eHealth Infrastructure (v2021.2)

This code system defines the following codes:

red-question-answer red question and answer combinationApplied to a single question and answer pair, this indicates a red combination. Applied as summary to multiple question and answer pairs in a questionnaire response, this indicates at least one red combination found.
yellow-question-answer yellow question and answer combinationApplied to a single question and answer pair, this indicates a yellow combination. Applied as summary to multiple question and answer pairs in a questionnaire response, this indicates at least one yellow combination found.
green-question-answer green question and answer combinationApplied to a single question and answer pair, this indicates a green combination. Applied as summary to multiple question and answer pairs in a questionnaire response, this indicates no red or yellow combinations found.
TBD Example value - Under constructionExample value - Under construction

Additional Language Displays

CodeDansk (Danish, da)
red-question-answerRød spørgsmål/svar-kombination fundet i spørgeskemabesvarelse
yellow-question-answerGul spørgsmål/svar-kombination fundet i spørgeskemabesvarelse
green-question-answerGrøn spørgsmål/svar-kombination fundet i spørgeskemabesvarelse. Når anført som opsummering for hel spørgeskemabesvarelse er der ikke fundet røde eller gule spørgsmål/svar-kombinationer.