eHealth Infrastructure
3.0.0 - release

eHealth Infrastructure - Local Development build (v3.0.0) built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) Build Tools. See the Directory of published versions

ConceptMap: Activitydefinition-code to do reminder

Official URL: Version: 3.0.0
Active as of 2023-06-28 Computable Name: activitydefinition-code-to-do-reminder

The map controls whether an activity shall be subjected to producing reminders or not.

Mapping from Activity Definition Code to hl7VS-expandedYes-NoIndicator

ACTIVE. Published on 2023-06-28 00:00:00+0000 by Den telemedicinske infrastruktur (eHealth Infrastructure) (Den telemedicinske infrastruktur (eHealth Infrastructure):

The map controls whether an activity shall be subjected to producing reminders or not.

Group 1Mapping from ActivityDefinitionCodes to expandedYes-NoIndicator

Source CodeRelationshipTarget Code
TBD (Example value - Under construction)N (No)
229057006 (Møder)N (No)
229058001 (Sagskonferencer)N (No)
409073007 (Instruktion)N (No)
273586006 (Master Questionnaire)Y (Yes)
HA (Head activity)N (No)
SQ (Situation quality assessment)Y (Yes)
QR (Usage quality assessment)Y (Yes)
SDG (Same device group)N (No)

Group 2Mapping from NPU DK to expandedYes-NoIndicator

Source CodeRelationshipTarget Code
NPU03011 (O2 sat.;Hb(aB))Y (Yes)
NPU21692 (Puls;Hjerte)Y (Yes)
NPU03804 (Legeme vægt; Pt)Y (Yes)
NPU27281 (Pt—Legeme; massekoefficient(masse/kvadreret højde) = ? kg/m²)Y (Yes)
NPU03794 (Pt—Legeme; højde = ? m)Y (Yes)

Group 3Mapping from DAK-E Codes to expandedYes-NoIndicator

Source CodeRelationshipTarget Code
MCS88015 (FEV1;Lunge)Y (Yes)
MCS88016 (FVC;Lunge)Y (Yes)
MCS88017 (FEV1/FVC;Lunge)Y (Yes)
MCS88019 (Blodtryk hjemme systolisk;Arm)Y (Yes)
MCS88020 (Blodtryk hjemme diastolisk;Arm)Y (Yes)
MCS88021 (MRC skala;Pt(KOL))Y (Yes)
MCS88023 (FEV1 af forventet værdi;Pt(KOL))Y (Yes)
MCS88050 (Rejse sætte sig testen;Pt)Y (Yes)
MCS88137 (CAT score;Pt)Y (Yes)

Group 4Mapping from Sundhedsvæsenets klassifikationssystem (SKS) to expandedYes-NoIndicator

Source CodeRelationshipTarget Code
ZZ3170 (Hjemmeblodtryksmåling udført af patienten)Y (Yes)

Group 5Mapping from SNOMED CT (all versions) to expandedYes-NoIndicator

Source CodeRelationshipTarget Code
445988008 (Assessment using health assessment questionnaire (procedure))Y (Yes)
229057006 (Meetings (procedure))N (No)
273586006 (Master questionnaire)Y (Yes)
409073007 (Instruction)N (No)

Group 6Mapping from Sundhedsvæsenets klassifikationssystem (SKS) to expandedYes-NoIndicator

Source CodeRelationshipTarget Code
ALCA00 (fysisk fremmøde)N (No)
ALCA03 (virtuel kontakt)N (No)