{ "resourceType" : "ValueSet", "id" : "correspondance-letter-identifier", "text" : { "status" : "generated", "div" : "<div xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\"><h2>CorrespondanceLetterIdentifier</h2><div><p>Letter identifiers in correspondance messages are (alpha-numeric) serial numbers which are unique for the sending system. The sender must ensure that the same number is not used twice. Maximum length is 14 characters. Derived from http://svn.medcom.dk/svn/releases/Standarder/Den%20gode%20korrespondance/XML/Dokumentation/XDIS91.pdf, see 'BrevNr'</p>\n</div><p>This value set includes codes from the following code systems:</p><ul><li>Include all codes defined in <code>http://svn.medcom.dk/svn/releases/Standarder/Den%20gode%20korrespondance/XML/Dokumentation/XDIS91.pdf</code></li></ul></div>" }, "url" : "http://ehealth.sundhed.dk/vs/correspondance-letter-identifier", "version" : "1.0.0", "name" : "CorrespondanceLetterIdentifier", "status" : "draft", "experimental" : true, "date" : "2019-02-10T00:00:00+00:00", "publisher" : "FUT", "description" : "Letter identifiers in correspondance messages are (alpha-numeric) serial numbers which are unique for the sending system. The sender must ensure that the same number is not used twice. Maximum length is 14 characters. Derived from http://svn.medcom.dk/svn/releases/Standarder/Den%20gode%20korrespondance/XML/Dokumentation/XDIS91.pdf, see 'BrevNr'", "compose" : { "include" : [ { "system" : "http://svn.medcom.dk/svn/releases/Standarder/Den%20gode%20korrespondance/XML/Dokumentation/XDIS91.pdf" } ] } }