Name | Flags | Card. | Type | Description & Constraints |
Extension | | 0..* | Extension | Status history
id | | 0..1 | string | xml:id (or equivalent in JSON) |
extension | | 0..* | Extension | Extension Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
extension:status | | 1..1 | Extension | status
id | | 0..1 | string | xml:id (or equivalent in JSON) |
extension | | 0..* | Extension | Additional Content defined by implementations Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
id | | 0..1 | string | xml:id (or equivalent in JSON) |
extension | | 0..* | Extension | Additional Content defined by implementations Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
url | | 1..1 | uri | identifies the meaning of the extension |
value[x] | | 0..1 | | Value of extension |
valueBase64Binary | | | base64Binary | |
valueBoolean | | | boolean | |
valueCode | | | code | |
valueDate | | | date | |
valueDateTime | | | dateTime | |
valueDecimal | | | decimal | |
valueId | | | id | |
valueInstant | | | instant | |
valueInteger | | | integer | |
valueMarkdown | | | markdown | |
valueOid | | | oid | |
valuePositiveInt | | | positiveInt | |
valueString | | | string | |
valueTime | | | time | |
valueUnsignedInt | | | unsignedInt | |
valueUri | | | uri | |
valueAddress | | | Address | |
valueAge | | | Age | |
valueAnnotation | | | Annotation | |
valueAttachment | | | Attachment | |
valueCodeableConcept | | | CodeableConcept | |
valueCoding | | | Coding | |
valueContactPoint | | | ContactPoint | |
valueCount | | | Count | |
valueDistance | | | Distance | |
valueDuration | | | Duration | |
valueHumanName | | | HumanName | |
valueIdentifier | | | Identifier | |
valueMoney | | | Money | |
valuePeriod | | | Period | |
valueQuantity | | | Quantity | |
valueRange | | | Range | |
valueRatio | | | Ratio | |
valueReference | | | Reference(Any) | |
valueSampledData | | | SampledData | |
valueSignature | | | Signature | |
valueTiming | | | Timing | |
valueMeta | | | Meta | |
url | | 1..1 | uri | "status" |
value[x] | | 1..1 | (Slice Definition) | Value of extension Slice: Unordered, Closed by type:$this |
value[x]:valueCodeableConcept | | 1..1 | CodeableConcept | Value of extension Binding: CarePlanStatus (required): Indicates whether the plan is currently being acted upon, represents future intentions or is now a historical record.
extension:period | | 1..1 | Extension | Period for the status
id | | 0..1 | string | xml:id (or equivalent in JSON) |
extension | | 0..* | Extension | Additional Content defined by implementations Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
id | | 0..1 | string | xml:id (or equivalent in JSON) |
extension | | 0..* | Extension | Additional Content defined by implementations Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
url | | 1..1 | uri | identifies the meaning of the extension |
value[x] | | 0..1 | | Value of extension |
valueBase64Binary | | | base64Binary | |
valueBoolean | | | boolean | |
valueCode | | | code | |
valueDate | | | date | |
valueDateTime | | | dateTime | |
valueDecimal | | | decimal | |
valueId | | | id | |
valueInstant | | | instant | |
valueInteger | | | integer | |
valueMarkdown | | | markdown | |
valueOid | | | oid | |
valuePositiveInt | | | positiveInt | |
valueString | | | string | |
valueTime | | | time | |
valueUnsignedInt | | | unsignedInt | |
valueUri | | | uri | |
valueAddress | | | Address | |
valueAge | | | Age | |
valueAnnotation | | | Annotation | |
valueAttachment | | | Attachment | |
valueCodeableConcept | | | CodeableConcept | |
valueCoding | | | Coding | |
valueContactPoint | | | ContactPoint | |
valueCount | | | Count | |
valueDistance | | | Distance | |
valueDuration | | | Duration | |
valueHumanName | | | HumanName | |
valueIdentifier | | | Identifier | |
valueMoney | | | Money | |
valuePeriod | | | Period | |
valueQuantity | | | Quantity | |
valueRange | | | Range | |
valueRatio | | | Ratio | |
valueReference | | | Reference(Any) | |
valueSampledData | | | SampledData | |
valueSignature | | | Signature | |
valueTiming | | | Timing | |
valueMeta | | | Meta | |
url | | 1..1 | uri | "period" |
value[x] | | 1..1 | (Slice Definition) | Value of extension Slice: Unordered, Closed by type:$this |
value[x]:valuePeriod | | 1..1 | Period | Value of extension |
url | | 1..1 | uri | "" |
Documentation for this format |