eHealth Infrastructure (v2021.2)

Extensions defined as part of the Danish Telemedicine Implementation Guide

  • statusHistory

    History of status changes

  • careplan-statusschedule

    Scheduled status change

  • telecom

    A contact detail for the careteam

  • clinicalimpression-careplan

    Identifies the CarePlan context in which this particular resource was created.

  • Extension-ehealth-clinicalimpression-decision Extension-ehealth-clinicalimpression-decision
  • decisionContext decisionContext
  • mediaInvestigationItem

    Investigation item for Media resources so they can be approved.

  • recipientCareTeam

    CareTeam that is a recipient of a Communication

  • senderCareTeam

    CareTeam that is a sender of a Communication

  • authorOrganization

    Organization that is a author of a Composition

  • privatelyOwned

    True if this device is privately owned (BYOD - Bring you own device).

  • suppliers

    Suppliers of different kinds. E.g device suppliers, support suppliers, training suppliers, etc.

  • calibrationExpires

    Date when the current calibration expires and recalibration is required.

  • properties

    Properties of this device. Properties are static by nature whereas .qualities are dynamic and may change during the life cycle or calibration cycle of a device.

  • qualities

    Current device quality

  • qualityHistory

    History of device quality

  • templateQualities

    Device quality default settings for an initial, a degraded, and an overriden device quality.

  • deviceUseStatementContext

    device careplan context

  • caremanagerOrganization

    Reference to caremanagers organization

  • episodeofcare-statusschedule

    Scheduled status change

  • intendedAudience

    Specifies that the plan is only intended for use in the specified organisations. Leave blank if the plan is intended for global use.

  • modifierRole

    This is a modifier role that can hold a role and a reference to the item who has the role. Ex. owner + a reference to the owner organization.

  • cvrNumber

    The cvrNumber of the organization

  • municipalityCode

    The municipalityCode of the organization

  • providerIdentifier

    The providerIdentifier of the organization

  • regionCode

    The regionCode of the organization

  • relatedTo

    Relations to other Organizations

  • source

    The source of the organization

  • specialty

    The specialty of the organization

  • synchronizationStatus

    The synchronization status of the organization

  • telecomCustodian

    Custodian of this ContactPoint.

  • telecomSystem telecomSystem
  • telecomValue telecomValue
  • overviewUsageMode

    Identifies whether the specified element and/or results of the element should appear in overview or table presentation.

  • owner

    The formal owner of the PlanDefinition

  • role

    Roles involved in the Plan

  • DateTimeOfReusedEntity

    Contains date and time of Reused Entity

  • quality

    Minimum required or actually assessed quality values. The qualityType element states the type of quality. For different values of qualityType the required or assessed quality value (qualityCode) must be from different value sets. The relation between qualityType and allowed value sets are defined in the definition of value set

  • feedback

    Feedback if reponse is within the defined range.

  • intendedOrganization

    The questionnaire is intended to be used by these organizations.

  • eHealth Questionnaire Recommendation

    Defines the recommendation state of the questionnaire.

  • sliderStepValue

    For slider-based controls, indicates the step size to use when toggling the control up or down.

  • type type
  • recommendation

    The recommendation state of the plan definition

  • referenceRange

    Provides guide for interpretation. Must have at least a low or a high.

  • resolvedTiming

    Resolved timing reflects whether a measurement (Observation, QuestionnaireResponse or Media) has been performed ad-hoc or as fulfillment of a measurement regime time slot in which case the extent of the time slot is given by start and end. If the measurement regime has a form for which a time slot cannot be resolved or determining is/was not supported, the type unresolved is used.

  • responsible-organization

    Individuals, careteam and/or organization who are responsible in the given context

  • responsible

    Individuals, careteam and/or organization who are responsible in the given context

  • restriction-category

    The resource is intended for certain category of workflow/responsibility only.

  • reuseCriteria

    Defines if and when a response can be reused.

  • revision

    Business revision of the questionnaire.

  • sharingPolicy

    Policy for sharing this resource with national data banks.

  • category

    Category of task.

  • task-responsible

    Individual organization or Device currently responsible for task execution.

  • teamHistory

    History of assigned careTeam

  • teamschedule

    Scheduled team change

  • maxValue

    The inclusive upper bound on the range of allowed values for the data element.

  • minValue

    The inclusive lower bound on the range of allowed values for the data element.

  • maxOccurs

    The maximum number of times the group must appear, or the minimum number of answers for a question - when greater than 1 and not unlimited.

  • minOccurs

    The minimum number of times the group must appear, or the minimum number of answers for a question - when greater than 1.

  • ehealth-assigning-careteam ehealth-assigning-careteam
  • ehealth-creator ehealth-creator
  • eHealth AdministrativeStatus

    The administrative status of how a message recipient has handled a message

  • AuthorizationTime

    Contains date and time of authorization

  • ehealth-ext-careteam ehealth-ext-careteam
  • eHealth CorrespondanceAddress CorrespondanceAddress
  • eHealth EndMeetingOnEndTime

    Indicates if a video meeting must end on end time

  • Functioncal Capacity

    Describes the functional capacity of a patient. The functional capacity is documentet through a variety of categories (eg. "Endurance"), that each belong to separate groups (eg. "Mobility"). For each of these categories, a score is provided from the required ValueSet. Along with that, the citizens own assessment, goal assessment, and importance can be registered. The groups, categories and scores all originate from "Fælles Sprog III Funktionsevnetilstand", which is described here:

  • GeneralHealthCondition

    Describes the general health condition of a patient using FSIII concepts (see

  • eHealth Group ID

    A logical id identifying a set of messages, which have the same recipient (considered a 'group message'). Must be supplied by the client, eg. as a UUID

  • eHealth Guest PINCode

    The PIN code to be used to gain access to a video meeting. Is provided by the service, not the client, and is not updateable.

  • eHealth Host PINCode

    The PIN code to be used to gain access to a video meeting. Is provided by the service, not the client, and is not updateable. Host PIN must be used in order to start the meeting

  • Identifier

    Extension to identify a document/information reference

  • eHealth ITCompetenceLevel

    This extension describes the IT skills/competence of a patient. The IT competence may optionally be related to a specific device type, and may be assessed using a score (either a FS3 score or a percentage), or as a free text description.

  • Legal basis ehealth-ext-legalBasis
  • eHealth MaxParticipants

    The maximum number of participants allowed to participate in a video meeting

  • eHealth MeetingURL

    The URL at which a video meeting will take place. Is provided by the service, not the client, and may not be updated.

  • eHealth MunicipalityCode

    Danish municipality code (DK: "kommunekode")

  • ehealth NameAndAddressProtection NameAndAddressProtection
  • ehealth-on-behalf-of ehealth-on-behalf-of
  • eHealth PatientContactNote

    This note holds the information of when the patient is available for communication - eg. between 10 and 12 every monday

  • eHealth RelatedPerson

    In some cases a will also be populated as a RelatedPerson resource. This linkage permits the linkage between the 2 resources to be able to accurately indicate a representation of the same individual, and updating details between could be appropriate.

  • ehealth-performer ehealth-performer
  • performing-organization

    Organization who is performing in the given context

  • Period

    Contains a period, eg. specifying temporal validity

  • eHealth Person deceased

    Models a person's deceased status

  • eHealth MeetingURL

    The priority of a message

  • Description

    The description of a document/information reference

  • eHealth ReferenceType

    Indicates the type of a document/information reference

  • eHealth RegionalSubdivisionCode

    Danish regional code

  • Releasable resource ehealth-ext-releasableResource
  • eHealth Thread ID

    A logical id identifying a set of messages, which are grouped in a thread. Can be supplied by the client, eg. as a UUID

  • eHealth Title

    The title of the message

  • eHealth Virtual Meeting Room URI

    The URL at which a video meeting will take place in URI form. Is provided by the service, not the client, and may not be updated.

  • MinParticipants MinParticipants
  • registration-deadline registration-deadline
  • interpreterRequired

    This Patient requires an interpreter to communicate healthcare information to the practitioner.