eHealth Infrastructure
2.9.0 - release

eHealth Infrastructure - Local Development build (v2.9.0). See the Directory of published versions

Artifacts Summary

This page provides a list of the FHIR artifacts defined as part of this implementation guide.

Behavior: Capability Statements

The following artifacts define the specific capabilities that different types of systems are expected to have in order to comply with this implementation guide. Systems conforming to this implementation guide are expected to declare conformance to one or more of the following capability statements.


Behavior: Operation Definitions

These are custom operations that can be supported by and/or invoked by systems conforming to this implementation guide.

Create Patient

This operation is used to create a new Patient resource. Once executed successfully the Patient resource is created on the server and as well returned in the response parameter. The operation takes the input parameters listed and returns the Patient resource where the person having the provided civil registration number (crn) is used as the origin of the data.


This operation is currently the only way to create Patient resources in the eHealth Infrastructure, as it ensures that the correct bindings from national registers

Create a careplan

This operation creates a careplan for a specific episodeOfCare using this PlanDefinition as a template.

Create a careplan

Create a careplan for a specific episodeOfCare using this PlanDefinition as a template.

Create a clone of a Questionnaire


  • resourceId: reference to the Questionnaire resource that should be cloned
  • clone-operation: minor-version/major-version/copy Coding from codesystem:


Bundle containing all resources that were created during the operation.


  • New business versions require that the user has modifier-role: owner or co-author for the resource
  • New copy does not require that the user has a modifier-role.
  • New business version can be made only when no draft resource exists (having identical base identifier).
  • Read/search/create privileges are required for the resource types affected by $create-clone
Create a clone of an ActivityDefinition


  • resourceId: reference to the ActivityDefinition resource that should be cloned
  • clone_operation: minor-version/major-version/copy Coding from codesystem:
  • default-clone-behavior: true/false. False signifies deep-clone mode where the list of deep-clone-references determine which resources should be cloned
  • deep-clone-references: References to resources to create as new resources rather than referencing the existing ones.


Bundle containing all resources that were created during the operation.


  • New business versions require that the user has modifier-role: owner or co-author for the resource
  • New copy does not require that the user has a modifier-role.
  • New business version can be made only when no draft resource exists (having identical base identifier).
  • Read/search/create privileges are required for the resource types affected by $create-clone
Create an EpisodeOfCare

This operation persists an EpisodeOfCare based on the transient value of an EpisodeOfCare provided in the input.


The input is a Bundle which must contain exactly one EpisodeOfCare, conditions referenced in diagnosis list and at least one Provenance resource. All Provenances in the input must have the EpisodeOfCare as target. At least one Provenance must be interpreted into a ‘Privacy-provenance’ (see below).

The EpisodeOfCare resource

The EpisodeOfCare has to have PLANNED status The ‘id’ property of the EpisodeOfCare will be reassigned by the server, but can be referenced by other resources in the same bundle. The ‘managingOrganization’ property of the EpisodeOfCare references the GDPR Data Controller (Danish: ‘Dataansvarlig’).

The privacy-Provenance resource

A privacy-Provenance is a Provenance resource characterized by having at least one entry in Provenance.policy which data are transported, stored, or processed in the system. Possible values are:

  • ‘’
  • ‘’

    Diagnosis referenced Condition resource

    For any diagnosis listed, the referenced Condition must be concerning the same Patient as the EpisodeOfCare.


    For valid inputs, the server will create, persist and return a new EpisodeOfCare, client-supplied provenances, conditions and origin-provenance carrying a server-assigned ids. To get resources bodies in the output the request header has to contain parameter Prefer: return=representation.

    The origin-Provenance resource

    Whenever an EpisodeOfCare is created, the server automatically creates an ‘origin’ Provenance resource point to it (in addition to the client-supplied Privacy-Provenance). This Origin-Provenance resource is filled with data from the JWT access token in order to record the origin of the EpisodeOfCare resource. For instance agent.whoReference points to a resource which is created as a shadow identity from the JWT token.


This operation evaluates parameters passed as input against the decision support rule identified by the Library resource. It returns the computed clinical decision support result and/or errors. The Library resource identifies the clinical decision rule and define its parameters.

The operation is idempotent.


  • 1..1 Parameters: HL7 FHIR Parameters resource containing input parameters for the clinical decision support computation.This should either be a QuestionnaireResponse or an Observation for evaluation.


Upon success this operation returns an GuidanceResponse resource containing the decision support result.

Export Appointment to iCal

This operation exports the Appointment to an iCal RFC-5545 format

Export a PlanDefinition

Export a PlanDefinition.

Export Contents

The export contains the PlanDefinition including referenced resources:- PlanDefinitions

  • ActivityDefinitions
  • Questionnaires
  • Libraries
  • Organizations

Each resource is returned in a separate JSon file.


  • exclude: references to ActivityDefinitions or PlanDefinitions to exclude from the export.


    Output can be found in Binary.content. This is a Base64 encoded .zip file containing JSon files. All returned objects are Fhir resources. See the implementation guide for details

Fetch careplan and episode of care stats

Report Contents

This report contains a count of active EpisodeOfCare and CarePlans.


This report is grouped by ConditionCode. Each group is returned in a separate JSon file.


  • organization: Filter on EpisodeOfCare.managingOrganization match
  • period: Filter on CarePlan.period overlap


Output can be found in Binary.content. This is a Base64 encoded .zip file containing JSon files corresponding to the report groups.

Example output

The ConditionCode is a Fhir CodeableConcept. See the implementation guide for details

    'ConditionCode': {
        'valueCodeableConcept': {
            'coding': [{
                    'system': 'urn:oid:',
                    'code': 'DJ44'
    'ConditionSummary': {
        'activeEpisodeOfCareCount': 1,
        'activeCarePlanCount': 1
Fetch careplan customization stats

Report Contents

This report contains a count of patient specific modifications of:

  • Measurement schedule timing
  • Reference ranges


    This report is grouped by PlanDefinition. Each group is returned in a separate JSon file.


  • organization: Filter on EpisodeOfCare.managingOrganization match
  • period: Filter on CarePlan.period overlap


Output can be found in Binary.content. This is a Base64 encoded .zip file containing JSon files corresponding to the report groups.

Example output

EHealthPlanDefinition is a Fhir resource. See the implementation guide for details

    'EHealthPlanDefinition': {
        'resourceType': 'PlanDefinition',
        'id': '53450',
        'meta': {
            'versionId': '1',
            'profile': ['']
        'extension': [{
                'url': '',
                'extension': [{
                        'url': 'reference',
                        'valueReference': {
                            'reference': ''
                    }, {
                        'url': 'role',
                        'valueCodeableConcept': {
                            'coding': [{
                                    'system': '',
                                    'code': 'owner'
        'version': '97219ba1-2202-42a1-b99d-45de3a506b40',
        'status': 'active'
    'CarePlanCustomizationSummary': {
        'timingCustomizationCount': 1,
        'referenceRangeCustomizationCount': 1
Fetch careplan duration stats

Report Contents

This report contains statistics on status changes for CarePlans:

  • count: Number of CarePlans in each state
  • min: Shortest time spent in each state
  • max: Longest time spent in each state
  • sum: Sum of time spent in each state
  • average: Average time spent in each state.

The durations are specified in ISO 8601 format.


This report is grouped by PlanDefinition. Each group is returned in a separate JSon file.


  • organization: Filter on EpisodeOfCare.managingOrganization match
  • period: Filter on CarePlan.period overlap
  • condition: Filter on EpisodeOfCare condition match


Output can be found in Binary.content. This is a Base64 encoded .zip file containing JSon files corresponding to the report groups.

Example output

EHealthPlanDefinition is a Fhir resource. See the implementation guide for details

    'EHealthPlanDefinition': {
        'resourceType': 'PlanDefinition',
        'id': '257',
        'meta': {
            'versionId': '1',
            'profile': ['']
        'extension': [{
                'url': '',
                'extension': [{
                        'url': 'reference',
                        'valueReference': {
                            'reference': ''
                    }, {
                        'url': 'role',
                        'valueCodeableConcept': {
                            'coding': [{
                                    'system': '',
                                    'code': 'owner'
        'version': 'dc9ecd87-163f-4d2f-bdfe-434085eafe4f',
        'status': 'active'
    'CarePlanStatusDurationSummary': {
        'statusDurationStatistics': {
            'draft': {
                'status': {
                    'valueCodeableConcept': {
                        'coding': [{
                                'system': '',
                                'code': 'draft'
                'durationStatistics': {
                    'count': 2,
                    'min': 'P10DT10H0M0S',
                    'max': 'P15DT0H0M0S',
                    'sum': 'P25DT10H0M0S',
                    'average': 'P12DT17H0M0S'
            'active': {
                'status': {
                    'valueCodeableConcept': {
                        'coding': [{
                                'system': '',
                                'code': 'active'
                'durationStatistics': {
                    'count': 2,
                    'min': 'P200DT0H0M0S',
                    'max': 'P200DT0H0M0S',
                    'sum': 'P400DT0H0M0S',
                    'average': 'P200DT0H0M0S'
            'completed': {
                'status': {
                    'valueCodeableConcept': {
                        'coding': [{
                                'system': '',
                                'code': 'completed'
                'durationStatistics': {
                    'count': 2,
                    'min': 'P284DT14H0M0S',
                    'max': 'P380DT0H0M0S',
                    'sum': 'P664DT14H0M0S',
                    'average': 'P332DT7H0M0S'
            'suspended': {
                'status': {
                    'valueCodeableConcept': {
                        'coding': [{
                                'system': '',
                                'code': 'suspended'
                'durationStatistics': {
                    'count': 2,
                    'min': 'P5DT0H0M0S',
                    'max': 'P5DT0H0M0S',
                    'sum': 'P10DT0H0M0S',
                    'average': 'P5DT0H0M0S'
Fetch careplans by patient

Report Contents

This report contains the following resources:

  • EpisodeOfCare
  • PlanDefinition
  • CarePlan
  • ServiceRequest


    This report is grouped by EpisodeOfCare. Each group is returned in a separate JSon file.


  • organization: Filter on EpisodeOfCare.managingOrganization match
  • period: Filter on CarePlan.period overlap


    Output can be found in Binary.content. This is a Base64 encoded .zip file containing JSon files corresponding to the report groups.

    Example output

    All returned objects are Fhir resources. See the implementation guide for details

    { ‘EHealthEpisodeOfCare’: { ‘resourceType’: ‘EpisodeOfCare’, ‘id’: ‘30254’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’, ‘profile’: [‘’] }, ‘extension’: [{ ‘url’: ‘’, ‘valueReference’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ } } ], ‘status’: ‘active’, ‘diagnosis’: [{ ‘condition’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘rank’: 1 } ], ‘patient’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘managingOrganization’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘period’: { ‘start’: ‘1970-01-01T01:00:01+01:00’, ‘end’: ‘1970-01-01T01:01:40+01:00’ } }, ‘EHealthCarePlan’: [{ ‘resourceType’: ‘CarePlan’, ‘id’: ‘1597’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’, ‘profile’: [‘’] }, ‘definition’: [{ ‘reference’: ‘’ } ], ‘status’: ‘draft’, ‘intent’: ‘option’, ‘category’: [{ ‘coding’: [{ ‘system’: ‘’, ‘code’: ‘TBD’ } ] } ], ‘subject’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘context’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘period’: { ‘start’: ‘1970-01-01T01:00:01+01:00’, ‘end’: ‘1970-01-01T01:01:40+01:00’ }, ‘addresses’: [{ ‘reference’: ‘’ } ], ‘activity’: [{ ‘reference’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ } } ] } ], ‘EHealthPlanDefinition’: [{ ‘resourceType’: ‘PlanDefinition’, ‘id’: ‘59578’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’, ‘profile’: [‘’] }, ‘extension’: [{ ‘url’: ‘’, ‘extension’: [{ ‘url’: ‘reference’, ‘valueReference’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ } }, { ‘url’: ‘role’, ‘valueCodeableConcept’: { ‘coding’: [{ ‘system’: ‘’, ‘code’: ‘owner’ } ] } } ] } ], ‘version’: ‘c701b8e8-abe6-41bd-9db5-c05b94bc1e2b’, ‘status’: ‘active’ } ], ‘EHealthServiceRequest’: [{ ‘resourceType’: ‘ServiceRequest’, ‘id’: ‘76916’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’, ‘profile’: [‘’] }, ‘extension’: [{ ‘url’: ‘’, ‘valueCodeableConcept’: { ‘coding’: [{ ‘system’: ‘’, ‘code’: ‘TBD’ } ] } } ], ‘definition’: [{ ‘reference’: ‘’ } ], ‘status’: ‘completed’, ‘intent’: ‘filler-order’, ‘code’: { ‘coding’: [{ ‘system’: ‘’, ‘code’: ‘TBD’ } ], ‘text’: ‘31d136f2-0b98-4e0a-8f82-f0731b54893d’ }, ‘subject’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘context’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ } } ] }

Fetch careteam stats

Report Contents

This report contains counts of resources associated with CareTeams:

  • EpisodeOfCare
  • CarePlan
  • Task: Count for each task category


    This report is grouped by CareTeam. Each group is returned in a separate JSon file.


  • organization: Filter on CareTeam.managingOrganization match
  • period: Filter on:
    • CarePlan.period overlap for CarePlans
    • EpisodeOfCare.period overlap for EpisodeOfCare
    • Task.authoredOn inside period for Tasks


      Output can be found in Binary.content. This is a Base64 encoded .zip file containing JSon files corresponding to the report groups.

      Example output

      EHealthCareTeam is a Fhir resource. See the implementation guide for details

    { ‘EHealthCareTeam’: { ‘resourceType’: ‘CareTeam’, ‘id’: ‘12958’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’, ‘profile’: [‘’] }, ‘identifier’: [{ ‘id’: ‘59f70e4e-1c31-4647-8c91-404939b6b14e’, ‘system’: ‘urn:ietf:rfc:3986’ } ], ‘status’: ‘active’, ‘name’: ‘0cea5c11-af39-4e5c-8733-9f532ea9961a’, ‘reasonCode’: [{ ‘coding’: [{ ‘system’: ‘’, ‘code’: ‘TBD’ } ] } ], ‘managingOrganization’: [{ ‘reference’: ‘’ } ] }, ‘CareTeamSummary’: { ‘episodeOfCareCount’: 2, ‘carePlanCount’: 6, ‘taskCountByCategory’: { ‘MissingMeasurementResolving’: 2 } } }

Fetch measurement stats

Report Contents

This report contains counts of Measurements for each EpisodeOfCare:

  • Observation
  • QuestionnaireResponse
  • Media


    This report is grouped by EpsiodeOfCare. Each group is returned in a separate JSon file.


  • organization: Filter on EpisodeOfCare.managingOrganization match
  • period: Filter on:
    • Observation.effective inside period for Observations
    • Questionnaire.authored inside period for QuestionnaireResponses
    • Media.occurence inside period for Media


      Output can be found in Binary.content. This is a Base64 encoded .zip file containing JSon files corresponding to the report groups.

      Example output

      EHealthEpisodeOfCare is a Fhir resource. See the implementation guide for details

    { ‘EHealthEpisodeOfCare’: { ‘resourceType’: ‘EpisodeOfCare’, ‘id’: ‘21357’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’, ‘profile’: [‘’] }, ‘extension’: [{ ‘url’: ‘’, ‘valueReference’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ } } ], ‘status’: ‘active’, ‘diagnosis’: [{ ‘condition’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘rank’: 1 } ], ‘patient’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘managingOrganization’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘period’: { ‘start’: ‘1970-01-01T01:00:01+01:00’, ‘end’: ‘1970-01-01T01:01:40+01:00’ } }, ‘EpisodeOfCareMeasurementSummary’: { ‘observationCount’: 5, ‘mediaCount’: 0, ‘questionnaireResponseCount’: 0 } }

Fetch patient GDPR

Report Contents

This report contains all information related to the specified Patient


None. This report returns a single JSon file.


  • organization: Filter on EpisodeOfCare.managingOrganization match
  • period: not used.
  • patient: The patient to fetch information for.


    Output can be found in Binary.content. This is a Base64 encoded .zip file containing JSon files corresponding to the report groups.

    Example output

    All returned objects are Fhir resources. See the implementation guide for details

    { ‘Patient’: { ‘resourceType’: ‘Patient’, ‘id’: ‘70791’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’ } }, ‘Communication’: [{ ‘resourceType’: ‘Communication’, ‘id’: ‘29256’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’ }, ‘context’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ } } ], ‘RelatedPerson’: [{ ‘resourceType’: ‘RelatedPerson’, ‘id’: ‘44196’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’, ‘profile’: [‘’] }, ‘identifier’: [{ ‘use’: ‘official’, ‘system’: ‘urn:oid:’, ‘value’: ‘2412001234’ } ], ‘patient’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘name’: [{ ‘text’: ‘Tester’ } ] } ], ‘Appointment’: [{ ‘resourceType’: ‘Appointment’, ‘id’: ‘74036’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’ }, ‘participant’: [{ ‘id’: ‘5fda865d-5e46-4fc4-8dcc-9b5f9a6b501a’, ‘actor’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ } } ] } ], ‘AppointmentResponse’: [{ ‘resourceType’: ‘AppointmentResponse’, ‘id’: ‘63226’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’ }, ‘actor’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ } } ], ‘EHealthEpisodeOfCare’: [{ ‘resourceType’: ‘EpisodeOfCare’, ‘id’: ‘10928’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’, ‘profile’: [‘’] }, ‘extension’: [{ ‘url’: ‘’, ‘valueReference’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ } } ], ‘status’: ‘active’, ‘diagnosis’: [{ ‘condition’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘rank’: 1 } ], ‘patient’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘managingOrganization’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘period’: { ‘start’: ‘1970-01-01T01:00:01+01:00’, ‘end’: ‘1970-01-01T01:01:40+01:00’ } }, { ‘resourceType’: ‘EpisodeOfCare’, ‘id’: ‘48392’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’, ‘profile’: [‘’] }, ‘extension’: [{ ‘url’: ‘’, ‘valueReference’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ } } ], ‘status’: ‘active’, ‘diagnosis’: [{ ‘condition’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘rank’: 1 } ], ‘patient’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘managingOrganization’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘period’: { ‘start’: ‘1970-01-01T01:00:01+01:00’, ‘end’: ‘1970-01-01T01:01:40+01:00’ } } ], ‘EHealthDeviceUseStatement’: [{ ‘resourceType’: ‘DeviceUseStatement’, ‘id’: ‘4021’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’, ‘profile’: [‘’] }, ‘extension’: [{ ‘url’: ‘’, ‘valueReference’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ } } ], ‘status’: ‘active’, ‘subject’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘device’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ } }, { ‘resourceType’: ‘DeviceUseStatement’, ‘id’: ‘5732’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’, ‘profile’: [‘’] }, ‘extension’: [{ ‘url’: ‘’, ‘valueReference’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ } } ], ‘status’: ‘active’, ‘subject’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘device’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ } } ], ‘EHealthDevice’: [{ ‘resourceType’: ‘Device’, ‘id’: ‘81729’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’, ‘profile’: [‘’] }, ‘extension’: [{ ‘url’: ‘’, ‘valueBoolean’: true } ], ‘status’: ‘active’ }, { ‘resourceType’: ‘Device’, ‘id’: ‘91432’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’, ‘profile’: [‘’] }, ‘extension’: [{ ‘url’: ‘’, ‘valueBoolean’: true } ], ‘status’: ‘active’ } ], ‘EHealthDeviceMetric’: [{ ‘resourceType’: ‘DeviceMetric’, ‘id’: ‘35094’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’, ‘profile’: [‘’] }, ‘extension’: [{ ‘url’: ‘’, ‘extension’: [{ ‘url’: ‘category’, ‘valueCodeableConcept’: { ‘coding’: [{ ‘system’: ‘’, ‘code’: ‘initial’ } ] } }, { ‘url’: ‘value’, ‘valueInteger’: 5 } ] }, { ‘url’: ‘’, ‘extension’: [{ ‘url’: ‘category’, ‘valueCodeableConcept’: { ‘coding’: [{ ‘system’: ‘’, ‘code’: ‘initial’ } ] } }, { ‘url’: ‘value’, ‘valueInteger’: 10 } ] }, { ‘url’: ‘’, ‘extension’: [{ ‘url’: ‘category’, ‘valueCodeableConcept’: { ‘coding’: [{ ‘system’: ‘’, ‘code’: ‘initial’ } ] } }, { ‘url’: ‘value’, ‘valueInteger’: 12 } ] }, { ‘url’: ‘’, ‘extension’: [{ ‘url’: ‘category’, ‘valueCodeableConcept’: { ‘coding’: [{ ‘system’: ‘’, ‘code’: ‘initial’ } ] } }, { ‘url’: ‘value’, ‘valueInteger’: 14 } ] } ], ‘identifier’: { ‘value’: ‘Foo’ }, ‘type’: { ‘text’: ‘code’ }, ‘source’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘category’: ‘calculation’ }, { ‘resourceType’: ‘DeviceMetric’, ‘id’: ‘22449’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’, ‘profile’: [‘’] }, ‘extension’: [{ ‘url’: ‘’, ‘extension’: [{ ‘url’: ‘category’, ‘valueCodeableConcept’: { ‘coding’: [{ ‘system’: ‘’, ‘code’: ‘initial’ } ] } }, { ‘url’: ‘value’, ‘valueInteger’: 5 } ] }, { ‘url’: ‘’, ‘extension’: [{ ‘url’: ‘category’, ‘valueCodeableConcept’: { ‘coding’: [{ ‘system’: ‘’, ‘code’: ‘initial’ } ] } }, { ‘url’: ‘value’, ‘valueInteger’: 10 } ] }, { ‘url’: ‘’, ‘extension’: [{ ‘url’: ‘category’, ‘valueCodeableConcept’: { ‘coding’: [{ ‘system’: ‘’, ‘code’: ‘initial’ } ] } }, { ‘url’: ‘value’, ‘valueInteger’: 12 } ] }, { ‘url’: ‘’, ‘extension’: [{ ‘url’: ‘category’, ‘valueCodeableConcept’: { ‘coding’: [{ ‘system’: ‘’, ‘code’: ‘initial’ } ] } }, { ‘url’: ‘value’, ‘valueInteger’: 14 } ] } ], ‘identifier’: { ‘value’: ‘Foo’ }, ‘type’: { ‘text’: ‘code’ }, ‘source’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘category’: ‘calculation’ } ], ‘EHealthConsent’: [{ ‘resourceType’: ‘Consent’, ‘id’: ‘51690’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’, ‘profile’: [‘’] }, ‘status’: ‘active’, ‘category’: [{ ‘coding’: [{ ‘code’: ‘TBD’ } ] } ], ‘patient’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘period’: { ‘start’: ‘1970-01-01T01:00:01+01:00’, ‘end’: ‘1970-01-01T01:01:40+01:00’ }, ‘consentingParty’: [{ ‘reference’: ‘’ } ], ‘actor’: [{ ‘id’: ‘f31bec27-965f-49ea-b8fe-5fdb259c539d’, ‘role’: { ‘coding’: [{ ‘code’: ‘authserver’ } ] }, ‘reference’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ } } ], ‘policyRule’: ‘Rule’, ‘data’: [{ ‘meaning’: ‘related’, ‘reference’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ } } ] } ], ‘EHealthCarePlan’: [{ ‘resourceType’: ‘CarePlan’, ‘id’: ‘87235’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’, ‘profile’: [‘’] }, ‘definition’: [{ ‘reference’: ‘’ } ], ‘status’: ‘draft’, ‘intent’: ‘option’, ‘category’: [{ ‘coding’: [{ ‘system’: ‘’, ‘code’: ‘TBD’ } ] } ], ‘subject’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘context’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘period’: { ‘start’: ‘1970-01-01T01:00:01+01:00’, ‘end’: ‘1970-01-01T01:01:40+01:00’ }, ‘addresses’: [{ ‘reference’: ‘’ } ] }, { ‘resourceType’: ‘CarePlan’, ‘id’: ‘23385’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’, ‘profile’: [‘’] }, ‘definition’: [{ ‘reference’: ‘’ } ], ‘status’: ‘draft’, ‘intent’: ‘option’, ‘category’: [{ ‘coding’: [{ ‘system’: ‘’, ‘code’: ‘TBD’ } ] } ], ‘subject’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘context’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘period’: { ‘start’: ‘1970-01-01T01:00:01+01:00’, ‘end’: ‘1970-01-01T01:01:40+01:00’ }, ‘addresses’: [{ ‘reference’: ‘’ } ] } ], ‘EHealthServiceRequest’: [{ ‘resourceType’: ‘ServiceRequest’, ‘id’: ‘18904’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’, ‘profile’: [‘’] }, ‘extension’: [{ ‘url’: ‘’, ‘valueCodeableConcept’: { ‘coding’: [{ ‘system’: ‘’, ‘code’: ‘TBD’ } ] } } ], ‘definition’: [{ ‘reference’: ‘’ } ], ‘status’: ‘completed’, ‘intent’: ‘filler-order’, ‘code’: { ‘coding’: [{ ‘system’: ‘’, ‘code’: ‘TBD’ } ], ‘text’: ‘7654414a-7f86-4170-9920-fde60368b58b’ }, ‘subject’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘context’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ } } ], ‘EHealthCondition’: [{ ‘resourceType’: ‘Condition’, ‘id’: ‘22743’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’, ‘profile’: [‘’] }, ‘clinicalStatus’: ‘active’, ‘code’: { ‘coding’: [{ ‘system’: ‘’, ‘code’: ‘TBD’ } ] }, ‘subject’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘context’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ } } ], ‘EHealthObservation’: [{ ‘resourceType’: ‘Observation’, ‘id’: ‘55832’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’, ‘profile’: [‘’] }, ‘basedOn’: [{ ‘reference’: ‘’ } ], ‘status’: ‘amended’, ‘code’: { ‘coding’: [{ ‘system’: ‘urn:oid:’, ‘code’: ‘NPU03011’ } ] }, ‘subject’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘context’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘effectivePeriod’: { ‘start’: ‘2020-03-26T13:37:40+01:00’, ‘end’: ‘2020-03-26T13:37:40+01:00’ }, ‘performer’: [{ ‘reference’: ‘’ } ], ‘device’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ } } ], ‘EHealthQuestionnaireResponse’: [{ ‘resourceType’: ‘QuestionnaireResponse’, ‘id’: ‘21957’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’, ‘profile’: [‘’] }, ‘basedOn’: [{ ‘reference’: ‘’ } ], ‘questionnaire’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘status’: ‘completed’, ‘subject’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘context’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘authored’: ‘2020-03-26T13:37:40+01:00’, ‘source’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ } } ], ‘EHealthMedia’: [{ ‘resourceType’: ‘Media’, ‘id’: ‘18256’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’, ‘profile’: [‘’] }, ‘extension’: [{ ‘url’: ‘’, ‘extension’: [{ ‘url’: ‘qualityType’, ‘valueCodeableConcept’: { ‘coding’: [{ ‘system’: ‘’, ‘code’: ‘TBD’ } ] } }, { ‘url’: ‘qualityCode’, ‘valueCodeableConcept’: { ‘coding’: [{ ‘system’: ‘’, ‘code’: ‘TBD’ } ] } } ] } ], ‘basedOn’: [{ ‘reference’: ‘’ } ], ‘type’: ‘audio’, ‘subject’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘context’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘occurrenceDateTime’: ‘2020-03-26T13:37:40+01:00’, ‘content’: { ‘language’: ‘en’ } } ], ‘EHealthClinicalImpression’: [{ ‘resourceType’: ‘ClinicalImpression’, ‘id’: ‘39697’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’, ‘profile’: [‘’] }, ‘status’: ‘draft’, ‘code’: { ‘coding’: [{ ‘system’: ‘’, ‘code’: ‘TBD’ } ] }, ‘subject’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘context’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ } } ], ‘EHealthTask’: [{ ‘resourceType’: ‘Task’, ‘id’: ‘96988’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’, ‘profile’: [‘’] }, ‘extension’: [{ ‘url’: ‘’, ‘valueCodeableConcept’: { ‘coding’: [{ ‘system’: ‘’, ‘code’: ‘TBD’ } ] } }, { ‘url’: ‘’, ‘valueCodeableConcept’: { ‘coding’: [{ ‘system’: ‘’, ‘code’: ‘None’ } ] } }, { ‘url’: ‘’, ‘valueReference’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ } } ], ‘status’: ‘draft’, ‘intent’: ‘proposal’, ‘priority’: ‘routine’, ‘context’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ } } ], ‘EHealthCommunication’: [{ ‘resourceType’: ‘Communication’, ‘id’: ‘29256’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’, ‘profile’: [‘’] }, ‘context’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ } } ], ‘EHealthProvenance’: [{ ‘resourceType’: ‘Provenance’, ‘id’: ‘68399’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’, ‘profile’: [‘’] }, ‘target’: [{ ‘reference’: ‘’ } ], ‘recorded’: ‘2020-03-26T13:37:39.772+01:00’, ‘policy’: [‘policy’], ‘agent’: [{ ‘whoReference’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ } } ] }, { ‘resourceType’: ‘Provenance’, ‘id’: ‘96195’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’, ‘profile’: [‘’] }, ‘target’: [{ ‘reference’: ‘’ } ], ‘recorded’: ‘2020-03-26T13:37:39.801+01:00’, ‘policy’: [‘policy’], ‘agent’: [{ ‘whoReference’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ } } ] } ] }

Fetch patient devices

Report Contents

This report contains Device information for each EpisodeOfCare:

  • Device
  • DeviceUseStatement
  • DeviceMetrics


    This report is grouped by EpsiodeOfCare. Each group is returned in a separate JSon file.


  • organization: Filter on EpisodeOfCare.managingOrganization match
  • period: Filter on DeviceUseStatement.whenUsed overlap


    Output can be found in Binary.content. This is a Base64 encoded .zip file containing JSon files corresponding to the report groups.

    Example output

    All returned objects are Fhir resources. See the implementation guide for details

    { ‘EHealthEpisodeOfCare’: { ‘resourceType’: ‘EpisodeOfCare’, ‘id’: ‘F417C17F9FDE24C9090BD629C8EE1697’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’, ‘profile’: [‘’] }, ‘extension’: [{ ‘url’: ‘’, ‘valueReference’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ } } ], ‘status’: ‘active’, ‘diagnosis’: [{ ‘condition’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘rank’: 1 } ], ‘patient’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘managingOrganization’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘period’: { ‘start’: ‘1970-01-01T01:00:01+01:00’, ‘end’: ‘1970-01-01T01:01:40+01:00’ } }, ‘EHealthDeviceUseStatement’: [{ ‘resourceType’: ‘DeviceUseStatement’, ‘id’: ‘9541E8EAEAD24376F208D5CD8A4D25F5’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’, ‘profile’: [‘’] }, ‘extension’: [{ ‘url’: ‘’, ‘valueReference’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ } } ], ‘status’: ‘active’, ‘subject’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘device’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ } } ], ‘EHealthDevice’: [{ ‘resourceType’: ‘Device’, ‘id’: ‘08D51B81A7FE5B480278150A94D4048A’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’, ‘profile’: [‘’] }, ‘extension’: [{ ‘url’: ‘’, ‘valueBoolean’: true } ], ‘status’: ‘active’ } ], ‘EHealthDeviceMetric’: [{ ‘resourceType’: ‘DeviceMetric’, ‘id’: ‘7EA21ACD27EE012439F1440574A6BB21’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’, ‘profile’: [‘’] }, ‘extension’: [{ ‘url’: ‘’, ‘extension’: [{ ‘url’: ‘category’, ‘valueCodeableConcept’: { ‘coding’: [{ ‘system’: ‘’, ‘code’: ‘initial’ } ] } }, { ‘url’: ‘value’, ‘valueInteger’: 5 } ] }, { ‘url’: ‘’, ‘extension’: [{ ‘url’: ‘category’, ‘valueCodeableConcept’: { ‘coding’: [{ ‘system’: ‘’, ‘code’: ‘initial’ } ] } }, { ‘url’: ‘value’, ‘valueInteger’: 10 } ] }, { ‘url’: ‘’, ‘extension’: [{ ‘url’: ‘category’, ‘valueCodeableConcept’: { ‘coding’: [{ ‘system’: ‘’, ‘code’: ‘initial’ } ] } }, { ‘url’: ‘value’, ‘valueInteger’: 12 } ] }, { ‘url’: ‘’, ‘extension’: [{ ‘url’: ‘category’, ‘valueCodeableConcept’: { ‘coding’: [{ ‘system’: ‘’, ‘code’: ‘initial’ } ] } }, { ‘url’: ‘value’, ‘valueInteger’: 14 } ] } ], ‘identifier’: { ‘value’: ‘Foo’ }, ‘type’: { ‘text’: ‘code’ }, ‘source’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘category’: ‘calculation’ } ] }

Fetch patient total

Report Contents

This report contains clinical information for each Patient


This report is grouped by EpsiodeOfCare. Each group is returned in a separate JSon file.


  • organization: Filter on EpisodeOfCare.managingOrganization match
  • period: Filter on EpisodeOfCare.period overlap
  • conditionCode: Filter on Condition.code related to EpisodeOfCare
  • status: Filter on EpisodeOfCare.status


    Output can be found in Binary.content. This is a Base64 encoded .zip file containing JSon files corresponding to the report groups.

    Example output

    All returned objects are Fhir resources. See the implementation guide for details

    { ‘Patient’: { ‘resourceType’: ‘Patient’, ‘id’: ‘70791’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’ } }, ‘EHealthEpisodeOfCare’: [{ ‘resourceType’: ‘EpisodeOfCare’, ‘id’: ‘10928’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’, ‘profile’: [‘’] }, ‘extension’: [{ ‘url’: ‘’, ‘valueReference’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ } } ], ‘status’: ‘active’, ‘diagnosis’: [{ ‘condition’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘rank’: 1 } ], ‘patient’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘managingOrganization’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘period’: { ‘start’: ‘1970-01-01T01:00:01+01:00’, ‘end’: ‘1970-01-01T01:01:40+01:00’ } }, { ‘resourceType’: ‘EpisodeOfCare’, ‘id’: ‘48392’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’, ‘profile’: [‘’] }, ‘extension’: [{ ‘url’: ‘’, ‘valueReference’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ } } ], ‘status’: ‘active’, ‘diagnosis’: [{ ‘condition’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘rank’: 1 } ], ‘patient’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘managingOrganization’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘period’: { ‘start’: ‘1970-01-01T01:00:01+01:00’, ‘end’: ‘1970-01-01T01:01:40+01:00’ } } ], ‘EHealthDeviceUseStatement’: [{ ‘resourceType’: ‘DeviceUseStatement’, ‘id’: ‘4021’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’, ‘profile’: [‘’] }, ‘extension’: [{ ‘url’: ‘’, ‘valueReference’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ } } ], ‘status’: ‘active’, ‘subject’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘device’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ } }, { ‘resourceType’: ‘DeviceUseStatement’, ‘id’: ‘5732’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’, ‘profile’: [‘’] }, ‘extension’: [{ ‘url’: ‘’, ‘valueReference’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ } } ], ‘status’: ‘active’, ‘subject’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘device’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ } } ], ‘EHealthDevice’: [{ ‘resourceType’: ‘Device’, ‘id’: ‘81729’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’, ‘profile’: [‘’] }, ‘extension’: [{ ‘url’: ‘’, ‘valueBoolean’: true } ], ‘status’: ‘active’ }, { ‘resourceType’: ‘Device’, ‘id’: ‘91432’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’, ‘profile’: [‘’] }, ‘extension’: [{ ‘url’: ‘’, ‘valueBoolean’: true } ], ‘status’: ‘active’ } ], ‘EHealthDeviceMetric’: [{ ‘resourceType’: ‘DeviceMetric’, ‘id’: ‘35094’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’, ‘profile’: [‘’] }, ‘extension’: [{ ‘url’: ‘’, ‘extension’: [{ ‘url’: ‘category’, ‘valueCodeableConcept’: { ‘coding’: [{ ‘system’: ‘’, ‘code’: ‘initial’ } ] } }, { ‘url’: ‘value’, ‘valueInteger’: 5 } ] }, { ‘url’: ‘’, ‘extension’: [{ ‘url’: ‘category’, ‘valueCodeableConcept’: { ‘coding’: [{ ‘system’: ‘’, ‘code’: ‘initial’ } ] } }, { ‘url’: ‘value’, ‘valueInteger’: 10 } ] }, { ‘url’: ‘’, ‘extension’: [{ ‘url’: ‘category’, ‘valueCodeableConcept’: { ‘coding’: [{ ‘system’: ‘’, ‘code’: ‘initial’ } ] } }, { ‘url’: ‘value’, ‘valueInteger’: 12 } ] }, { ‘url’: ‘’, ‘extension’: [{ ‘url’: ‘category’, ‘valueCodeableConcept’: { ‘coding’: [{ ‘system’: ‘’, ‘code’: ‘initial’ } ] } }, { ‘url’: ‘value’, ‘valueInteger’: 14 } ] } ], ‘identifier’: { ‘value’: ‘Foo’ }, ‘type’: { ‘text’: ‘code’ }, ‘source’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘category’: ‘calculation’ }, { ‘resourceType’: ‘DeviceMetric’, ‘id’: ‘22449’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’, ‘profile’: [‘’] }, ‘extension’: [{ ‘url’: ‘’, ‘extension’: [{ ‘url’: ‘category’, ‘valueCodeableConcept’: { ‘coding’: [{ ‘system’: ‘’, ‘code’: ‘initial’ } ] } }, { ‘url’: ‘value’, ‘valueInteger’: 5 } ] }, { ‘url’: ‘’, ‘extension’: [{ ‘url’: ‘category’, ‘valueCodeableConcept’: { ‘coding’: [{ ‘system’: ‘’, ‘code’: ‘initial’ } ] } }, { ‘url’: ‘value’, ‘valueInteger’: 10 } ] }, { ‘url’: ‘’, ‘extension’: [{ ‘url’: ‘category’, ‘valueCodeableConcept’: { ‘coding’: [{ ‘system’: ‘’, ‘code’: ‘initial’ } ] } }, { ‘url’: ‘value’, ‘valueInteger’: 12 } ] }, { ‘url’: ‘’, ‘extension’: [{ ‘url’: ‘category’, ‘valueCodeableConcept’: { ‘coding’: [{ ‘system’: ‘’, ‘code’: ‘initial’ } ] } }, { ‘url’: ‘value’, ‘valueInteger’: 14 } ] } ], ‘identifier’: { ‘value’: ‘Foo’ }, ‘type’: { ‘text’: ‘code’ }, ‘source’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘category’: ‘calculation’ } ], ‘EHealthConsent’: [{ ‘resourceType’: ‘Consent’, ‘id’: ‘51690’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’, ‘profile’: [‘’] }, ‘status’: ‘active’, ‘category’: [{ ‘coding’: [{ ‘code’: ‘TBD’ } ] } ], ‘patient’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘period’: { ‘start’: ‘1970-01-01T01:00:01+01:00’, ‘end’: ‘1970-01-01T01:01:40+01:00’ }, ‘consentingParty’: [{ ‘reference’: ‘’ } ], ‘actor’: [{ ‘id’: ‘f31bec27-965f-49ea-b8fe-5fdb259c539d’, ‘role’: { ‘coding’: [{ ‘code’: ‘authserver’ } ] }, ‘reference’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ } } ], ‘policyRule’: ‘Rule’, ‘data’: [{ ‘meaning’: ‘related’, ‘reference’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ } } ] } ], ‘EHealthCarePlan’: [{ ‘resourceType’: ‘CarePlan’, ‘id’: ‘87235’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’, ‘profile’: [‘’] }, ‘definition’: [{ ‘reference’: ‘’ } ], ‘status’: ‘draft’, ‘intent’: ‘option’, ‘category’: [{ ‘coding’: [{ ‘system’: ‘’, ‘code’: ‘TBD’ } ] } ], ‘subject’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘context’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘period’: { ‘start’: ‘1970-01-01T01:00:01+01:00’, ‘end’: ‘1970-01-01T01:01:40+01:00’ }, ‘addresses’: [{ ‘reference’: ‘’ } ] }, { ‘resourceType’: ‘CarePlan’, ‘id’: ‘23385’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’, ‘profile’: [‘’] }, ‘definition’: [{ ‘reference’: ‘’ } ], ‘status’: ‘draft’, ‘intent’: ‘option’, ‘category’: [{ ‘coding’: [{ ‘system’: ‘’, ‘code’: ‘TBD’ } ] } ], ‘subject’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘context’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘period’: { ‘start’: ‘1970-01-01T01:00:01+01:00’, ‘end’: ‘1970-01-01T01:01:40+01:00’ }, ‘addresses’: [{ ‘reference’: ‘’ } ] } ], ‘EHealthServiceRequest’: [{ ‘resourceType’: ‘ServiceRequest’, ‘id’: ‘18904’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’, ‘profile’: [‘’] }, ‘extension’: [{ ‘url’: ‘’, ‘valueCodeableConcept’: { ‘coding’: [{ ‘system’: ‘’, ‘code’: ‘TBD’ } ] } } ], ‘definition’: [{ ‘reference’: ‘’ } ], ‘status’: ‘completed’, ‘intent’: ‘filler-order’, ‘code’: { ‘coding’: [{ ‘system’: ‘’, ‘code’: ‘TBD’ } ], ‘text’: ‘7654414a-7f86-4170-9920-fde60368b58b’ }, ‘subject’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘context’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ } } ], ‘EHealthCondition’: [{ ‘resourceType’: ‘Condition’, ‘id’: ‘22743’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’, ‘profile’: [‘’] }, ‘clinicalStatus’: ‘active’, ‘code’: { ‘coding’: [{ ‘system’: ‘’, ‘code’: ‘TBD’ } ] }, ‘subject’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘context’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ } } ], ‘EHealthObservation’: [{ ‘resourceType’: ‘Observation’, ‘id’: ‘55832’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’, ‘profile’: [‘’] }, ‘basedOn’: [{ ‘reference’: ‘’ } ], ‘status’: ‘amended’, ‘code’: { ‘coding’: [{ ‘system’: ‘urn:oid:’, ‘code’: ‘NPU03011’ } ] }, ‘subject’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘context’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘effectivePeriod’: { ‘start’: ‘2020-03-26T13:37:40+01:00’, ‘end’: ‘2020-03-26T13:37:40+01:00’ }, ‘performer’: [{ ‘reference’: ‘’ } ], ‘device’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ } } ], ‘EHealthQuestionnaireResponse’: [{ ‘resourceType’: ‘QuestionnaireResponse’, ‘id’: ‘21957’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’, ‘profile’: [‘’] }, ‘basedOn’: [{ ‘reference’: ‘’ } ], ‘questionnaire’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘status’: ‘completed’, ‘subject’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘context’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘authored’: ‘2020-03-26T13:37:40+01:00’, ‘source’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ } } ], ‘EHealthMedia’: [{ ‘resourceType’: ‘Media’, ‘id’: ‘18256’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’, ‘profile’: [‘’] }, ‘extension’: [{ ‘url’: ‘’, ‘extension’: [{ ‘url’: ‘qualityType’, ‘valueCodeableConcept’: { ‘coding’: [{ ‘system’: ‘’, ‘code’: ‘TBD’ } ] } }, { ‘url’: ‘qualityCode’, ‘valueCodeableConcept’: { ‘coding’: [{ ‘system’: ‘’, ‘code’: ‘TBD’ } ] } } ] } ], ‘basedOn’: [{ ‘reference’: ‘’ } ], ‘type’: ‘audio’, ‘subject’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘context’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘occurrenceDateTime’: ‘2020-03-26T13:37:40+01:00’, ‘content’: { ‘language’: ‘en’ } } ], ‘EHealthClinicalImpression’: [{ ‘resourceType’: ‘ClinicalImpression’, ‘id’: ‘39697’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’, ‘profile’: [‘’] }, ‘status’: ‘draft’, ‘code’: { ‘coding’: [{ ‘system’: ‘’, ‘code’: ‘TBD’ } ] }, ‘subject’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘context’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ } } ] }

Fetch practitioner GDPR

Report Contents

This report contains all information related to the specified Practitioner

  • Practitioner
  • CareTeam
  • PractitionerRole


    None. The report is returned in a single JSon file.


  • organization:
    • Practitioner: Not filtered
    • CareTeam: Filter on CareTeam.ManagingOrganization match
    • PractitionerRole: Filter on PractitionerRole.Organization match
  • period: not used
  • practitionerID: The practitioner to fetch information for


    Output can be found in Binary.content. This is a Base64 encoded .zip file containing JSon files corresponding to the report groups.

    Example output

    All returned objects are Fhir resources. See the implementation guide for details

    { ‘EHealthPractitioner’: { ‘resourceType’: ‘Practitioner’, ‘id’: ‘20599’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’, ‘profile’: [‘’] }, ‘name’: [{ ‘family’: ‘2f82a48c-61cc-4c7f-855a-3e6b59729ef1’ } ] }, ‘EHealthPractitionerRole’: [], ‘EHealthCareTeam’: [{ ‘resourceType’: ‘CareTeam’, ‘id’: ‘99438’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’, ‘profile’: [‘’] }, ‘identifier’: [{ ‘id’: ‘f556eab1-dbe9-40e3-9edd-149fa3bd1ae0’, ‘system’: ‘urn:ietf:rfc:3986’ } ], ‘status’: ‘active’, ‘name’: ‘f9d27974-6a6a-44fb-b6eb-bcd22d769a18’, ‘participant’: [{ ‘member’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ } } ], ‘reasonCode’: [{ ‘coding’: [{ ‘system’: ‘’, ‘code’: ‘TBD’ } ] } ], ‘managingOrganization’: [{ ‘reference’: ‘’ } ] } ] }

Fetch practitioner stats

Report Contents

This report contains counts of practitioners associated with Organizations and CareTeams

  • List of Organization and associated practitonerCount
  • List of CareTeam and associated practitionerCount


    None. The report is returned in a single JSon file.


  • organization:
    • CareTeam: Filter on CareTeam.ManagingOrganization match
    • PractitionerRole: Filter on PractitionerRole.Organization match
  • period
    • CareTeam: Filter on CareTeam.participant.period overlap
    • PractitionerRole: Filter on PractitionerRole.perid overlap


      Output can be found in Binary.content. This is a Base64 encoded .zip file containing JSon files corresponding to the report groups.

      Example output

      Organization and CareTeam are Fhir resources. See the implementation guide for details

    { ‘PractitionerSummary’: { ‘organizationPractitionerStatistics’: [{ ‘organization’: { ‘resourceType’: ‘Organization’, ‘id’: ‘69075’, ‘meta’: { ‘profile’: [‘’] }, ‘extension’: [{ ‘url’: ‘’, ‘valueCodeableConcept’: { ‘coding’: [{ ‘system’: ‘’, ‘code’: ‘manual’ } ] } }, { ‘url’: ‘’, ‘valueCodeableConcept’: { ‘coding’: [{ ‘system’: ‘’, ‘code’: ‘NotSynchronized’ } ] } } ], ‘name’: ‘e7c2b264-b2d9-4a6d-aba9-f23be1017d39’ }, ‘practitionerCount’: 1 } ], ‘careTeamPractitionerStatistics’: [{ ‘careTeam’: { ‘resourceType’: ‘CareTeam’, ‘id’: ‘44267’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’, ‘profile’: [‘’] }, ‘identifier’: [{ ‘id’: ‘7ced02e2-3082-4e02-86cc-030e8df8906d’, ‘system’: ‘urn:ietf:rfc:3986’ } ], ‘status’: ‘active’, ‘name’: ‘d1e7d427-1565-42f6-951d-5508d494d4c8’, ‘reasonCode’: [{ ‘coding’: [{ ‘system’: ‘’, ‘code’: ‘TBD’ } ] } ], ‘managingOrganization’: [{ ‘reference’: ‘’ } ] }, ‘practitionerCount’: 0 }, { ‘careTeam’: { ‘resourceType’: ‘CareTeam’, ‘id’: ‘40831’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’, ‘profile’: [‘’] }, ‘identifier’: [{ ‘id’: ‘f12b2b87-95d9-487c-b088-457acfa1693f’, ‘system’: ‘urn:ietf:rfc:3986’ } ], ‘status’: ‘active’, ‘name’: ‘c572c5ac-bac3-4f9e-b948-795db7563145’, ‘reasonCode’: [{ ‘coding’: [{ ‘system’: ‘’, ‘code’: ‘TBD’ } ] } ], ‘managingOrganization’: [{ ‘reference’: ‘’ } ] }, ‘practitionerCount’: 0 }, { ‘careTeam’: { ‘resourceType’: ‘CareTeam’, ‘id’: ‘78765’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’, ‘profile’: [‘’] }, ‘identifier’: [{ ‘id’: ‘7378e850-aff6-430d-9e86-cca801bf2375’, ‘system’: ‘urn:ietf:rfc:3986’ } ], ‘status’: ‘active’, ‘name’: ‘3e038dd3-9e80-41e4-9932-8597f8706da4’, ‘reasonCode’: [{ ‘coding’: [{ ‘system’: ‘’, ‘code’: ‘TBD’ } ] } ], ‘managingOrganization’: [{ ‘reference’: ‘’ } ] }, ‘practitionerCount’: 0 }, { ‘careTeam’: { ‘resourceType’: ‘CareTeam’, ‘id’: ‘46096’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’, ‘profile’: [‘’] }, ‘identifier’: [{ ‘id’: ‘37a66140-dc7e-4ea4-9ec7-d0dd91adf7c8’, ‘system’: ‘urn:ietf:rfc:3986’ } ], ‘status’: ‘active’, ‘name’: ‘311ebab3-d310-44bb-b72b-65bdf74b3729’, ‘reasonCode’: [{ ‘coding’: [{ ‘system’: ‘’, ‘code’: ‘TBD’ } ] } ], ‘managingOrganization’: [{ ‘reference’: ‘’ } ] }, ‘practitionerCount’: 0 }, { ‘careTeam’: { ‘resourceType’: ‘CareTeam’, ‘id’: ‘32543’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’, ‘profile’: [‘’] }, ‘identifier’: [{ ‘id’: ‘3671c951-d20e-4d5c-82ec-fae5ee03821e’, ‘system’: ‘urn:ietf:rfc:3986’ } ], ‘status’: ‘active’, ‘name’: ‘1f74a06c-8ae1-4b5c-b5ee-49abfd2d28e1’, ‘reasonCode’: [{ ‘coding’: [{ ‘system’: ‘’, ‘code’: ‘TBD’ } ] } ], ‘managingOrganization’: [{ ‘reference’: ‘’ } ] }, ‘practitionerCount’: 0 } ] } }

Fetch ssl orders

Report Contents

This report contains SSL Orders

  • OrderDetails
  • OrderLines
  • TraceLines


    Order. Each Order is returned in a single JSon file.


  • organization: Filter on Order.buyer
  • period: Filter on TraceLine.timestamp
  • seller: Filter on Order.seller


    Output can be found in Binary.content. This is a Base64 encoded .zip file containing JSon files corresponding to the report groups.

    Example output

    All returned objects are SSL resources. See the SSL API description for details

    { ‘OrderDetails’: { ‘order’: { ‘id’: ‘’, ‘threadId’: null, ‘identifiers’: null, ‘status’: null, ‘priority’: null, ‘notes’: null, ‘buyer’: ‘’, ‘seller’: ‘’, ‘sellerDeliveryContactEmail’: null, ‘carePlanRef’: null, ‘carePlanTitle’: null, ‘earliestDeliveryDate’: null, ‘latestDeliveryDate’: null, ‘receiver’: null }, ‘orderLines’: [{ ‘id’: ‘’, ‘order’: ‘’, ‘status’: null, ‘item’: null, ‘agreedDate’: null, ‘device’: null } ], ‘traceLines’: [{ ‘id’: ‘’, ‘timestamp’: ‘2019-12-24T18:00:00Z’, ‘createdByOrganization’: null, ‘createdByUser’: null, ‘text’: null, ‘supplementaryText’: null, ‘order’: ‘’, ‘orderLine’: null, ‘statusChange’: null } ] } }

Get patient procedures

This operation returns an overview of patient activities within a time period and filtered by either EpisodeOfCare or Condition code(s). On success, the returned Bundle contains a Parameters structure detailing the count of measurements received and expected. This is done per ServiceRequest with status active for those part of a CarePlan with status active related to eligible EpisodeOfCare resources. Eligible EpisodeOfCare are those with status active that refer to the given Patient and are either given as EpisodeOfCare reference in input or are referencing a Condition with a condition code that matches at least one of the Condition codes possibly given as input. The measurement regime expressed in ServiceRequest.occurrence[x] is, when possible, resolved to time slot(s) corresponding to datetime/period where an action is supposed to take place, typically performed by the Patient. When the occurrenceTiming variant is used, resolved time slots overlapping with the input time periode are considered. For occurrenceTiming expression which are either adhoc or unresolved, the effective datetime/period of a measurement is considered when checked for overlap with input time period.


The operation has three mandatory inputs, a Patient reference, a start date and an end date. Additionally the operation has three optional inputs: a list of reference(s) to EpisodeOfCare, a list of Codings for Condition and a list of Codings for tags.

Patient reference

Mandatory reference for the Patient which the procedure overview is computed for.

Start and end datetimes

Start and end datetime are both mandatory, and together specify the period of interest in the patient procedure overview. As stated above, for resolvable past and future time slots as well as adhoc and unresolved timings there must overlap with this period.

EpisodeOfCare list

The list of EpisodeOfCare references is optional. If EpisodeOfCare are provided, these will be used to further filter which active EpisodeOfCare, CarePlan and ServiceRequest are considered for the patient procedure overview.

Condition Coding list

The list of Coding for Condition is optional. If Condition Coding are provided, the EpisodeOfCare considered are those referring to a Condition matching at least one of the codes in the list. As above, the EpisodeOfCare (one or more) considered further determines which active EpisodeOfCare, CarePlan and ServiceRequest are considered.

Tag Coding list

The list of Coding for tags is optional. If tag Coding are provided, the EpisodeOfCare considered are those including a tag matching at least one of the codes in the list. As above, both the Condition (one or more) and EpisodeOfCare (one or more) considered further determines which active EpisodeOfCare, CarePlan and ServiceRequest are considered.

Extra boolean

This is an optional parameter that can be set to true if activities allowing ‘Extra’ submissions should be included in the response.


For valid inputs, the server will compute and return a Bundle. The Bundle contains a Parameters resource with resolved measurement regimes and associated counts of measurement submitted and counts expected. Such counts are also included in the Parameters structure when the measurement regime is either adhoc or unresolved. In addition, the Bundle contains CarePlan and ServiceRequest referenced in the Parameters. The Bundle can contain an OperationOutcome describing any encountered warnings.

Output Parameters

The output contains rows (encoded in parameters) for each matching and active ServiceRequest with resolved timings overlapping with the requested period. Rows are represented as Parameters.parameter with names: item_1, item_2, etc. Columns are represented as Parameters.parameter.part with name and value 
 'resource': {
 'resourceType': 'Parameters',
 'parameter': [{
 'name': 'item_1',
 'part': [{
 'name': 'CarePlan',
 'valueReference': {
 'reference': ''


  • CarePlan: Reference to the CarePlan that the ServiceRequest belongs to.
  • ServiceRequest: Reference to the ServiceRequest.
  • ServiceRequestVersionId: The version of the ServiceRequest (version specified at time of submit-measurement or the current version (for expected activities)).
  • Activity: Description of the planned activity.
  • ResolvedTimingStart: A planned start time for the activity in the requested period.
  • ResolvedTimingEnd: A planned end time for the activity in the requested period. May be identical to start if no duration is specified in the measurement regime.
  • TotalSubmitted: The number of measurements already submitted for this ServiceRequest and resolved timing.
  • SubmittedTimely: The number of measurements where the measurement time matches the resolved timing.
  • TimingType:
    • Resolved: a measurement regime that is supported by the infrastructure and where resolved timing and requested number of measurements can be calculated.
    • Unresolved: a measurement regime that is not supported by the infrastructure. Resolved Timing Start, end, submitted timely and Occurrences requested will be empty.
    • Adhoc: A ServiceRequest without a measurement regime or a measurement regime stating ad-hoc.
  • OccurencesRequested: Expected number of measurements.
Import a Plandefinition

Import a Plandefinition


  • planDefinitionPackage: Binary package produced by the export operation


    Bundle containing the created resources. PlanDefinitions, ActivityDefinitions, and Questionnaires will be created. Libraries and Organizations are used to find the corresponding resources on the target system.

Import organizations

Import a bundle containing at least one organization tree.

Is context allowed

Checks that it is allowed to set an EpisodeOfCare as context. If the user requesting context is a patient, then the patient input parameter should be specified. If the user requesting context is a practitioner, then the careTeam input parameter should be specified. Throws an exception if it is not allowed to select the Episode Of Care context.


For valid Episode of Care is returned references that cause the Episode of Care to be valid context. For a practitioner, two output parameters will be returned on success:

  • CareTeam: The Careteam that gave access
  • EpisodeOfCare/CarePlan: The EpisodeOfCare or CarePlan that referenced the CareTeam
Modify care team assignment

The operation modifies the care team assignment of the care plan and all of its sub plans.

Persist login

This operation persists login information into CareTeams and PractitionerRoles The following elements of each careteam are mandatory:

  • id: Reference based on the careteam from the saml security token
  • status: any
  • name: any
  • reasonCode: any
  • participant: 1 for each careteam-role in the saml security token – role: from the saml security token – member: reference to the practitioner – onBehalfOf: reference to organization (cannot be set currently because of a bug in hapi)

Persist-login will find each careteam, and update it with any new participants and roles from the input bundle. The input careteam resources are are used as a container for the participant list. The rest of the fields are not used. The following elements of each PractitionerRole are mandatory:

  • practitioner
  • organization
  • code: roles from the saml security token (CareteamParticipantRole valueset)

Persist-login will search for practitionerRoles for each combination of (practitioner, organization) and create it if it doesn’t already exists.

Person name lookup

This operation is used to do a lookup on a citizen in the national infrastructure based on the identifier of the person unless the identifier can be resolved locally. The operation returns a ‘limited’ Person resource with the identifier and name of the person being the only returned attributes in the bundle. The operation is an implementation of on the Person resource.

Retrieve document

Retrieve document

Schedule careplan and episode of care stats

Report Contents

This report contains a count of active EpisodeOfCare and CarePlans.


This report is grouped by ConditionCode. Each group is returned in a separate JSon file.


  • organization: Filter on EpisodeOfCare.managingOrganization match
  • period: Filter on CarePlan.period overlap


Output can be found in Binary.content. This is a Base64 encoded .zip file containing JSon files corresponding to the report groups.

Example output

The ConditionCode is a Fhir CodeableConcept. See the implementation guide for details

    'ConditionCode': {
        'valueCodeableConcept': {
            'coding': [{
                    'system': 'urn:oid:',
                    'code': 'DJ44'
    'ConditionSummary': {
        'activeEpisodeOfCareCount': 1,
        'activeCarePlanCount': 1
Schedule careplan customization stats

Report Contents

This report contains a count of patient specific modifications of:

  • Measurement schedule timing
  • Reference ranges


    This report is grouped by PlanDefinition. Each group is returned in a separate JSon file.


  • organization: Filter on EpisodeOfCare.managingOrganization match
  • period: Filter on CarePlan.period overlap


Output can be found in Binary.content. This is a Base64 encoded .zip file containing JSon files corresponding to the report groups.

Example output

EHealthPlanDefinition is a Fhir resource. See the implementation guide for details

    'EHealthPlanDefinition': {
        'resourceType': 'PlanDefinition',
        'id': '53450',
        'meta': {
            'versionId': '1',
            'profile': ['']
        'extension': [{
                'url': '',
                'extension': [{
                        'url': 'reference',
                        'valueReference': {
                            'reference': ''
                    }, {
                        'url': 'role',
                        'valueCodeableConcept': {
                            'coding': [{
                                    'system': '',
                                    'code': 'owner'
        'version': '97219ba1-2202-42a1-b99d-45de3a506b40',
        'status': 'active'
    'CarePlanCustomizationSummary': {
        'timingCustomizationCount': 1,
        'referenceRangeCustomizationCount': 1
Schedule careplan duration stats

Report Contents

This report contains statistics on status changes for CarePlans:

  • count: Number of CarePlans in each state
  • min: Shortest time spent in each state
  • max: Longest time spent in each state
  • sum: Sum of time spent in each state
  • average: Average time spent in each state.

The durations are specified in ISO 8601 format.


This report is grouped by PlanDefinition. Each group is returned in a separate JSon file.


  • organization: Filter on EpisodeOfCare.managingOrganization match
  • period: Filter on CarePlan.period overlap
  • condition: Filter on EpisodeOfCare condition match


Output can be found in Binary.content. This is a Base64 encoded .zip file containing JSon files corresponding to the report groups.

Example output

EHealthPlanDefinition is a Fhir resource. See the implementation guide for details

    'EHealthPlanDefinition': {
        'resourceType': 'PlanDefinition',
        'id': '257',
        'meta': {
            'versionId': '1',
            'profile': ['']
        'extension': [{
                'url': '',
                'extension': [{
                        'url': 'reference',
                        'valueReference': {
                            'reference': ''
                    }, {
                        'url': 'role',
                        'valueCodeableConcept': {
                            'coding': [{
                                    'system': '',
                                    'code': 'owner'
        'version': 'dc9ecd87-163f-4d2f-bdfe-434085eafe4f',
        'status': 'active'
    'CarePlanStatusDurationSummary': {
        'statusDurationStatistics': {
            'draft': {
                'status': {
                    'valueCodeableConcept': {
                        'coding': [{
                                'system': '',
                                'code': 'draft'
                'durationStatistics': {
                    'count': 2,
                    'min': 'P10DT10H0M0S',
                    'max': 'P15DT0H0M0S',
                    'sum': 'P25DT10H0M0S',
                    'average': 'P12DT17H0M0S'
            'active': {
                'status': {
                    'valueCodeableConcept': {
                        'coding': [{
                                'system': '',
                                'code': 'active'
                'durationStatistics': {
                    'count': 2,
                    'min': 'P200DT0H0M0S',
                    'max': 'P200DT0H0M0S',
                    'sum': 'P400DT0H0M0S',
                    'average': 'P200DT0H0M0S'
            'completed': {
                'status': {
                    'valueCodeableConcept': {
                        'coding': [{
                                'system': '',
                                'code': 'completed'
                'durationStatistics': {
                    'count': 2,
                    'min': 'P284DT14H0M0S',
                    'max': 'P380DT0H0M0S',
                    'sum': 'P664DT14H0M0S',
                    'average': 'P332DT7H0M0S'
            'suspended': {
                'status': {
                    'valueCodeableConcept': {
                        'coding': [{
                                'system': '',
                                'code': 'suspended'
                'durationStatistics': {
                    'count': 2,
                    'min': 'P5DT0H0M0S',
                    'max': 'P5DT0H0M0S',
                    'sum': 'P10DT0H0M0S',
                    'average': 'P5DT0H0M0S'
Schedule careplans-by patient

Report Contents

This report contains the following resources:

  • EpisodeOfCare
  • PlanDefinition
  • CarePlan
  • ServiceRequest


    This report is grouped by EpisodeOfCare. Each group is returned in a separate JSon file.


  • organization: Filter on EpisodeOfCare.managingOrganization match
  • period: Filter on CarePlan.period overlap


    Output can be found in Binary.content. This is a Base64 encoded .zip file containing JSon files corresponding to the report groups.

    Example output

    All returned objects are Fhir resources. See the implementation guide for details

    { ‘EHealthEpisodeOfCare’: { ‘resourceType’: ‘EpisodeOfCare’, ‘id’: ‘30254’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’, ‘profile’: [‘’] }, ‘extension’: [{ ‘url’: ‘’, ‘valueReference’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ } } ], ‘status’: ‘active’, ‘diagnosis’: [{ ‘condition’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘rank’: 1 } ], ‘patient’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘managingOrganization’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘period’: { ‘start’: ‘1970-01-01T01:00:01+01:00’, ‘end’: ‘1970-01-01T01:01:40+01:00’ } }, ‘EHealthCarePlan’: [{ ‘resourceType’: ‘CarePlan’, ‘id’: ‘1597’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’, ‘profile’: [‘’] }, ‘definition’: [{ ‘reference’: ‘’ } ], ‘status’: ‘draft’, ‘intent’: ‘option’, ‘category’: [{ ‘coding’: [{ ‘system’: ‘’, ‘code’: ‘TBD’ } ] } ], ‘subject’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘context’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘period’: { ‘start’: ‘1970-01-01T01:00:01+01:00’, ‘end’: ‘1970-01-01T01:01:40+01:00’ }, ‘addresses’: [{ ‘reference’: ‘’ } ], ‘activity’: [{ ‘reference’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ } } ] } ], ‘EHealthPlanDefinition’: [{ ‘resourceType’: ‘PlanDefinition’, ‘id’: ‘59578’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’, ‘profile’: [‘’] }, ‘extension’: [{ ‘url’: ‘’, ‘extension’: [{ ‘url’: ‘reference’, ‘valueReference’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ } }, { ‘url’: ‘role’, ‘valueCodeableConcept’: { ‘coding’: [{ ‘system’: ‘’, ‘code’: ‘owner’ } ] } } ] } ], ‘version’: ‘c701b8e8-abe6-41bd-9db5-c05b94bc1e2b’, ‘status’: ‘active’ } ], ‘EHealthServiceRequest’: [{ ‘resourceType’: ‘ServiceRequest’, ‘id’: ‘76916’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’, ‘profile’: [‘’] }, ‘extension’: [{ ‘url’: ‘’, ‘valueCodeableConcept’: { ‘coding’: [{ ‘system’: ‘’, ‘code’: ‘TBD’ } ] } } ], ‘definition’: [{ ‘reference’: ‘’ } ], ‘status’: ‘completed’, ‘intent’: ‘filler-order’, ‘code’: { ‘coding’: [{ ‘system’: ‘’, ‘code’: ‘TBD’ } ], ‘text’: ‘31d136f2-0b98-4e0a-8f82-f0731b54893d’ }, ‘subject’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘context’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ } } ] }

Schedule careteam stats

Report Contents

This report contains counts of resources associated with CareTeams:

  • EpisodeOfCare
  • CarePlan
  • Task: Count for each task category


    This report is grouped by CareTeam. Each group is returned in a separate JSon file.


  • organization: Filter on CareTeam.managingOrganization match
  • period: Filter on:
    • CarePlan.period overlap for CarePlans
    • EpisodeOfCare.period overlap for EpisodeOfCare
    • Task.authoredOn inside period for Tasks


      Output can be found in Binary.content. This is a Base64 encoded .zip file containing JSon files corresponding to the report groups.

      Example output

      EHealthCareTeam is a Fhir resource. See the implementation guide for details

    { ‘EHealthCareTeam’: { ‘resourceType’: ‘CareTeam’, ‘id’: ‘12958’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’, ‘profile’: [‘’] }, ‘identifier’: [{ ‘id’: ‘59f70e4e-1c31-4647-8c91-404939b6b14e’, ‘system’: ‘urn:ietf:rfc:3986’ } ], ‘status’: ‘active’, ‘name’: ‘0cea5c11-af39-4e5c-8733-9f532ea9961a’, ‘reasonCode’: [{ ‘coding’: [{ ‘system’: ‘’, ‘code’: ‘TBD’ } ] } ], ‘managingOrganization’: [{ ‘reference’: ‘’ } ] }, ‘CareTeamSummary’: { ‘episodeOfCareCount’: 2, ‘carePlanCount’: 6, ‘taskCountByCategory’: { ‘MissingMeasurementResolving’: 2 } } }

Schedule measurement stats

Report Contents

This report contains counts of Measurements for each EpisodeOfCare:

  • Observation
  • QuestionnaireResponse
  • Media


    This report is grouped by EpsiodeOfCare. Each group is returned in a separate JSon file.


  • organization: Filter on EpisodeOfCare.managingOrganization match
  • period: Filter on:
    • Observation.effective inside period for Observations
    • Questionnaire.authored inside period for QuestionnaireResponses
    • Media.occurence inside period for Media


      Output can be found in Binary.content. This is a Base64 encoded .zip file containing JSon files corresponding to the report groups.

      Example output

      EHealthEpisodeOfCare is a Fhir resource. See the implementation guide for details

    { ‘EHealthEpisodeOfCare’: { ‘resourceType’: ‘EpisodeOfCare’, ‘id’: ‘21357’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’, ‘profile’: [‘’] }, ‘extension’: [{ ‘url’: ‘’, ‘valueReference’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ } } ], ‘status’: ‘active’, ‘diagnosis’: [{ ‘condition’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘rank’: 1 } ], ‘patient’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘managingOrganization’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘period’: { ‘start’: ‘1970-01-01T01:00:01+01:00’, ‘end’: ‘1970-01-01T01:01:40+01:00’ } }, ‘EpisodeOfCareMeasurementSummary’: { ‘observationCount’: 5, ‘mediaCount’: 0, ‘questionnaireResponseCount’: 0 } }

Schedule patient GDPR

Report Contents

This report contains all information related to the specified Patient:


None. This report returns a single JSon file.


  • organization: Filter on EpisodeOfCare.managingOrganization match
  • period: not used.
  • patient: The patient to fetch information for.


    Output can be found in Binary.content. This is a Base64 encoded .zip file containing JSon files corresponding to the report groups.

    Example output

    All returned objects are Fhir resources. See the implementation guide for details

    { ‘Patient’: { ‘resourceType’: ‘Patient’, ‘id’: ‘70791’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’ } }, ‘Communication’: [{ ‘resourceType’: ‘Communication’, ‘id’: ‘29256’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’ }, ‘context’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ } } ], ‘RelatedPerson’: [{ ‘resourceType’: ‘RelatedPerson’, ‘id’: ‘44196’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’, ‘profile’: [‘’] }, ‘identifier’: [{ ‘use’: ‘official’, ‘system’: ‘urn:oid:’, ‘value’: ‘2412001234’ } ], ‘patient’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘name’: [{ ‘text’: ‘Tester’ } ] } ], ‘Appointment’: [{ ‘resourceType’: ‘Appointment’, ‘id’: ‘74036’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’ }, ‘participant’: [{ ‘id’: ‘5fda865d-5e46-4fc4-8dcc-9b5f9a6b501a’, ‘actor’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ } } ] } ], ‘AppointmentResponse’: [{ ‘resourceType’: ‘AppointmentResponse’, ‘id’: ‘63226’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’ }, ‘actor’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ } } ], ‘EHealthEpisodeOfCare’: [{ ‘resourceType’: ‘EpisodeOfCare’, ‘id’: ‘10928’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’, ‘profile’: [‘’] }, ‘extension’: [{ ‘url’: ‘’, ‘valueReference’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ } } ], ‘status’: ‘active’, ‘diagnosis’: [{ ‘condition’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘rank’: 1 } ], ‘patient’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘managingOrganization’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘period’: { ‘start’: ‘1970-01-01T01:00:01+01:00’, ‘end’: ‘1970-01-01T01:01:40+01:00’ } }, { ‘resourceType’: ‘EpisodeOfCare’, ‘id’: ‘48392’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’, ‘profile’: [‘’] }, ‘extension’: [{ ‘url’: ‘’, ‘valueReference’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ } } ], ‘status’: ‘active’, ‘diagnosis’: [{ ‘condition’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘rank’: 1 } ], ‘patient’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘managingOrganization’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘period’: { ‘start’: ‘1970-01-01T01:00:01+01:00’, ‘end’: ‘1970-01-01T01:01:40+01:00’ } } ], ‘EHealthDeviceUseStatement’: [{ ‘resourceType’: ‘DeviceUseStatement’, ‘id’: ‘4021’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’, ‘profile’: [‘’] }, ‘extension’: [{ ‘url’: ‘’, ‘valueReference’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ } } ], ‘status’: ‘active’, ‘subject’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘device’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ } }, { ‘resourceType’: ‘DeviceUseStatement’, ‘id’: ‘5732’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’, ‘profile’: [‘’] }, ‘extension’: [{ ‘url’: ‘’, ‘valueReference’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ } } ], ‘status’: ‘active’, ‘subject’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘device’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ } } ], ‘EHealthDevice’: [{ ‘resourceType’: ‘Device’, ‘id’: ‘81729’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’, ‘profile’: [‘’] }, ‘extension’: [{ ‘url’: ‘’, ‘valueBoolean’: true } ], ‘status’: ‘active’ }, { ‘resourceType’: ‘Device’, ‘id’: ‘91432’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’, ‘profile’: [‘’] }, ‘extension’: [{ ‘url’: ‘’, ‘valueBoolean’: true } ], ‘status’: ‘active’ } ], ‘EHealthDeviceMetric’: [{ ‘resourceType’: ‘DeviceMetric’, ‘id’: ‘35094’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’, ‘profile’: [‘’] }, ‘extension’: [{ ‘url’: ‘’, ‘extension’: [{ ‘url’: ‘category’, ‘valueCodeableConcept’: { ‘coding’: [{ ‘system’: ‘’, ‘code’: ‘initial’ } ] } }, { ‘url’: ‘value’, ‘valueInteger’: 5 } ] }, { ‘url’: ‘’, ‘extension’: [{ ‘url’: ‘category’, ‘valueCodeableConcept’: { ‘coding’: [{ ‘system’: ‘’, ‘code’: ‘initial’ } ] } }, { ‘url’: ‘value’, ‘valueInteger’: 10 } ] }, { ‘url’: ‘’, ‘extension’: [{ ‘url’: ‘category’, ‘valueCodeableConcept’: { ‘coding’: [{ ‘system’: ‘’, ‘code’: ‘initial’ } ] } }, { ‘url’: ‘value’, ‘valueInteger’: 12 } ] }, { ‘url’: ‘’, ‘extension’: [{ ‘url’: ‘category’, ‘valueCodeableConcept’: { ‘coding’: [{ ‘system’: ‘’, ‘code’: ‘initial’ } ] } }, { ‘url’: ‘value’, ‘valueInteger’: 14 } ] } ], ‘identifier’: { ‘value’: ‘Foo’ }, ‘type’: { ‘text’: ‘code’ }, ‘source’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘category’: ‘calculation’ }, { ‘resourceType’: ‘DeviceMetric’, ‘id’: ‘22449’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’, ‘profile’: [‘’] }, ‘extension’: [{ ‘url’: ‘’, ‘extension’: [{ ‘url’: ‘category’, ‘valueCodeableConcept’: { ‘coding’: [{ ‘system’: ‘’, ‘code’: ‘initial’ } ] } }, { ‘url’: ‘value’, ‘valueInteger’: 5 } ] }, { ‘url’: ‘’, ‘extension’: [{ ‘url’: ‘category’, ‘valueCodeableConcept’: { ‘coding’: [{ ‘system’: ‘’, ‘code’: ‘initial’ } ] } }, { ‘url’: ‘value’, ‘valueInteger’: 10 } ] }, { ‘url’: ‘’, ‘extension’: [{ ‘url’: ‘category’, ‘valueCodeableConcept’: { ‘coding’: [{ ‘system’: ‘’, ‘code’: ‘initial’ } ] } }, { ‘url’: ‘value’, ‘valueInteger’: 12 } ] }, { ‘url’: ‘’, ‘extension’: [{ ‘url’: ‘category’, ‘valueCodeableConcept’: { ‘coding’: [{ ‘system’: ‘’, ‘code’: ‘initial’ } ] } }, { ‘url’: ‘value’, ‘valueInteger’: 14 } ] } ], ‘identifier’: { ‘value’: ‘Foo’ }, ‘type’: { ‘text’: ‘code’ }, ‘source’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘category’: ‘calculation’ } ], ‘EHealthConsent’: [{ ‘resourceType’: ‘Consent’, ‘id’: ‘51690’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’, ‘profile’: [‘’] }, ‘status’: ‘active’, ‘category’: [{ ‘coding’: [{ ‘code’: ‘TBD’ } ] } ], ‘patient’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘period’: { ‘start’: ‘1970-01-01T01:00:01+01:00’, ‘end’: ‘1970-01-01T01:01:40+01:00’ }, ‘consentingParty’: [{ ‘reference’: ‘’ } ], ‘actor’: [{ ‘id’: ‘f31bec27-965f-49ea-b8fe-5fdb259c539d’, ‘role’: { ‘coding’: [{ ‘code’: ‘authserver’ } ] }, ‘reference’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ } } ], ‘policyRule’: ‘Rule’, ‘data’: [{ ‘meaning’: ‘related’, ‘reference’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ } } ] } ], ‘EHealthCarePlan’: [{ ‘resourceType’: ‘CarePlan’, ‘id’: ‘87235’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’, ‘profile’: [‘’] }, ‘definition’: [{ ‘reference’: ‘’ } ], ‘status’: ‘draft’, ‘intent’: ‘option’, ‘category’: [{ ‘coding’: [{ ‘system’: ‘’, ‘code’: ‘TBD’ } ] } ], ‘subject’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘context’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘period’: { ‘start’: ‘1970-01-01T01:00:01+01:00’, ‘end’: ‘1970-01-01T01:01:40+01:00’ }, ‘addresses’: [{ ‘reference’: ‘’ } ] }, { ‘resourceType’: ‘CarePlan’, ‘id’: ‘23385’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’, ‘profile’: [‘’] }, ‘definition’: [{ ‘reference’: ‘’ } ], ‘status’: ‘draft’, ‘intent’: ‘option’, ‘category’: [{ ‘coding’: [{ ‘system’: ‘’, ‘code’: ‘TBD’ } ] } ], ‘subject’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘context’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘period’: { ‘start’: ‘1970-01-01T01:00:01+01:00’, ‘end’: ‘1970-01-01T01:01:40+01:00’ }, ‘addresses’: [{ ‘reference’: ‘’ } ] } ], ‘EHealthServiceRequest’: [{ ‘resourceType’: ‘ServiceRequest’, ‘id’: ‘18904’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’, ‘profile’: [‘’] }, ‘extension’: [{ ‘url’: ‘’, ‘valueCodeableConcept’: { ‘coding’: [{ ‘system’: ‘’, ‘code’: ‘TBD’ } ] } } ], ‘definition’: [{ ‘reference’: ‘’ } ], ‘status’: ‘completed’, ‘intent’: ‘filler-order’, ‘code’: { ‘coding’: [{ ‘system’: ‘’, ‘code’: ‘TBD’ } ], ‘text’: ‘7654414a-7f86-4170-9920-fde60368b58b’ }, ‘subject’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘context’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ } } ], ‘EHealthCondition’: [{ ‘resourceType’: ‘Condition’, ‘id’: ‘22743’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’, ‘profile’: [‘’] }, ‘clinicalStatus’: ‘active’, ‘code’: { ‘coding’: [{ ‘system’: ‘’, ‘code’: ‘TBD’ } ] }, ‘subject’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘context’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ } } ], ‘EHealthObservation’: [{ ‘resourceType’: ‘Observation’, ‘id’: ‘55832’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’, ‘profile’: [‘’] }, ‘basedOn’: [{ ‘reference’: ‘’ } ], ‘status’: ‘amended’, ‘code’: { ‘coding’: [{ ‘system’: ‘urn:oid:’, ‘code’: ‘NPU03011’ } ] }, ‘subject’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘context’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘effectivePeriod’: { ‘start’: ‘2020-03-26T13:37:40+01:00’, ‘end’: ‘2020-03-26T13:37:40+01:00’ }, ‘performer’: [{ ‘reference’: ‘’ } ], ‘device’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ } } ], ‘EHealthQuestionnaireResponse’: [{ ‘resourceType’: ‘QuestionnaireResponse’, ‘id’: ‘21957’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’, ‘profile’: [‘’] }, ‘basedOn’: [{ ‘reference’: ‘’ } ], ‘questionnaire’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘status’: ‘completed’, ‘subject’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘context’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘authored’: ‘2020-03-26T13:37:40+01:00’, ‘source’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ } } ], ‘EHealthMedia’: [{ ‘resourceType’: ‘Media’, ‘id’: ‘18256’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’, ‘profile’: [‘’] }, ‘extension’: [{ ‘url’: ‘’, ‘extension’: [{ ‘url’: ‘qualityType’, ‘valueCodeableConcept’: { ‘coding’: [{ ‘system’: ‘’, ‘code’: ‘TBD’ } ] } }, { ‘url’: ‘qualityCode’, ‘valueCodeableConcept’: { ‘coding’: [{ ‘system’: ‘’, ‘code’: ‘TBD’ } ] } } ] } ], ‘basedOn’: [{ ‘reference’: ‘’ } ], ‘type’: ‘audio’, ‘subject’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘context’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘occurrenceDateTime’: ‘2020-03-26T13:37:40+01:00’, ‘content’: { ‘language’: ‘en’ } } ], ‘EHealthClinicalImpression’: [{ ‘resourceType’: ‘ClinicalImpression’, ‘id’: ‘39697’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’, ‘profile’: [‘’] }, ‘status’: ‘draft’, ‘code’: { ‘coding’: [{ ‘system’: ‘’, ‘code’: ‘TBD’ } ] }, ‘subject’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘context’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ } } ], ‘EHealthTask’: [{ ‘resourceType’: ‘Task’, ‘id’: ‘96988’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’, ‘profile’: [‘’] }, ‘extension’: [{ ‘url’: ‘’, ‘valueCodeableConcept’: { ‘coding’: [{ ‘system’: ‘’, ‘code’: ‘TBD’ } ] } }, { ‘url’: ‘’, ‘valueCodeableConcept’: { ‘coding’: [{ ‘system’: ‘’, ‘code’: ‘None’ } ] } }, { ‘url’: ‘’, ‘valueReference’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ } } ], ‘status’: ‘draft’, ‘intent’: ‘proposal’, ‘priority’: ‘routine’, ‘context’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ } } ], ‘EHealthCommunication’: [{ ‘resourceType’: ‘Communication’, ‘id’: ‘29256’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’, ‘profile’: [‘’] }, ‘context’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ } } ], ‘EHealthProvenance’: [{ ‘resourceType’: ‘Provenance’, ‘id’: ‘68399’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’, ‘profile’: [‘’] }, ‘target’: [{ ‘reference’: ‘’ } ], ‘recorded’: ‘2020-03-26T13:37:39.772+01:00’, ‘policy’: [‘policy’], ‘agent’: [{ ‘whoReference’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ } } ] }, { ‘resourceType’: ‘Provenance’, ‘id’: ‘96195’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’, ‘profile’: [‘’] }, ‘target’: [{ ‘reference’: ‘’ } ], ‘recorded’: ‘2020-03-26T13:37:39.801+01:00’, ‘policy’: [‘policy’], ‘agent’: [{ ‘whoReference’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ } } ] } ] }

Schedule patient devices

Report Contents

This report contains Device information for each EpisodeOfCare:

  • Device
  • DeviceUseStatement
  • DeviceMetrics


    This report is grouped by EpsiodeOfCare. Each group is returned in a separate JSon file.


  • organization: Filter on EpisodeOfCare.managingOrganization match
  • period: Filter on DeviceUseStatement.whenUsed overlap


    Output can be found in Binary.content. This is a Base64 encoded .zip file containing JSon files corresponding to the report groups.

    Example output

    All returned objects are Fhir resources. See the implementation guide for details

    { ‘EHealthEpisodeOfCare’: { ‘resourceType’: ‘EpisodeOfCare’, ‘id’: ‘F417C17F9FDE24C9090BD629C8EE1697’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’, ‘profile’: [‘’] }, ‘extension’: [{ ‘url’: ‘’, ‘valueReference’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ } } ], ‘status’: ‘active’, ‘diagnosis’: [{ ‘condition’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘rank’: 1 } ], ‘patient’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘managingOrganization’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘period’: { ‘start’: ‘1970-01-01T01:00:01+01:00’, ‘end’: ‘1970-01-01T01:01:40+01:00’ } }, ‘EHealthDeviceUseStatement’: [{ ‘resourceType’: ‘DeviceUseStatement’, ‘id’: ‘9541E8EAEAD24376F208D5CD8A4D25F5’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’, ‘profile’: [‘’] }, ‘extension’: [{ ‘url’: ‘’, ‘valueReference’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ } } ], ‘status’: ‘active’, ‘subject’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘device’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ } } ], ‘EHealthDevice’: [{ ‘resourceType’: ‘Device’, ‘id’: ‘08D51B81A7FE5B480278150A94D4048A’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’, ‘profile’: [‘’] }, ‘extension’: [{ ‘url’: ‘’, ‘valueBoolean’: true } ], ‘status’: ‘active’ } ], ‘EHealthDeviceMetric’: [{ ‘resourceType’: ‘DeviceMetric’, ‘id’: ‘7EA21ACD27EE012439F1440574A6BB21’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’, ‘profile’: [‘’] }, ‘extension’: [{ ‘url’: ‘’, ‘extension’: [{ ‘url’: ‘category’, ‘valueCodeableConcept’: { ‘coding’: [{ ‘system’: ‘’, ‘code’: ‘initial’ } ] } }, { ‘url’: ‘value’, ‘valueInteger’: 5 } ] }, { ‘url’: ‘’, ‘extension’: [{ ‘url’: ‘category’, ‘valueCodeableConcept’: { ‘coding’: [{ ‘system’: ‘’, ‘code’: ‘initial’ } ] } }, { ‘url’: ‘value’, ‘valueInteger’: 10 } ] }, { ‘url’: ‘’, ‘extension’: [{ ‘url’: ‘category’, ‘valueCodeableConcept’: { ‘coding’: [{ ‘system’: ‘’, ‘code’: ‘initial’ } ] } }, { ‘url’: ‘value’, ‘valueInteger’: 12 } ] }, { ‘url’: ‘’, ‘extension’: [{ ‘url’: ‘category’, ‘valueCodeableConcept’: { ‘coding’: [{ ‘system’: ‘’, ‘code’: ‘initial’ } ] } }, { ‘url’: ‘value’, ‘valueInteger’: 14 } ] } ], ‘identifier’: { ‘value’: ‘Foo’ }, ‘type’: { ‘text’: ‘code’ }, ‘source’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘category’: ‘calculation’ } ] }

Schedule patient total

Report Contents

This report contains clinical information for each Patient


This report is grouped by EpsiodeOfCare. Each group is returned in a separate JSon file.


  • organization: Filter on EpisodeOfCare.managingOrganization match
  • period: Filter on EpisodeOfCare.period overlap
  • conditionCode: Filter on Condition.code related to EpisodeOfCare
  • status: Filter on EpisodeOfCare.status


    Output can be found in Binary.content. This is a Base64 encoded .zip file containing JSon files corresponding to the report groups.

    Example output

    All returned objects are Fhir resources. See the implementation guide for details

    { ‘Patient’: { ‘resourceType’: ‘Patient’, ‘id’: ‘70791’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’ } }, ‘EHealthEpisodeOfCare’: [{ ‘resourceType’: ‘EpisodeOfCare’, ‘id’: ‘10928’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’, ‘profile’: [‘’] }, ‘extension’: [{ ‘url’: ‘’, ‘valueReference’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ } } ], ‘status’: ‘active’, ‘diagnosis’: [{ ‘condition’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘rank’: 1 } ], ‘patient’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘managingOrganization’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘period’: { ‘start’: ‘1970-01-01T01:00:01+01:00’, ‘end’: ‘1970-01-01T01:01:40+01:00’ } }, { ‘resourceType’: ‘EpisodeOfCare’, ‘id’: ‘48392’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’, ‘profile’: [‘’] }, ‘extension’: [{ ‘url’: ‘’, ‘valueReference’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ } } ], ‘status’: ‘active’, ‘diagnosis’: [{ ‘condition’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘rank’: 1 } ], ‘patient’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘managingOrganization’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘period’: { ‘start’: ‘1970-01-01T01:00:01+01:00’, ‘end’: ‘1970-01-01T01:01:40+01:00’ } } ], ‘EHealthDeviceUseStatement’: [{ ‘resourceType’: ‘DeviceUseStatement’, ‘id’: ‘4021’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’, ‘profile’: [‘’] }, ‘extension’: [{ ‘url’: ‘’, ‘valueReference’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ } } ], ‘status’: ‘active’, ‘subject’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘device’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ } }, { ‘resourceType’: ‘DeviceUseStatement’, ‘id’: ‘5732’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’, ‘profile’: [‘’] }, ‘extension’: [{ ‘url’: ‘’, ‘valueReference’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ } } ], ‘status’: ‘active’, ‘subject’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘device’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ } } ], ‘EHealthDevice’: [{ ‘resourceType’: ‘Device’, ‘id’: ‘81729’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’, ‘profile’: [‘’] }, ‘extension’: [{ ‘url’: ‘’, ‘valueBoolean’: true } ], ‘status’: ‘active’ }, { ‘resourceType’: ‘Device’, ‘id’: ‘91432’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’, ‘profile’: [‘’] }, ‘extension’: [{ ‘url’: ‘’, ‘valueBoolean’: true } ], ‘status’: ‘active’ } ], ‘EHealthDeviceMetric’: [{ ‘resourceType’: ‘DeviceMetric’, ‘id’: ‘35094’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’, ‘profile’: [‘’] }, ‘extension’: [{ ‘url’: ‘’, ‘extension’: [{ ‘url’: ‘category’, ‘valueCodeableConcept’: { ‘coding’: [{ ‘system’: ‘’, ‘code’: ‘initial’ } ] } }, { ‘url’: ‘value’, ‘valueInteger’: 5 } ] }, { ‘url’: ‘’, ‘extension’: [{ ‘url’: ‘category’, ‘valueCodeableConcept’: { ‘coding’: [{ ‘system’: ‘’, ‘code’: ‘initial’ } ] } }, { ‘url’: ‘value’, ‘valueInteger’: 10 } ] }, { ‘url’: ‘’, ‘extension’: [{ ‘url’: ‘category’, ‘valueCodeableConcept’: { ‘coding’: [{ ‘system’: ‘’, ‘code’: ‘initial’ } ] } }, { ‘url’: ‘value’, ‘valueInteger’: 12 } ] }, { ‘url’: ‘’, ‘extension’: [{ ‘url’: ‘category’, ‘valueCodeableConcept’: { ‘coding’: [{ ‘system’: ‘’, ‘code’: ‘initial’ } ] } }, { ‘url’: ‘value’, ‘valueInteger’: 14 } ] } ], ‘identifier’: { ‘value’: ‘Foo’ }, ‘type’: { ‘text’: ‘code’ }, ‘source’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘category’: ‘calculation’ }, { ‘resourceType’: ‘DeviceMetric’, ‘id’: ‘22449’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’, ‘profile’: [‘’] }, ‘extension’: [{ ‘url’: ‘’, ‘extension’: [{ ‘url’: ‘category’, ‘valueCodeableConcept’: { ‘coding’: [{ ‘system’: ‘’, ‘code’: ‘initial’ } ] } }, { ‘url’: ‘value’, ‘valueInteger’: 5 } ] }, { ‘url’: ‘’, ‘extension’: [{ ‘url’: ‘category’, ‘valueCodeableConcept’: { ‘coding’: [{ ‘system’: ‘’, ‘code’: ‘initial’ } ] } }, { ‘url’: ‘value’, ‘valueInteger’: 10 } ] }, { ‘url’: ‘’, ‘extension’: [{ ‘url’: ‘category’, ‘valueCodeableConcept’: { ‘coding’: [{ ‘system’: ‘’, ‘code’: ‘initial’ } ] } }, { ‘url’: ‘value’, ‘valueInteger’: 12 } ] }, { ‘url’: ‘’, ‘extension’: [{ ‘url’: ‘category’, ‘valueCodeableConcept’: { ‘coding’: [{ ‘system’: ‘’, ‘code’: ‘initial’ } ] } }, { ‘url’: ‘value’, ‘valueInteger’: 14 } ] } ], ‘identifier’: { ‘value’: ‘Foo’ }, ‘type’: { ‘text’: ‘code’ }, ‘source’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘category’: ‘calculation’ } ], ‘EHealthConsent’: [{ ‘resourceType’: ‘Consent’, ‘id’: ‘51690’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’, ‘profile’: [‘’] }, ‘status’: ‘active’, ‘category’: [{ ‘coding’: [{ ‘code’: ‘TBD’ } ] } ], ‘patient’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘period’: { ‘start’: ‘1970-01-01T01:00:01+01:00’, ‘end’: ‘1970-01-01T01:01:40+01:00’ }, ‘consentingParty’: [{ ‘reference’: ‘’ } ], ‘actor’: [{ ‘id’: ‘f31bec27-965f-49ea-b8fe-5fdb259c539d’, ‘role’: { ‘coding’: [{ ‘code’: ‘authserver’ } ] }, ‘reference’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ } } ], ‘policyRule’: ‘Rule’, ‘data’: [{ ‘meaning’: ‘related’, ‘reference’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ } } ] } ], ‘EHealthCarePlan’: [{ ‘resourceType’: ‘CarePlan’, ‘id’: ‘87235’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’, ‘profile’: [‘’] }, ‘definition’: [{ ‘reference’: ‘’ } ], ‘status’: ‘draft’, ‘intent’: ‘option’, ‘category’: [{ ‘coding’: [{ ‘system’: ‘’, ‘code’: ‘TBD’ } ] } ], ‘subject’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘context’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘period’: { ‘start’: ‘1970-01-01T01:00:01+01:00’, ‘end’: ‘1970-01-01T01:01:40+01:00’ }, ‘addresses’: [{ ‘reference’: ‘’ } ] }, { ‘resourceType’: ‘CarePlan’, ‘id’: ‘23385’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’, ‘profile’: [‘’] }, ‘definition’: [{ ‘reference’: ‘’ } ], ‘status’: ‘draft’, ‘intent’: ‘option’, ‘category’: [{ ‘coding’: [{ ‘system’: ‘’, ‘code’: ‘TBD’ } ] } ], ‘subject’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘context’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘period’: { ‘start’: ‘1970-01-01T01:00:01+01:00’, ‘end’: ‘1970-01-01T01:01:40+01:00’ }, ‘addresses’: [{ ‘reference’: ‘’ } ] } ], ‘EHealthServiceRequest’: [{ ‘resourceType’: ‘ServiceRequest’, ‘id’: ‘18904’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’, ‘profile’: [‘’] }, ‘extension’: [{ ‘url’: ‘’, ‘valueCodeableConcept’: { ‘coding’: [{ ‘system’: ‘’, ‘code’: ‘TBD’ } ] } } ], ‘definition’: [{ ‘reference’: ‘’ } ], ‘status’: ‘completed’, ‘intent’: ‘filler-order’, ‘code’: { ‘coding’: [{ ‘system’: ‘’, ‘code’: ‘TBD’ } ], ‘text’: ‘7654414a-7f86-4170-9920-fde60368b58b’ }, ‘subject’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘context’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ } } ], ‘EHealthCondition’: [{ ‘resourceType’: ‘Condition’, ‘id’: ‘22743’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’, ‘profile’: [‘’] }, ‘clinicalStatus’: ‘active’, ‘code’: { ‘coding’: [{ ‘system’: ‘’, ‘code’: ‘TBD’ } ] }, ‘subject’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘context’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ } } ], ‘EHealthObservation’: [{ ‘resourceType’: ‘Observation’, ‘id’: ‘55832’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’, ‘profile’: [‘’] }, ‘basedOn’: [{ ‘reference’: ‘’ } ], ‘status’: ‘amended’, ‘code’: { ‘coding’: [{ ‘system’: ‘urn:oid:’, ‘code’: ‘NPU03011’ } ] }, ‘subject’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘context’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘effectivePeriod’: { ‘start’: ‘2020-03-26T13:37:40+01:00’, ‘end’: ‘2020-03-26T13:37:40+01:00’ }, ‘performer’: [{ ‘reference’: ‘’ } ], ‘device’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ } } ], ‘EHealthQuestionnaireResponse’: [{ ‘resourceType’: ‘QuestionnaireResponse’, ‘id’: ‘21957’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’, ‘profile’: [‘’] }, ‘basedOn’: [{ ‘reference’: ‘’ } ], ‘questionnaire’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘status’: ‘completed’, ‘subject’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘context’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘authored’: ‘2020-03-26T13:37:40+01:00’, ‘source’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ } } ], ‘EHealthMedia’: [{ ‘resourceType’: ‘Media’, ‘id’: ‘18256’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’, ‘profile’: [‘’] }, ‘extension’: [{ ‘url’: ‘’, ‘extension’: [{ ‘url’: ‘qualityType’, ‘valueCodeableConcept’: { ‘coding’: [{ ‘system’: ‘’, ‘code’: ‘TBD’ } ] } }, { ‘url’: ‘qualityCode’, ‘valueCodeableConcept’: { ‘coding’: [{ ‘system’: ‘’, ‘code’: ‘TBD’ } ] } } ] } ], ‘basedOn’: [{ ‘reference’: ‘’ } ], ‘type’: ‘audio’, ‘subject’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘context’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘occurrenceDateTime’: ‘2020-03-26T13:37:40+01:00’, ‘content’: { ‘language’: ‘en’ } } ], ‘EHealthClinicalImpression’: [{ ‘resourceType’: ‘ClinicalImpression’, ‘id’: ‘39697’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’, ‘profile’: [‘’] }, ‘status’: ‘draft’, ‘code’: { ‘coding’: [{ ‘system’: ‘’, ‘code’: ‘TBD’ } ] }, ‘subject’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ }, ‘context’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ } } ] }

Schedule practitioner GDPR

Report Contents

This report contains all information related to the specified Practitioner

  • Practitioner
  • CareTeam
  • PractitionerRole


    None. The report is returned in a single JSon file.


  • organization:
    • Practitioner: Not filtered
    • CareTeam: Filter on CareTeam.ManagingOrganization match
    • PractitionerRole: Filter on PractitionerRole.Organization match
  • period: not used
  • practitionerID: The practitioner to fetch information for


    Output can be found in Binary.content. This is a Base64 encoded .zip file containing JSon files corresponding to the report groups.

    Example output

    All returned objects are Fhir resources. See the implementation guide for details

    { ‘EHealthPractitioner’: { ‘resourceType’: ‘Practitioner’, ‘id’: ‘20599’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’, ‘profile’: [‘’] }, ‘name’: [{ ‘family’: ‘2f82a48c-61cc-4c7f-855a-3e6b59729ef1’ } ] }, ‘EHealthPractitionerRole’: [], ‘EHealthCareTeam’: [{ ‘resourceType’: ‘CareTeam’, ‘id’: ‘99438’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’, ‘profile’: [‘’] }, ‘identifier’: [{ ‘id’: ‘f556eab1-dbe9-40e3-9edd-149fa3bd1ae0’, ‘system’: ‘urn:ietf:rfc:3986’ } ], ‘status’: ‘active’, ‘name’: ‘f9d27974-6a6a-44fb-b6eb-bcd22d769a18’, ‘participant’: [{ ‘member’: { ‘reference’: ‘’ } } ], ‘reasonCode’: [{ ‘coding’: [{ ‘system’: ‘’, ‘code’: ‘TBD’ } ] } ], ‘managingOrganization’: [{ ‘reference’: ‘’ } ] } ] }

Schedule practitioner stats

Report Contents

This report contains counts of practitioners associated with Organizations and CareTeams

  • List of Organization and associated practitonerCount
  • List of CareTeam and associated practitionerCount


    None. The report is returned in a single JSon file.


  • organization:
    • CareTeam: Filter on CareTeam.ManagingOrganization match
    • PractitionerRole: Filter on PractitionerRole.Organization match
  • period
    • CareTeam: Filter on CareTeam.participant.period overlap
    • PractitionerRole: Filter on PractitionerRole.perid overlap


      Output can be found in Binary.content. This is a Base64 encoded .zip file containing JSon files corresponding to the report groups.

      Example output

      Organization and CareTeam are Fhir resources. See the implementation guide for details

    { ‘PractitionerSummary’: { ‘organizationPractitionerStatistics’: [{ ‘organization’: { ‘resourceType’: ‘Organization’, ‘id’: ‘69075’, ‘meta’: { ‘profile’: [‘’] }, ‘extension’: [{ ‘url’: ‘’, ‘valueCodeableConcept’: { ‘coding’: [{ ‘system’: ‘’, ‘code’: ‘manual’ } ] } }, { ‘url’: ‘’, ‘valueCodeableConcept’: { ‘coding’: [{ ‘system’: ‘’, ‘code’: ‘NotSynchronized’ } ] } } ], ‘name’: ‘e7c2b264-b2d9-4a6d-aba9-f23be1017d39’ }, ‘practitionerCount’: 1 } ], ‘careTeamPractitionerStatistics’: [{ ‘careTeam’: { ‘resourceType’: ‘CareTeam’, ‘id’: ‘44267’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’, ‘profile’: [‘’] }, ‘identifier’: [{ ‘id’: ‘7ced02e2-3082-4e02-86cc-030e8df8906d’, ‘system’: ‘urn:ietf:rfc:3986’ } ], ‘status’: ‘active’, ‘name’: ‘d1e7d427-1565-42f6-951d-5508d494d4c8’, ‘reasonCode’: [{ ‘coding’: [{ ‘system’: ‘’, ‘code’: ‘TBD’ } ] } ], ‘managingOrganization’: [{ ‘reference’: ‘’ } ] }, ‘practitionerCount’: 0 }, { ‘careTeam’: { ‘resourceType’: ‘CareTeam’, ‘id’: ‘40831’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’, ‘profile’: [‘’] }, ‘identifier’: [{ ‘id’: ‘f12b2b87-95d9-487c-b088-457acfa1693f’, ‘system’: ‘urn:ietf:rfc:3986’ } ], ‘status’: ‘active’, ‘name’: ‘c572c5ac-bac3-4f9e-b948-795db7563145’, ‘reasonCode’: [{ ‘coding’: [{ ‘system’: ‘’, ‘code’: ‘TBD’ } ] } ], ‘managingOrganization’: [{ ‘reference’: ‘’ } ] }, ‘practitionerCount’: 0 }, { ‘careTeam’: { ‘resourceType’: ‘CareTeam’, ‘id’: ‘78765’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’, ‘profile’: [‘’] }, ‘identifier’: [{ ‘id’: ‘7378e850-aff6-430d-9e86-cca801bf2375’, ‘system’: ‘urn:ietf:rfc:3986’ } ], ‘status’: ‘active’, ‘name’: ‘3e038dd3-9e80-41e4-9932-8597f8706da4’, ‘reasonCode’: [{ ‘coding’: [{ ‘system’: ‘’, ‘code’: ‘TBD’ } ] } ], ‘managingOrganization’: [{ ‘reference’: ‘’ } ] }, ‘practitionerCount’: 0 }, { ‘careTeam’: { ‘resourceType’: ‘CareTeam’, ‘id’: ‘46096’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’, ‘profile’: [‘’] }, ‘identifier’: [{ ‘id’: ‘37a66140-dc7e-4ea4-9ec7-d0dd91adf7c8’, ‘system’: ‘urn:ietf:rfc:3986’ } ], ‘status’: ‘active’, ‘name’: ‘311ebab3-d310-44bb-b72b-65bdf74b3729’, ‘reasonCode’: [{ ‘coding’: [{ ‘system’: ‘’, ‘code’: ‘TBD’ } ] } ], ‘managingOrganization’: [{ ‘reference’: ‘’ } ] }, ‘practitionerCount’: 0 }, { ‘careTeam’: { ‘resourceType’: ‘CareTeam’, ‘id’: ‘32543’, ‘meta’: { ‘versionId’: ‘1’, ‘profile’: [‘’] }, ‘identifier’: [{ ‘id’: ‘3671c951-d20e-4d5c-82ec-fae5ee03821e’, ‘system’: ‘urn:ietf:rfc:3986’ } ], ‘status’: ‘active’, ‘name’: ‘1f74a06c-8ae1-4b5c-b5ee-49abfd2d28e1’, ‘reasonCode’: [{ ‘coding’: [{ ‘system’: ‘’, ‘code’: ‘TBD’ } ] } ], ‘managingOrganization’: [{ ‘reference’: ‘’ } ] }, ‘practitionerCount’: 0 } ] } }

Schedule ssl orders

Report Contents

This report contains SSL Orders

  • OrderDetails
  • OrderLines
  • TraceLines


    Order. Each Order is returned in a single JSon file.


  • organization: Filter on Order.buyer
  • period: Filter on TraceLine.timestamp
  • seller: Filter on Order.seller


    Output can be found in Binary.content. This is a Base64 encoded .zip file containing JSon files corresponding to the report groups.

    Example output

    All returned objects are SSL resources. See the SSL API description for details

    { ‘OrderDetails’: { ‘order’: { ‘id’: ‘’, ‘threadId’: null, ‘identifiers’: null, ‘status’: null, ‘priority’: null, ‘notes’: null, ‘buyer’: ‘’, ‘seller’: ‘’, ‘sellerDeliveryContactEmail’: null, ‘carePlanRef’: null, ‘carePlanTitle’: null, ‘earliestDeliveryDate’: null, ‘latestDeliveryDate’: null, ‘receiver’: null }, ‘orderLines’: [{ ‘id’: ‘’, ‘order’: ‘’, ‘status’: null, ‘item’: null, ‘agreedDate’: null, ‘device’: null } ], ‘traceLines’: [{ ‘id’: ‘’, ‘timestamp’: ‘2019-12-24T18:00:00Z’, ‘createdByOrganization’: null, ‘createdByUser’: null, ‘text’: null, ‘supplementaryText’: null, ‘order’: ‘’, ‘orderLine’: null, ‘statusChange’: null } ] } }

Search measurements

The search-measurements operation searches for bundles of related resources having Observations, Media or QuestionnaireResponses matching the search criteria.

Parameter description

  • patient: Find resource(s) referring the specified patient - Reference(eHealth Patient).
  • episodeOfCare: Find resource(s) referring the specified episode of care - Reference(eHealth EpisodeOfCare).
  • device: Find resource(s) referring the specified device - Reference(eHealth Device eHealth DeviceMetric).
  • period: Resource(s) must have either an instant or time period within or overlapping the given period. The used instant/time period varies with resource as follows: Element effective for eHealth Observation; Element authored for eHealth QuestionnaireResponse; Element occurrence for eHealth Media.
  • based-on: Resources(s) must be based on any of the specified procedure requests - Reference(eHealth ServiceRequest).
  • _tag: When specified, resource(s) must have at least one of the specified tags in meta data - for instance a Coding(ehealth-system CodeSystem) or on token form: xa. Note that the _tag functions as an optional filter, not as a selection criteria in the way the other parameters work.

“period” must always be specified.

Additionally at least “patient” or “episodeOfCare” must be specified.

Output description

The result of this operation will return a Bundle with a list of nested Bundles having resources matching the search parameters.

Each of the nested bundles will contain the full set of related eHealth Observation, eHealth Media, eHealth QuestionnaireResponse and eHealth Provenance resources.

If a eHealth QuestionnaireResponse is part of the nested bundle the referenced eHealth Questionnaire will also be included in the nested bundle.

Related resources are the set of resources created by a single invocation of the submit-measurement operation.

Submit measurement

The submit-measurement operation provides a single measurement in the form of a Bundle of Observation, QuestionnaireResponse and Media for storage and, subsequently, further processing in the eHealth Infrastructure. A Provenance resource is implicitly created by the infrastructure referencing input Bundle resources as target, thereby relating the resources that were submitted.

Parameter description

measurement: Bundle containing:

  • 0..* Observation (ehealth-observation profile)
  • 0..* QuestionnaireResponse (ehealth-questionnaireresponse profile)
  • 0..* Media (ehealth-media profile)
  • 0..* Provenance (ehealth-provenance profile). Each Provenance (which is intended for capturing reuse of measurement(s) – as described in the eHealth Observation profile introduction) must refer to other resources in the Bundle as target in the format “urn:oid:<the oid>” or “urn:uuid:<the uuid>.”.

All resources in the Bundle must refer to the same Patient and EpisodeOfCare. All resources in the Bundle as well as the created Provenance will receive any missing system tags (ehealth-system CodeSystem) provided by the referenced EpisodeOfCare. The request will be denied if any resource in the Bundle contains a system tag, which is not present on the referenced EpisodeOfCare

Output description

The returned Bundle contains references to the stored input resources where the id has been substituted.

eHealth infrastructure will substitute the id when saving the resources in a single transaction.

Suggest care teams

Suggest care teams matching the conditions required by the care plan on either a regional or a municipality level. The suggested care teams has reason codes matching all the conditions addressed by the care plan and has a managing organization matching the input region code or municipality code. One of region code or municipality code must be input. If both region code and municipality code is input, then the municipality code is ignored. Return a bundle with matching care teams and their managing organizations.

Transform from APD

Transforms a DK-HL7 Appointment Document (APD) XML document to a FHIR Appointment (ehealth-appointment profile) resource. The input FHIR DocumentReference (ehealth-documentreference profile) contains the APD XML document. The caller must ensure that the APD XML document is valid and adheres to the DK-HL7 Appointment Document profile. The returned FHIR Bundle contains a FHIR Composition (ehealth-composition profile) resource referencing a FHIR Appointment (ehealth-appointment profile) resource.

Transform from PHMR

Transforms a DK-HL7 Personal Health Monitoring Report (PHMR) XML document to FHIR Observation (ehealth-observation profile) resource. The input FHIR DocumentReference contains the PHMR XML document adhering to the DK-HL7 Personal Health Monitoring Report profile The returned FHIR Bundle contains a FHIR Composition (ehealth-composition profile) resource or more FHIR Observation (ehealth-observation profile) resources and referenced resources such as FHIR Organization.

Transform from QFDD

Transforms the DK-HL7 Questionnaire Form Definition Document (QFDD) to an eHealth Questionnaire resource. The input FHIR DocumentReference contains QFDD XML for the DK-HL7 Questionnaire Form Definition Document. The returned Bundle contains the eHealth Questionnaire and Composition resource which reference the returned eHealth Questionnaire.

Transform from QRD

Transforms a DK-HL7 Questionnaire Response Document (QRD) XML document to a FHIR QuestionnaireResponse (ehealth-questionnaireresponse profile) resource. The input FHIR DocumentReference contains the QRD XML document adhering to the DK-HL7 Questionnaire Response Document profile. The returned FHIR Bundle contains FHIR Composition (ehealth-composition profile) resource referencing a FHIR QuestionnaireResponse (ehealth-documentreference profile) resource.

Transform to APD

Transforms a FHIR Appointment (ehealth-appointment profile) resource to a DK-HL7 Appointment Document (APD) XML document. The input FHIR Bundle contains a FHIR Composition (ehealth-composition profile) resource referencing a FHIR Appointment (ehealth-appointment profile) resource and referenced resources such as FHIR Organization. The returned FHIR DocumentReference contains the APD XML document adhering to the DK-HL7 Appointment Document profile.

Transform to PHMR

Transforms a FHIR Observation (ehealth-observation profile) resource to a DK-HL7 Personal Health Monitoring Report (PHMR) XML document. The input FHIR Bundle contains a FHIR Composition (ehealth-composition profile) resource referencing one or more FHIR Observation (ehealth-observation profile) resources and referenced resources such as FHIR Organization. The returned FHIR DocumentReference contains the PHMR XML document adhering to the DK-HL7 Personal Health Monitoring Report profile.

Transform to QFDD

Transforms an eHealth Questionnaire resource to the DK-HL7 Questionnaire Form Definition Document (QFDD). The input Bundle contains an eHealth Questionnaire and Composition resource which reference the returned eHealth Questionnaire. The returned FHIR DocumentReference contains QFDD XML for the DK-HL7 Questionnaire Form Definition Document.

Transform to QRD

Transforms a FHIR QuestionnaireResponse (ehealth-questionnaireresponse profile) resource to a DK-HL7 Questionnaire Response Document (QRD) XML document. The input FHIR Bundle contains FHIR Composition (ehealth-composition profile) resource referencing a FHIR QuestionnaireResponse (ehealth-documentreference profile) resource. The returned FHIR DocumentReference contains the QRD XML document adhering to the DK-HL7 Questionnaire Response Document profile.

Traverse to SOR

Traverse upforwards to the first SOR organization Http response code 404 will be returned if no related SOR organization could be found

Update Patient from KRS

This operation is used when batch updates on patient information is available from the national service platform. The operation is used by internal components of the eHealth Infrastructure.


Import terminology resources


Behavior: Search Parameters

These define the properties by which a RESTful server can be searched. They can also be used for sorting and including related resources.


Search parameter for finding communication based on administrative status


Search parameter for finding resources based on group id


Search parameter for finding communication based on CareTeam recipient


Search parameter for finding communication based on CareTeam sender


Search parameter for finding appointments based on careteam participants


Search parameter for finding communication based on about


Search parameter for finding communication based on the category code


Search parameter for finding resources based on group id


Search parameter for finding communication based on episodeOfCare


Search parameter for finding intended audience on Appointment


Search parameter for finding communication based on on-behalf-of


Search parameter for Patient DK-Core CPR identifier


Uniqueness constraint on search parameter patientCPRIdentifier


Search parameter for finding communication based on period


Search parameter for finding responsible entity on Appointment


Search parameter for finding communication based on CareTeam recipient


Search parameter for finding communication based on thread id

Structures: Resource Profiles

These define constraints on FHIR resources for systems conforming to this implementation guide.


Structures: Extension Definitions

These define constraints on FHIR data types for systems conforming to this implementation guide.

Action Trigger

Defines a reaction along with its trigger conditions.

Administrative status

The administrative status of how a message recipient has handled a message

Answer condition

Defines the Answer condition for an answer option in the questionnaire.

Answer significance

Defines the Answer significance for an answer option in the questionnaire.

Assigning careteam
Author organization

Organization that authored the Composition


Version Base

Base environment

Base environment

CVR Number

The organization’s identification code in the Danish ‘Centrale Virksomhedsregister’

Calibration expires

Date when the current calibration expires and recalibration is required.

Caremanager organization

Reference to caremanagers organization


Identifies the CarePlan context in which this particular resource was created.

Careplan status history
Careplan status schedule



The content


The careplan context for the device use


Creator Careteam

Date/time of re-used entity

Contains date and time of Reused Entity


Clinical impression decision, ‘approved’ or ‘approved-for-sharing’

Decision context

Library and relevant resources used for evaluation


Natural language description

Ehealth action guidance for

Action guidance for

Ehealth action guidance type

The action guidance type

Employee title

Title for employed clinicians

End meeting on end time

Indicates if a video meeting must end on end time


Episode of care


Feedback if reponse is within the defined range.

General health condition

Describes the general health condition of a patient using FSIII concepts (see

Group id

A logical id identifying a set of messages, which have the same recipient (considered a ‘group message’). Must be supplied by the client, eg. as a UUID

Guest PIN code

The PIN code to be used to gain access to a video meeting. Is provided by the service, not the client, and is not updateable.

Guest PIN code

The PIN code to be used to gain access to a video meeting. Is provided by the service, not the client, and is not updateable. Host PIN must be used in order to start the meeting

IT competence level
Intended audience

Specifies that the resource is only intended for use in the specified organisations. Leave blank if the resource is intended for global use.

Interpreter required

This extension describes the IT skills/competence of a patient. The IT competence may optionally be related to a specific device type, and may be assessed using a score (either a FS3 score or a percentage), or as a free text description.

Legal basis

Legal basis

Max participants

The maximum number of participants allowed to participate in a video meeting

Media investigation item

Investigation item for Media resources so they can be approved.

Meeting URL

The URL at which a video meeting will take place. Is provided by the service, not the client, and may not be updated

Modified role

This is a modifier role that can hold a role and a reference to the item who has the role. Ex. owner + a reference to the owner organization.

Municipality Code

The organization’s municipality code in the Danish ‘Det Centrale Personregister’

Name and address protection

Period of name and address protection. Patients with name and address protection are marked with security label ‘restricted’ (R in

On behalf of

On behalf of

Organization Source

The source of the organization

Organization Synchronization status

The synchronization status of the organization

Organization specialty

The specialty of the organization

Overview usage mode

Identifies whether the specified element and/or results of the element should appear in overview or table presentation.

Patient contact note

This note holds the information of when the patient is available for communication - eg. between 10 and 12 every monday


The actual performer in an appointment, eg. teacher in a group class

Performing organization

Organization who is performing in the given context


Specifies the temporal validity of an ehealth/message instance. Contains a period, eg. specifying temporal validity


Version Predecessor


The priority of a message

Privately owned

True if this device is privately owned (BYOD - Bring you own device).


Properties of this device. Properties are static by nature whereas qualities are dynamic and may change during the life cycle or calibration cycle of a device.

Provider identifier

The providerIdentifier of the organization


Why this is defined


Current device quality


Minimum required or actually assessed quality values. The qualityType element states the type of quality. For different values of qualityType the required or assessed quality value (qualityCode) must be from different value sets. The relation between qualityType and allowed value sets are defined in the definition of value set

Quality history

History of device quality

Questionnaire image

Defines the images in the questionnaire answers and questions.

Questionnaire intended organization

The questionnaire is intended to be used by these organizations.

Questionnaire recommendation

Defines the recommendation state of the questionnaire.

Questionnaire response finding basis

Basis for the overall clinical impression finding of the questionnaire response

Questionnaire type

Concept that represents the overall questionnaire

Recipient careteam

CareTeam that is a recipient of a Communication

Reference range

Provides guide for interpretation. Must have at least a low or a high.

Region code

The regionCode of the organization

Registration deadline

Registration deadline

Related to

Relations to other Organizations

Releasable resource

Indicates if the resource may be shared through national document repositories

Resolved timing

Resolved timing reflects whether a measurement (Observation, QuestionnaireResponse or Media) has been performed ad-hoc or as fulfillment of a measurement regime time slot in which case the extent of the time slot is given by start and end. If the measurement regime has a form for which a time slot cannot be resolved or determining is/was not supported, the type unresolved is used.


Individuals, careteam and/or organization who are responsible in the given context

Responsible organization

Organization responsible in a given context

Restriction category

The resource is intended for certain category of workflow/responsibility only

Reuse criteria

Defines if and when a response can be reused


Business revision of the resource

Sender careteam

CareTeam that is a sender of a Communication

ServiceRequest status history
ServiceRequest status schedule
Sharing policy

Policy for sharing a resource with national data banks

Short text

Short text for questionnaires


The current status

Status schedule

Scheduled status change


Suppliers of different kinds. E.g device suppliers, support suppliers, training suppliers, etc.

Task category

Category of task.

Task responsible

Individual organization or Device currently responsible for task execution.

Team history

History of assigned careTeam

Team schedule

Scheduled team change

Telecom Custodian

Custodian of this ContactPoint.

Telecom System
Type of communications system required to make use of the contact point: phone fax email pager url sms ean other
Telecom Value

The actual contact point details (i.e. phone number or email address)

Template qualities

Device quality default settings for an initial, a degraded, and an overridden device quality.

Thread id

A logical id identifying a set of messages, which are grouped in a thread. Can be supplied by the client, eg. as a UUID


Name for this (human friendly)


The title of the message

Trigger Condition

Conditions for a triggering action to be met for other action to be triggered.


Description for clinicians


Virtual Meeting Room URI that can be used in eg. webRTC clients. Is provided by the service, not the client, and may not be updated.


Business version

View for

The valueset matching the view

View investigation item

Investigation item for View resources so they can be approved.

View type

Ehealth view type


Recommendation state of the plan definition


Controls whether this ServiceRequest will react to trigger conditions expressed in other activities of the plan.


The context that the content is intended to support

Terminology: Value Sets

These define sets of codes used by systems conforming to this implementation guide.


action status.

Action guidance For Types

Action guidance for types

Action guidance types

Action guidance types

Activity Definition Code

Activity Definition Code.

Administrative Status

Administrative status

Appointment Reason

Appointment reason

Appointment Service Type

Appointment service type

Appointment Type Codes

Appointment type codes used by the system

Basic resource type

Basic resource type

CareTeam Category + ssl SSL Service Support and Logistics Employee.
CareTeam Participant Role

Care Team Participant Role.

Careplan Category

Careplan Category.

Clinical Impression Codes

Value set of clinical impression codes.

ClinicalImpression Decision Codes

Value set of clinical impression decision codes.

ClinicalImpression Finding Codes

Value set of clinical impression finding codes.

Communication Category

Communication Category.



Consent Category

Value set of kinds of consents.

ContactPoint Custodian

Contact point custodians.

ContactPoint System

Contact point systems.


Value set for the classCode attribute.


Event codes used in DK IHE Document sharing. The codes shall be NPU or procedure codes used in the Danish health care systems.


Value set for document format code used in national Document sharing.


Allowed value set for healthcare facility type code represents the type of organizational setting of the clinical encounter during which the documented act occurred.


Value set for the typeCode attribute. The typeCode specifies the precise type of document from the user perspective. The granularity of typeCode is finer grained than its superior classCode.


Values used for the document metadata attribute practiceSettingCode, which is an attribute specifying the clinical specialty where the act that resulted in the document was performed (e.g., Family Practice, Laboratory, Radiology). The value set is based on a subset of the code list from the SOR lookup table ‘SOR-Enhedstyper’ (, accessable on Sundhedsdatanettet (SDN)), which is based on SNOMED codes.

Data Absent Reason

Used to specify why the normally expected content of the data element is missing.

Device Calibration Actor

Device calibration actor.

Device Calibration Period

Device calibration period.

Device Calibration Type

Device calibration type

Device Measurement Unit

Device measurement unit

Device Measuring Quality

Device Measuring Quality value set.

Device Safety

Device safety value set.

Device Supplier Roles

Device Supplier Roles value set.

Device Types

Device Types value set.

Device Use Reason

Device Use Reason value set.

DeviceMetric Quality Types

Device Metric Quality Types value set.


Device Metric Property Types value set.

Document Class

Document Class value set.

Document Type

Document Type value set.

Event Type Codes

Event type codes value set.

FS III, helbredstilstande

FS III, helbredstilstande

Facility Type Codes

Allowed value set for healthcare facility type code represents the type of organizational setting of the clinical encounter during which the documented act occurred.


Format Codes value set.

Goal Description

Value set for goal description.

Goal Target Measure

Value set for goal target measure.

IT Competence Level codes

The set of possible message types


Jurisdiction value set


Danish municipality nursing condition codes

Library Type + automated-processing

Measurement Sharing Policies

Policies of sharing submissions with national registers such as KIH.


The set of possible message types


The set of possible message types

Modifier Role

Value set of plan definition modifier role codes.


OIO BPP roles.

OIO Organization Type

Value set used for indicating the organization type for organizations from OIO / STS-ORG

Observation Codes

Observation codes value set.

Organization Relation Type

How Organizations are related.

Organization Source

Value set used for indicating the organization source

Organization Specialty

Value set used for indicating the specialty for organizations.

Organization Synchronization Status

Value set used for indicating the organization synchronization status

Organization Type

Value set used for indicating the organization type

Overview Usage Mode

Whether the element should appear in overview modes of operation.

PlanDefinition Recommendation

Value set of plan definition recommendation codes.

Policies for provenances

Policies under which data can be provided

Practice Setting Codes

Value set used for indicating the specialty for organizations.


Practitioner roles

Quality Types

Types of quality; e.g. situation quality, usability quality, device quality.

Questionnaire Item Control

Questionnaire Item Control value set.

Questionnaire Item Image Format

Questionnaire item image format value set.

Questionnaire Item Significance Indicator

Questionnaire Significance Item Indicator value set.

Questionnaire Types

Questionnaire type value set.


Value set of questionnaire recommendation codes.

Reference Range Type

Reference Range type value set.


Subdivision codes (Regional codes) used in Denmark


A set of codes that can be used to indicate the relationship between a Patient and a Related Person used in Denmark

Resolved Timing Type

Value set for resolved timing type.

Restriction Category

Value set for restriction category.

SSL Service Types

SSL service types

Situation Quality

Value set of hierarchical codes stating the quality of a measurement situation.


Value set used for indicating the specialty for organizations from Sor


Value set used for indicating the organization type for organizations from Sor

Sygdoms- og diagnosekoder

Health Condition Codes

Task Category

Value set for task category.


Condition Codes

Topic Type

Topic types.

Trigger Behavior

Trigger behavior

Trigger Enablement Code

ServiceRequest trigger enablement value set.

UCUM printSymbol supplement

UCUM printSymbol supplement

Usage Quality

Value set of hierarchical codes stating the quality of the user’s operation of a device/ability to qualify questionnaire answers.

View For Type

View for types

View Type

View types

eHealth Message Reason Code

eHealth Message Reason Code

eHealth Usage Context Type

eHealth Usage Context types.


Value set of Unit Codes and Ucum common


Value set of Unit Codes

Terminology: Code Systems

These define new code systems used by systems conforming to this implementation guide.


Action Code

Action Type

Action type

Action guidance types

Action guidance types


Kinds of activities


The type of an address (physical / postal)


The use of an address

Administrative Status

Administrative status

Appointment Reason

Appointment Reason

Appointment Service Types

Appointment service type

Appointment Type Codes

Appointment type code

Basic resource type

Basic resource type

Care Plan Status

Indicates whether the plan is currently being acted upon, represents future intentions, or is now a historical record.

CarePlan Category

Care Plan Category

CareTeam Category

Care Team Category

CareTeam Participant Role

Care Team Participant Role


Indicates the status of the care team.

ClinicalImpression Codes

Assessment types

ClinicalImpression Decision Codes

Clinical Impression Decision Codes

ClinicalImpression Finding Codes

Clinical Impression Finding Codes

Clone Operation

Clone operation codes

Common Codes from BCP-47

Common Codes from BCP-47 (

Communication Category

Communication category


Condition codes

Consent Category

Consent codes


Indicates the state of the consent

ContactPoint Custodian

Contact Point Custodian

ContactPoint System

Contact Point System

DAK-E Codes

Procedure and observation codes used for communication and administration of laboratory results in Denmark.


Code system for the classCode attribute


Code system for document format code used in national Document sharing

Danish SNOMED CT Extension

Danish SNOMED CT Extension

Danish SNOMED CT Extension

Danish SNOMED CT Extension

Danish SNOMED CT Extension

Danish SNOMED CT Extension


Used to specify why the normally expected content of the data element is missing.


The days of the week.

Device Measuring Quality

Quality codes for qualities with which a device can perform measuring

Device Supplier Roles

Types of device related services.

Device Use Reason

Device use reasons.

Device calibration actor

Device calibration actor.

Device calibration period

Device calibration period.

Device safety

Device safety

Device service types

Device service types.

DeviceMetric Property Types

Types of properties which can be attributed to a Device.

DeviceMetric Quality Types

Device metric quality type codes


Types of devices.

Document Class

Document Class

Document Type

Document Type

Ehealth System

Tag værdi for anvendersystem


The status of the episode of care.



FS III, Bevægeapparat

FS III, Bevægeapparat

FS III, Egenomsorg

FS III, Egenomsorg

FS III, Ernæring

FS III, Ernæring

FS III, Funktionsniveau

FS III, Funktionsniveau

FS III, Hud og slimhinder

FS III, Hud og slimhinder

FS III, Kommunikation

FS III, Kommunikation

FS III, Mentale funktioner

FS III, Mentale funktioner

FS III, Mobilitet

FS III, Mobilitet

FS III, Praktiske opgaver

FS III, Praktiske opgaver

FS III, Psykosociale forhold

FS III, Psykosociale forhold

FS III, Respiration og cirkulation

FS III, Respiration og cirkulation

FS III, Samfundsliv

FS III, Samfundsliv

FS III, Seksualitet

FS III, Seksualitet

FS III, Smerter og sanseindtryk

FS III, Smerter og sanseindtryk

FS III, Søvn og hvile

FS III, Søvn og hvile

FS III, Udskillelse af affaldsstoffer

FS III, Udskillelse af affaldsstoffer

FS III, Viden og udvikling

FS III, Viden og udvikling

FS III, borgerens vurdering af betydning

FS III, borgerens vurdering af betydning

FS III, borgerens vurdering af udførelse

FS III, borgerens vurdering af udførelse

FS III, niveauer

FS III, niveauer


Codes from FSIII

Goal Description

Goal Description

HL7 Terminology Maintenance Infrastructure Vocabulary

Codes that may have been strings or other types of data in pre-existing tooling for V3 and V2 terminology maintenance, and moved to codes in this code system for proper handling in the FHIR based UTG maintenance facilities.

Integer percentage codes

Integer percentage codes 0-100



Library Type

Library Type

Measurement Sharing Policies

Measurement sharing policies

MedCom Message Codes

MedCom Message Codes.

Message Category

Message category types

Message Medium

Message medium types

Message ReasonCode

Message ReasonCode

Modifier Role

Modifier Role


It is the translation into Danish of the International NPU Terminology. The NPU terminology defines types of clinical laboratory results expressed as patient properties, with measurement units where relevant, and with individual identifiers. The NPU terminology is owned by: the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) and the International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and laboratory medicine (IFCC). The Danish Health Data Authority (see OID {iso(1) member-body(2) dk(208) nsi(176)}) serves as the international repository for the international version. Child OIDs may be registered by the Danish Health Data Authority on decision by the NPU Terminology Steering Committee. OIDs for the national versions are registered by the National Release Centers.

OIO Organization Type

Organization types specific for organizations from OIO / STS-ORG



Organization Relation Type

Organization Relation Type

Organization Source

Organization source type

Organization Synchronization Status

Organization synchronization status type

Overview usage mode

Identifies whether the specified element and/or results of the element should appear in overview or table presentation.

PlanDefinition Recommendation

Plan Definition Recommendation

Policies for provenances

Policies under which data can be provided




The lifecycle status of a Value Set or Concept Map.

Quality Types

Quality Types

Questionnaire Item Significance Indicator

Questionnaire Item Significance Indicator

Questionnaire Item Type

Distinguishes groups from questions and display text and indicates data type for questions

Questionnaire Recommendation

Questionnaire Recommendation

Questionnaire Types

Questionnaire Types

Reference Range Type

Reference Range Type

Regional subdivision codes

Subdivision codes (Regional codes) used in Denmark


Codes identifying the stage lifecycle stage of a request

Resolved Timing Type

Resolved Timing Type


One of the resource types defined as part of FHIR.

Restriction Category

Restriction Category

SOR Organization Specialty

Organization specialties specific for organizations from Sor

SOR Organization Type

Organization types specific for organizations from Sor

Situation Quality

Codes stating the quality of a measurement situation

Sundhedsvæsenets klassifikationssystem (SKS)
Task Category

Task Category

Topic Type

Topic type

Trigger Enablement Code

Trigger Enablement Code

UCUM printSymbol supplement

UCUM printSymbol supplement

Usage Quality

Quality codes for usage or operating of measuring device

View types

View types

eHealth Usage Contxt Type

Usage Context type


Unit Codes

v3 Code System TimingEvent


Terminology: Naming Systems

These define identifier and/or code system identities used by systems conforming to this implementation guide.

Danish civil registration system - CPR

The Danish civil registration system (“CPR”) encompasses basic personal data about anyone with a civil registration number. A civil registration number shall be allocated to anyone who: 1) is registered in the national register in Denmark on the grounds of birth or relocation from abroad; 2) is included under Arbejdsmarkedets TillægsPension (ATP); 3) according to the tax authorities, is required to have a civil registration number for the purpose of tax processing in Denmark.

Sundhedsvæsenets Organisationsregister (SOR)

SOR is provided by the Danish Health Data Authority under the Danish Ministry of Health. The register holds organizations within the Danish health sector, their geographical and virtual addresses as well as codes for their identification and for EDI-communication. Danish Health Data Authority is responsible for issuing and publishing codes to identify organizations across health care sectors and related public and private services. SOR includes organizational data on hospitals, the primary care sector (physiotherapists, general practitioners, dentists etc.) and municipal health service organizations as well as non-health care organizations that need to be able to receive data from the former.

eHealth Device Identifier

An identifier of a device used in eHealth

eHealth Environment

The eHealth Environment is assigned to PlanDefinition, ActivityDefinition and Questionnaire resources in the eHealth Infrastructure created on the environment


The eHealth Identifier is assigned to certain domain resources in the eHealth Infrastructure and used when transforming to CDA document representation.


The eHealth Question Identifier is assigned to questions (not to be confused with question codes) in a questionnaire created in the eHealth Infrastructure.

Terminology: Concept Maps

These define transformations to convert between codes by systems conforming with this implementation guide.

ActivityDefinition code to Observation code
Activitydefinition-code to do missing measurement

The map controls whether an activity shall be subjected to missing measurements checks or not.

Activitydefinition-code to do reminder

The map controls whether an activity shall be subjected to producing reminders or not.

Activitydefinition-code to measurement resource type

The map controls what type of measurement resource is expected for a given activity code.

OIO BPP roles to eHealth CareTeam participant role mapping
Observation code to UCUM mapping
UCUM code to PrintSymbol mapping

Example: Example Instances

These are example instances that show what data produced and consumed by systems conforming with this implementation guide might look like.





