eHealth Infrastructure (v2020.4)

Generated Narrative with Details

id: cpr

name: Danish civil registration system - CPR

status: active

kind: identifier

date: Apr 2, 1968 12:00:00 AM

publisher: Sundhedsdatastyrelsen

contact: Thor Schliemann:

responsible: CPR-kontoret, Økonomi- og Indenrigsministeriets departement

type: Social Beneficiary Identifier (Details : { code 'SB' = 'Social Beneficiary Identifier', given as 'Social Beneficiary Identifier'})

description: The Danish civil registration system ("CPR") encompasses basic personal data about anyone with a civil registration number. A civil registration number shall be allocated to anyone who: 1) is registered in the national register in Denmark on the grounds of birth or relocation from abroad; 2) is included under Arbejdsmarkedets TillægsPension (ATP); 3) according to the tax authorities, is required to have a civil registration number for the purpose of tax processing in Denmark.


type: oid



type: uri

value: urn:oid: