eHealth Infrastructure
2021.3.0 - build

eHealth Infrastructure - Local Development build (v2021.3.0). See the Directory of published versions

Table of Contents

..0 Table of Contents
...1 eHealth Infrastructure Implementation Guide
...2 General guidance
...3 Profiles
...4 Operations
...5 Search Parameters
...6 Error Messages
...7 Service Event Tables
...8 Event Messages
...10 Terminology
...11 Changelog
...12 Artifacts Summary
....12.1 careplan
....12.2 device
....12.3 document-query
....12.4 document-transformation
....12.5 library
....12.6 measurement
....12.7 organization
....12.8 patient
....12.9 plan
....12.10 questionnaire
....12.11 reporting
....12.12 task
....12.13 terminology
....12.14 Create a careplan
....12.15 Create an episode of care
....12.16 Fetch careplan and episode of care stats
....12.17 Fetch careplan customization stats
....12.18 Fetch careplan duration stats
....12.19 Fetch careplans by patient
....12.20 Fetch careteam stats
....12.21 Fetch measurement stats
....12.22 Fetch patient devices
....12.23 Fetch patient GDPR
....12.24 Fetch patient total
....12.25 Fetch practitioner GDPR
....12.26 Fetch practitioner stats
....12.27 Fetch ssl orders
....12.28 Get patient procedures
....12.29 Import organizations
....12.30 import
....12.31 Persist login
....12.32 Schedule careplan and episode of care stats
....12.33 Schedule careplan customization stats
....12.34 Schedule careplan duration stats
....12.35 Schedule careplans-by patient
....12.36 Schedule careteam stats
....12.37 Schedule measurement stats
....12.38 Schedule patient devices
....12.39 Schedule patient GDPR
....12.40 Schedule patient total
....12.41 Schedule practitioner GDPR
....12.42 Schedule practitioner stats
....12.43 Schedule ssl orders
....12.44 Search measurements
....12.45 Submit measurement
....12.46 Transform from APD
....12.47 Transform from PHMR
....12.48 Transform from QFDD
....12.49 Transform from QRD
....12.50 Transform to APD
....12.51 Transform to PHMR
....12.52 Transform to QFDD
....12.53 Transform to QRD
....12.54 upload-external-code-system
....12.55 Retrieve document
....12.56 Suggest careteams
....12.57 Update careteams
....12.58 is context allowed
....12.59 Evaluate
....12.60 get-data
....12.61 Traverse to SOR
....12.62 Create a careplan
....12.63 Export a PlanDefinition
....12.64 Import a Plandefinition
....12.65 Export Appointment to iCal
....12.66 Create Patient
....12.67 Update Patient from KRS
....12.68 Person name lookup
....12.69 careteamParticipant
....12.70 appointmentGroupId
....12.71 intended-audience
....12.72 responsible
....12.73 administrativeStatus
....12.74 careTeamRecipient
....12.75 careTeamSender
....12.76 communicationCategory
....12.77 episodeOfCare
....12.78 communicationGroupId
....12.79 on-behalf-of
....12.80 period
....12.81 restrictionCategory
....12.82 threadId
....12.83 ehealth-activitydefinition
....12.84 ehealth-appointment
....12.85 ehealth-auditevent
....12.86 ehealth-careplan
....12.87 ehealth-careteam
....12.88 ehealth-clinicalimpression
....12.89 ehealth-communication
....12.90 ehealth-communication-request
....12.91 ehealth-composition
....12.92 ehealth-condition
....12.93 ehealth-consent
....12.94 ehealth-definedquestion
....12.95 ehealth-device
....12.96 ehealth-devicemetric
....12.97 ehealth-deviceusestatement
....12.98 ehealth-documentreference
....12.99 ehealth-episodeofcare
....12.100 ehealth-goal
....12.101 ehealth-group-appointment
....12.102 ehealth-group-videoappointment
....12.103 ehealth-guidanceresponse
....12.104 ehealth-library
....12.105 ehealth-media
....12.106 ehealth-message
....12.107 ehealth-observation
....12.108 ehealth-organization
....12.109 ehealth-patient
....12.110 ehealth-plandefinition
....12.111 ehealth-practitioner
....12.112 ehealth-practitionerrole
....12.113 ehealth-provenance
....12.114 ehealth-questionnaire
....12.115 ehealth-questionnaireresponse
....12.116 ehealth-relatedperson
....12.117 ehealth-servicerequest
....12.118 ehealth-skrs-patient
....12.119 ehealth-task
....12.120 ehealth-videoappointment
....12.121 Administrative status
....12.122 Answer condition
....12.123 Assigning careteam
....12.124 Careplan status history
....12.125 Careplan status schedule
....12.126 Careplan
....12.127 Decision
....12.128 Decision context
....12.129 Media investigation item
....12.130 Recipient careteam
....12.131 Sender careteam
....12.132 Author organization
....12.133 Creator
....12.134 Privately owned
....12.135 Suppliers
....12.136 Calibration expires
....12.137 Properties
....12.138 Qualities
....12.139 Quality history
....12.140 Template qualities
....12.141 Context
....12.142 End meeting on end time
....12.143 Caremanager organization
....12.144 Status schedule
....12.145 Careteam
....12.146 General health condition
....12.147 Group id
....12.148 Guest PIN code
....12.149 EpisodeOfCare
....12.150 Guest PIN code
....12.151 Intended audience
....12.152 IT competence level
....12.153 Legal basis
....12.154 Max participants
....12.155 Meeting URL
....12.156 Modified role
....12.157 Name and address protection
....12.158 On behalf of
....12.159 CVR Number
....12.160 Municipality Code
....12.161 Provider identifier
....12.162 Region code
....12.163 Related to
....12.164 Organization Source
....12.165 Organization specialty
....12.166 Organization Synchronization status
....12.167 Telecom Custodian
....12.168 Telecom System
....12.169 Telecom Value
....12.170 Overview usage mode
....12.171 Patient contact note
....12.172 Performer
....12.173 Performing organization
....12.174 Period
....12.175 Priority
....12.176 Date/time of re-used entity
....12.177 Quality
....12.178 Answer significance
....12.179 Feedback
....12.180 Questionnaire image
....12.181 Questionnaire intended organization
....12.182 Questionnaire recommendation
....12.183 Questionnaire type
....12.184 recommendation
....12.185 Reference range
....12.186 Registration deadline
....12.187 Releasable resource
....12.188 Resolved timing
....12.189 Responsible
....12.190 Responsible organization
....12.191 Restriction category
....12.192 Reuse criteria
....12.193 Revision
....12.194 Sharing policy
....12.195 Task category
....12.196 EpisodeOfCare
....12.197 Task responsible
....12.198 Team history
....12.199 Team schedule
....12.200 Thread id
....12.201 Title
....12.202 VMR URI
....12.203 Interpreter required
....12.204 Administrative Status
....12.205 Appointment Type Codes
....12.206 IT Competence Level codes
....12.207 DK_IHE_ClassCode_VS
....12.208 DK_IHE_EventCodeLists_VS
....12.209 DK_IHE_FormatCode_VS
....12.210 DK_IHE_HealthcareFacilityTypeCode_VS
....12.211 DK_IHE_practiceSettingCode_VS
....12.212 DK_IHE_TypeCode_VS
....12.213 Activity Definition Code
....12.214 Appointment Reason
....12.215 Appointment Service Type
....12.216 Device Calibration Period
....12.217 Careplan Category
....12.218 CareTeam Category
....12.219 CareTeam Participant Role
....12.220 Clinical Impression Codes
....12.221 ClinicalImpression Decision Codes
....12.222 ClinicalImpression Finding Codes
....12.223 Communication Category
....12.224 Conditions
....12.225 Consent Category
....12.226 ContactPoint Custodian
....12.227 ContactPoint System
....12.228 Device Calibration Actor
....12.229 Device Calibration Type
....12.230 Device Measurement Unit
....12.231 Device Measuring Quality
....12.232 Device Safety
....12.233 SSL Service Types
....12.234 Device Supplier Roles
....12.235 Device Types
....12.236 Device Use Reason
....12.237 DeviceMetricPropertyTypes
....12.238 DeviceMetric Quality Types
....12.239 Document Class
....12.240 Document Type
....12.241 Event Type Codes
....12.242 Facility Type Codes
....12.243 FormatCodes
....12.244 Goal Description
....12.245 Jurisdiction
....12.246 Library Type
....12.247 Measurement Sharing Policies
....12.248 eHealth Message Reason Code
....12.249 Modifier Role
....12.250 Observation Codes
....12.251 OIO BPP Roles
....12.252 OIO Organization Type
....12.253 Organization Relation Type
....12.254 Organization Source
....12.255 Organization Specialty
....12.256 Organization Synchronization Status
....12.257 Organization Type
....12.258 Overview Usage Mode
....12.259 PlanDefinition Recommendation
....12.260 Practice Setting Codes
....12.261 Priority
....12.262 Policies for provenances
....12.263 Quality Types
....12.264 Questionnaire Item Control
....12.265 Questionnaire Item Image Format
....12.266 Questionnaire Item Significance Indicator
....12.267 QuestionnaireRecommendation
....12.268 Questionnaire Types
....12.269 Reference Range Type
....12.270 Restriction Category
....12.271 Situation Quality
....12.272 SorOrganizationType
....12.273 Task Category
....12.274 Topic Type
....12.275 UCUM printSymbol supplement
....12.276 eHealth Usage Context Type
....12.277 Usage Quality
....12.278 Fælles Sprog III, helbredstilstande
....12.279 Goal Target Measure
....12.280 MessageCategory
....12.281 MessageMedium
....12.282 RegionalSubdivisionCodes
....12.283 RelationshipTypes
....12.284 Resolved Timing Type
....12.285 SorOrganizationSpecialty
....12.286 NPU DK
....12.287 Care Plan Status
....12.288 DK_IHE_FormatCode_CS
....12.289 ActivityDefinitionCodes
....12.290 Administrative Status
....12.291 Appointment Reason
....12.292 Appointment Service Types
....12.293 Appointment Type Codes
....12.294 CarePlan Category
....12.295 CareTeam Category
....12.296 CareTeam Participant Role
....12.297 ClinicalImpression Codes
....12.298 ClinicalImpression Decision Codes
....12.299 ClinicalImpression Finding Codes
....12.300 Communication Category
....12.301 Conditions
....12.302 Consent Category
....12.303 ContactPoint Custodian
....12.304 ContactPoint System
....12.305 Device calibration actor
....12.306 Device calibration period
....12.307 Device Measuring Quality
....12.308 Device safety
....12.309 Device service types
....12.310 Device Supplier Roles
....12.311 DeviceTypes
....12.312 Device Use Reason
....12.313 DeviceMetric Property Types
....12.314 DeviceMetric Quality Types
....12.315 Document Class
....12.316 Document Type
....12.317 Goal Description
....12.318 Jurisdiction
....12.319 Library Type
....12.320 Measurement Sharing Policies
....12.321 Message Category
....12.322 Message Medium
....12.323 Modifier Role
....12.324 OIO-BPP Role
....12.325 OIO Organization Type
....12.326 Organization Relation Type
....12.327 Organization Source
....12.328 Organization Synchronization Status
....12.329 Overview usage mode
....12.330 PlanDefinition Recommendation
....12.331 Priority
....12.332 Policies for provenances
....12.333 Quality Types
....12.334 Questionnaire Item Significance Indicator
....12.335 Questionnaire Recommendation
....12.336 Questionnaire Types
....12.337 Reference Range Type
....12.338 Restriction Category
....12.339 Situation Quality
....12.340 SOR Organization Specialty
....12.341 SOR Organization Type
....12.342 Task Category
....12.343 Topic Type
....12.344 UCUM printSymbol supplement
....12.345 eHealth Usage Contxt Type
....12.346 Usage Quality
....12.347 Fælles Sprog III, borgerens vurdering af betydning
....12.348 Fælles Sprog III, borgerens vurdering af udførelse
....12.349 Fælles Sprog III, Samfundsliv
....12.350 Fælles Sprog III, Mentale funktioner
....12.351 Fælles Sprog III, Mobilitet
....12.352 Fælles Sprog III, Praktiske opgaver
....12.353 Fælles Sprog III, Egenomsorg
....12.354 Fælles Sprog III, Kommunikation
....12.355 Fælles Sprog III, Udskillelse af affaldsstoffer
....12.356 Fælles Sprog III, Funktionsniveau
....12.357 Fælles Sprog III, Viden og udvikling
....12.358 Fælles Sprog III, Bevægeapparat
....12.359 Fælles Sprog III, Ernæring
....12.360 Fælles Sprog III, Smerter og sanseindtryk
....12.361 Fælles Sprog III, Psykosociale forhold
....12.362 Fælles Sprog III, Respiration og cirkulation
....12.363 Fælles Sprog III, Seksualitet
....12.364 Fælles Sprog III, Hud og slimhinder
....12.365 Fælles Sprog III, Søvn og hvile
....12.366 Fælles Sprog III, niveauer
....12.367 HL7 Terminology Maintenance Infrastructure Vocabulary
....12.368 Regional subdivision codes
....12.369 Questionnaire Item Type
....12.370 Integer percentage codes
....12.371 Resolved Timing Type
....12.372 Danish SNOMED CT Extension
....12.373 Danish SNOMED CT Extension
....12.374 Danish SNOMED CT Extension
....12.375 Common Codes from BCP-47
....12.376 Sundhedsvæsenets klassifikationssystem (SKS)
....12.377 MedCom Message Codes
....12.378 DAK-E Codes
....12.379 DK_IHE_ClassCode_CS
....12.380 v3 Code System TimingEvent
....12.381 AddressType
....12.382 AddressUse
....12.383 CareTeamStatus
....12.384 ConsentState
....12.385 DaysOfWeek
....12.386 EpisodeOfCareStatus
....12.387 PublicationStatus
....12.388 RequestStatus
....12.389 ResourceType
....12.390 Danish civil registration system - CPR
....12.391 eHealth Device Identifier
....12.392 eHealthIdentifier
....12.393 eHealthQuestionIdentifier
....12.394 Sundhedsvæsenets Organisationsregister (SOR)
....12.395 ActivityDefinition code to Observation code
....12.396 Observation code to UCUM mapping
....12.397 conceptmap-obs-code-to-value-type
....12.398 UCUM code to PrintSymbol mapping
....12.399 OIO BPP roles to eHealth CareTeam participant role mapping
....12.400 appointment01
....12.401 group-appointment01
....12.402 group-videoappointment01
....12.403 message01
....12.404 patient01
....12.405 relatedperson01
....12.406 291
....12.407 videoappointment01