eHealth Infrastructure - Local Development build (v3.1.0) built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) Build Tools. See the Directory of published versions
Active as of 2024-05-27 |
Mappings for the ehealth-documentreference resource profile.
ehealth-documentreference | ||
DocumentReference | Event | |
masterIdentifier | Event.identifier | |
identifier | Event.identifier | |
status | Event.status | |
type | Event.code | |
subject | Event.subject | |
date | Event.occurrence[x] | |
author | | |
authenticator | | |
custodian | | |
context | ||
encounter | Event.context |
ehealth-documentreference | ||
DocumentReference | when describing a Composition | |
masterIdentifier | Composition.identifier | |
docStatus | Composition.status | |
type | Composition.type | |
category | Composition.class | |
subject | Composition.subject | |
date | | |
author | | |
authenticator | Composition.attester | |
custodian | Composition.custodian | |
relatesTo | Composition.relatesTo | |
code | Composition.relatesTo.code | |
target | | |
securityLabel | Composition.confidentiality, | |
content | Bundle(Composition+*) | |
attachment | Composition.language, Composition.title, | |
format | Composition.meta.profile | |
context | ||
encounter | Composition.encounter | |
event | Composition.event.code | |
period | Composition.event.period | |
facilityType | usually from a mapping to a local ValueSet | |
practiceSetting | usually from a mapping to a local ValueSet | |
sourcePatientInfo | Composition.subject | |
related | Composition.event.detail |
ehealth-documentreference | ||
DocumentReference | Entity. Role, or Act, Document[classCode="DOC" and moodCode="EVN"] | |
text | Act.text? | |
contained | N/A | |
extension | N/A | |
modifierExtension | N/A | |
masterIdentifier | .id | |
identifier | .id / .setId | |
status | interim: .completionCode="IN" & ./statusCode[isNormalDatatype()]="active"; final: .completionCode="AU" && ./statusCode[isNormalDatatype()]="complete" and not(./inboundRelationship[typeCode="SUBJ" and isNormalActRelationship()]/source[subsumesCode("ActClass#CACT") and moodCode="EVN" and domainMember("ReviseDocument", code) and isNormalAct()]); amended: .completionCode="AU" && ./statusCode[isNormalDatatype()]="complete" and ./inboundRelationship[typeCode="SUBJ" and isNormalActRelationship()]/source[subsumesCode("ActClass#CACT") and moodCode="EVN" and domainMember("ReviseDocument", code) and isNormalAct() and statusCode="completed"]; withdrawn : .completionCode=NI && ./statusCode[isNormalDatatype()]="obsolete" | |
docStatus | .statusCode | |
type | ./code | |
category | .outboundRelationship[typeCode="COMP].target[classCode="LIST", moodCode="EVN"].code | |
subject | .participation[typeCode="SBJ"].role[typeCode="PAT"] | |
date | .availabilityTime[type="TS"] | |
author | .participation[typeCode="AUT"].role[classCode="ASSIGNED"] | |
authenticator | .participation[typeCode="AUTHEN"].role[classCode="ASSIGNED"] | |
custodian | .participation[typeCode="RCV"].role[classCode="CUST"].scoper[classCode="ORG" and determinerCode="INST"] | |
relatesTo | .outboundRelationship | |
id | n/a | |
extension | n/a | |
modifierExtension | N/A | |
code | .outboundRelationship.typeCode | |
target | .target[classCode="DOC", moodCode="EVN"].id | |
description | .outboundRelationship[typeCode="SUBJ"].target.text | |
securityLabel | .confidentialityCode | |
content | document.text | |
id | n/a | |
extension | n/a | |
modifierExtension | N/A | |
attachment | document.text | |
format | document.text | |
context | outboundRelationship[typeCode="SUBJ"].target[classCode<'ACT'] | |
id | n/a | |
extension | n/a | |
modifierExtension | N/A | |
encounter | unique(highest(./outboundRelationship[typeCode="SUBJ" and isNormalActRelationship()], priorityNumber)/target[moodCode="EVN" and classCode=("ENC", "PCPR") and isNormalAct]) | |
event | .code | |
period | .effectiveTime | |
facilityType | .participation[typeCode="LOC"].role[classCode="DSDLOC"].code | |
practiceSetting | .participation[typeCode="LOC"].role[classCode="DSDLOC"].code | |
sourcePatientInfo | .participation[typeCode="SBJ"].role[typeCode="PAT"] | |
related | ./outboundRelationship[typeCode="PERT" and isNormalActRelationship()] / target[isNormalAct] |
ehealth-documentreference | ||
DocumentReference | when describing a CDA | |
masterIdentifier | ClinicalDocument/id | |
type | ClinicalDocument/code/@code The typeCode should be mapped from the ClinicalDocument/code element to a set of document type codes configured in the affinity domain. One suggested coding system to use for typeCode is LOINC, in which case the mapping step can be omitted. | |
category | Derived from a mapping of /ClinicalDocument/code/@code to an Affinity Domain specified coded value to use and coding system. Affinity Domains are encouraged to use the appropriate value for Type of Service, based on the LOINC Type of Service (see Page 53 of the LOINC User's Manual). Must be consistent with /ClinicalDocument/code/@code | |
subject | ClinicalDocument/recordTarget/ | |
author | ClinicalDocument/author | |
authenticator | ClinicalDocument/legalAuthenticator | |
securityLabel | ClinicalDocument/confidentialityCode/@code | |
content | ||
attachment | ClinicalDocument/languageCode, ClinicalDocument/title, ClinicalDocument/date | |
format | derived from the IHE Profile or Implementation Guide templateID | |
context | ||
period | ClinicalDocument/documentationOf/ serviceEvent/effectiveTime/low/ @value --> ClinicalDocument/documentationOf/ serviceEvent/effectiveTime/high/ @value | |
facilityType | usually a mapping to a local ValueSet. Must be consistent with /clinicalDocument/code | |
practiceSetting | usually from a mapping to a local ValueSet | |
sourcePatientInfo | ClinicalDocument/recordTarget/ | |
related | ClinicalDocument/relatedDocument |
ehealth-documentreference | ||
DocumentReference | ||
masterIdentifier | FiveWs.identifier | |
identifier | FiveWs.identifier | |
status | FiveWs.status | |
docStatus | FiveWs.status | |
type | FiveWs.class | |
category | FiveWs.class | |
subject | FiveWs.subject[x], FiveWs.subject | |
date | FiveWs.recorded | |
authenticator | FiveWs.witness | |
context | ||
encounter | FiveWs.context |
ehealth-documentreference | ||
DocumentReference | ||
masterIdentifier | TXA-12 | |
identifier | TXA-16? | |
status | TXA-19 | |
docStatus | TXA-17 | |
type | TXA-2 | |
subject | PID-3 (No standard way to define a Practitioner or Group subject in HL7 v2 MDM message) | |
author | TXA-9 (No standard way to indicate a Device in HL7 v2 MDM message) | |
authenticator | TXA-10 | |
description | TXA-25 | |
securityLabel | TXA-18 | |
content | ||
attachment | TXA-3 for mime type |
ehealth-documentreference | ||
DocumentReference | ||
masterIdentifier | DocumentEntry.uniqueId | |
identifier | DocumentEntry.entryUUID | |
status | DocumentEntry.availabilityStatus | |
type | DocumentEntry.type | |
category | DocumentEntry.class | |
subject | DocumentEntry.patientId | |
author | | |
authenticator | DocumentEntry.legalAuthenticator | |
relatesTo | DocumentEntry Associations | |
code | DocumentEntry Associations type | |
target | DocumentEntry Associations reference | |
description | DocumentEntry.comments | |
securityLabel | DocumentEntry.confidentialityCode | |
content | ||
attachment | DocumentEntry.mimeType, DocumentEntry.languageCode, DocumentEntry.URI, DocumentEntry.size, DocumentEntry.hash, DocumentEntry.title, DocumentEntry.creationTime | |
format | DocumentEntry.formatCode | |
context | ||
event | DocumentEntry.eventCodeList | |
period | DocumentEntry.serviceStartTime, DocumentEntry.serviceStopTime | |
facilityType | DocumentEntry.healthcareFacilityTypeCode | |
practiceSetting | DocumentEntry.practiceSettingCode | |
sourcePatientInfo | DocumentEntry.sourcePatientInfo, DocumentEntry.sourcePatientId | |
related | DocumentEntry.referenceIdList |