eHealth Infrastructure (v2019.5)

<CapabilityStatement xmlns="">
  <id value="measurement"/>
    <status value="generated"/>
    <div xmlns=""><h2/><table><tr><td>Mode</td><td>SERVER</td></tr><tr><td>Description</td><td/></tr><tr><td>Transaction</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>System History</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>System Search</td><td></td></tr></table><table><tr><th><b>Resource Type</b></th><th><b>Profile</b></th><th><b title="GET a resource (read interaction)">Read</b></th><th><b title="GET all set of resources of the type (search interaction)">Search</b></th><th><b title="PUT a new resource version (update interaction)">Update</b></th><th><b title="POST a new resource (create interaction)">Create</b></th></tr><tr><td>Communication</td><td><a href=""></a></td><td>y</td><td>y</td><td>y</td><td>y</td></tr><tr><td>Media</td><td><a href=""></a></td><td>y</td><td>y</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>Observation</td><td><a href=""></a></td><td>y</td><td>y</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>OperationDefinition</td><td><a href=""></a></td><td>y</td><td></td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>Provenance</td><td><a href=""></a></td><td>y</td><td></td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>QuestionnaireResponse</td><td><a href=""></a></td><td>y</td><td>y</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>StructureDefinition</td><td><a href=""></a></td><td>y</td><td>y</td><td></td><td></td></tr></table></div>
  <url value=""/>
  <version value="2019.5"/>
  <status value="active"/>
  <date value="2019-05-02T08:23:53+00:00"/>
  <publisher value="Not provided"/>
  <kind value="instance"/>
    <name value="HAPI FHIR Server"/>
    <version value="3.7.0"/>
    <description value="eHealth FHIR microservice"/>
  <fhirVersion value="3.0.1"/>
  <format value="application/fhir+xml"/>
  <format value="application/fhir+json"/>
    <mode value="server"/>
      <type value="Communication"/>
        <code value="read"/>
        <code value="vread"/>
        <code value="update"/>
        <code value="create"/>
        <code value="search-type"/>
      <versioning value="versioned-update"/>
      <conditionalCreate value="true"/>
      <conditionalUpdate value="true"/>
        <name value="_language"/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="The language of the resource"/>
        <name value="identifier"/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Unique identifier"/>
        <name value="subject"/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Focus of message"/>
        <name value="part-of"/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Part of this action"/>
        <name value="received"/>
        <type value="date"/>
        <documentation value="When received"/>
        <name value="encounter"/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Encounter leading to message"/>
        <name value="medium"/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="A channel of communication"/>
        <name value="sent"/>
        <type value="date"/>
        <documentation value="When sent"/>
        <name value="based-on"/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Request fulfilled by this communication"/>
        <name value="sender"/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Message sender"/>
        <name value="patient"/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Focus of message"/>
        <name value="context"/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Encounter or episode leading to message"/>
        <name value="recipient"/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Message recipient"/>
        <name value="definition"/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Instantiates protocol or definition"/>
        <name value="_id"/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The ID of the resource"/>
        <name value="category"/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Message category"/>
        <name value="status"/>
        <type value="token"/>
                       value="preparation | in-progress | suspended | aborted | completed | entered-in-error"/>
      <type value="Media"/>
        <code value="read"/>
        <code value="vread"/>
        <code value="search-type"/>
      <versioning value="versioned-update"/>
        <name value="_language"/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="The language of the resource"/>
        <name value="date"/>
        <type value="date"/>
        <documentation value="When Media was collected"/>
        <name value="identifier"/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Identifier(s) for the image"/>
        <name value="created"/>
        <type value="date"/>
        <documentation value="Date attachment was first created"/>
        <name value="subject"/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Who/What this Media is a record of"/>
        <name value="type"/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="photo | video | audio"/>
        <name value="operator"/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="The person who generated the image"/>
        <name value="site"/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Body part in media"/>
        <name value="view"/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Imaging view, e.g. Lateral or Antero-posterior"/>
        <name value="based-on"/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Procedure that caused this media to be created"/>
        <name value="subtype"/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The type of acquisition equipment/process"/>
        <name value="patient"/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Who/What this Media is a record of"/>
        <name value="qualityCode"/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Quality code"/>
        <name value="context"/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Encounter / Episode associated with media"/>
        <name value="_id"/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The ID of the resource"/>
        <name value="qualityType"/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Quality type"/>
        <name value="device"/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Observing Device"/>
      <type value="Observation"/>
        <code value="read"/>
        <code value="vread"/>
        <code value="search-type"/>
      <versioning value="versioned-update"/>
        <name value="_language"/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="The language of the resource"/>
        <name value="date"/>
        <type value="date"/>
                       value="Obtained date/time. If the obtained element is a period, a date that falls in the period"/>
        <name value="combo-data-absent-reason"/>
        <type value="token"/>
                       value="The reason why the expected value in the element Observation.value[x] or Observation.component.value[x] is missing."/>
        <name value="code"/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The code of the observation type"/>
        <name value="combo-code-value-quantity"/>
        <type value="composite"/>
                       value="Code and quantity value parameter pair, including in components"/>
        <name value="component-data-absent-reason"/>
        <type value="token"/>
                       value="The reason why the expected value in the element Observation.component.value[x] is missing."/>
        <name value="subject"/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="The subject that the observation is about"/>
        <name value="value-concept"/>
        <type value="token"/>
                       value="The value of the observation, if the value is a CodeableConcept"/>
        <name value="value-date"/>
        <type value="date"/>
                       value="The value of the observation, if the value is a date or period of time"/>
        <name value="code-value-string"/>
        <type value="composite"/>
        <documentation value="Code and string value parameter pair"/>
        <name value="component-code-value-quantity"/>
        <type value="composite"/>
                       value="Component code and component quantity value parameter pair"/>
        <name value="based-on"/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Reference to the test or procedure request."/>
        <name value="related"/>
        <type value="composite"/>
                       value="Related Observations - search on related-type and related-target together"/>
        <name value="code-value-date"/>
        <type value="composite"/>
        <documentation value="Code and date/time value parameter pair"/>
        <name value="patient"/>
        <type value="reference"/>
                       value="The subject that the observation is about (if patient)"/>
        <name value="qualityCode"/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Quality code"/>
        <name value="specimen"/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Specimen used for this observation"/>
        <name value="code-value-quantity"/>
        <type value="composite"/>
        <documentation value="Code and quantity value parameter pair"/>
        <name value="component-code"/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The component code of the observation type"/>
        <name value="context"/>
        <type value="reference"/>
                       value="Healthcare event  (Episode-of-care or Encounter) related to the observation"/>
        <name value="combo-code-value-concept"/>
        <type value="composite"/>
                       value="Code and coded value parameter pair, including in components"/>
        <name value="value-string"/>
        <type value="string"/>
                       value="The value of the observation, if the value is a string, and also searches in CodeableConcept.text"/>
        <name value="identifier"/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The unique id for a particular observation"/>
        <name value="performer"/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Who performed the observation"/>
        <name value="combo-code"/>
        <type value="token"/>
                       value="The code of the observation type or component type"/>
        <name value="method"/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The method used for the observation"/>
        <name value="value-quantity"/>
        <type value="quantity"/>
                       value="The value of the observation, if the value is a Quantity, or a SampledData (just search on the bounds of the values in sampled data)"/>
        <name value="component-value-quantity"/>
        <type value="quantity"/>
                       value="The value of the component observation, if the value is a Quantity, or a SampledData (just search on the bounds of the values in sampled data)"/>
        <name value="data-absent-reason"/>
        <type value="token"/>
                       value="The reason why the expected value in the element Observation.value[x] is missing."/>
        <name value="combo-value-quantity"/>
        <type value="quantity"/>
                       value="The value or component value of the observation, if the value is a Quantity, or a SampledData (just search on the bounds of the values in sampled data)"/>
        <name value="encounter"/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Encounter related to the observation"/>
        <name value="related-type"/>
        <type value="token"/>
                       value="has-member | derived-from | sequel-to | replaces | qualified-by | interfered-by"/>
        <name value="related-target"/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Resource that is related to this one"/>
        <name value="code-value-concept"/>
        <type value="composite"/>
        <documentation value="Code and coded value parameter pair"/>
        <name value="component-code-value-concept"/>
        <type value="composite"/>
                       value="Component code and component coded value parameter pair"/>
        <name value="_id"/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The ID of the resource"/>
        <name value="component-value-concept"/>
        <type value="token"/>
                       value="The value of the component observation, if the value is a CodeableConcept"/>
        <name value="qualityType"/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Quality type"/>
        <name value="category"/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The classification of the type of observation"/>
        <name value="device"/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="The Device that generated the observation data."/>
        <name value="combo-value-concept"/>
        <type value="token"/>
                       value="The value or component value of the observation, if the value is a CodeableConcept"/>
        <name value="status"/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The status of the observation"/>
      <type value="OperationDefinition"/>
        <code value="read"/>
      <versioning value="versioned-update"/>
        <name value="_language"/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="The language of the resource"/>
        <name value="date"/>
        <type value="date"/>
        <documentation value="The operation definition publication date"/>
        <name value="code"/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Name used to invoke the operation"/>
        <name value="instance"/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Invoke on an instance?"/>
        <name value="kind"/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="operation | query"/>
        <name value="jurisdiction"/>
        <type value="token"/>
                       value="Intended jurisdiction for the operation definition"/>
        <name value="description"/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="The description of the operation definition"/>
        <name value="type"/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Invole at the type level?"/>
        <name value="version"/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The business version of the operation definition"/>
        <name value="url"/>
        <type value="uri"/>
        <documentation value="The uri that identifies the operation definition"/>
        <name value="system"/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Invoke at the system level?"/>
        <name value="name"/>
        <type value="string"/>
                       value="Computationally friendly name of the operation definition"/>
        <name value="publisher"/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="Name of the publisher of the operation definition"/>
        <name value="_id"/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The ID of the resource"/>
        <name value="param-profile"/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Profile on the type"/>
        <name value="base"/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Marks this as a profile of the base"/>
        <name value="status"/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The current status of the operation definition"/>
      <type value="Provenance"/>
        <code value="read"/>
        <code value="vread"/>
      <versioning value="versioned-update"/>
        <name value="_language"/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="The language of the resource"/>
        <name value="entity-ref"/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Identity of entity"/>
        <name value="agent"/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Who participated"/>
        <name value="signature-type"/>
        <type value="token"/>
                       value="Indication of the reason the entity signed the object(s)"/>
        <name value="start"/>
        <type value="date"/>
        <documentation value="Starting time with inclusive boundary"/>
        <name value="recorded"/>
        <type value="date"/>
        <documentation value="When the activity was recorded / updated"/>
        <name value="target"/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Target Reference(s) (usually version specific)"/>
        <name value="patient"/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Target Reference(s) (usually version specific)"/>
        <name value="end"/>
        <type value="date"/>
        <documentation value="End time with inclusive boundary, if not ongoing"/>
        <name value="location"/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Where the activity occurred, if relevant"/>
        <name value="_id"/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The ID of the resource"/>
        <name value="agent-role"/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="What the agents role was"/>
        <name value="entity-id"/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Identity of entity"/>
        <name value="policy"/>
        <type value="uri"/>
        <documentation value="Policy or plan the activity was defined by"/>
      <type value="QuestionnaireResponse"/>
        <code value="read"/>
        <code value="vread"/>
        <code value="search-type"/>
      <versioning value="versioned-update"/>
        <name value="_language"/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="The language of the resource"/>
        <name value="authored"/>
        <type value="date"/>
        <documentation value="When the questionnaire response was last changed"/>
        <name value="identifier"/>
        <type value="token"/>
                       value="The unique identifier for the questionnaire response"/>
        <name value="parent"/>
        <type value="reference"/>
                       value="Procedure or observation this questionnaire response was performed as a part of"/>
        <name value="questionnaire"/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="The questionnaire the answers are provided for"/>
        <name value="author"/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="The author of the questionnaire response"/>
        <name value="subject"/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="The subject of the questionnaire response"/>
        <name value="source"/>
        <type value="reference"/>
                       value="The individual providing the information reflected in the questionnaire respose"/>
        <name value="based-on"/>
        <type value="reference"/>
                       value="Plan/proposal/order fulfilled by this questionnaire response"/>
        <name value="patient"/>
        <type value="reference"/>
                       value="The patient that is the subject of the questionnaire response"/>
        <name value="qualityCode"/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Quality code"/>
        <name value="context"/>
        <type value="reference"/>
                       value="Encounter or episode associated with the questionnaire response"/>
        <name value="_id"/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The ID of the resource"/>
        <name value="qualityType"/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Quality type"/>
        <name value="status"/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The status of the questionnaire response"/>
      <type value="StructureDefinition"/>
        <code value="read"/>
        <code value="search-type"/>
      <versioning value="versioned-update"/>
        <name value="_language"/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="The language of the resource"/>
        <name value="date"/>
        <type value="date"/>
        <documentation value="The structure definition publication date"/>
        <name value="identifier"/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="External identifier for the structure definition"/>
        <name value="valueset"/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="A vocabulary binding reference"/>
        <name value="kind"/>
        <type value="token"/>
                       value="primitive-type | complex-type | resource | logical"/>
        <name value="jurisdiction"/>
        <type value="token"/>
                       value="Intended jurisdiction for the structure definition"/>
        <name value="description"/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="The description of the structure definition"/>
        <name value="context-type"/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="resource | datatype | extension"/>
        <name value="experimental"/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="For testing purposes, not real usage"/>
        <name value="abstract"/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Whether the structure is abstract"/>
        <name value="title"/>
        <type value="string"/>
                       value="The human-friendly name of the structure definition"/>
        <name value="type"/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Type defined or constrained by this structure"/>
        <name value="version"/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The business version of the structure definition"/>
        <name value="url"/>
        <type value="uri"/>
        <documentation value="The uri that identifies the structure definition"/>
        <name value="path"/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="A path that is constrained in the profile"/>
        <name value="ext-context"/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="Where the extension can be used in instances"/>
        <name value="base-path"/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Path that identifies the base element"/>
        <name value="name"/>
        <type value="string"/>
                       value="Computationally friendly name of the structure definition"/>
        <name value="publisher"/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="Name of the publisher of the structure definition"/>
        <name value="derivation"/>
        <type value="token"/>
                       value="specialization | constraint - How relates to base definition"/>
        <name value="_id"/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The ID of the resource"/>
        <name value="keyword"/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="A code for the profile"/>
        <name value="base"/>
        <type value="uri"/>
                       value="Definition that this type is constrained/specialized from"/>
        <name value="status"/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The current status of the structure definition"/>
      <name value="submit-measurement"/>
      <name value="search-measurements"/>
      <name value="validate"/>
      <name value="validate"/>
      <name value="validate"/>
      <name value="validate"/>
      <name value="validate"/>
      <name value="validate"/>
      <name value="validate"/>
      <name value="validate"/>