],
      'version' : '1.0',
      'status' : 'active',
      'action' : [ {
        'definitionCanonical' : ''
      } ]
  }, {
    'fullUrl' : '',
    'resource' : {
      'resourceType' : 'ActivityDefinition',
      'id' : '10919',
      'meta' : {
        'versionId' : '1',
        'profile' : [ '' ]
      'extension' : [ {
        'url' : '',
        'valueCodeableConcept' : {
          'coding' : [ {
            'system' : '',
            'code' : 'noSharing'
          } ]
      }, {
        'url' : '',
        'extension' : [ {
          'url' : 'reference',
          'valueReference' : {
            'reference' : ''
        }, {
          'url' : 'role',
          'valueCodeableConcept' : {
            'coding' : [ {
              'system' : '',
              'code' : 'owner'
            } ]
        } ]
      } ],
      'version' : '1.0',
      'name' : '0ca879ed-678c-4439-aa4a-efc597f92dfb',
      'status' : 'active',
      'topic' : [ {
        'coding' : [ {
          'system' : '',
          'code' : 'treatment'
        } ]
      } ],
      'relatedArtifact' : [ {
        'type' : 'composed-of',
        'resource' : ''
      } ],
      'code' : {
        'coding' : [ {
          'system' : '',
          'code' : '273586006'
        } ]
  }, {
    'fullUrl' : '',
    'resource' : {
      'resourceType' : 'Questionnaire',
      'id' : '44529',
      'meta' : {
        'versionId' : '1',
        'profile' : [ '' ]
      'extension' : [ {
        'url' : '',
        'valueCodeableConcept' : {
          'coding' : [ {
            'system' : '',
            'code' : 'QQ'
          } ]
      }, {
        'url' : '',
        'extension' : [ {
          'url' : 'reference',
          'valueReference' : {
            'reference' : ''
        }, {
          'url' : 'role',
          'valueCodeableConcept' : {
            'coding' : [ {
              'system' : '',
              'code' : 'owner'
            } ]
        } ]
      } ],
      'version' : '1.0',
      'name' : '090b990e-046a-4374-b7c6-b08613a41cce',
      'status' : 'active'
  }, {
    'fullUrl' : '',
    'resource' : {
      'resourceType' : 'Organization',
      'id' : '98618',
      'meta' : {
        'versionId' : '1',
        'profile' : [ '' ]
      'extension' : [ {
        'url' : '',
        'valueCodeableConcept' : {
          'coding' : [ {
            'system' : '',
            'code' : 'manual'
          } ]
      }, {
        'url' : '',
        'valueCodeableConcept' : {
          'coding' : [ {
            'system' : '',
            'code' : 'NotSynchronized'
          } ]
      } ],
      'identifier' : [ {
        'use' : 'official',
        'system' : 'urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.',
        'value' : '11111111',
        'period' : {
          'start' : '2023-10-10T14:49:12+02:00'
      } ],
      'active' : false,
      'name' : 'defaultTestFactory-be16f47b-1f8a-4440-a02e-23da1219b0ca',
      'partOf' : {
        'reference' : ''
  }, {
    'fullUrl' : '',
    'resource' : {
      'resourceType' : 'CareTeam',
      'id' : '87455',
      'meta' : {
        'versionId' : '1',
        'profile' : [ '' ]
      'identifier' : [ {
        'system' : 'urn:ietf:rfc:3986',
        'value' : 'urn:uuid:9658ef5f-019a-4c90-9c41-f3ad14a31777'
      } ],
      'status' : 'active',
      'name' : '1b900db5-09dd-4563-b612-2b81201fab16',
      'reasonCode' : [ {
        'coding' : [ {
          'system' : 'urn:oid:',
          'code' : 'DJ44'
        } ]
      } ]
  }, {
    'fullUrl' : '',
    'resource' : {
      'resourceType' : 'QuestionnaireResponse',
      'id' : '92491',
      'meta' : {
        'versionId' : '1',
        'profile' : [ '' ]
      'extension' : [ {
        'url' : '',
        'valueReference' : {
          'reference' : ''
      }, {
        'url' : '',
        'extension' : [ {
          'url' : 'serviceRequestVersionId',
          'valueId' : ''
        }, {
          'url' : 'start',
          'valueDateTime' : '2023-10-10T14:49:12+02:00'
        }, {
          'url' : 'end',
          'valueDateTime' : '2023-10-10T14:49:12+02:00'
        }, {
          'url' : 'type',
          'valueCodeableConcept' : {
            'coding' : [ {
              'system' : '',
              'code' : 'Resolved'
            } ]
        } ]
      } ],
      'basedOn' : [ {
        'reference' : ''
      } ],
      'questionnaire' : '',
      'status' : 'completed',
      'subject' : {
        'reference' : ''
      'authored' : '2023-10-10T14:49:12+02:00',
      'source' : {
        'reference' : ''
  }, {
    'fullUrl' : '',
    'resource' : {
      'resourceType' : 'Communication',
      'id' : '97180',
      'meta' : {
        'versionId' : '1',
        'profile' : [ '' ]
      'extension' : [ {
        'url' : '',
        'valueReference' : {
          'reference' : ''
      }, {
        'url' : '',
        'valueCodeableConcept' : {
          'coding' : [ {
            'system' : '',
            'code' : 'None'
          } ]
      } ],
      'basedOn' : [ {
        'reference' : ''
      } ],
      'status' : 'in-progress',
      'category' : [ {
        'coding' : [ {
          'system' : '',
          'code' : 'annotation'
        } ]
      }, {
        'coding' : [ {
          'system' : '',
          'code' : 'advice'
        } ]
      } ],
      'subject' : {
        'reference' : ''
      'topic' : {
        'coding' : [ {
          'system' : '',
          'code' : 'report-labs'
        } ]
      'sent' : '2023-10-10T14:49:12+02:00',
      'reasonCode' : [ {
        'coding' : [ {
          'system' : '',
          'code' : 'ReminderSubmitMeasurement'
        } ]
      } ]
  }, {
    'fullUrl' : 'urn:uuid:57cfd6a7-dd43-4caa-8220-d50c77aebd8b',
    'resource' : {
      'resourceType' : 'Parameters',
      'parameter' : [ {
        'name' : 'serviceRequestResponseSummary',
        'part' : [ {
          'name' : 'serviceRequest',
          'valueReference' : {
            'reference' : ''
          'part' : [ {
            'name' : 'condition',
            'valueCoding' : {
              'system' : 'urn:oid:',
              'code' : 'DJ44',
              'display' : 'Kronisk obstruktiv lungesygdom'
          }, {
            'name' : 'episodeOfCareManagingOrganization',
            'valueReference' : {
              'reference' : ''
          }, {
            'name' : 'episodeOfCarePeriod',
            'valuePeriod' : {
              'start' : '1970-01-01T01:00:01+01:00',
              'end' : '1970-01-01T01:01:40+01:00'
          }, {
            'name' : 'patientIdentifier',
            'valueIdentifier' : {
              'system' : 'urn:oid:',
              'value' : '0101010001'
          }, {
            'name' : 'statusHistory',
            'part' : [ {
              'name' : 'statusPeriod',
              'part' : [ {
                'name' : 'status',
                'valueCoding' : {
                  'system' : '',
                  'code' : 'draft'
              }, {
                'name' : 'period',
                'valuePeriod' : {
                  'start' : '2023-10-02T12:49:12+00:00',
                  'end' : '2023-10-03T12:49:12+00:00'
              } ]
            }, {
              'name' : 'statusPeriod',
              'part' : [ {
                'name' : 'status',
                'valueCoding' : {
                  'system' : '',
                  'code' : 'active'
              }, {
                'name' : 'period',
                'valuePeriod' : {
                  'start' : '2023-10-03T12:49:12+00:00',
                  'end' : '2023-10-04T12:49:12+00:00'
              } ]
            }, {
              'name' : 'statusPeriod',
              'part' : [ {
                'name' : 'status',
                'valueCoding' : {
                  'system' : '',
                  'code' : 'on-hold'
              }, {
                'name' : 'period',
                'valuePeriod' : {
                  'start' : '2023-10-04T12:49:12+00:00',
                  'end' : '2023-10-05T12:49:12+00:00'
              } ]
            }, {
              'name' : 'statusPeriod',
              'part' : [ {
                'name' : 'status',
                'valueCoding' : {
                  'system' : '',
                  'code' : 'active'
              }, {
                'name' : 'period',
                'valuePeriod' : {
                  'start' : '2023-10-05T12:49:12+00:00',
                  'end' : '2023-10-08T12:49:12+00:00'
              } ]
            }, {
              'name' : 'statusPeriod',
              'part' : [ {
                'name' : 'status',
                'valueCoding' : {
                  'system' : '',
                  'code' : 'on-hold'
              }, {
                'name' : 'period',
                'valuePeriod' : {
                  'start' : '2023-10-08T12:49:12+00:00'
              } ]
            } ]
          }, {
            'name' : 'involvedCareTeams',
            'part' : [ {
              'name' : 'careTeam',
              'valueReference' : {
                'reference' : ''
            } ]
          }, {
            'name' : 'responses',
            'part' : [ {
              'name' : 'response',
              'part' : [ {
                'name' : 'occurrence',
                'part' : [ {
                  'name' : 'serviceRequestVersionId',
                  'valueId' : ''
                }, {
                  'name' : 'start',
                  'valueDateTime' : '2023-10-10T14:49:12+02:00'
                }, {
                  'name' : 'end',
                  'valueDateTime' : '2023-10-10T14:49:12+02:00'
                }, {
                  'name' : 'type',
                  'valueCodeableConcept' : {
                    'coding' : [ {
                      'system' : '',
                      'code' : 'Resolved'
                    } ]
                } ]
              }, {
                'name' : 'questionnaireResponse',
                'valueReference' : {
                  'reference' : ''
              }, {
                'name' : 'submitted',
                'valueDateTime' : '2023-10-10T12:49:12+00:00'
              } ]
            } ]
          }, {
            'name' : 'communications',
            'part' : [ {
              'name' : 'communication',
              'valueReference' : {
                'reference' : ''
            } ]
          } ]
        } ]
      } ]
  } ]
      <name value="execute-questionnaireresponses"/>
                     value="### Report Contents
This report contains a collection of questionnaire responses and related resources
- Organizations
- CareTeams
- PlanDefinitions
- ActivityDefinitions
- Questionnaires
- QuestionnaireResponses
- Communication
- ServiceRequestSummary
### Grouping 
This report is grouped by Questionnaire. Each group is returned as a FHIR bundle in a separate JSon file.
### Parameters
- organization: Filter on EpisodeOfCare.managingOrganization match
- condition: Filter on CarePlan.addresses.code match
- period: Filter on QuestionnaireResponse.authored within period
- plan: Filter on Plan match
- questionnaire: Filter on ActivityDefinition.composed-of match
- careteam: Filter on careteam in CarePlan.careteam or
- tag: Filter on tag match

### Output
Output can be found in Binary.content. This is a Base64 encoded .zip file containing JSon files corresponding to the report groups.
### Example output
### Output
  'resourceType' : 'Bundle',
  'id' : 'Questionnaire/44529',
  'entry' : [ {
    'fullUrl' : '',
    'resource' : {
      'resourceType' : 'PlanDefinition',
      'id' : '24206',
      'meta' : {
        'versionId' : '1',
        'profile' : [ '' ]
      'extension' : [ {
        'url' : '',
        'extension' : [ {
          'url' : 'reference',
          'valueReference' : {
            'reference' : ''
        }, {
          'url' : 'role',
          'valueCodeableConcept' : {
            'coding' : [ {
              'system' : '',
              'code' : 'owner'
            } ]
        } ]
      } ],
      'version' : '1.0',
      'status' : 'active',
      'action' : [ {
        'definitionCanonical' : ''
      } ]
  }, {
    'fullUrl' : '',
    'resource' : {
      'resourceType' : 'ActivityDefinition',
      'id' : '10919',
      'meta' : {
        'versionId' : '1',
        'profile' : [ '' ]
      'extension' : [ {
        'url' : '',
        'valueCodeableConcept' : {
          'coding' : [ {
            'system' : '',
            'code' : 'noSharing'
          } ]
      }, {
        'url' : '',
        'extension' : [ {
          'url' : 'reference',
          'valueReference' : {
            'reference' : ''
        }, {
          'url' : 'role',
          'valueCodeableConcept' : {
            'coding' : [ {
              'system' : '',
              'code' : 'owner'
            } ]
        } ]
      } ],
      'version' : '1.0',
      'name' : '0ca879ed-678c-4439-aa4a-efc597f92dfb',
      'status' : 'active',
      'topic' : [ {
        'coding' : [ {
          'system' : '',
          'code' : 'treatment'
        } ]
      } ],
      'relatedArtifact' : [ {
        'type' : 'composed-of',
        'resource' : ''
      } ],
      'code' : {
        'coding' : [ {
          'system' : '',
          'code' : '273586006'
        } ]
  }, {
    'fullUrl' : '',
    'resource' : {
      'resourceType' : 'Questionnaire',
      'id' : '44529',
      'meta' : {
        'versionId' : '1',
        'profile' : [ '' ]
      'extension' : [ {
        'url' : '',
        'valueCodeableConcept' : {
          'coding' : [ {
            'system' : '',
            'code' : 'QQ'
          } ]
      }, {
        'url' : '',
        'extension' : [ {
          'url' : 'reference',
          'valueReference' : {
            'reference' : ''
        }, {
          'url' : 'role',
          'valueCodeableConcept' : {
            'coding' : [ {
              'system' : '',
              'code' : 'owner'
            } ]
        } ]
      } ],
      'version' : '1.0',
      'name' : '090b990e-046a-4374-b7c6-b08613a41cce',
      'status' : 'active'
  }, {
    'fullUrl' : '',
    'resource' : {
      'resourceType' : 'Organization',
      'id' : '98618',
      'meta' : {
        'versionId' : '1',
        'profile' : [ '' ]
      'extension' : [ {
        'url' : '',
        'valueCodeableConcept' : {
          'coding' : [ {
            'system' : '',
            'code' : 'manual'
          } ]
      }, {
        'url' : '',
        'valueCodeableConcept' : {
          'coding' : [ {
            'system' : '',
            'code' : 'NotSynchronized'
          } ]
      } ],
      'identifier' : [ {
        'use' : 'official',
        'system' : 'urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.',
        'value' : '11111111',
        'period' : {
          'start' : '2023-10-10T14:49:12+02:00'
      } ],
      'active' : false,
      'name' : 'defaultTestFactory-be16f47b-1f8a-4440-a02e-23da1219b0ca',
      'partOf' : {
        'reference' : ''
  }, {
    'fullUrl' : '',
    'resource' : {
      'resourceType' : 'CareTeam',
      'id' : '87455',
      'meta' : {
        'versionId' : '1',
        'profile' : [ '' ]
      'identifier' : [ {
        'system' : 'urn:ietf:rfc:3986',
        'value' : 'urn:uuid:9658ef5f-019a-4c90-9c41-f3ad14a31777'
      } ],
      'status' : 'active',
      'name' : '1b900db5-09dd-4563-b612-2b81201fab16',
      'reasonCode' : [ {
        'coding' : [ {
          'system' : 'urn:oid:',
          'code' : 'DJ44'
        } ]
      } ]
  }, {
    'fullUrl' : '',
    'resource' : {
      'resourceType' : 'QuestionnaireResponse',
      'id' : '92491',
      'meta' : {
        'versionId' : '1',
        'profile' : [ '' ]
      'extension' : [ {
        'url' : '',
        'valueReference' : {
          'reference' : ''
      }, {
        'url' : '',
        'extension' : [ {
          'url' : 'serviceRequestVersionId',
          'valueId' : ''
        }, {
          'url' : 'start',
          'valueDateTime' : '2023-10-10T14:49:12+02:00'
        }, {
          'url' : 'end',
          'valueDateTime' : '2023-10-10T14:49:12+02:00'
        }, {
          'url' : 'type',
          'valueCodeableConcept' : {
            'coding' : [ {
              'system' : '',
              'code' : 'Resolved'
            } ]
        } ]
      } ],
      'basedOn' : [ {
        'reference' : ''
      } ],
      'questionnaire' : '',
      'status' : 'completed',
      'subject' : {
        'reference' : ''
      'authored' : '2023-10-10T14:49:12+02:00',
      'source' : {
        'reference' : ''
  }, {
    'fullUrl' : '',
    'resource' : {
      'resourceType' : 'Communication',
      'id' : '97180',
      'meta' : {
        'versionId' : '1',
        'profile' : [ '' ]
      'extension' : [ {
        'url' : '',
        'valueReference' : {
          'reference' : ''
      }, {
        'url' : '',
        'valueCodeableConcept' : {
          'coding' : [ {
            'system' : '',
            'code' : 'None'
          } ]
      } ],
      'basedOn' : [ {
        'reference' : ''
      } ],
      'status' : 'in-progress',
      'category' : [ {
        'coding' : [ {
          'system' : '',
          'code' : 'annotation'
        } ]
      }, {
        'coding' : [ {
          'system' : '',
          'code' : 'advice'
        } ]
      } ],
      'subject' : {
        'reference' : ''
      'topic' : {
        'coding' : [ {
          'system' : '',
          'code' : 'report-labs'
        } ]
      'sent' : '2023-10-10T14:49:12+02:00',
      'reasonCode' : [ {
        'coding' : [ {
          'system' : '',
          'code' : 'ReminderSubmitMeasurement'
        } ]
      } ]
  }, {
    'fullUrl' : 'urn:uuid:57cfd6a7-dd43-4caa-8220-d50c77aebd8b',
    'resource' : {
      'resourceType' : 'Parameters',
      'parameter' : [ {
        'name' : 'serviceRequestResponseSummary',
        'part' : [ {
          'name' : 'serviceRequest',
          'valueReference' : {
            'reference' : ''
          'part' : [ {
            'name' : 'condition',
            'valueCoding' : {
              'system' : 'urn:oid:',
              'code' : 'DJ44',
              'display' : 'Kronisk obstruktiv lungesygdom'
          }, {
            'name' : 'episodeOfCareManagingOrganization',
            'valueReference' : {
              'reference' : ''
          }, {
            'name' : 'episodeOfCarePeriod',
            'valuePeriod' : {
              'start' : '1970-01-01T01:00:01+01:00',
              'end' : '1970-01-01T01:01:40+01:00'
          }, {
            'name' : 'patientIdentifier',
            'valueIdentifier' : {
              'system' : 'urn:oid:',
              'value' : '0101010001'
          }, {
            'name' : 'statusHistory',
            'part' : [ {
              'name' : 'statusPeriod',
              'part' : [ {
                'name' : 'status',
                'valueCoding' : {
                  'system' : '',
                  'code' : 'draft'
              }, {
                'name' : 'period',
                'valuePeriod' : {
                  'start' : '2023-10-02T12:49:12+00:00',
                  'end' : '2023-10-03T12:49:12+00:00'
              } ]
            }, {
              'name' : 'statusPeriod',
              'part' : [ {
                'name' : 'status',
                'valueCoding' : {
                  'system' : '',
                  'code' : 'active'
              }, {
                'name' : 'period',
                'valuePeriod' : {
                  'start' : '2023-10-03T12:49:12+00:00',
                  'end' : '2023-10-04T12:49:12+00:00'
              } ]
            }, {
              'name' : 'statusPeriod',
              'part' : [ {
                'name' : 'status',
                'valueCoding' : {
                  'system' : '',
                  'code' : 'on-hold'
              }, {
                'name' : 'period',
                'valuePeriod' : {
                  'start' : '2023-10-04T12:49:12+00:00',
                  'end' : '2023-10-05T12:49:12+00:00'
              } ]
            }, {
              'name' : 'statusPeriod',
              'part' : [ {
                'name' : 'status',
                'valueCoding' : {
                  'system' : '',
                  'code' : 'active'
              }, {
                'name' : 'period',
                'valuePeriod' : {
                  'start' : '2023-10-05T12:49:12+00:00',
                  'end' : '2023-10-08T12:49:12+00:00'
              } ]
            }, {
              'name' : 'statusPeriod',
              'part' : [ {
                'name' : 'status',
                'valueCoding' : {
                  'system' : '',
                  'code' : 'on-hold'
              }, {
                'name' : 'period',
                'valuePeriod' : {
                  'start' : '2023-10-08T12:49:12+00:00'
              } ]
            } ]
          }, {
            'name' : 'involvedCareTeams',
            'part' : [ {
              'name' : 'careTeam',
              'valueReference' : {
                'reference' : ''
            } ]
          }, {
            'name' : 'responses',
            'part' : [ {
              'name' : 'response',
              'part' : [ {
                'name' : 'occurrence',
                'part' : [ {
                  'name' : 'serviceRequestVersionId',
                  'valueId' : ''
                }, {
                  'name' : 'start',
                  'valueDateTime' : '2023-10-10T14:49:12+02:00'
                }, {
                  'name' : 'end',
                  'valueDateTime' : '2023-10-10T14:49:12+02:00'
                }, {
                  'name' : 'type',
                  'valueCodeableConcept' : {
                    'coding' : [ {
                      'system' : '',
                      'code' : 'Resolved'
                    } ]
                } ]
              }, {
                'name' : 'questionnaireResponse',
                'valueReference' : {
                  'reference' : ''
              }, {
                'name' : 'submitted',
                'valueDateTime' : '2023-10-10T12:49:12+00:00'
              } ]
            } ]
          }, {
            'name' : 'communications',
            'part' : [ {
              'name' : 'communication',
              'valueReference' : {
                'reference' : ''
            } ]
          } ]
        } ]
      } ]
  } ]
      <name value="schedule-patient-usage-stats"/>
                     value="### Report Contents
This report contains an overview of the number of unique active citizens with Episodes of Care, shown both on monthly and yearly basis.
### Grouping 
This report is grouped by months and years. All groups are contained in the same JSON file.
### Parameters
- None
### Output
Output can be found in Binary.content. This is a Base64 encoded .zip file containing a JSon file corresponding to the report groups.
### Example output
All returned objects are Fhir resources. See the implementation guide for details
First example is the monthly data:

	'PatientsUsageSummary': {
		'monthData': [
				'month': '1',
				'year': '1970',
				'entries': [
						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCareBeingActiveSevenOrMoreDays',
						'count': 1,
						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0
						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCare',
						'count': 1,
						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0
				'month': '2',
				'year': '1970',
				'entries': [
						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCareBeingActiveSevenOrMoreDays',
						'count': 1,
						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0
						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCare',
						'count': 1,
						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0
				'month': '3',
				'year': '1970',
				'entries': [
						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCareBeingActiveSevenOrMoreDays',
						'count': 1,
						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0
						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCare',
						'count': 1,
						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0
				'month': '4',
				'year': '1970',
				'entries': [
						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCareBeingActiveSevenOrMoreDays',
						'count': 1,
						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0
						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCare',
						'count': 1,
						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0
				'month': '5',
				'year': '1970',
				'entries': [
						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCareBeingActiveSevenOrMoreDays',
						'count': 1,
						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0
						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCare',
						'count': 1,
						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0
				'month': '6',
				'year': '1970',
				'entries': [
						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCareBeingActiveSevenOrMoreDays',
						'count': 1,
						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0
						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCare',
						'count': 1,
						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0
				'month': '7',
				'year': '1970',
				'entries': [
						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCareBeingActiveSevenOrMoreDays',
						'count': 1,
						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0
						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCare',
						'count': 1,
						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0
				'month': '8',
				'year': '1970',
				'entries': [
						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCareBeingActiveSevenOrMoreDays',
						'count': 1,
						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0
						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCare',
						'count': 1,
						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0
				'month': '9',
				'year': '1970',
				'entries': [
						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCareBeingActiveSevenOrMoreDays',
						'count': 1,
						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0
						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCare',
						'count': 1,
						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0
				'month': '10',
				'year': '1970',
				'entries': [
						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCareBeingActiveSevenOrMoreDays',
						'count': 1,
						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0
						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCare',
						'count': 1,
						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0
				'month': '11',
				'year': '1970',
				'entries': [
						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCareBeingActiveSevenOrMoreDays',
						'count': 1,
						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0
						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCare',
						'count': 1,
						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0
				'month': '12',
				'year': '1970',
				'entries': [
						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCareBeingActiveSevenOrMoreDays',
						'count': 1,
						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0
						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCare',
						'count': 1,
						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0

Second example is the yearly data:

	'PatientsUsageSummary': {
		'yearData': [
				'year': '1970',
				'entries': [
						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCareBeingActiveSevenOrMoreDays',
						'count': 12,
						'average': 1.0,
						'usageBaseline': 10000,
						'averageRounded': 1000.0,
						'averageBeyondBaseline': 0
						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCare',
						'count': 12,
						'average': 1.0,
						'usageBaseline': 10000,
						'averageRounded': 1000.0,
						'averageBeyondBaseline': 0
      <name value="fetch-patient-usage-stats"/>
                     value="### Report Contents
This report contains an overview of the number of unique active citizens with Episodes of Care, shown both on monthly and yearly basis.
### Grouping 
This report is grouped by months and years. All groups are contained in the same JSON file.
### Parameters
- None
### Output
Output can be found in Binary.content. This is a Base64 encoded .zip file containing a JSon file corresponding to the report groups.
### Example output
All returned objects are Fhir resources. See the implementation guide for details
First example is the monthly data:

	'PatientsUsageSummary': {
		'monthData': [
				'month': '1',
				'year': '1970',
				'entries': [
						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCareBeingActiveSevenOrMoreDays',
						'count': 1,
						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0
						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCare',
						'count': 1,
						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0
				'month': '2',
				'year': '1970',
				'entries': [
						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCareBeingActiveSevenOrMoreDays',
						'count': 1,
						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0
						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCare',
						'count': 1,
						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0
				'month': '3',
				'year': '1970',
				'entries': [
						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCareBeingActiveSevenOrMoreDays',
						'count': 1,
						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0
						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCare',
						'count': 1,
						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0
				'month': '4',
				'year': '1970',
				'entries': [
						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCareBeingActiveSevenOrMoreDays',
						'count': 1,
						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0
						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCare',
						'count': 1,
						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0
				'month': '5',
				'year': '1970',
				'entries': [
						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCareBeingActiveSevenOrMoreDays',
						'count': 1,
						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0
						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCare',
						'count': 1,
						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0
				'month': '6',
				'year': '1970',
				'entries': [
						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCareBeingActiveSevenOrMoreDays',
						'count': 1,
						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0
						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCare',
						'count': 1,
						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0
				'month': '7',
				'year': '1970',
				'entries': [
						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCareBeingActiveSevenOrMoreDays',
						'count': 1,
						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0
						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCare',
						'count': 1,
						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0
				'month': '8',
				'year': '1970',
				'entries': [
						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCareBeingActiveSevenOrMoreDays',
						'count': 1,
						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0
						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCare',
						'count': 1,
						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0
				'month': '9',
				'year': '1970',
				'entries': [
						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCareBeingActiveSevenOrMoreDays',
						'count': 1,
						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0
						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCare',
						'count': 1,
						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0
				'month': '10',
				'year': '1970',
				'entries': [
						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCareBeingActiveSevenOrMoreDays',
						'count': 1,
						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0
						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCare',
						'count': 1,
						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0
				'month': '11',
				'year': '1970',
				'entries': [
						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCareBeingActiveSevenOrMoreDays',
						'count': 1,
						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0
						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCare',
						'count': 1,
						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0
				'month': '12',
				'year': '1970',
				'entries': [
						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCareBeingActiveSevenOrMoreDays',
						'count': 1,
						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0
						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCare',
						'count': 1,
						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0

Second example is the yearly data:

	'PatientsUsageSummary': {
		'yearData': [
				'year': '1970',
				'entries': [
						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCareBeingActiveSevenOrMoreDays',
						'count': 12,
						'average': 1.0,
						'usageBaseline': 10000,
						'averageRounded': 1000.0,
						'averageBeyondBaseline': 0
						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCare',
						'count': 12,
						'average': 1.0,
						'usageBaseline': 10000,
						'averageRounded': 1000.0,
						'averageBeyondBaseline': 0
      <name value="execute-patient-usage-stats"/>
                     value="### Report Contents
This report contains an overview of the number of unique active citizens with Episodes of Care, shown both on monthly and yearly basis.
### Grouping 
This report is grouped by months and years. All groups are contained in the same JSON file.
### Parameters
- None
### Output
Output can be found in Binary.content. This is a Base64 encoded .zip file containing a JSon file corresponding to the report groups.
### Example output
All returned objects are Fhir resources. See the implementation guide for details
First example is the monthly data:

	'PatientsUsageSummary': {
		'monthData': [
				'month': '1',
				'year': '1970',
				'entries': [
						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCareBeingActiveSevenOrMoreDays',
						'count': 1,
						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0
						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCare',
						'count': 1,
						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0
				'month': '2',
				'year': '1970',
				'entries': [
						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCareBeingActiveSevenOrMoreDays',
						'count': 1,
						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0
						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCare',
						'count': 1,
						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0
				'month': '3',
				'year': '1970',
				'entries': [
						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCareBeingActiveSevenOrMoreDays',
						'count': 1,
						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0
						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCare',
						'count': 1,
						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0
				'month': '4',
				'year': '1970',
				'entries': [
						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCareBeingActiveSevenOrMoreDays',
						'count': 1,
						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0
						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCare',
						'count': 1,
						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0
				'month': '5',
				'year': '1970',
				'entries': [
						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCareBeingActiveSevenOrMoreDays',
						'count': 1,
						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0
						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCare',
						'count': 1,
						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0
				'month': '6',
				'year': '1970',
				'entries': [
						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCareBeingActiveSevenOrMoreDays',
						'count': 1,
						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0
						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCare',
						'count': 1,
						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0
				'month': '7',
				'year': '1970',
				'entries': [
						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCareBeingActiveSevenOrMoreDays',
						'count': 1,
						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0
						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCare',
						'count': 1,
						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0
				'month': '8',
				'year': '1970',
				'entries': [
						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCareBeingActiveSevenOrMoreDays',
						'count': 1,
						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0
						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCare',
						'count': 1,
						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0
				'month': '9',
				'year': '1970',
				'entries': [
						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCareBeingActiveSevenOrMoreDays',
						'count': 1,
						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0
						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCare',
						'count': 1,
						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0
				'month': '10',
				'year': '1970',
				'entries': [
						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCareBeingActiveSevenOrMoreDays',
						'count': 1,
						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0
						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCare',
						'count': 1,
						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0
				'month': '11',
				'year': '1970',
				'entries': [
						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCareBeingActiveSevenOrMoreDays',
						'count': 1,
						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0
						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCare',
						'count': 1,
						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0
				'month': '12',
				'year': '1970',
				'entries': [
						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCareBeingActiveSevenOrMoreDays',
						'count': 1,
						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0
						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCare',
						'count': 1,
						'percentChangeFromLastMonth': 0.0

Second example is the yearly data:

	'PatientsUsageSummary': {
		'yearData': [
				'year': '1970',
				'entries': [
						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCareBeingActiveSevenOrMoreDays',
						'count': 12,
						'average': 1.0,
						'usageBaseline': 10000,
						'averageRounded': 1000.0,
						'averageBeyondBaseline': 0
						'name': 'uniquePatientsWithEpisodeOfCare',
						'count': 12,
						'average': 1.0,
						'usageBaseline': 10000,
						'averageRounded': 1000.0,
						'averageBeyondBaseline': 0
      <name value="schedule-ssl-orders"/>
                     value="### Report Contents
This report contains SSL Orders
- OrderDetails
- OrderLines
- TraceLines
### Grouping 
Order. Each Order is returned in a single JSon file.
### Parameters
- organization: Filter on Order.buyer
- period: Filter on TraceLine.timestamp
- seller: Filter on Order.seller
### Output
Output can be found in Binary.content. This is a Base64 encoded .zip file containing JSon files corresponding to the report groups.
### Example output
All returned objects are SSL resources. See the SSL API description for details

        'OrderDetails': {
            'order': {
                'id': '',
                'threadId': null,
                'identifiers': null,
                'status': null,
                'priority': null,
                'notes': null,
                'buyer': '',
                'seller': '',
                'sellerDeliveryContactEmail': null,
                'carePlanRef': null,
                'carePlanTitle': null,
                'earliestDeliveryDate': null,
                'latestDeliveryDate': null,
                'receiver': null
            'orderLines': [{
                    'id': '',
                    'order': '',
                    'status': null,
                    'item': null,
                    'agreedDate': null,
                    'device': null
            'traceLines': [{
                    'id': '',
                    'timestamp': '2019-12-24T18:00:00Z',
                    'createdByOrganization': null,
                    'createdByUser': null,
                    'text': null,
                    'supplementaryText': null,
                    'order': '',
                    'orderLine': null,
                    'statusChange': null
      <name value="fetch-ssl-orders"/>
                     value="### Report Contents
This report contains SSL Orders
- OrderDetails
- OrderLines
- TraceLines
### Grouping 
Order. Each Order is returned in a single JSon file.
### Parameters
- organization: Filter on Order.buyer
- period: Filter on TraceLine.timestamp
- seller: Filter on Order.seller
### Output
Output can be found in Binary.content. This is a Base64 encoded .zip file containing JSon files corresponding to the report groups.
### Example output
All returned objects are SSL resources. See the SSL API description for details

        'OrderDetails': {
            'order': {
                'id': '',
                'threadId': null,
                'identifiers': null,
                'status': null,
                'priority': null,
                'notes': null,
                'buyer': '',
                'seller': '',
                'sellerDeliveryContactEmail': null,
                'carePlanRef': null,
                'carePlanTitle': null,
                'earliestDeliveryDate': null,
                'latestDeliveryDate': null,
                'receiver': null
            'orderLines': [{
                    'id': '',
                    'order': '',
                    'status': null,
                    'item': null,
                    'agreedDate': null,
                    'device': null
            'traceLines': [{
                    'id': '',
                    'timestamp': '2019-12-24T18:00:00Z',
                    'createdByOrganization': null,
                    'createdByUser': null,
                    'text': null,
                    'supplementaryText': null,
                    'order': '',
                    'orderLine': null,
                    'statusChange': null
      <name value="execute-ssl-orders"/>
                     value="### Report Contents
This report contains SSL Orders
- OrderDetails
- OrderLines
- TraceLines
### Grouping 
Order. Each Order is returned in a single JSon file.
### Parameters
- organization: Filter on Order.buyer
- period: Filter on TraceLine.timestamp
- seller: Filter on Order.seller
### Output
Output can be found in Binary.content. This is a Base64 encoded .zip file containing JSon files corresponding to the report groups.
### Example output
All returned objects are SSL resources. See the SSL API description for details

        'OrderDetails': {
            'order': {
                'id': '',
                'threadId': null,
                'identifiers': null,
                'status': null,
                'priority': null,
                'notes': null,
                'buyer': '',
                'seller': '',
                'sellerDeliveryContactEmail': null,
                'carePlanRef': null,
                'carePlanTitle': null,
                'earliestDeliveryDate': null,
                'latestDeliveryDate': null,
                'receiver': null
            'orderLines': [{
                    'id': '',
                    'order': '',
                    'status': null,
                    'item': null,
                    'agreedDate': null,
                    'device': null
            'traceLines': [{
                    'id': '',
                    'timestamp': '2019-12-24T18:00:00Z',
                    'createdByOrganization': null,
                    'createdByUser': null,
                    'text': null,
                    'supplementaryText': null,
                    'order': '',
                    'orderLine': null,
                    'statusChange': null
      <name value="schedule-practitioner-stats"/>
                     value="### Report Contents
This report contains counts of practitioners associated with Organizations and CareTeams
- List of Organization and associated practitonerCount
- List of CareTeam and associated practitionerCount
### Grouping 
None. The report is returned in a single JSon file.
### Parameters
- organization: 
    - CareTeam: Filter on CareTeam.ManagingOrganization match
    - PractitionerRole: Filter on PractitionerRole.Organization match
- period
    - CareTeam: Filter on CareTeam.participant.period overlap
    - PractitionerRole: Filter on PractitionerRole.perid overlap
### Output
Output can be found in Binary.content. This is a Base64 encoded .zip file containing JSon files corresponding to the report groups.
### Example output
Organization and CareTeam are Fhir resources. See the implementation guide for details

        'PractitionerSummary': {
            'organizationPractitionerStatistics': [{
                    'organization': {
                        'resourceType': 'Organization',
                        'id': '69075',
                        'meta': {
                            'profile': ['']
                        'extension': [{
                                'url': '',
                                'valueCodeableConcept': {
                                    'coding': [{
                                            'system': '',
                                            'code': 'manual'
                            }, {
                                'url': '',
                                'valueCodeableConcept': {
                                    'coding': [{
                                            'system': '',
                                            'code': 'NotSynchronized'
                        'name': 'e7c2b264-b2d9-4a6d-aba9-f23be1017d39'
                    'practitionerCount': 1
            'careTeamPractitionerStatistics': [{
                    'careTeam': {
                        'resourceType': 'CareTeam',
                        'id': '44267',
                        'meta': {
                            'versionId': '1',
                            'profile': ['']
                        'identifier': [{
                                'id': '7ced02e2-3082-4e02-86cc-030e8df8906d',
                                'system': 'urn:ietf:rfc:3986'
                        'status': 'active',
                        'name': 'd1e7d427-1565-42f6-951d-5508d494d4c8',
                        'reasonCode': [{
                                'coding': [{
                                        'system': '',
                                        'code': 'TBD'
                        'managingOrganization': [{
                                'reference': ''
                    'practitionerCount': 0
                }, {
                    'careTeam': {
                        'resourceType': 'CareTeam',
                        'id': '40831',
                        'meta': {
                            'versionId': '1',
                            'profile': ['']
                        'identifier': [{
                                'id': 'f12b2b87-95d9-487c-b088-457acfa1693f',
                                'system': 'urn:ietf:rfc:3986'
                        'status': 'active',
                        'name': 'c572c5ac-bac3-4f9e-b948-795db7563145',
                        'reasonCode': [{
                                'coding': [{
                                        'system': '',
                                        'code': 'TBD'
                        'managingOrganization': [{
                                'reference': ''
                    'practitionerCount': 0
                }, {
                    'careTeam': {
                        'resourceType': 'CareTeam',
                        'id': '78765',
                        'meta': {
                            'versionId': '1',
                            'profile': ['']
                        'identifier': [{
                                'id': '7378e850-aff6-430d-9e86-cca801bf2375',
                                'system': 'urn:ietf:rfc:3986'
                        'status': 'active',
                        'name': '3e038dd3-9e80-41e4-9932-8597f8706da4',
                        'reasonCode': [{
                                'coding': [{
                                        'system': '',
                                        'code': 'TBD'
                        'managingOrganization': [{
                                'reference': ''
                    'practitionerCount': 0
                }, {
                    'careTeam': {
                        'resourceType': 'CareTeam',
                        'id': '46096',
                        'meta': {
                            'versionId': '1',
                            'profile': ['']
                        'identifier': [{
                                'id': '37a66140-dc7e-4ea4-9ec7-d0dd91adf7c8',
                                'system': 'urn:ietf:rfc:3986'
                        'status': 'active',
                        'name': '311ebab3-d310-44bb-b72b-65bdf74b3729',
                        'reasonCode': [{
                                'coding': [{
                                        'system': '',
                                        'code': 'TBD'
                        'managingOrganization': [{
                                'reference': ''
                    'practitionerCount': 0
                }, {
                    'careTeam': {
                        'resourceType': 'CareTeam',
                        'id': '32543',
                        'meta': {
                            'versionId': '1',
                            'profile': ['']
                        'identifier': [{
                                'id': '3671c951-d20e-4d5c-82ec-fae5ee03821e',
                                'system': 'urn:ietf:rfc:3986'
                        'status': 'active',
                        'name': '1f74a06c-8ae1-4b5c-b5ee-49abfd2d28e1',
                        'reasonCode': [{
                                'coding': [{
                                        'system': '',
                                        'code': 'TBD'
                        'managingOrganization': [{
                                'reference': ''
                    'practitionerCount': 0
      <name value="fetch-practitioner-stats"/>
                     value="### Report Contents
This report contains counts of practitioners associated with Organizations and CareTeams
- List of Organization and associated practitonerCount
- List of CareTeam and associated practitionerCount
### Grouping 
None. The report is returned in a single JSon file.
### Parameters
- organization: 
    - CareTeam: Filter on CareTeam.ManagingOrganization match
    - PractitionerRole: Filter on PractitionerRole.Organization match
- period
    - CareTeam: Filter on CareTeam.participant.period overlap
    - PractitionerRole: Filter on PractitionerRole.perid overlap
### Output
Output can be found in Binary.content. This is a Base64 encoded .zip file containing JSon files corresponding to the report groups.
### Example output
Organization and CareTeam are Fhir resources. See the implementation guide for details

        'PractitionerSummary': {
            'organizationPractitionerStatistics': [{
                    'organization': {
                        'resourceType': 'Organization',
                        'id': '69075',
                        'meta': {
                            'profile': ['']
                        'extension': [{
                                'url': '',
                                'valueCodeableConcept': {
                                    'coding': [{
                                            'system': '',
                                            'code': 'manual'
                            }, {
                                'url': '',
                                'valueCodeableConcept': {
                                    'coding': [{
                                            'system': '',
                                            'code': 'NotSynchronized'
                        'name': 'e7c2b264-b2d9-4a6d-aba9-f23be1017d39'
                    'practitionerCount': 1
            'careTeamPractitionerStatistics': [{
                    'careTeam': {
                        'resourceType': 'CareTeam',
                        'id': '44267',
                        'meta': {
                            'versionId': '1',
                            'profile': ['']
                        'identifier': [{
                                'id': '7ced02e2-3082-4e02-86cc-030e8df8906d',
                                'system': 'urn:ietf:rfc:3986'
                        'status': 'active',
                        'name': 'd1e7d427-1565-42f6-951d-5508d494d4c8',
                        'reasonCode': [{
                                'coding': [{
                                        'system': '',
                                        'code': 'TBD'
                        'managingOrganization': [{
                                'reference': ''
                    'practitionerCount': 0
                }, {
                    'careTeam': {
                        'resourceType': 'CareTeam',
                        'id': '40831',
                        'meta': {
                            'versionId': '1',
                            'profile': ['']
                        'identifier': [{
                                'id': 'f12b2b87-95d9-487c-b088-457acfa1693f',
                                'system': 'urn:ietf:rfc:3986'
                        'status': 'active',
                        'name': 'c572c5ac-bac3-4f9e-b948-795db7563145',
                        'reasonCode': [{
                                'coding': [{
                                        'system': '',
                                        'code': 'TBD'
                        'managingOrganization': [{
                                'reference': ''
                    'practitionerCount': 0
                }, {
                    'careTeam': {
                        'resourceType': 'CareTeam',
                        'id': '78765',
                        'meta': {
                            'versionId': '1',
                            'profile': ['']
                        'identifier': [{
                                'id': '7378e850-aff6-430d-9e86-cca801bf2375',
                                'system': 'urn:ietf:rfc:3986'
                        'status': 'active',
                        'name': '3e038dd3-9e80-41e4-9932-8597f8706da4',
                        'reasonCode': [{
                                'coding': [{
                                        'system': '',
                                        'code': 'TBD'
                        'managingOrganization': [{
                                'reference': ''
                    'practitionerCount': 0
                }, {
                    'careTeam': {
                        'resourceType': 'CareTeam',
                        'id': '46096',
                        'meta': {
                            'versionId': '1',
                            'profile': ['']
                        'identifier': [{
                                'id': '37a66140-dc7e-4ea4-9ec7-d0dd91adf7c8',
                                'system': 'urn:ietf:rfc:3986'
                        'status': 'active',
                        'name': '311ebab3-d310-44bb-b72b-65bdf74b3729',
                        'reasonCode': [{
                                'coding': [{
                                        'system': '',
                                        'code': 'TBD'
                        'managingOrganization': [{
                                'reference': ''
                    'practitionerCount': 0
                }, {
                    'careTeam': {
                        'resourceType': 'CareTeam',
                        'id': '32543',
                        'meta': {
                            'versionId': '1',
                            'profile': ['']
                        'identifier': [{
                                'id': '3671c951-d20e-4d5c-82ec-fae5ee03821e',
                                'system': 'urn:ietf:rfc:3986'
                        'status': 'active',
                        'name': '1f74a06c-8ae1-4b5c-b5ee-49abfd2d28e1',
                        'reasonCode': [{
                                'coding': [{
                                        'system': '',
                                        'code': 'TBD'
                        'managingOrganization': [{
                                'reference': ''
                    'practitionerCount': 0
      <name value="execute-practitioner-stats"/>
                     value="### Report Contents
This report contains counts of practitioners associated with Organizations and CareTeams
- List of Organization and associated practitonerCount
- List of CareTeam and associated practitionerCount
### Grouping 
None. The report is returned in a single JSon file.
### Parameters
- organization: 
    - CareTeam: Filter on CareTeam.ManagingOrganization match
    - PractitionerRole: Filter on PractitionerRole.Organization match
- period
    - CareTeam: Filter on CareTeam.participant.period overlap
    - PractitionerRole: Filter on PractitionerRole.perid overlap
### Output
Output can be found in Binary.content. This is a Base64 encoded .zip file containing JSon files corresponding to the report groups.
### Example output
Organization and CareTeam are Fhir resources. See the implementation guide for details

        'PractitionerSummary': {
            'organizationPractitionerStatistics': [{
                    'organization': {
                        'resourceType': 'Organization',
                        'id': '69075',
                        'meta': {
                            'profile': ['']
                        'extension': [{
                                'url': '',
                                'valueCodeableConcept': {
                                    'coding': [{
                                            'system': '',
                                            'code': 'manual'
                            }, {
                                'url': '',
                                'valueCodeableConcept': {
                                    'coding': [{
                                            'system': '',
                                            'code': 'NotSynchronized'
                        'name': 'e7c2b264-b2d9-4a6d-aba9-f23be1017d39'
                    'practitionerCount': 1
            'careTeamPractitionerStatistics': [{
                    'careTeam': {
                        'resourceType': 'CareTeam',
                        'id': '44267',
                        'meta': {
                            'versionId': '1',
                            'profile': ['']
                        'identifier': [{
                                'id': '7ced02e2-3082-4e02-86cc-030e8df8906d',
                                'system': 'urn:ietf:rfc:3986'
                        'status': 'active',
                        'name': 'd1e7d427-1565-42f6-951d-5508d494d4c8',
                        'reasonCode': [{
                                'coding': [{
                                        'system': '',
                                        'code': 'TBD'
                        'managingOrganization': [{
                                'reference': ''
                    'practitionerCount': 0
                }, {
                    'careTeam': {
                        'resourceType': 'CareTeam',
                        'id': '40831',
                        'meta': {
                            'versionId': '1',
                            'profile': ['']
                        'identifier': [{
                                'id': 'f12b2b87-95d9-487c-b088-457acfa1693f',
                                'system': 'urn:ietf:rfc:3986'
                        'status': 'active',
                        'name': 'c572c5ac-bac3-4f9e-b948-795db7563145',
                        'reasonCode': [{
                                'coding': [{
                                        'system': '',
                                        'code': 'TBD'
                        'managingOrganization': [{
                                'reference': ''
                    'practitionerCount': 0
                }, {
                    'careTeam': {
                        'resourceType': 'CareTeam',
                        'id': '78765',
                        'meta': {
                            'versionId': '1',
                            'profile': ['']
                        'identifier': [{
                                'id': '7378e850-aff6-430d-9e86-cca801bf2375',
                                'system': 'urn:ietf:rfc:3986'
                        'status': 'active',
                        'name': '3e038dd3-9e80-41e4-9932-8597f8706da4',
                        'reasonCode': [{
                                'coding': [{
                                        'system': '',
                                        'code': 'TBD'
                        'managingOrganization': [{
                                'reference': ''
                    'practitionerCount': 0
                }, {
                    'careTeam': {
                        'resourceType': 'CareTeam',
                        'id': '46096',
                        'meta': {
                            'versionId': '1',
                            'profile': ['']
                        'identifier': [{
                                'id': '37a66140-dc7e-4ea4-9ec7-d0dd91adf7c8',
                                'system': 'urn:ietf:rfc:3986'
                        'status': 'active',
                        'name': '311ebab3-d310-44bb-b72b-65bdf74b3729',
                        'reasonCode': [{
                                'coding': [{
                                        'system': '',
                                        'code': 'TBD'
                        'managingOrganization': [{
                                'reference': ''
                    'practitionerCount': 0
                }, {
                    'careTeam': {
                        'resourceType': 'CareTeam',
                        'id': '32543',
                        'meta': {
                            'versionId': '1',
                            'profile': ['']
                        'identifier': [{
                                'id': '3671c951-d20e-4d5c-82ec-fae5ee03821e',
                                'system': 'urn:ietf:rfc:3986'
                        'status': 'active',
                        'name': '1f74a06c-8ae1-4b5c-b5ee-49abfd2d28e1',
                        'reasonCode': [{
                                'coding': [{
                                        'system': '',
                                        'code': 'TBD'
                        'managingOrganization': [{
                                'reference': ''
                    'practitionerCount': 0
      <name value="schedule-practitioner-gdpr"/>
                     value="### Report Contents
This report contains all information related to the specified Practitioner
- Practitioner
- CareTeam
- PractitionerRole
### Grouping 
None. The report is returned in a single JSon file.
### Parameters
- organization: 
    - Practitioner: Not filtered
    - CareTeam: Filter on CareTeam.ManagingOrganization match
    - PractitionerRole: Filter on PractitionerRole.Organization match
- period: not used
- practitionerID: The practitioner to fetch information for
### Output
Output can be found in Binary.content. This is a Base64 encoded .zip file containing JSon files corresponding to the report groups.
### Example output
All returned objects are Fhir resources. See the implementation guide for details

        'EHealthPractitioner': {
            'resourceType': 'Practitioner',
            'id': '20599',
            'meta': {
                'versionId': '1',
                'profile': ['']
            'name': [{
                    'family': '2f82a48c-61cc-4c7f-855a-3e6b59729ef1'
        'EHealthPractitionerRole': [],
        'EHealthCareTeam': [{
                'resourceType': 'CareTeam',
                'id': '99438',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'identifier': [{
                        'id': 'f556eab1-dbe9-40e3-9edd-149fa3bd1ae0',
                        'system': 'urn:ietf:rfc:3986'
                'status': 'active',
                'name': 'f9d27974-6a6a-44fb-b6eb-bcd22d769a18',
                'participant': [{
                        'member': {
                            'reference': ''
                'reasonCode': [{
                        'coding': [{
                                'system': '',
                                'code': 'TBD'
                'managingOrganization': [{
                        'reference': ''
      <name value="fetch-practitioner-gdpr"/>
                     value="### Report Contents
This report contains all information related to the specified Practitioner
- Practitioner
- CareTeam
- PractitionerRole
### Grouping 
None. The report is returned in a single JSon file.
### Parameters
- organization: 
    - Practitioner: Not filtered
    - CareTeam: Filter on CareTeam.ManagingOrganization match
    - PractitionerRole: Filter on PractitionerRole.Organization match
- period: not used
- practitionerID: The practitioner to fetch information for
### Output
Output can be found in Binary.content. This is a Base64 encoded .zip file containing JSon files corresponding to the report groups.
### Example output
All returned objects are Fhir resources. See the implementation guide for details

        'EHealthPractitioner': {
            'resourceType': 'Practitioner',
            'id': '20599',
            'meta': {
                'versionId': '1',
                'profile': ['']
            'name': [{
                    'family': '2f82a48c-61cc-4c7f-855a-3e6b59729ef1'
        'EHealthPractitionerRole': [],
        'EHealthCareTeam': [{
                'resourceType': 'CareTeam',
                'id': '99438',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'identifier': [{
                        'id': 'f556eab1-dbe9-40e3-9edd-149fa3bd1ae0',
                        'system': 'urn:ietf:rfc:3986'
                'status': 'active',
                'name': 'f9d27974-6a6a-44fb-b6eb-bcd22d769a18',
                'participant': [{
                        'member': {
                            'reference': ''
                'reasonCode': [{
                        'coding': [{
                                'system': '',
                                'code': 'TBD'
                'managingOrganization': [{
                        'reference': ''
      <name value="execute-practitioner-gdpr"/>
                     value="### Report Contents
This report contains all information related to the specified Practitioner
- Practitioner
- CareTeam
- PractitionerRole
### Grouping 
None. The report is returned in a single JSon file.
### Parameters
- organization: 
    - Practitioner: Not filtered
    - CareTeam: Filter on CareTeam.ManagingOrganization match
    - PractitionerRole: Filter on PractitionerRole.Organization match
- period: not used
- practitionerID: The practitioner to fetch information for
### Output
Output can be found in Binary.content. This is a Base64 encoded .zip file containing JSon files corresponding to the report groups.
### Example output
All returned objects are Fhir resources. See the implementation guide for details

        'EHealthPractitioner': {
            'resourceType': 'Practitioner',
            'id': '20599',
            'meta': {
                'versionId': '1',
                'profile': ['']
            'name': [{
                    'family': '2f82a48c-61cc-4c7f-855a-3e6b59729ef1'
        'EHealthPractitionerRole': [],
        'EHealthCareTeam': [{
                'resourceType': 'CareTeam',
                'id': '99438',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'identifier': [{
                        'id': 'f556eab1-dbe9-40e3-9edd-149fa3bd1ae0',
                        'system': 'urn:ietf:rfc:3986'
                'status': 'active',
                'name': 'f9d27974-6a6a-44fb-b6eb-bcd22d769a18',
                'participant': [{
                        'member': {
                            'reference': ''
                'reasonCode': [{
                        'coding': [{
                                'system': '',
                                'code': 'TBD'
                'managingOrganization': [{
                        'reference': ''
      <name value="schedule-patient-total"/>
                     value="### Report Contents
This report contains clinical information for each Patient
### Grouping 
This report is grouped by EpsiodeOfCare. Each group is returned in a separate JSon file.
### Parameters
- organization: Filter on EpisodeOfCare.managingOrganization match
- period: Filter on EpisodeOfCare.period overlap
- conditionCode: Filter on Condition.code related to EpisodeOfCare
- status: Filter on EpisodeOfCare.status
### Output
Output can be found in Binary.content. This is a Base64 encoded .zip file containing JSon files corresponding to the report groups.
### Example output
All returned objects are Fhir resources. See the implementation guide for details

        'Patient': {
            'resourceType': 'Patient',
            'id': '70791',
            'meta': {
                'versionId': '1'
        'EHealthEpisodeOfCare': [{
                'resourceType': 'EpisodeOfCare',
                'id': '10928',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'extension': [{
                        'url': '',
                        'valueReference': {
                            'reference': ''
                'status': 'active',
                'diagnosis': [{
                        'condition': {
                            'reference': ''
                        'rank': 1
                'patient': {
                    'reference': ''
                'managingOrganization': {
                    'reference': ''
                'period': {
                    'start': '1970-01-01T01:00:01+01:00',
                    'end': '1970-01-01T01:01:40+01:00'
            }, {
                'resourceType': 'EpisodeOfCare',
                'id': '48392',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'extension': [{
                        'url': '',
                        'valueReference': {
                            'reference': ''
                'status': 'active',
                'diagnosis': [{
                        'condition': {
                            'reference': ''
                        'rank': 1
                'patient': {
                    'reference': ''
                'managingOrganization': {
                    'reference': ''
                'period': {
                    'start': '1970-01-01T01:00:01+01:00',
                    'end': '1970-01-01T01:01:40+01:00'
        'EHealthDeviceUseStatement': [{
                'resourceType': 'DeviceUseStatement',
                'id': '4021',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'extension': [{
                        'url': '',
                        'valueReference': {
                            'reference': ''
                'status': 'active',
                'subject': {
                    'reference': ''
                'device': {
                    'reference': ''
            }, {
                'resourceType': 'DeviceUseStatement',
                'id': '5732',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'extension': [{
                        'url': '',
                        'valueReference': {
                            'reference': ''
                'status': 'active',
                'subject': {
                    'reference': ''
                'device': {
                    'reference': ''
        'EHealthDevice': [{
                'resourceType': 'Device',
                'id': '81729',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'extension': [{
                        'url': '',
                        'valueBoolean': true
                'status': 'active'
            }, {
                'resourceType': 'Device',
                'id': '91432',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'extension': [{
                        'url': '',
                        'valueBoolean': true
                'status': 'active'
        'EHealthDeviceMetric': [{
                'resourceType': 'DeviceMetric',
                'id': '35094',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'extension': [{
                        'url': '',
                        'extension': [{
                                'url': 'category',
                                'valueCodeableConcept': {
                                    'coding': [{
                                            'system': '',
                                            'code': 'initial'
                            }, {
                                'url': 'value',
                                'valueInteger': 5
                    }, {
                        'url': '',
                        'extension': [{
                                'url': 'category',
                                'valueCodeableConcept': {
                                    'coding': [{
                                            'system': '',
                                            'code': 'initial'
                            }, {
                                'url': 'value',
                                'valueInteger': 10
                    }, {
                        'url': '',
                        'extension': [{
                                'url': 'category',
                                'valueCodeableConcept': {
                                    'coding': [{
                                            'system': '',
                                            'code': 'initial'
                            }, {
                                'url': 'value',
                                'valueInteger': 12
                    }, {
                        'url': '',
                        'extension': [{
                                'url': 'category',
                                'valueCodeableConcept': {
                                    'coding': [{
                                            'system': '',
                                            'code': 'initial'
                            }, {
                                'url': 'value',
                                'valueInteger': 14
                'identifier': {
                    'value': 'Foo'
                'type': {
                    'text': 'code'
                'source': {
                    'reference': ''
                'category': 'calculation'
            }, {
                'resourceType': 'DeviceMetric',
                'id': '22449',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'extension': [{
                        'url': '',
                        'extension': [{
                                'url': 'category',
                                'valueCodeableConcept': {
                                    'coding': [{
                                            'system': '',
                                            'code': 'initial'
                            }, {
                                'url': 'value',
                                'valueInteger': 5
                    }, {
                        'url': '',
                        'extension': [{
                                'url': 'category',
                                'valueCodeableConcept': {
                                    'coding': [{
                                            'system': '',
                                            'code': 'initial'
                            }, {
                                'url': 'value',
                                'valueInteger': 10
                    }, {
                        'url': '',
                        'extension': [{
                                'url': 'category',
                                'valueCodeableConcept': {
                                    'coding': [{
                                            'system': '',
                                            'code': 'initial'
                            }, {
                                'url': 'value',
                                'valueInteger': 12
                    }, {
                        'url': '',
                        'extension': [{
                                'url': 'category',
                                'valueCodeableConcept': {
                                    'coding': [{
                                            'system': '',
                                            'code': 'initial'
                            }, {
                                'url': 'value',
                                'valueInteger': 14
                'identifier': {
                    'value': 'Foo'
                'type': {
                    'text': 'code'
                'source': {
                    'reference': ''
                'category': 'calculation'
        'EHealthConsent': [{
                'resourceType': 'Consent',
                'id': '51690',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'status': 'active',
                'category': [{
                        'coding': [{
                                'code': 'TBD'
                'patient': {
                    'reference': ''
                'period': {
                    'start': '1970-01-01T01:00:01+01:00',
                    'end': '1970-01-01T01:01:40+01:00'
                'consentingParty': [{
                        'reference': ''
                'actor': [{
                        'id': 'f31bec27-965f-49ea-b8fe-5fdb259c539d',
                        'role': {
                            'coding': [{
                                    'code': 'authserver'
                        'reference': {
                            'reference': ''
                'policyRule': 'Rule',
                'data': [{
                        'meaning': 'related',
                        'reference': {
                            'reference': ''
        'EHealthCarePlan': [{
                'resourceType': 'CarePlan',
                'id': '87235',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'definition': [{
                        'reference': ''
                'status': 'draft',
                'intent': 'option',
                'category': [{
                        'coding': [{
                                'system': '',
                                'code': 'TBD'
                'subject': {
                    'reference': ''
                'context': {
                    'reference': ''
                'period': {
                    'start': '1970-01-01T01:00:01+01:00',
                    'end': '1970-01-01T01:01:40+01:00'
                'addresses': [{
                        'reference': ''
            }, {
                'resourceType': 'CarePlan',
                'id': '23385',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'definition': [{
                        'reference': ''
                'status': 'draft',
                'intent': 'option',
                'category': [{
                        'coding': [{
                                'system': '',
                                'code': 'TBD'
                'subject': {
                    'reference': ''
                'context': {
                    'reference': ''
                'period': {
                    'start': '1970-01-01T01:00:01+01:00',
                    'end': '1970-01-01T01:01:40+01:00'
                'addresses': [{
                        'reference': ''
        'EHealthServiceRequest': [{
                'resourceType': 'ServiceRequest',
                'id': '18904',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'extension': [{
                        'url': '',
                        'valueCodeableConcept': {
                            'coding': [{
                                    'system': '',
                                    'code': 'TBD'
                'definition': [{
                        'reference': ''
                'status': 'completed',
                'intent': 'filler-order',
                'code': {
                    'coding': [{
                            'system': '',
                            'code': 'TBD'
                    'text': '7654414a-7f86-4170-9920-fde60368b58b'
                'subject': {
                    'reference': ''
                'context': {
                    'reference': ''
        'EHealthCondition': [{
                'resourceType': 'Condition',
                'id': '22743',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'clinicalStatus': 'active',
                'code': {
                    'coding': [{
                            'system': '',
                            'code': 'TBD'
                'subject': {
                    'reference': ''
                'context': {
                    'reference': ''
        'EHealthObservation': [{
                'resourceType': 'Observation',
                'id': '55832',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'basedOn': [{
                        'reference': ''
                'status': 'amended',
                'code': {
                    'coding': [{
                            'system': 'urn:oid:',
                            'code': 'NPU03011'
                'subject': {
                    'reference': ''
                'context': {
                    'reference': ''
                'effectivePeriod': {
                    'start': '2020-03-26T13:37:40+01:00',
                    'end': '2020-03-26T13:37:40+01:00'
                'performer': [{
                        'reference': ''
                'device': {
                    'reference': ''
        'EHealthQuestionnaireResponse': [{
                'resourceType': 'QuestionnaireResponse',
                'id': '21957',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'basedOn': [{
                        'reference': ''
                'questionnaire': {
                    'reference': ''
                'status': 'completed',
                'subject': {
                    'reference': ''
                'context': {
                    'reference': ''
                'authored': '2020-03-26T13:37:40+01:00',
                'source': {
                    'reference': ''
        'EHealthMedia': [{
                'resourceType': 'Media',
                'id': '18256',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'extension': [{
                        'url': '',
                        'extension': [{
                                'url': 'qualityType',
                                'valueCodeableConcept': {
                                    'coding': [{
                                            'system': '',
                                            'code': 'TBD'
                            }, {
                                'url': 'qualityCode',
                                'valueCodeableConcept': {
                                    'coding': [{
                                            'system': '',
                                            'code': 'TBD'
                'basedOn': [{
                        'reference': ''
                'type': 'audio',
                'subject': {
                    'reference': ''
                'context': {
                    'reference': ''
                'occurrenceDateTime': '2020-03-26T13:37:40+01:00',
                'content': {
                    'language': 'en'
        'EHealthClinicalImpression': [{
                'resourceType': 'ClinicalImpression',
                'id': '39697',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'status': 'draft',
                'code': {
                    'coding': [{
                            'system': '',
                            'code': 'TBD'
                'subject': {
                    'reference': ''
                'context': {
                    'reference': ''
      <name value="fetch-patient-total"/>
                     value="### Report Contents
This report contains clinical information for each Patient
### Grouping 
This report is grouped by EpsiodeOfCare. Each group is returned in a separate JSon file.
### Parameters
- organization: Filter on EpisodeOfCare.managingOrganization match
- period: Filter on EpisodeOfCare.period overlap
- conditionCode: Filter on Condition.code related to EpisodeOfCare
- status: Filter on EpisodeOfCare.status
### Output
Output can be found in Binary.content. This is a Base64 encoded .zip file containing JSon files corresponding to the report groups.
### Example output
All returned objects are Fhir resources. See the implementation guide for details

        'Patient': {
            'resourceType': 'Patient',
            'id': '70791',
            'meta': {
                'versionId': '1'
        'EHealthEpisodeOfCare': [{
                'resourceType': 'EpisodeOfCare',
                'id': '10928',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'extension': [{
                        'url': '',
                        'valueReference': {
                            'reference': ''
                'status': 'active',
                'diagnosis': [{
                        'condition': {
                            'reference': ''
                        'rank': 1
                'patient': {
                    'reference': ''
                'managingOrganization': {
                    'reference': ''
                'period': {
                    'start': '1970-01-01T01:00:01+01:00',
                    'end': '1970-01-01T01:01:40+01:00'
            }, {
                'resourceType': 'EpisodeOfCare',
                'id': '48392',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'extension': [{
                        'url': '',
                        'valueReference': {
                            'reference': ''
                'status': 'active',
                'diagnosis': [{
                        'condition': {
                            'reference': ''
                        'rank': 1
                'patient': {
                    'reference': ''
                'managingOrganization': {
                    'reference': ''
                'period': {
                    'start': '1970-01-01T01:00:01+01:00',
                    'end': '1970-01-01T01:01:40+01:00'
        'EHealthDeviceUseStatement': [{
                'resourceType': 'DeviceUseStatement',
                'id': '4021',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'extension': [{
                        'url': '',
                        'valueReference': {
                            'reference': ''
                'status': 'active',
                'subject': {
                    'reference': ''
                'device': {
                    'reference': ''
            }, {
                'resourceType': 'DeviceUseStatement',
                'id': '5732',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'extension': [{
                        'url': '',
                        'valueReference': {
                            'reference': ''
                'status': 'active',
                'subject': {
                    'reference': ''
                'device': {
                    'reference': ''
        'EHealthDevice': [{
                'resourceType': 'Device',
                'id': '81729',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'extension': [{
                        'url': '',
                        'valueBoolean': true
                'status': 'active'
            }, {
                'resourceType': 'Device',
                'id': '91432',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'extension': [{
                        'url': '',
                        'valueBoolean': true
                'status': 'active'
        'EHealthDeviceMetric': [{
                'resourceType': 'DeviceMetric',
                'id': '35094',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'extension': [{
                        'url': '',
                        'extension': [{
                                'url': 'category',
                                'valueCodeableConcept': {
                                    'coding': [{
                                            'system': '',
                                            'code': 'initial'
                            }, {
                                'url': 'value',
                                'valueInteger': 5
                    }, {
                        'url': '',
                        'extension': [{
                                'url': 'category',
                                'valueCodeableConcept': {
                                    'coding': [{
                                            'system': '',
                                            'code': 'initial'
                            }, {
                                'url': 'value',
                                'valueInteger': 10
                    }, {
                        'url': '',
                        'extension': [{
                                'url': 'category',
                                'valueCodeableConcept': {
                                    'coding': [{
                                            'system': '',
                                            'code': 'initial'
                            }, {
                                'url': 'value',
                                'valueInteger': 12
                    }, {
                        'url': '',
                        'extension': [{
                                'url': 'category',
                                'valueCodeableConcept': {
                                    'coding': [{
                                            'system': '',
                                            'code': 'initial'
                            }, {
                                'url': 'value',
                                'valueInteger': 14
                'identifier': {
                    'value': 'Foo'
                'type': {
                    'text': 'code'
                'source': {
                    'reference': ''
                'category': 'calculation'
            }, {
                'resourceType': 'DeviceMetric',
                'id': '22449',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'extension': [{
                        'url': '',
                        'extension': [{
                                'url': 'category',
                                'valueCodeableConcept': {
                                    'coding': [{
                                            'system': '',
                                            'code': 'initial'
                            }, {
                                'url': 'value',
                                'valueInteger': 5
                    }, {
                        'url': '',
                        'extension': [{
                                'url': 'category',
                                'valueCodeableConcept': {
                                    'coding': [{
                                            'system': '',
                                            'code': 'initial'
                            }, {
                                'url': 'value',
                                'valueInteger': 10
                    }, {
                        'url': '',
                        'extension': [{
                                'url': 'category',
                                'valueCodeableConcept': {
                                    'coding': [{
                                            'system': '',
                                            'code': 'initial'
                            }, {
                                'url': 'value',
                                'valueInteger': 12
                    }, {
                        'url': '',
                        'extension': [{
                                'url': 'category',
                                'valueCodeableConcept': {
                                    'coding': [{
                                            'system': '',
                                            'code': 'initial'
                            }, {
                                'url': 'value',
                                'valueInteger': 14
                'identifier': {
                    'value': 'Foo'
                'type': {
                    'text': 'code'
                'source': {
                    'reference': ''
                'category': 'calculation'
        'EHealthConsent': [{
                'resourceType': 'Consent',
                'id': '51690',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'status': 'active',
                'category': [{
                        'coding': [{
                                'code': 'TBD'
                'patient': {
                    'reference': ''
                'period': {
                    'start': '1970-01-01T01:00:01+01:00',
                    'end': '1970-01-01T01:01:40+01:00'
                'consentingParty': [{
                        'reference': ''
                'actor': [{
                        'id': 'f31bec27-965f-49ea-b8fe-5fdb259c539d',
                        'role': {
                            'coding': [{
                                    'code': 'authserver'
                        'reference': {
                            'reference': ''
                'policyRule': 'Rule',
                'data': [{
                        'meaning': 'related',
                        'reference': {
                            'reference': ''
        'EHealthCarePlan': [{
                'resourceType': 'CarePlan',
                'id': '87235',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'definition': [{
                        'reference': ''
                'status': 'draft',
                'intent': 'option',
                'category': [{
                        'coding': [{
                                'system': '',
                                'code': 'TBD'
                'subject': {
                    'reference': ''
                'context': {
                    'reference': ''
                'period': {
                    'start': '1970-01-01T01:00:01+01:00',
                    'end': '1970-01-01T01:01:40+01:00'
                'addresses': [{
                        'reference': ''
            }, {
                'resourceType': 'CarePlan',
                'id': '23385',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'definition': [{
                        'reference': ''
                'status': 'draft',
                'intent': 'option',
                'category': [{
                        'coding': [{
                                'system': '',
                                'code': 'TBD'
                'subject': {
                    'reference': ''
                'context': {
                    'reference': ''
                'period': {
                    'start': '1970-01-01T01:00:01+01:00',
                    'end': '1970-01-01T01:01:40+01:00'
                'addresses': [{
                        'reference': ''
        'EHealthServiceRequest': [{
                'resourceType': 'ServiceRequest',
                'id': '18904',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'extension': [{
                        'url': '',
                        'valueCodeableConcept': {
                            'coding': [{
                                    'system': '',
                                    'code': 'TBD'
                'definition': [{
                        'reference': ''
                'status': 'completed',
                'intent': 'filler-order',
                'code': {
                    'coding': [{
                            'system': '',
                            'code': 'TBD'
                    'text': '7654414a-7f86-4170-9920-fde60368b58b'
                'subject': {
                    'reference': ''
                'context': {
                    'reference': ''
        'EHealthCondition': [{
                'resourceType': 'Condition',
                'id': '22743',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'clinicalStatus': 'active',
                'code': {
                    'coding': [{
                            'system': '',
                            'code': 'TBD'
                'subject': {
                    'reference': ''
                'context': {
                    'reference': ''
        'EHealthObservation': [{
                'resourceType': 'Observation',
                'id': '55832',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'basedOn': [{
                        'reference': ''
                'status': 'amended',
                'code': {
                    'coding': [{
                            'system': 'urn:oid:',
                            'code': 'NPU03011'
                'subject': {
                    'reference': ''
                'context': {
                    'reference': ''
                'effectivePeriod': {
                    'start': '2020-03-26T13:37:40+01:00',
                    'end': '2020-03-26T13:37:40+01:00'
                'performer': [{
                        'reference': ''
                'device': {
                    'reference': ''
        'EHealthQuestionnaireResponse': [{
                'resourceType': 'QuestionnaireResponse',
                'id': '21957',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'basedOn': [{
                        'reference': ''
                'questionnaire': {
                    'reference': ''
                'status': 'completed',
                'subject': {
                    'reference': ''
                'context': {
                    'reference': ''
                'authored': '2020-03-26T13:37:40+01:00',
                'source': {
                    'reference': ''
        'EHealthMedia': [{
                'resourceType': 'Media',
                'id': '18256',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'extension': [{
                        'url': '',
                        'extension': [{
                                'url': 'qualityType',
                                'valueCodeableConcept': {
                                    'coding': [{
                                            'system': '',
                                            'code': 'TBD'
                            }, {
                                'url': 'qualityCode',
                                'valueCodeableConcept': {
                                    'coding': [{
                                            'system': '',
                                            'code': 'TBD'
                'basedOn': [{
                        'reference': ''
                'type': 'audio',
                'subject': {
                    'reference': ''
                'context': {
                    'reference': ''
                'occurrenceDateTime': '2020-03-26T13:37:40+01:00',
                'content': {
                    'language': 'en'
        'EHealthClinicalImpression': [{
                'resourceType': 'ClinicalImpression',
                'id': '39697',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'status': 'draft',
                'code': {
                    'coding': [{
                            'system': '',
                            'code': 'TBD'
                'subject': {
                    'reference': ''
                'context': {
                    'reference': ''
      <name value="execute-patient-total"/>
                     value="### Report Contents
This report contains clinical information for each Patient
### Grouping 
This report is grouped by EpsiodeOfCare. Each group is returned in a separate JSon file.
### Parameters
- organization: Filter on EpisodeOfCare.managingOrganization match
- period: Filter on EpisodeOfCare.period overlap
- conditionCode: Filter on Condition.code related to EpisodeOfCare
- status: Filter on EpisodeOfCare.status
### Output
Output can be found in Binary.content. This is a Base64 encoded .zip file containing JSon files corresponding to the report groups.
### Example output
All returned objects are Fhir resources. See the implementation guide for details

        'Patient': {
            'resourceType': 'Patient',
            'id': '70791',
            'meta': {
                'versionId': '1'
        'EHealthEpisodeOfCare': [{
                'resourceType': 'EpisodeOfCare',
                'id': '10928',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'extension': [{
                        'url': '',
                        'valueReference': {
                            'reference': ''
                'status': 'active',
                'diagnosis': [{
                        'condition': {
                            'reference': ''
                        'rank': 1
                'patient': {
                    'reference': ''
                'managingOrganization': {
                    'reference': ''
                'period': {
                    'start': '1970-01-01T01:00:01+01:00',
                    'end': '1970-01-01T01:01:40+01:00'
            }, {
                'resourceType': 'EpisodeOfCare',
                'id': '48392',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'extension': [{
                        'url': '',
                        'valueReference': {
                            'reference': ''
                'status': 'active',
                'diagnosis': [{
                        'condition': {
                            'reference': ''
                        'rank': 1
                'patient': {
                    'reference': ''
                'managingOrganization': {
                    'reference': ''
                'period': {
                    'start': '1970-01-01T01:00:01+01:00',
                    'end': '1970-01-01T01:01:40+01:00'
        'EHealthDeviceUseStatement': [{
                'resourceType': 'DeviceUseStatement',
                'id': '4021',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'extension': [{
                        'url': '',
                        'valueReference': {
                            'reference': ''
                'status': 'active',
                'subject': {
                    'reference': ''
                'device': {
                    'reference': ''
            }, {
                'resourceType': 'DeviceUseStatement',
                'id': '5732',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'extension': [{
                        'url': '',
                        'valueReference': {
                            'reference': ''
                'status': 'active',
                'subject': {
                    'reference': ''
                'device': {
                    'reference': ''
        'EHealthDevice': [{
                'resourceType': 'Device',
                'id': '81729',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'extension': [{
                        'url': '',
                        'valueBoolean': true
                'status': 'active'
            }, {
                'resourceType': 'Device',
                'id': '91432',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'extension': [{
                        'url': '',
                        'valueBoolean': true
                'status': 'active'
        'EHealthDeviceMetric': [{
                'resourceType': 'DeviceMetric',
                'id': '35094',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'extension': [{
                        'url': '',
                        'extension': [{
                                'url': 'category',
                                'valueCodeableConcept': {
                                    'coding': [{
                                            'system': '',
                                            'code': 'initial'
                            }, {
                                'url': 'value',
                                'valueInteger': 5
                    }, {
                        'url': '',
                        'extension': [{
                                'url': 'category',
                                'valueCodeableConcept': {
                                    'coding': [{
                                            'system': '',
                                            'code': 'initial'
                            }, {
                                'url': 'value',
                                'valueInteger': 10
                    }, {
                        'url': '',
                        'extension': [{
                                'url': 'category',
                                'valueCodeableConcept': {
                                    'coding': [{
                                            'system': '',
                                            'code': 'initial'
                            }, {
                                'url': 'value',
                                'valueInteger': 12
                    }, {
                        'url': '',
                        'extension': [{
                                'url': 'category',
                                'valueCodeableConcept': {
                                    'coding': [{
                                            'system': '',
                                            'code': 'initial'
                            }, {
                                'url': 'value',
                                'valueInteger': 14
                'identifier': {
                    'value': 'Foo'
                'type': {
                    'text': 'code'
                'source': {
                    'reference': ''
                'category': 'calculation'
            }, {
                'resourceType': 'DeviceMetric',
                'id': '22449',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'extension': [{
                        'url': '',
                        'extension': [{
                                'url': 'category',
                                'valueCodeableConcept': {
                                    'coding': [{
                                            'system': '',
                                            'code': 'initial'
                            }, {
                                'url': 'value',
                                'valueInteger': 5
                    }, {
                        'url': '',
                        'extension': [{
                                'url': 'category',
                                'valueCodeableConcept': {
                                    'coding': [{
                                            'system': '',
                                            'code': 'initial'
                            }, {
                                'url': 'value',
                                'valueInteger': 10
                    }, {
                        'url': '',
                        'extension': [{
                                'url': 'category',
                                'valueCodeableConcept': {
                                    'coding': [{
                                            'system': '',
                                            'code': 'initial'
                            }, {
                                'url': 'value',
                                'valueInteger': 12
                    }, {
                        'url': '',
                        'extension': [{
                                'url': 'category',
                                'valueCodeableConcept': {
                                    'coding': [{
                                            'system': '',
                                            'code': 'initial'
                            }, {
                                'url': 'value',
                                'valueInteger': 14
                'identifier': {
                    'value': 'Foo'
                'type': {
                    'text': 'code'
                'source': {
                    'reference': ''
                'category': 'calculation'
        'EHealthConsent': [{
                'resourceType': 'Consent',
                'id': '51690',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'status': 'active',
                'category': [{
                        'coding': [{
                                'code': 'TBD'
                'patient': {
                    'reference': ''
                'period': {
                    'start': '1970-01-01T01:00:01+01:00',
                    'end': '1970-01-01T01:01:40+01:00'
                'consentingParty': [{
                        'reference': ''
                'actor': [{
                        'id': 'f31bec27-965f-49ea-b8fe-5fdb259c539d',
                        'role': {
                            'coding': [{
                                    'code': 'authserver'
                        'reference': {
                            'reference': ''
                'policyRule': 'Rule',
                'data': [{
                        'meaning': 'related',
                        'reference': {
                            'reference': ''
        'EHealthCarePlan': [{
                'resourceType': 'CarePlan',
                'id': '87235',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'definition': [{
                        'reference': ''
                'status': 'draft',
                'intent': 'option',
                'category': [{
                        'coding': [{
                                'system': '',
                                'code': 'TBD'
                'subject': {
                    'reference': ''
                'context': {
                    'reference': ''
                'period': {
                    'start': '1970-01-01T01:00:01+01:00',
                    'end': '1970-01-01T01:01:40+01:00'
                'addresses': [{
                        'reference': ''
            }, {
                'resourceType': 'CarePlan',
                'id': '23385',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'definition': [{
                        'reference': ''
                'status': 'draft',
                'intent': 'option',
                'category': [{
                        'coding': [{
                                'system': '',
                                'code': 'TBD'
                'subject': {
                    'reference': ''
                'context': {
                    'reference': ''
                'period': {
                    'start': '1970-01-01T01:00:01+01:00',
                    'end': '1970-01-01T01:01:40+01:00'
                'addresses': [{
                        'reference': ''
        'EHealthServiceRequest': [{
                'resourceType': 'ServiceRequest',
                'id': '18904',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'extension': [{
                        'url': '',
                        'valueCodeableConcept': {
                            'coding': [{
                                    'system': '',
                                    'code': 'TBD'
                'definition': [{
                        'reference': ''
                'status': 'completed',
                'intent': 'filler-order',
                'code': {
                    'coding': [{
                            'system': '',
                            'code': 'TBD'
                    'text': '7654414a-7f86-4170-9920-fde60368b58b'
                'subject': {
                    'reference': ''
                'context': {
                    'reference': ''
        'EHealthCondition': [{
                'resourceType': 'Condition',
                'id': '22743',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'clinicalStatus': 'active',
                'code': {
                    'coding': [{
                            'system': '',
                            'code': 'TBD'
                'subject': {
                    'reference': ''
                'context': {
                    'reference': ''
        'EHealthObservation': [{
                'resourceType': 'Observation',
                'id': '55832',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'basedOn': [{
                        'reference': ''
                'status': 'amended',
                'code': {
                    'coding': [{
                            'system': 'urn:oid:',
                            'code': 'NPU03011'
                'subject': {
                    'reference': ''
                'context': {
                    'reference': ''
                'effectivePeriod': {
                    'start': '2020-03-26T13:37:40+01:00',
                    'end': '2020-03-26T13:37:40+01:00'
                'performer': [{
                        'reference': ''
                'device': {
                    'reference': ''
        'EHealthQuestionnaireResponse': [{
                'resourceType': 'QuestionnaireResponse',
                'id': '21957',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'basedOn': [{
                        'reference': ''
                'questionnaire': {
                    'reference': ''
                'status': 'completed',
                'subject': {
                    'reference': ''
                'context': {
                    'reference': ''
                'authored': '2020-03-26T13:37:40+01:00',
                'source': {
                    'reference': ''
        'EHealthMedia': [{
                'resourceType': 'Media',
                'id': '18256',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'extension': [{
                        'url': '',
                        'extension': [{
                                'url': 'qualityType',
                                'valueCodeableConcept': {
                                    'coding': [{
                                            'system': '',
                                            'code': 'TBD'
                            }, {
                                'url': 'qualityCode',
                                'valueCodeableConcept': {
                                    'coding': [{
                                            'system': '',
                                            'code': 'TBD'
                'basedOn': [{
                        'reference': ''
                'type': 'audio',
                'subject': {
                    'reference': ''
                'context': {
                    'reference': ''
                'occurrenceDateTime': '2020-03-26T13:37:40+01:00',
                'content': {
                    'language': 'en'
        'EHealthClinicalImpression': [{
                'resourceType': 'ClinicalImpression',
                'id': '39697',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'status': 'draft',
                'code': {
                    'coding': [{
                            'system': '',
                            'code': 'TBD'
                'subject': {
                    'reference': ''
                'context': {
                    'reference': ''
      <name value="schedule-patient-gdpr"/>
                     value="### Report Contents
This report contains all information related to the specified Patient:
### Grouping 
None. This report returns a single JSon file.
### Parameters
- organization: Filter on EpisodeOfCare.managingOrganization match
- period: not used.
- patient: The patient to fetch information for.
### Output
Output can be found in Binary.content. This is a Base64 encoded .zip file containing JSon files corresponding to the report groups.
### Example output
All returned objects are Fhir resources. See the implementation guide for details

        'Patient': {
            'resourceType': 'Patient',
            'id': '70791',
            'meta': {
                'versionId': '1'
        'Communication': [{
                'resourceType': 'Communication',
                'id': '29256',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1'
                'context': {
                    'reference': ''
        'RelatedPerson': [{
                'resourceType': 'RelatedPerson',
                'id': '44196',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'identifier': [{
                        'use': 'official',
                        'system': 'urn:oid:',
                        'value': '2412001234'
                'patient': {
                    'reference': ''
                'name': [{
                        'text': 'Tester'
        'Appointment': [{
                'resourceType': 'Appointment',
                'id': '74036',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1'
                'participant': [{
                        'id': '5fda865d-5e46-4fc4-8dcc-9b5f9a6b501a',
                        'actor': {
                            'reference': ''
        'AppointmentResponse': [{
                'resourceType': 'AppointmentResponse',
                'id': '63226',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1'
                'actor': {
                    'reference': ''
        'EHealthEpisodeOfCare': [{
                'resourceType': 'EpisodeOfCare',
                'id': '10928',
                'meta': {
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                        'url': '',
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                    'reference': ''
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                    'reference': ''
            }, {
                'resourceType': 'DeviceUseStatement',
                'id': '5732',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'extension': [{
                        'url': '',
                        'valueReference': {
                            'reference': ''
                'status': 'active',
                'subject': {
                    'reference': ''
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                    'reference': ''
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                'resourceType': 'Device',
                'id': '81729',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'extension': [{
                        'url': '',
                        'valueBoolean': true
                'status': 'active'
            }, {
                'resourceType': 'Device',
                'id': '91432',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'extension': [{
                        'url': '',
                        'valueBoolean': true
                'status': 'active'
        'EHealthDeviceMetric': [{
                'resourceType': 'DeviceMetric',
                'id': '35094',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'extension': [{
                        'url': '',
                        'extension': [{
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                            }, {
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                                'valueInteger': 5
                    }, {
                        'url': '',
                        'extension': [{
                                'url': 'category',
                                'valueCodeableConcept': {
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                                            'code': 'initial'
                            }, {
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                                'valueInteger': 10
                    }, {
                        'url': '',
                        'extension': [{
                                'url': 'category',
                                'valueCodeableConcept': {
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                                            'code': 'initial'
                            }, {
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                                'valueInteger': 12
                    }, {
                        'url': '',
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                                'url': 'category',
                                'valueCodeableConcept': {
                                    'coding': [{
                                            'system': '',
                                            'code': 'initial'
                            }, {
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                                'valueInteger': 14
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                    'value': 'Foo'
                'type': {
                    'text': 'code'
                'source': {
                    'reference': ''
                'category': 'calculation'
            }, {
                'resourceType': 'DeviceMetric',
                'id': '22449',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'extension': [{
                        'url': '',
                        'extension': [{
                                'url': 'category',
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                            }, {
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                    }, {
                        'url': '',
                        'extension': [{
                                'url': 'category',
                                'valueCodeableConcept': {
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                            }, {
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                                'valueInteger': 10
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                        'url': '',
                        'extension': [{
                                'url': 'category',
                                'valueCodeableConcept': {
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                            }, {
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                        'url': '',
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                            }, {
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                    'value': 'Foo'
                'type': {
                    'text': 'code'
                'source': {
                    'reference': ''
                'category': 'calculation'
        'EHealthConsent': [{
                'resourceType': 'Consent',
                'id': '51690',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'status': 'active',
                'category': [{
                        'coding': [{
                                'code': 'TBD'
                'patient': {
                    'reference': ''
                'period': {
                    'start': '1970-01-01T01:00:01+01:00',
                    'end': '1970-01-01T01:01:40+01:00'
                'consentingParty': [{
                        'reference': ''
                'actor': [{
                        'id': 'f31bec27-965f-49ea-b8fe-5fdb259c539d',
                        'role': {
                            'coding': [{
                                    'code': 'authserver'
                        'reference': {
                            'reference': ''
                'policyRule': 'Rule',
                'data': [{
                        'meaning': 'related',
                        'reference': {
                            'reference': ''
        'EHealthCarePlan': [{
                'resourceType': 'CarePlan',
                'id': '87235',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'definition': [{
                        'reference': ''
                'status': 'draft',
                'intent': 'option',
                'category': [{
                        'coding': [{
                                'system': '',
                                'code': 'TBD'
                'subject': {
                    'reference': ''
                'context': {
                    'reference': ''
                'period': {
                    'start': '1970-01-01T01:00:01+01:00',
                    'end': '1970-01-01T01:01:40+01:00'
                'addresses': [{
                        'reference': ''
            }, {
                'resourceType': 'CarePlan',
                'id': '23385',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'definition': [{
                        'reference': ''
                'status': 'draft',
                'intent': 'option',
                'category': [{
                        'coding': [{
                                'system': '',
                                'code': 'TBD'
                'subject': {
                    'reference': ''
                'context': {
                    'reference': ''
                'period': {
                    'start': '1970-01-01T01:00:01+01:00',
                    'end': '1970-01-01T01:01:40+01:00'
                'addresses': [{
                        'reference': ''
        'EHealthServiceRequest': [{
                'resourceType': 'ServiceRequest',
                'id': '18904',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'extension': [{
                        'url': '',
                        'valueCodeableConcept': {
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                'definition': [{
                        'reference': ''
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                'intent': 'filler-order',
                'code': {
                    'coding': [{
                            'system': '',
                            'code': 'TBD'
                    'text': '7654414a-7f86-4170-9920-fde60368b58b'
                'subject': {
                    'reference': ''
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                    'reference': ''
        'EHealthCondition': [{
                'resourceType': 'Condition',
                'id': '22743',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'clinicalStatus': 'active',
                'code': {
                    'coding': [{
                            'system': '',
                            'code': 'TBD'
                'subject': {
                    'reference': ''
                'context': {
                    'reference': ''
        'EHealthObservation': [{
                'resourceType': 'Observation',
                'id': '55832',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'basedOn': [{
                        'reference': ''
                'status': 'amended',
                'code': {
                    'coding': [{
                            'system': 'urn:oid:',
                            'code': 'NPU03011'
                'subject': {
                    'reference': ''
                'context': {
                    'reference': ''
                'effectivePeriod': {
                    'start': '2020-03-26T13:37:40+01:00',
                    'end': '2020-03-26T13:37:40+01:00'
                'performer': [{
                        'reference': ''
                'device': {
                    'reference': ''
        'EHealthQuestionnaireResponse': [{
                'resourceType': 'QuestionnaireResponse',
                'id': '21957',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'basedOn': [{
                        'reference': ''
                'questionnaire': {
                    'reference': ''
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                'subject': {
                    'reference': ''
                'context': {
                    'reference': ''
                'authored': '2020-03-26T13:37:40+01:00',
                'source': {
                    'reference': ''
        'EHealthMedia': [{
                'resourceType': 'Media',
                'id': '18256',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'extension': [{
                        'url': '',
                        'extension': [{
                                'url': 'qualityType',
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                                    'coding': [{
                                            'system': '',
                                            'code': 'TBD'
                            }, {
                                'url': 'qualityCode',
                                'valueCodeableConcept': {
                                    'coding': [{
                                            'system': '',
                                            'code': 'TBD'
                'basedOn': [{
                        'reference': ''
                'type': 'audio',
                'subject': {
                    'reference': ''
                'context': {
                    'reference': ''
                'occurrenceDateTime': '2020-03-26T13:37:40+01:00',
                'content': {
                    'language': 'en'
        'EHealthClinicalImpression': [{
                'resourceType': 'ClinicalImpression',
                'id': '39697',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'status': 'draft',
                'code': {
                    'coding': [{
                            'system': '',
                            'code': 'TBD'
                'subject': {
                    'reference': ''
                'context': {
                    'reference': ''
        'EHealthTask': [{
                'resourceType': 'Task',
                'id': '96988',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'extension': [{
                        'url': '',
                        'valueCodeableConcept': {
                            'coding': [{
                                    'system': '',
                                    'code': 'TBD'
                    }, {
                        'url': '',
                        'valueCodeableConcept': {
                            'coding': [{
                                    'system': '',
                                    'code': 'None'
                    }, {
                        'url': '',
                        'valueReference': {
                            'reference': ''
                'status': 'draft',
                'intent': 'proposal',
                'priority': 'routine',
                'context': {
                    'reference': ''
        'EHealthCommunication': [{
                'resourceType': 'Communication',
                'id': '29256',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'context': {
                    'reference': ''
        'EHealthProvenance': [{
                'resourceType': 'Provenance',
                'id': '68399',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'target': [{
                        'reference': ''
                'recorded': '2020-03-26T13:37:39.772+01:00',
                'policy': ['policy'],
                'agent': [{
                        'whoReference': {
                            'reference': ''
            }, {
                'resourceType': 'Provenance',
                'id': '96195',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'target': [{
                        'reference': ''
                'recorded': '2020-03-26T13:37:39.801+01:00',
                'policy': ['policy'],
                'agent': [{
                        'whoReference': {
                            'reference': ''
      <name value="fetch-patient-gdpr"/>
                     value="### Report Contents
This report contains all information related to the specified Patient
### Grouping 
None. This report returns a single JSon file.
### Parameters
- organization: Filter on EpisodeOfCare.managingOrganization match
- period: not used.
- patient: The patient to fetch information for.
### Output
Output can be found in Binary.content. This is a Base64 encoded .zip file containing JSon files corresponding to the report groups.
### Example output
All returned objects are Fhir resources. See the implementation guide for details

        'Patient': {
            'resourceType': 'Patient',
            'id': '70791',
            'meta': {
                'versionId': '1'
        'Communication': [{
                'resourceType': 'Communication',
                'id': '29256',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1'
                'context': {
                    'reference': ''
        'RelatedPerson': [{
                'resourceType': 'RelatedPerson',
                'id': '44196',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'identifier': [{
                        'use': 'official',
                        'system': 'urn:oid:',
                        'value': '2412001234'
                'patient': {
                    'reference': ''
                'name': [{
                        'text': 'Tester'
        'Appointment': [{
                'resourceType': 'Appointment',
                'id': '74036',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1'
                'participant': [{
                        'id': '5fda865d-5e46-4fc4-8dcc-9b5f9a6b501a',
                        'actor': {
                            'reference': ''
        'AppointmentResponse': [{
                'resourceType': 'AppointmentResponse',
                'id': '63226',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1'
                'actor': {
                    'reference': ''
        'EHealthEpisodeOfCare': [{
                'resourceType': 'EpisodeOfCare',
                'id': '10928',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'extension': [{
                        'url': '',
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                            'reference': ''
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                'diagnosis': [{
                        'condition': {
                            'reference': ''
                        'rank': 1
                'patient': {
                    'reference': ''
                'managingOrganization': {
                    'reference': ''
                'period': {
                    'start': '1970-01-01T01:00:01+01:00',
                    'end': '1970-01-01T01:01:40+01:00'
            }, {
                'resourceType': 'EpisodeOfCare',
                'id': '48392',
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                    'versionId': '1',
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                        'url': '',
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                            'reference': ''
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                        'condition': {
                            'reference': ''
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                    'reference': ''
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                    'reference': ''
                'period': {
                    'start': '1970-01-01T01:00:01+01:00',
                    'end': '1970-01-01T01:01:40+01:00'
        'EHealthDeviceUseStatement': [{
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                            'reference': ''
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                    'reference': ''
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                    'versionId': '1',
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                        'url': '',
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                'resourceType': 'Device',
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                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
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                        'url': '',
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        'EHealthDeviceMetric': [{
                'resourceType': 'DeviceMetric',
                'id': '35094',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
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                    'start': '1970-01-01T01:00:01+01:00',
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                        'id': 'f31bec27-965f-49ea-b8fe-5fdb259c539d',
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                        'reference': {
                            'reference': ''
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                        'meaning': 'related',
                        'reference': {
                            'reference': ''
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            }, {
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                    'start': '1970-01-01T01:00:01+01:00',
                    'end': '1970-01-01T01:01:40+01:00'
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                        'reference': ''
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                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
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                    'start': '2020-03-26T13:37:40+01:00',
                    'end': '2020-03-26T13:37:40+01:00'
                'performer': [{
                        'reference': ''
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                    'reference': ''
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                'resourceType': 'QuestionnaireResponse',
                'id': '21957',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'basedOn': [{
                        'reference': ''
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                'extension': [{
                        'url': '',
                        'extension': [{
                                'url': 'qualityType',
                                'valueCodeableConcept': {
                                    'coding': [{
                                            'system': '',
                                            'code': 'TBD'
                            }, {
                                'url': 'qualityCode',
                                'valueCodeableConcept': {
                                    'coding': [{
                                            'system': '',
                                            'code': 'TBD'
                'basedOn': [{
                        'reference': ''
                'type': 'audio',
                'subject': {
                    'reference': ''
                'context': {
                    'reference': ''
                'occurrenceDateTime': '2020-03-26T13:37:40+01:00',
                'content': {
                    'language': 'en'
        'EHealthClinicalImpression': [{
                'resourceType': 'ClinicalImpression',
                'id': '39697',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'status': 'draft',
                'code': {
                    'coding': [{
                            'system': '',
                            'code': 'TBD'
                'subject': {
                    'reference': ''
                'context': {
                    'reference': ''
        'EHealthTask': [{
                'resourceType': 'Task',
                'id': '96988',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'extension': [{
                        'url': '',
                        'valueCodeableConcept': {
                            'coding': [{
                                    'system': '',
                                    'code': 'TBD'
                    }, {
                        'url': '',
                        'valueCodeableConcept': {
                            'coding': [{
                                    'system': '',
                                    'code': 'None'
                    }, {
                        'url': '',
                        'valueReference': {
                            'reference': ''
                'status': 'draft',
                'intent': 'proposal',
                'priority': 'routine',
                'context': {
                    'reference': ''
        'EHealthCommunication': [{
                'resourceType': 'Communication',
                'id': '29256',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'context': {
                    'reference': ''
        'EHealthProvenance': [{
                'resourceType': 'Provenance',
                'id': '68399',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'target': [{
                        'reference': ''
                'recorded': '2020-03-26T13:37:39.772+01:00',
                'policy': ['policy'],
                'agent': [{
                        'whoReference': {
                            'reference': ''
            }, {
                'resourceType': 'Provenance',
                'id': '96195',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'target': [{
                        'reference': ''
                'recorded': '2020-03-26T13:37:39.801+01:00',
                'policy': ['policy'],
                'agent': [{
                        'whoReference': {
                            'reference': ''
      <name value="execute-patient-gdpr"/>
                     value="### Report Contents
This report contains all information related to the specified Patient
### Grouping 
None. This report returns a single JSon file.
### Parameters
- organization: Filter on EpisodeOfCare.managingOrganization match
- period: not used.
- patient: The patient to fetch information for.
### Output
Output can be found in Binary.content. This is a Base64 encoded .zip file containing JSon files corresponding to the report groups.
### Example output
All returned objects are Fhir resources. See the implementation guide for details

        'Patient': {
            'resourceType': 'Patient',
            'id': '70791',
            'meta': {
                'versionId': '1'
        'Communication': [{
                'resourceType': 'Communication',
                'id': '29256',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1'
                'context': {
                    'reference': ''
        'RelatedPerson': [{
                'resourceType': 'RelatedPerson',
                'id': '44196',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'identifier': [{
                        'use': 'official',
                        'system': 'urn:oid:',
                        'value': '2412001234'
                'patient': {
                    'reference': ''
                'name': [{
                        'text': 'Tester'
        'Appointment': [{
                'resourceType': 'Appointment',
                'id': '74036',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1'
                'participant': [{
                        'id': '5fda865d-5e46-4fc4-8dcc-9b5f9a6b501a',
                        'actor': {
                            'reference': ''
        'AppointmentResponse': [{
                'resourceType': 'AppointmentResponse',
                'id': '63226',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1'
                'actor': {
                    'reference': ''
        'EHealthEpisodeOfCare': [{
                'resourceType': 'EpisodeOfCare',
                'id': '10928',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'extension': [{
                        'url': '',
                        'valueReference': {
                            'reference': ''
                'status': 'active',
                'diagnosis': [{
                        'condition': {
                            'reference': ''
                        'rank': 1
                'patient': {
                    'reference': ''
                'managingOrganization': {
                    'reference': ''
                'period': {
                    'start': '1970-01-01T01:00:01+01:00',
                    'end': '1970-01-01T01:01:40+01:00'
            }, {
                'resourceType': 'EpisodeOfCare',
                'id': '48392',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'extension': [{
                        'url': '',
                        'valueReference': {
                            'reference': ''
                'status': 'active',
                'diagnosis': [{
                        'condition': {
                            'reference': ''
                        'rank': 1
                'patient': {
                    'reference': ''
                'managingOrganization': {
                    'reference': ''
                'period': {
                    'start': '1970-01-01T01:00:01+01:00',
                    'end': '1970-01-01T01:01:40+01:00'
        'EHealthDeviceUseStatement': [{
                'resourceType': 'DeviceUseStatement',
                'id': '4021',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'extension': [{
                        'url': '',
                        'valueReference': {
                            'reference': ''
                'status': 'active',
                'subject': {
                    'reference': ''
                'device': {
                    'reference': ''
            }, {
                'resourceType': 'DeviceUseStatement',
                'id': '5732',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'extension': [{
                        'url': '',
                        'valueReference': {
                            'reference': ''
                'status': 'active',
                'subject': {
                    'reference': ''
                'device': {
                    'reference': ''
        'EHealthDevice': [{
                'resourceType': 'Device',
                'id': '81729',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'extension': [{
                        'url': '',
                        'valueBoolean': true
                'status': 'active'
            }, {
                'resourceType': 'Device',
                'id': '91432',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'extension': [{
                        'url': '',
                        'valueBoolean': true
                'status': 'active'
        'EHealthDeviceMetric': [{
                'resourceType': 'DeviceMetric',
                'id': '35094',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'extension': [{
                        'url': '',
                        'extension': [{
                                'url': 'category',
                                'valueCodeableConcept': {
                                    'coding': [{
                                            'system': '',
                                            'code': 'initial'
                            }, {
                                'url': 'value',
                                'valueInteger': 5
                    }, {
                        'url': '',
                        'extension': [{
                                'url': 'category',
                                'valueCodeableConcept': {
                                    'coding': [{
                                            'system': '',
                                            'code': 'initial'
                            }, {
                                'url': 'value',
                                'valueInteger': 10
                    }, {
                        'url': '',
                        'extension': [{
                                'url': 'category',
                                'valueCodeableConcept': {
                                    'coding': [{
                                            'system': '',
                                            'code': 'initial'
                            }, {
                                'url': 'value',
                                'valueInteger': 12
                    }, {
                        'url': '',
                        'extension': [{
                                'url': 'category',
                                'valueCodeableConcept': {
                                    'coding': [{
                                            'system': '',
                                            'code': 'initial'
                            }, {
                                'url': 'value',
                                'valueInteger': 14
                'identifier': {
                    'value': 'Foo'
                'type': {
                    'text': 'code'
                'source': {
                    'reference': ''
                'category': 'calculation'
            }, {
                'resourceType': 'DeviceMetric',
                'id': '22449',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'extension': [{
                        'url': '',
                        'extension': [{
                                'url': 'category',
                                'valueCodeableConcept': {
                                    'coding': [{
                                            'system': '',
                                            'code': 'initial'
                            }, {
                                'url': 'value',
                                'valueInteger': 5
                    }, {
                        'url': '',
                        'extension': [{
                                'url': 'category',
                                'valueCodeableConcept': {
                                    'coding': [{
                                            'system': '',
                                            'code': 'initial'
                            }, {
                                'url': 'value',
                                'valueInteger': 10
                    }, {
                        'url': '',
                        'extension': [{
                                'url': 'category',
                                'valueCodeableConcept': {
                                    'coding': [{
                                            'system': '',
                                            'code': 'initial'
                            }, {
                                'url': 'value',
                                'valueInteger': 12
                    }, {
                        'url': '',
                        'extension': [{
                                'url': 'category',
                                'valueCodeableConcept': {
                                    'coding': [{
                                            'system': '',
                                            'code': 'initial'
                            }, {
                                'url': 'value',
                                'valueInteger': 14
                'identifier': {
                    'value': 'Foo'
                'type': {
                    'text': 'code'
                'source': {
                    'reference': ''
                'category': 'calculation'
        'EHealthConsent': [{
                'resourceType': 'Consent',
                'id': '51690',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'status': 'active',
                'category': [{
                        'coding': [{
                                'code': 'TBD'
                'patient': {
                    'reference': ''
                'period': {
                    'start': '1970-01-01T01:00:01+01:00',
                    'end': '1970-01-01T01:01:40+01:00'
                'consentingParty': [{
                        'reference': ''
                'actor': [{
                        'id': 'f31bec27-965f-49ea-b8fe-5fdb259c539d',
                        'role': {
                            'coding': [{
                                    'code': 'authserver'
                        'reference': {
                            'reference': ''
                'policyRule': 'Rule',
                'data': [{
                        'meaning': 'related',
                        'reference': {
                            'reference': ''
        'EHealthCarePlan': [{
                'resourceType': 'CarePlan',
                'id': '87235',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'definition': [{
                        'reference': ''
                'status': 'draft',
                'intent': 'option',
                'category': [{
                        'coding': [{
                                'system': '',
                                'code': 'TBD'
                'subject': {
                    'reference': ''
                'context': {
                    'reference': ''
                'period': {
                    'start': '1970-01-01T01:00:01+01:00',
                    'end': '1970-01-01T01:01:40+01:00'
                'addresses': [{
                        'reference': ''
            }, {
                'resourceType': 'CarePlan',
                'id': '23385',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'definition': [{
                        'reference': ''
                'status': 'draft',
                'intent': 'option',
                'category': [{
                        'coding': [{
                                'system': '',
                                'code': 'TBD'
                'subject': {
                    'reference': ''
                'context': {
                    'reference': ''
                'period': {
                    'start': '1970-01-01T01:00:01+01:00',
                    'end': '1970-01-01T01:01:40+01:00'
                'addresses': [{
                        'reference': ''
        'EHealthServiceRequest': [{
                'resourceType': 'ServiceRequest',
                'id': '18904',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'extension': [{
                        'url': '',
                        'valueCodeableConcept': {
                            'coding': [{
                                    'system': '',
                                    'code': 'TBD'
                'definition': [{
                        'reference': ''
                'status': 'completed',
                'intent': 'filler-order',
                'code': {
                    'coding': [{
                            'system': '',
                            'code': 'TBD'
                    'text': '7654414a-7f86-4170-9920-fde60368b58b'
                'subject': {
                    'reference': ''
                'context': {
                    'reference': ''
        'EHealthCondition': [{
                'resourceType': 'Condition',
                'id': '22743',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'clinicalStatus': 'active',
                'code': {
                    'coding': [{
                            'system': '',
                            'code': 'TBD'
                'subject': {
                    'reference': ''
                'context': {
                    'reference': ''
        'EHealthObservation': [{
                'resourceType': 'Observation',
                'id': '55832',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'basedOn': [{
                        'reference': ''
                'status': 'amended',
                'code': {
                    'coding': [{
                            'system': 'urn:oid:',
                            'code': 'NPU03011'
                'subject': {
                    'reference': ''
                'context': {
                    'reference': ''
                'effectivePeriod': {
                    'start': '2020-03-26T13:37:40+01:00',
                    'end': '2020-03-26T13:37:40+01:00'
                'performer': [{
                        'reference': ''
                'device': {
                    'reference': ''
        'EHealthQuestionnaireResponse': [{
                'resourceType': 'QuestionnaireResponse',
                'id': '21957',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'basedOn': [{
                        'reference': ''
                'questionnaire': {
                    'reference': ''
                'status': 'completed',
                'subject': {
                    'reference': ''
                'context': {
                    'reference': ''
                'authored': '2020-03-26T13:37:40+01:00',
                'source': {
                    'reference': ''
        'EHealthMedia': [{
                'resourceType': 'Media',
                'id': '18256',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'extension': [{
                        'url': '',
                        'extension': [{
                                'url': 'qualityType',
                                'valueCodeableConcept': {
                                    'coding': [{
                                            'system': '',
                                            'code': 'TBD'
                            }, {
                                'url': 'qualityCode',
                                'valueCodeableConcept': {
                                    'coding': [{
                                            'system': '',
                                            'code': 'TBD'
                'basedOn': [{
                        'reference': ''
                'type': 'audio',
                'subject': {
                    'reference': ''
                'context': {
                    'reference': ''
                'occurrenceDateTime': '2020-03-26T13:37:40+01:00',
                'content': {
                    'language': 'en'
        'EHealthClinicalImpression': [{
                'resourceType': 'ClinicalImpression',
                'id': '39697',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'status': 'draft',
                'code': {
                    'coding': [{
                            'system': '',
                            'code': 'TBD'
                'subject': {
                    'reference': ''
                'context': {
                    'reference': ''
        'EHealthTask': [{
                'resourceType': 'Task',
                'id': '96988',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'extension': [{
                        'url': '',
                        'valueCodeableConcept': {
                            'coding': [{
                                    'system': '',
                                    'code': 'TBD'
                    }, {
                        'url': '',
                        'valueCodeableConcept': {
                            'coding': [{
                                    'system': '',
                                    'code': 'None'
                    }, {
                        'url': '',
                        'valueReference': {
                            'reference': ''
                'status': 'draft',
                'intent': 'proposal',
                'priority': 'routine',
                'context': {
                    'reference': ''
        'EHealthCommunication': [{
                'resourceType': 'Communication',
                'id': '29256',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'context': {
                    'reference': ''
        'EHealthProvenance': [{
                'resourceType': 'Provenance',
                'id': '68399',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'target': [{
                        'reference': ''
                'recorded': '2020-03-26T13:37:39.772+01:00',
                'policy': ['policy'],
                'agent': [{
                        'whoReference': {
                            'reference': ''
            }, {
                'resourceType': 'Provenance',
                'id': '96195',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'target': [{
                        'reference': ''
                'recorded': '2020-03-26T13:37:39.801+01:00',
                'policy': ['policy'],
                'agent': [{
                        'whoReference': {
                            'reference': ''
      <name value="schedule-patient-devices"/>
                     value="### Report Contents
This report contains Device information for each EpisodeOfCare:
- Device
- DeviceUseStatement
- DeviceMetrics
### Grouping 
This report is grouped by EpsiodeOfCare. Each group is returned in a separate JSon file.
### Parameters
- organization: Filter on EpisodeOfCare.managingOrganization match
- period: Filter on DeviceUseStatement.whenUsed overlap
### Output
Output can be found in Binary.content. This is a Base64 encoded .zip file containing JSon files corresponding to the report groups.
### Example output
All returned objects are Fhir resources. See the implementation guide for details

        'EHealthEpisodeOfCare': {
            'resourceType': 'EpisodeOfCare',
            'id': 'F417C17F9FDE24C9090BD629C8EE1697',
            'meta': {
                'versionId': '1',
                'profile': ['']
            'extension': [{
                    'url': '',
                    'valueReference': {
                        'reference': ''
            'status': 'active',
            'diagnosis': [{
                    'condition': {
                        'reference': ''
                    'rank': 1
            'patient': {
                'reference': ''
            'managingOrganization': {
                'reference': ''
            'period': {
                'start': '1970-01-01T01:00:01+01:00',
                'end': '1970-01-01T01:01:40+01:00'
        'EHealthDeviceUseStatement': [{
                'resourceType': 'DeviceUseStatement',
                'id': '9541E8EAEAD24376F208D5CD8A4D25F5',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'extension': [{
                        'url': '',
                        'valueReference': {
                            'reference': ''
                'status': 'active',
                'subject': {
                    'reference': ''
                'device': {
                    'reference': ''
        'EHealthDevice': [{
                'resourceType': 'Device',
                'id': '08D51B81A7FE5B480278150A94D4048A',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'extension': [{
                        'url': '',
                        'valueBoolean': true
                'status': 'active'
        'EHealthDeviceMetric': [{
                'resourceType': 'DeviceMetric',
                'id': '7EA21ACD27EE012439F1440574A6BB21',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'extension': [{
                        'url': '',
                        'extension': [{
                                'url': 'category',
                                'valueCodeableConcept': {
                                    'coding': [{
                                            'system': '',
                                            'code': 'initial'
                            }, {
                                'url': 'value',
                                'valueInteger': 5
                    }, {
                        'url': '',
                        'extension': [{
                                'url': 'category',
                                'valueCodeableConcept': {
                                    'coding': [{
                                            'system': '',
                                            'code': 'initial'
                            }, {
                                'url': 'value',
                                'valueInteger': 10
                    }, {
                        'url': '',
                        'extension': [{
                                'url': 'category',
                                'valueCodeableConcept': {
                                    'coding': [{
                                            'system': '',
                                            'code': 'initial'
                            }, {
                                'url': 'value',
                                'valueInteger': 12
                    }, {
                        'url': '',
                        'extension': [{
                                'url': 'category',
                                'valueCodeableConcept': {
                                    'coding': [{
                                            'system': '',
                                            'code': 'initial'
                            }, {
                                'url': 'value',
                                'valueInteger': 14
                'identifier': {
                    'value': 'Foo'
                'type': {
                    'text': 'code'
                'source': {
                    'reference': ''
                'category': 'calculation'
      <name value="fetch-patient-devices"/>
                     value="### Report Contents
This report contains Device information for each EpisodeOfCare:
- Device
- DeviceUseStatement
- DeviceMetrics
### Grouping 
This report is grouped by EpsiodeOfCare. Each group is returned in a separate JSon file.
### Parameters
- organization: Filter on EpisodeOfCare.managingOrganization match
- period: Filter on DeviceUseStatement.whenUsed overlap
### Output
Output can be found in Binary.content. This is a Base64 encoded .zip file containing JSon files corresponding to the report groups.
### Example output
All returned objects are Fhir resources. See the implementation guide for details

        'EHealthEpisodeOfCare': {
            'resourceType': 'EpisodeOfCare',
            'id': 'F417C17F9FDE24C9090BD629C8EE1697',
            'meta': {
                'versionId': '1',
                'profile': ['']
            'extension': [{
                    'url': '',
                    'valueReference': {
                        'reference': ''
            'status': 'active',
            'diagnosis': [{
                    'condition': {
                        'reference': ''
                    'rank': 1
            'patient': {
                'reference': ''
            'managingOrganization': {
                'reference': ''
            'period': {
                'start': '1970-01-01T01:00:01+01:00',
                'end': '1970-01-01T01:01:40+01:00'
        'EHealthDeviceUseStatement': [{
                'resourceType': 'DeviceUseStatement',
                'id': '9541E8EAEAD24376F208D5CD8A4D25F5',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'extension': [{
                        'url': '',
                        'valueReference': {
                            'reference': ''
                'status': 'active',
                'subject': {
                    'reference': ''
                'device': {
                    'reference': ''
        'EHealthDevice': [{
                'resourceType': 'Device',
                'id': '08D51B81A7FE5B480278150A94D4048A',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'extension': [{
                        'url': '',
                        'valueBoolean': true
                'status': 'active'
        'EHealthDeviceMetric': [{
                'resourceType': 'DeviceMetric',
                'id': '7EA21ACD27EE012439F1440574A6BB21',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'extension': [{
                        'url': '',
                        'extension': [{
                                'url': 'category',
                                'valueCodeableConcept': {
                                    'coding': [{
                                            'system': '',
                                            'code': 'initial'
                            }, {
                                'url': 'value',
                                'valueInteger': 5
                    }, {
                        'url': '',
                        'extension': [{
                                'url': 'category',
                                'valueCodeableConcept': {
                                    'coding': [{
                                            'system': '',
                                            'code': 'initial'
                            }, {
                                'url': 'value',
                                'valueInteger': 10
                    }, {
                        'url': '',
                        'extension': [{
                                'url': 'category',
                                'valueCodeableConcept': {
                                    'coding': [{
                                            'system': '',
                                            'code': 'initial'
                            }, {
                                'url': 'value',
                                'valueInteger': 12
                    }, {
                        'url': '',
                        'extension': [{
                                'url': 'category',
                                'valueCodeableConcept': {
                                    'coding': [{
                                            'system': '',
                                            'code': 'initial'
                            }, {
                                'url': 'value',
                                'valueInteger': 14
                'identifier': {
                    'value': 'Foo'
                'type': {
                    'text': 'code'
                'source': {
                    'reference': ''
                'category': 'calculation'
      <name value="execute-patient-devices"/>
                     value="### Report Contents
This report contains Device information for each EpisodeOfCare:
- Device
- DeviceUseStatement
- DeviceMetrics
### Grouping 
This report is grouped by EpsiodeOfCare. Each group is returned in a separate JSon file.
### Parameters
- organization: Filter on EpisodeOfCare.managingOrganization match
- period: Filter on DeviceUseStatement.whenUsed overlap
### Output
Output can be found in Binary.content. This is a Base64 encoded .zip file containing JSon files corresponding to the report groups.
### Example output
All returned objects are Fhir resources. See the implementation guide for details

        'EHealthEpisodeOfCare': {
            'resourceType': 'EpisodeOfCare',
            'id': 'F417C17F9FDE24C9090BD629C8EE1697',
            'meta': {
                'versionId': '1',
                'profile': ['']
            'extension': [{
                    'url': '',
                    'valueReference': {
                        'reference': ''
            'status': 'active',
            'diagnosis': [{
                    'condition': {
                        'reference': ''
                    'rank': 1
            'patient': {
                'reference': ''
            'managingOrganization': {
                'reference': ''
            'period': {
                'start': '1970-01-01T01:00:01+01:00',
                'end': '1970-01-01T01:01:40+01:00'
        'EHealthDeviceUseStatement': [{
                'resourceType': 'DeviceUseStatement',
                'id': '9541E8EAEAD24376F208D5CD8A4D25F5',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'extension': [{
                        'url': '',
                        'valueReference': {
                            'reference': ''
                'status': 'active',
                'subject': {
                    'reference': ''
                'device': {
                    'reference': ''
        'EHealthDevice': [{
                'resourceType': 'Device',
                'id': '08D51B81A7FE5B480278150A94D4048A',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'extension': [{
                        'url': '',
                        'valueBoolean': true
                'status': 'active'
        'EHealthDeviceMetric': [{
                'resourceType': 'DeviceMetric',
                'id': '7EA21ACD27EE012439F1440574A6BB21',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'extension': [{
                        'url': '',
                        'extension': [{
                                'url': 'category',
                                'valueCodeableConcept': {
                                    'coding': [{
                                            'system': '',
                                            'code': 'initial'
                            }, {
                                'url': 'value',
                                'valueInteger': 5
                    }, {
                        'url': '',
                        'extension': [{
                                'url': 'category',
                                'valueCodeableConcept': {
                                    'coding': [{
                                            'system': '',
                                            'code': 'initial'
                            }, {
                                'url': 'value',
                                'valueInteger': 10
                    }, {
                        'url': '',
                        'extension': [{
                                'url': 'category',
                                'valueCodeableConcept': {
                                    'coding': [{
                                            'system': '',
                                            'code': 'initial'
                            }, {
                                'url': 'value',
                                'valueInteger': 12
                    }, {
                        'url': '',
                        'extension': [{
                                'url': 'category',
                                'valueCodeableConcept': {
                                    'coding': [{
                                            'system': '',
                                            'code': 'initial'
                            }, {
                                'url': 'value',
                                'valueInteger': 14
                'identifier': {
                    'value': 'Foo'
                'type': {
                    'text': 'code'
                'source': {
                    'reference': ''
                'category': 'calculation'
      <name value="schedule-measurement-stats"/>
                     value="### Report Contents
This report contains counts of Measurements for each EpisodeOfCare:
- Observation
- QuestionnaireResponse
- Media
### Grouping 
This report is grouped by EpsiodeOfCare. Each group is returned in a separate JSon file.
### Parameters
- organization: Filter on EpisodeOfCare.managingOrganization match
- period: Filter on:
    - Observation.effective inside period for Observations
    - Questionnaire.authored inside period for QuestionnaireResponses
    - Media.occurence inside period for Media
### Output
Output can be found in Binary.content. This is a Base64 encoded .zip file containing JSon files corresponding to the report groups.
### Example output
EHealthEpisodeOfCare is a Fhir resource. See the implementation guide for details

        'EHealthEpisodeOfCare': {
            'resourceType': 'EpisodeOfCare',
            'id': '21357',
            'meta': {
                'versionId': '1',
                'profile': ['']
            'extension': [{
                    'url': '',
                    'valueReference': {
                        'reference': ''
            'status': 'active',
            'diagnosis': [{
                    'condition': {
                        'reference': ''
                    'rank': 1
            'patient': {
                'reference': ''
            'managingOrganization': {
                'reference': ''
            'period': {
                'start': '1970-01-01T01:00:01+01:00',
                'end': '1970-01-01T01:01:40+01:00'
        'EpisodeOfCareMeasurementSummary': {
            'observationCount': 5,
            'mediaCount': 0,
            'questionnaireResponseCount': 0
      <name value="fetch-measurement-stats"/>
                     value="### Report Contents
This report contains counts of Measurements for each EpisodeOfCare:
- Observation
- QuestionnaireResponse
- Media
### Grouping 
This report is grouped by EpsiodeOfCare. Each group is returned in a separate JSon file.
### Parameters
- organization: Filter on EpisodeOfCare.managingOrganization match
- period: Filter on:
    - Observation.effective inside period for Observations
    - Questionnaire.authored inside period for QuestionnaireResponses
    - Media.occurence inside period for Media
### Output
Output can be found in Binary.content. This is a Base64 encoded .zip file containing JSon files corresponding to the report groups.
### Example output
EHealthEpisodeOfCare is a Fhir resource. See the implementation guide for details

        'EHealthEpisodeOfCare': {
            'resourceType': 'EpisodeOfCare',
            'id': '21357',
            'meta': {
                'versionId': '1',
                'profile': ['']
            'extension': [{
                    'url': '',
                    'valueReference': {
                        'reference': ''
            'status': 'active',
            'diagnosis': [{
                    'condition': {
                        'reference': ''
                    'rank': 1
            'patient': {
                'reference': ''
            'managingOrganization': {
                'reference': ''
            'period': {
                'start': '1970-01-01T01:00:01+01:00',
                'end': '1970-01-01T01:01:40+01:00'
        'EpisodeOfCareMeasurementSummary': {
            'observationCount': 5,
            'mediaCount': 0,
            'questionnaireResponseCount': 0
      <name value="execute-measurement-stats"/>
                     value="### Report Contents
This report contains counts of Measurements for each EpisodeOfCare:
- Observation
- QuestionnaireResponse
- Media
### Grouping 
This report is grouped by EpsiodeOfCare. Each group is returned in a separate JSon file.
### Parameters
- organization: Filter on EpisodeOfCare.managingOrganization match
- period: Filter on:
    - Observation.effective inside period for Observations
    - Questionnaire.authored inside period for QuestionnaireResponses
    - Media.occurence inside period for Media
### Output
Output can be found in Binary.content. This is a Base64 encoded .zip file containing JSon files corresponding to the report groups.
### Example output
EHealthEpisodeOfCare is a Fhir resource. See the implementation guide for details

        'EHealthEpisodeOfCare': {
            'resourceType': 'EpisodeOfCare',
            'id': '21357',
            'meta': {
                'versionId': '1',
                'profile': ['']
            'extension': [{
                    'url': '',
                    'valueReference': {
                        'reference': ''
            'status': 'active',
            'diagnosis': [{
                    'condition': {
                        'reference': ''
                    'rank': 1
            'patient': {
                'reference': ''
            'managingOrganization': {
                'reference': ''
            'period': {
                'start': '1970-01-01T01:00:01+01:00',
                'end': '1970-01-01T01:01:40+01:00'
        'EpisodeOfCareMeasurementSummary': {
            'observationCount': 5,
            'mediaCount': 0,
            'questionnaireResponseCount': 0
      <name value="schedule-careteam-stats"/>
                     value="### Report Contents
This report contains counts of resources associated with CareTeams:
- EpisodeOfCare
- CarePlan
- Task: Count for each task category
### Grouping 
This report is grouped by CareTeam. Each group is returned in a separate JSon file.
### Parameters
- organization: Filter on CareTeam.managingOrganization match
- period: Filter on:
    - CarePlan.period overlap for CarePlans
    - EpisodeOfCare.period overlap for EpisodeOfCare
    - Task.authoredOn inside period for Tasks
### Output
Output can be found in Binary.content. This is a Base64 encoded .zip file containing JSon files corresponding to the report groups.
### Example output
EHealthCareTeam is a Fhir resource. See the implementation guide for details

        'EHealthCareTeam': {
            'resourceType': 'CareTeam',
            'id': '12958',
            'meta': {
                'versionId': '1',
                'profile': ['']
            'identifier': [{
                    'id': '59f70e4e-1c31-4647-8c91-404939b6b14e',
                    'system': 'urn:ietf:rfc:3986'
            'status': 'active',
            'name': '0cea5c11-af39-4e5c-8733-9f532ea9961a',
            'reasonCode': [{
                    'coding': [{
                            'system': '',
                            'code': 'TBD'
            'managingOrganization': [{
                    'reference': ''
        'CareTeamSummary': {
            'episodeOfCareCount': 2,
            'carePlanCount': 6,
            'taskCountByCategory': {
                'MissingMeasurementResolving': 2
      <name value="fetch-careteam-stats"/>
                     value="### Report Contents
This report contains counts of resources associated with CareTeams:
- EpisodeOfCare
- CarePlan
- Task: Count for each task category
### Grouping 
This report is grouped by CareTeam. Each group is returned in a separate JSon file.
### Parameters
- organization: Filter on CareTeam.managingOrganization match
- period: Filter on:
    - CarePlan.period overlap for CarePlans
    - EpisodeOfCare.period overlap for EpisodeOfCare
    - Task.authoredOn inside period for Tasks
### Output
Output can be found in Binary.content. This is a Base64 encoded .zip file containing JSon files corresponding to the report groups.
### Example output
EHealthCareTeam is a Fhir resource. See the implementation guide for details

        'EHealthCareTeam': {
            'resourceType': 'CareTeam',
            'id': '12958',
            'meta': {
                'versionId': '1',
                'profile': ['']
            'identifier': [{
                    'id': '59f70e4e-1c31-4647-8c91-404939b6b14e',
                    'system': 'urn:ietf:rfc:3986'
            'status': 'active',
            'name': '0cea5c11-af39-4e5c-8733-9f532ea9961a',
            'reasonCode': [{
                    'coding': [{
                            'system': '',
                            'code': 'TBD'
            'managingOrganization': [{
                    'reference': ''
        'CareTeamSummary': {
            'episodeOfCareCount': 2,
            'carePlanCount': 6,
            'taskCountByCategory': {
                'MissingMeasurementResolving': 2
      <name value="execute-careteam-stats"/>
                     value="### Report Contents
This report contains counts of resources associated with CareTeams:
- EpisodeOfCare
- CarePlan
- Task: Count for each task category
### Grouping 
This report is grouped by CareTeam. Each group is returned in a separate JSon file.
### Parameters
- organization: Filter on CareTeam.managingOrganization match
- period: Filter on:
    - CarePlan.period overlap for CarePlans
    - EpisodeOfCare.period overlap for EpisodeOfCare
    - Task.authoredOn inside period for Tasks
### Output
Output can be found in Binary.content. This is a Base64 encoded .zip file containing JSon files corresponding to the report groups.
### Example output
EHealthCareTeam is a Fhir resource. See the implementation guide for details

        'EHealthCareTeam': {
            'resourceType': 'CareTeam',
            'id': '12958',
            'meta': {
                'versionId': '1',
                'profile': ['']
            'identifier': [{
                    'id': '59f70e4e-1c31-4647-8c91-404939b6b14e',
                    'system': 'urn:ietf:rfc:3986'
            'status': 'active',
            'name': '0cea5c11-af39-4e5c-8733-9f532ea9961a',
            'reasonCode': [{
                    'coding': [{
                            'system': '',
                            'code': 'TBD'
            'managingOrganization': [{
                    'reference': ''
        'CareTeamSummary': {
            'episodeOfCareCount': 2,
            'carePlanCount': 6,
            'taskCountByCategory': {
                'MissingMeasurementResolving': 2
      <name value="schedule-careplans-by-patient"/>
                     value="### Report Contents
This report contains the following resources:
- EpisodeOfCare
- PlanDefinition
- CarePlan
- ServiceRequest
### Grouping 
This report is grouped by EpisodeOfCare. Each group is returned in a separate JSon file.
### Parameters
- organization: Filter on EpisodeOfCare.managingOrganization match
- period: Filter on CarePlan.period overlap
### Output
Output can be found in Binary.content. This is a Base64 encoded .zip file containing JSon files corresponding to the report groups.
### Example output
All returned objects are Fhir resources. See the implementation guide for details

        'EHealthEpisodeOfCare': {
            'resourceType': 'EpisodeOfCare',
            'id': '30254',
            'meta': {
                'versionId': '1',
                'profile': ['']
            'extension': [{
                    'url': '',
                    'valueReference': {
                        'reference': ''
            'status': 'active',
            'diagnosis': [{
                    'condition': {
                        'reference': ''
                    'rank': 1
            'patient': {
                'reference': ''
            'managingOrganization': {
                'reference': ''
            'period': {
                'start': '1970-01-01T01:00:01+01:00',
                'end': '1970-01-01T01:01:40+01:00'
        'EHealthCarePlan': [{
                'resourceType': 'CarePlan',
                'id': '1597',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'definition': [{
                        'reference': ''
                'status': 'draft',
                'intent': 'option',
                'category': [{
                        'coding': [{
                                'system': '',
                                'code': 'TBD'
                'subject': {
                    'reference': ''
                'context': {
                    'reference': ''
                'period': {
                    'start': '1970-01-01T01:00:01+01:00',
                    'end': '1970-01-01T01:01:40+01:00'
                'addresses': [{
                        'reference': ''
                'activity': [{
                        'reference': {
                            'reference': ''
        'EHealthPlanDefinition': [{
                'resourceType': 'PlanDefinition',
                'id': '59578',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'extension': [{
                        'url': '',
                        'extension': [{
                                'url': 'reference',
                                'valueReference': {
                                    'reference': ''
                            }, {
                                'url': 'role',
                                'valueCodeableConcept': {
                                    'coding': [{
                                            'system': '',
                                            'code': 'owner'
                'version': 'c701b8e8-abe6-41bd-9db5-c05b94bc1e2b',
                'status': 'active'
        'EHealthServiceRequest': [{
                'resourceType': 'ServiceRequest',
                'id': '76916',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'extension': [{
                        'url': '',
                        'valueCodeableConcept': {
                            'coding': [{
                                    'system': '',
                                    'code': 'TBD'
                'definition': [{
                        'reference': ''
                'status': 'completed',
                'intent': 'filler-order',
                'code': {
                    'coding': [{
                            'system': '',
                            'code': 'TBD'
                    'text': '31d136f2-0b98-4e0a-8f82-f0731b54893d'
                'subject': {
                    'reference': ''
                'context': {
                    'reference': ''
      <name value="fetch-careplans-by-patient"/>
                     value="### Report Contents
This report contains the following resources:
- EpisodeOfCare
- PlanDefinition
- CarePlan
- ServiceRequest
### Grouping 
This report is grouped by EpisodeOfCare. Each group is returned in a separate JSon file.
### Parameters
- organization: Filter on EpisodeOfCare.managingOrganization match
- period: Filter on CarePlan.period overlap
### Output
Output can be found in Binary.content. This is a Base64 encoded .zip file containing JSon files corresponding to the report groups.
### Example output
All returned objects are Fhir resources. See the implementation guide for details

        'EHealthEpisodeOfCare': {
            'resourceType': 'EpisodeOfCare',
            'id': '30254',
            'meta': {
                'versionId': '1',
                'profile': ['']
            'extension': [{
                    'url': '',
                    'valueReference': {
                        'reference': ''
            'status': 'active',
            'diagnosis': [{
                    'condition': {
                        'reference': ''
                    'rank': 1
            'patient': {
                'reference': ''
            'managingOrganization': {
                'reference': ''
            'period': {
                'start': '1970-01-01T01:00:01+01:00',
                'end': '1970-01-01T01:01:40+01:00'
        'EHealthCarePlan': [{
                'resourceType': 'CarePlan',
                'id': '1597',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'definition': [{
                        'reference': ''
                'status': 'draft',
                'intent': 'option',
                'category': [{
                        'coding': [{
                                'system': '',
                                'code': 'TBD'
                'subject': {
                    'reference': ''
                'context': {
                    'reference': ''
                'period': {
                    'start': '1970-01-01T01:00:01+01:00',
                    'end': '1970-01-01T01:01:40+01:00'
                'addresses': [{
                        'reference': ''
                'activity': [{
                        'reference': {
                            'reference': ''
        'EHealthPlanDefinition': [{
                'resourceType': 'PlanDefinition',
                'id': '59578',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'extension': [{
                        'url': '',
                        'extension': [{
                                'url': 'reference',
                                'valueReference': {
                                    'reference': ''
                            }, {
                                'url': 'role',
                                'valueCodeableConcept': {
                                    'coding': [{
                                            'system': '',
                                            'code': 'owner'
                'version': 'c701b8e8-abe6-41bd-9db5-c05b94bc1e2b',
                'status': 'active'
        'EHealthServiceRequest': [{
                'resourceType': 'ServiceRequest',
                'id': '76916',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'extension': [{
                        'url': '',
                        'valueCodeableConcept': {
                            'coding': [{
                                    'system': '',
                                    'code': 'TBD'
                'definition': [{
                        'reference': ''
                'status': 'completed',
                'intent': 'filler-order',
                'code': {
                    'coding': [{
                            'system': '',
                            'code': 'TBD'
                    'text': '31d136f2-0b98-4e0a-8f82-f0731b54893d'
                'subject': {
                    'reference': ''
                'context': {
                    'reference': ''
      <name value="execute-careplans-by-patient"/>
                     value="### Report Contents
This report contains the following resources:
- EpisodeOfCare
- PlanDefinition
- CarePlan
- ServiceRequest
### Grouping 
This report is grouped by EpisodeOfCare. Each group is returned in a separate JSon file.
### Parameters
- organization: Filter on EpisodeOfCare.managingOrganization match
- period: Filter on CarePlan.period overlap
### Output
Output can be found in Binary.content. This is a Base64 encoded .zip file containing JSon files corresponding to the report groups.
### Example output
All returned objects are Fhir resources. See the implementation guide for details

        'EHealthEpisodeOfCare': {
            'resourceType': 'EpisodeOfCare',
            'id': '30254',
            'meta': {
                'versionId': '1',
                'profile': ['']
            'extension': [{
                    'url': '',
                    'valueReference': {
                        'reference': ''
            'status': 'active',
            'diagnosis': [{
                    'condition': {
                        'reference': ''
                    'rank': 1
            'patient': {
                'reference': ''
            'managingOrganization': {
                'reference': ''
            'period': {
                'start': '1970-01-01T01:00:01+01:00',
                'end': '1970-01-01T01:01:40+01:00'
        'EHealthCarePlan': [{
                'resourceType': 'CarePlan',
                'id': '1597',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'definition': [{
                        'reference': ''
                'status': 'draft',
                'intent': 'option',
                'category': [{
                        'coding': [{
                                'system': '',
                                'code': 'TBD'
                'subject': {
                    'reference': ''
                'context': {
                    'reference': ''
                'period': {
                    'start': '1970-01-01T01:00:01+01:00',
                    'end': '1970-01-01T01:01:40+01:00'
                'addresses': [{
                        'reference': ''
                'activity': [{
                        'reference': {
                            'reference': ''
        'EHealthPlanDefinition': [{
                'resourceType': 'PlanDefinition',
                'id': '59578',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'extension': [{
                        'url': '',
                        'extension': [{
                                'url': 'reference',
                                'valueReference': {
                                    'reference': ''
                            }, {
                                'url': 'role',
                                'valueCodeableConcept': {
                                    'coding': [{
                                            'system': '',
                                            'code': 'owner'
                'version': 'c701b8e8-abe6-41bd-9db5-c05b94bc1e2b',
                'status': 'active'
        'EHealthServiceRequest': [{
                'resourceType': 'ServiceRequest',
                'id': '76916',
                'meta': {
                    'versionId': '1',
                    'profile': ['']
                'extension': [{
                        'url': '',
                        'valueCodeableConcept': {
                            'coding': [{
                                    'system': '',
                                    'code': 'TBD'
                'definition': [{
                        'reference': ''
                'status': 'completed',
                'intent': 'filler-order',
                'code': {
                    'coding': [{
                            'system': '',
                            'code': 'TBD'
                    'text': '31d136f2-0b98-4e0a-8f82-f0731b54893d'
                'subject': {
                    'reference': ''
                'context': {
                    'reference': ''
      <name value="schedule-careplan-duration-stats"/>
                     value="### Report Contents
This report contains statistics on status changes for CarePlans:
- count: Number of CarePlans in each state
- min: Shortest time spent in each state
- max: Longest time spent in each state
- sum: Sum of time spent in each state
- average: Average time spent in each state.
The durations are specified in [ISO 8601]( format.
### Grouping 
This report is grouped by PlanDefinition. Each group is returned in a separate JSon file.
### Parameters
- organization: Filter on EpisodeOfCare.managingOrganization match
- period: Filter on CarePlan.period overlap
- condition: Filter on EpisodeOfCare condition match

### Output
Output can be found in Binary.content. This is a Base64 encoded .zip file containing JSon files corresponding to the report groups.
### Example output
EHealthPlanDefinition is a Fhir resource. See the implementation guide for details

        'EHealthPlanDefinition': {
            'resourceType': 'PlanDefinition',
            'id': '257',
            'meta': {
                'versionId': '1',
                'profile': ['']
            'extension': [{
                    'url': '',
                    'extension': [{
                            'url': 'reference',
                            'valueReference': {
                                'reference': ''
                        }, {
                            'url': 'role',
                            'valueCodeableConcept': {
                                'coding': [{
                                        'system': '',
                                        'code': 'owner'
            'version': 'dc9ecd87-163f-4d2f-bdfe-434085eafe4f',
            'status': 'active'
        'CarePlanStatusDurationSummary': {
            'statusDurationStatistics': {
                'draft': {
                    'status': {
                        'valueCodeableConcept': {
                            'coding': [{
                                    'system': '',
                                    'code': 'draft'
                    'durationStatistics': {
                        'count': 2,
                        'min': 'P10DT10H0M0S',
                        'max': 'P15DT0H0M0S',
                        'sum': 'P25DT10H0M0S',
                        'average': 'P12DT17H0M0S'
                'active': {
                    'status': {
                        'valueCodeableConcept': {
                            'coding': [{
                                    'system': '',
                                    'code': 'active'
                    'durationStatistics': {
                        'count': 2,
                        'min': 'P200DT0H0M0S',
                        'max': 'P200DT0H0M0S',
                        'sum': 'P400DT0H0M0S',
                        'average': 'P200DT0H0M0S'
                'completed': {
                    'status': {
                        'valueCodeableConcept': {
                            'coding': [{
                                    'system': '',
                                    'code': 'completed'
                    'durationStatistics': {
                        'count': 2,
                        'min': 'P284DT14H0M0S',
                        'max': 'P380DT0H0M0S',
                        'sum': 'P664DT14H0M0S',
                        'average': 'P332DT7H0M0S'
                'suspended': {
                    'status': {
                        'valueCodeableConcept': {
                            'coding': [{
                                    'system': '',
                                    'code': 'suspended'
                    'durationStatistics': {
                        'count': 2,
                        'min': 'P5DT0H0M0S',
                        'max': 'P5DT0H0M0S',
                        'sum': 'P10DT0H0M0S',
                        'average': 'P5DT0H0M0S'
      <name value="fetch-careplan-duration-stats"/>
                     value="### Report Contents
This report contains statistics on status changes for CarePlans:
- count: Number of CarePlans in each state
- min: Shortest time spent in each state
- max: Longest time spent in each state
- sum: Sum of time spent in each state
- average: Average time spent in each state.
The durations are specified in [ISO 8601]( format.
### Grouping 
This report is grouped by PlanDefinition. Each group is returned in a separate JSon file.
### Parameters
- organization: Filter on EpisodeOfCare.managingOrganization match
- period: Filter on CarePlan.period overlap
- condition: Filter on EpisodeOfCare condition match

### Output
Output can be found in Binary.content. This is a Base64 encoded .zip file containing JSon files corresponding to the report groups.
### Example output
EHealthPlanDefinition is a Fhir resource. See the implementation guide for details

        'EHealthPlanDefinition': {
            'resourceType': 'PlanDefinition',
            'id': '257',
            'meta': {
                'versionId': '1',
                'profile': ['']
            'extension': [{
                    'url': '',
                    'extension': [{
                            'url': 'reference',
                            'valueReference': {
                                'reference': ''
                        }, {
                            'url': 'role',
                            'valueCodeableConcept': {
                                'coding': [{
                                        'system': '',
                                        'code': 'owner'
            'version': 'dc9ecd87-163f-4d2f-bdfe-434085eafe4f',
            'status': 'active'
        'CarePlanStatusDurationSummary': {
            'statusDurationStatistics': {
                'draft': {
                    'status': {
                        'valueCodeableConcept': {
                            'coding': [{
                                    'system': '',
                                    'code': 'draft'
                    'durationStatistics': {
                        'count': 2,
                        'min': 'P10DT10H0M0S',
                        'max': 'P15DT0H0M0S',
                        'sum': 'P25DT10H0M0S',
                        'average': 'P12DT17H0M0S'
                'active': {
                    'status': {
                        'valueCodeableConcept': {
                            'coding': [{
                                    'system': '',
                                    'code': 'active'
                    'durationStatistics': {
                        'count': 2,
                        'min': 'P200DT0H0M0S',
                        'max': 'P200DT0H0M0S',
                        'sum': 'P400DT0H0M0S',
                        'average': 'P200DT0H0M0S'
                'completed': {
                    'status': {
                        'valueCodeableConcept': {
                            'coding': [{
                                    'system': '',
                                    'code': 'completed'
                    'durationStatistics': {
                        'count': 2,
                        'min': 'P284DT14H0M0S',
                        'max': 'P380DT0H0M0S',
                        'sum': 'P664DT14H0M0S',
                        'average': 'P332DT7H0M0S'
                'suspended': {
                    'status': {
                        'valueCodeableConcept': {
                            'coding': [{
                                    'system': '',
                                    'code': 'suspended'
                    'durationStatistics': {
                        'count': 2,
                        'min': 'P5DT0H0M0S',
                        'max': 'P5DT0H0M0S',
                        'sum': 'P10DT0H0M0S',
                        'average': 'P5DT0H0M0S'
      <name value="execute-careplan-duration-stats"/>
                     value="### Report Contents
This report contains statistics on status changes for CarePlans:
- count: Number of CarePlans in each state
- min: Shortest time spent in each state
- max: Longest time spent in each state
- sum: Sum of time spent in each state
- average: Average time spent in each state.
The durations are specified in [ISO 8601]( format.
### Grouping 
This report is grouped by PlanDefinition. Each group is returned in a separate JSon file.
### Parameters
- organization: Filter on EpisodeOfCare.managingOrganization match
- period: Filter on CarePlan.period overlap
- condition: Filter on EpisodeOfCare condition match

### Output
Output can be found in Binary.content. This is a Base64 encoded .zip file containing JSon files corresponding to the report groups.
### Example output
EHealthPlanDefinition is a Fhir resource. See the implementation guide for details

        'EHealthPlanDefinition': {
            'resourceType': 'PlanDefinition',
            'id': '257',
            'meta': {
                'versionId': '1',
                'profile': ['']
            'extension': [{
                    'url': '',
                    'extension': [{
                            'url': 'reference',
                            'valueReference': {
                                'reference': ''
                        }, {
                            'url': 'role',
                            'valueCodeableConcept': {
                                'coding': [{
                                        'system': '',
                                        'code': 'owner'
            'version': 'dc9ecd87-163f-4d2f-bdfe-434085eafe4f',
            'status': 'active'
        'CarePlanStatusDurationSummary': {
            'statusDurationStatistics': {
                'draft': {
                    'status': {
                        'valueCodeableConcept': {
                            'coding': [{
                                    'system': '',
                                    'code': 'draft'
                    'durationStatistics': {
                        'count': 2,
                        'min': 'P10DT10H0M0S',
                        'max': 'P15DT0H0M0S',
                        'sum': 'P25DT10H0M0S',
                        'average': 'P12DT17H0M0S'
                'active': {
                    'status': {
                        'valueCodeableConcept': {
                            'coding': [{
                                    'system': '',
                                    'code': 'active'
                    'durationStatistics': {
                        'count': 2,
                        'min': 'P200DT0H0M0S',
                        'max': 'P200DT0H0M0S',
                        'sum': 'P400DT0H0M0S',
                        'average': 'P200DT0H0M0S'
                'completed': {
                    'status': {
                        'valueCodeableConcept': {
                            'coding': [{
                                    'system': '',
                                    'code': 'completed'
                    'durationStatistics': {
                        'count': 2,
                        'min': 'P284DT14H0M0S',
                        'max': 'P380DT0H0M0S',
                        'sum': 'P664DT14H0M0S',
                        'average': 'P332DT7H0M0S'
                'suspended': {
                    'status': {
                        'valueCodeableConcept': {
                            'coding': [{
                                    'system': '',
                                    'code': 'suspended'
                    'durationStatistics': {
                        'count': 2,
                        'min': 'P5DT0H0M0S',
                        'max': 'P5DT0H0M0S',
                        'sum': 'P10DT0H0M0S',
                        'average': 'P5DT0H0M0S'
      <name value="schedule-careplan-customization-stats"/>
                     value="### Report Contents
This report contains a count of patient specific modifications of:
- Measurement schedule timing
- Reference ranges
### Grouping 
This report is grouped by PlanDefinition. Each group is returned in a separate JSon file.
### Parameters
- organization: Filter on EpisodeOfCare.managingOrganization match
- period: Filter on CarePlan.period overlap

### Output
Output can be found in Binary.content. This is a Base64 encoded .zip file containing JSon files corresponding to the report groups.
### Example output
EHealthPlanDefinition is a Fhir resource. See the implementation guide for details

        'EHealthPlanDefinition': {
            'resourceType': 'PlanDefinition',
            'id': '53450',
            'meta': {
                'versionId': '1',
                'profile': ['']
            'extension': [{
                    'url': '',
                    'extension': [{
                            'url': 'reference',
                            'valueReference': {
                                'reference': ''
                        }, {
                            'url': 'role',
                            'valueCodeableConcept': {
                                'coding': [{
                                        'system': '',
                                        'code': 'owner'
            'version': '97219ba1-2202-42a1-b99d-45de3a506b40',
            'status': 'active'
        'CarePlanCustomizationSummary': {
            'timingCustomizationCount': 1,
            'referenceRangeCustomizationCount': 1
      <name value="fetch-careplan-customization-stats"/>
                     value="### Report Contents
This report contains a count of patient specific modifications of:
- Measurement schedule timing
- Reference ranges
### Grouping 
This report is grouped by PlanDefinition. Each group is returned in a separate JSon file.
### Parameters
- organization: Filter on EpisodeOfCare.managingOrganization match
- period: Filter on CarePlan.period overlap

### Output
Output can be found in Binary.content. This is a Base64 encoded .zip file containing JSon files corresponding to the report groups.
### Example output
EHealthPlanDefinition is a Fhir resource. See the implementation guide for details

        'EHealthPlanDefinition': {
            'resourceType': 'PlanDefinition',
            'id': '53450',
            'meta': {
                'versionId': '1',
                'profile': ['']
            'extension': [{
                    'url': '',
                    'extension': [{
                            'url': 'reference',
                            'valueReference': {
                                'reference': ''
                        }, {
                            'url': 'role',
                            'valueCodeableConcept': {
                                'coding': [{
                                        'system': '',
                                        'code': 'owner'
            'version': '97219ba1-2202-42a1-b99d-45de3a506b40',
            'status': 'active'
        'CarePlanCustomizationSummary': {
            'timingCustomizationCount': 1,
            'referenceRangeCustomizationCount': 1
      <name value="execute-careplan-customization-stats"/>
                     value="### Report Contents
This report contains a count of patient specific modifications of:
- Measurement schedule timing
- Reference ranges
### Grouping 
This report is grouped by PlanDefinition. Each group is returned in a separate JSon file.
### Parameters
- organization: Filter on EpisodeOfCare.managingOrganization match
- period: Filter on CarePlan.period overlap

### Output
Output can be found in Binary.content. This is a Base64 encoded .zip file containing JSon files corresponding to the report groups.
### Example output
EHealthPlanDefinition is a Fhir resource. See the implementation guide for details

        'EHealthPlanDefinition': {
            'resourceType': 'PlanDefinition',
            'id': '53450',
            'meta': {
                'versionId': '1',
                'profile': ['']
            'extension': [{
                    'url': '',
                    'extension': [{
                            'url': 'reference',
                            'valueReference': {
                                'reference': ''
                        }, {
                            'url': 'role',
                            'valueCodeableConcept': {
                                'coding': [{
                                        'system': '',
                                        'code': 'owner'
            'version': '97219ba1-2202-42a1-b99d-45de3a506b40',
            'status': 'active'
        'CarePlanCustomizationSummary': {
            'timingCustomizationCount': 1,
            'referenceRangeCustomizationCount': 1
      <name value="schedule-careplan-and-episode-of-care-stats"/>
                     value="### Report Contents
This report contains a count of active EpisodeOfCare and CarePlans.
### Grouping 
This report is grouped by ConditionCode. Each group is returned in a separate JSon file.
### Parameters
- organization: Filter on EpisodeOfCare.managingOrganization match
- period: Filter on CarePlan.period overlap

### Output
Output can be found in Binary.content. This is a Base64 encoded .zip file containing JSon files corresponding to the report groups.
### Example output
The ConditionCode is a Fhir CodeableConcept. See the implementation guide for details

        'ConditionCode': {
            'valueCodeableConcept': {
                'coding': [{
                        'system': 'urn:oid:',
                        'code': 'DJ44'
        'ConditionSummary': {
            'activeEpisodeOfCareCount': 1,
            'activeCarePlanCount': 1
      <name value="fetch-careplan-and-episode-of-care-stats"/>
                     value="### Report Contents
This report contains a count of active EpisodeOfCare and CarePlans.
### Grouping 
This report is grouped by ConditionCode. Each group is returned in a separate JSon file.
### Parameters
- organization: Filter on EpisodeOfCare.managingOrganization match
- period: Filter on CarePlan.period overlap

### Output
Output can be found in Binary.content. This is a Base64 encoded .zip file containing JSon files corresponding to the report groups.
### Example output
The ConditionCode is a Fhir CodeableConcept. See the implementation guide for details

        'ConditionCode': {
            'valueCodeableConcept': {
                'coding': [{
                        'system': 'urn:oid:',
                        'code': 'DJ44'
        'ConditionSummary': {
            'activeEpisodeOfCareCount': 1,
            'activeCarePlanCount': 1
      <name value="execute-careplan-and-episode-of-care-stats"/>
                     value="### Report Contents
This report contains a count of active EpisodeOfCare and CarePlans.
### Grouping 
This report is grouped by ConditionCode. Each group is returned in a separate JSon file.
### Parameters
- organization: Filter on EpisodeOfCare.managingOrganization match
- period: Filter on CarePlan.period overlap

### Output
Output can be found in Binary.content. This is a Base64 encoded .zip file containing JSon files corresponding to the report groups.
### Example output
The ConditionCode is a Fhir CodeableConcept. See the implementation guide for details

        'ConditionCode': {
            'valueCodeableConcept': {
                'coding': [{
                        'system': 'urn:oid:',
                        'code': 'DJ44'
        'ConditionSummary': {
            'activeEpisodeOfCareCount': 1,
            'activeCarePlanCount': 1
      <name value="process-message"/>
      <documentation value="Accept a FHIR Message Bundle for processing"/>
      <name value="perform-reindexing-pass"/>
                     value="Forces a single pass of the resource reindexing processor"/>
      <name value="meta"/>
      <name value="get-resource-counts"/>
                     value="Provides the number of resources currently stored on the server, broken down by resource type"/>
      <name value="reindex-terminology"/>