eHealth Infrastructure
3.1.0 - release

eHealth Infrastructure - Local Development build (v3.1.0) built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) Build Tools. See the Directory of published versions

Resource Profile: ehealth-plandefinition

Official URL: Version: 3.1.0
Active as of 2024-05-27 Computable Name: ehealth-plandefinition


This resource allows for the definition of various types of plans as a sharable, consumable, and executable artifact. The resource is general enough to support the description of a broad range of clinical artifacts such as clinical decision support rules, order sets and protocols.

Scope and Usage

In scope of the eHealth infrastructure, PlanDefinitions are used for defining tele-medicine plans. A PlanDefinition is comprised by potentially a number of subplans (each also represented as a PlanDefinition), and a number of activities each represented by an ActivityDefinition instance. These in turn can specify an activity to be performed, for instance measuring of a measure or answering of a Questionnaire.

Once a PlanDefinition and all the PlanDefinition, ActivityDefinition, and Questionnaire instances comprising it has a status set to other than draft, it can be itself be set to active. With that status it can be used as a template for applying it into a CarePlan bound to a specific Patient. The CarePlan then references the PlanDefinition as its definition.

Governance principles

PlanDefinitions (subplans), Questionnaires and ActivityDefinitions can be modified independently. Often by people in different organisations. PlanDefinitions (subplans), Questionnaires and ActivityDefinitions, can all be reused in different top level PlanDefinitions.

The following principles ensures that the owner of a resource can make controlled updates when resources maintained by other organisations are updated.

These principles are valid for PlanDefinitions, ActivityDefinitions, and Questionnaires. Plan is used as an example in the following principles:

  • Each plan has a version and a status
  • While a plan version is being worked on it shall be in status: draft
  • When a plan version is approved it changes status to active and is now ready to be used by CarePlans or as a subplan in another plan.
  • A plan with status: active can be retired, but cannot otherwise change. Status retired means that new references to the plan cannot be created. Existing plans may still continue to use the retired version.
  • If a plan needs to be updated, a new version must be created with status: draft. The new version will be a separate resource with a new id and version, but the same name as the previous version.
  • References to plans in FHIR are always to a specific resource id. In practice this means that a reference will identify a specific (Name, Version) combination.
  • If a subplan is available in a new active version, that the parent plan wants to use, then a new version of the parent plan must be created and then the reference can be updated to the new subplan.

Example: A new ActivityDefinition should be added to an existing PlanDefinition.

  1. Read the existing PlanDefinition (Version: 1)
  2. Bump the version to 2, change the status to draft, remove the id.
  3. Add a reference to the new ActivityDefinition in action.definition
  4. Call Create with the modified plan. This will create a new version of the plan in the database with the new ActivityDefinition added.

Update restrictions

The element ehealth-modifier-role specifies one or more Organization and each Organization’s role in maintaining the PlanDefinition:

  • ehealth-modifier-role.reference references the Organization
  • ehealth-modifier-role.role set to owner means that the referenced Organization can update the resource and alter the entities referenced by ehealth-modifier-role, for instance, by adding more co-authors.
  • ehealth-modifier-role.role set to co-author means that the referenced Organization can update the resource but not alter the element ehealth-modifier-role.

Setting up an action trigger

An action in the plan can be set up with an action trigger that depend on one or more other actions in the plan. Although set up in the PlanDefinition and ActivityDefinition plane, the conditions are event driven and take place in the CarePlan and ServiceRequest plane, that is in the Patient specific use of the PlanDefinition.

An example use is a PlanDefinition with two actions: answering of an initial Questionnaire and answering of a follow-up Questionnaire. The PlanDefinition.action specifying answering of the follow-up Questionnaire can be set up with an action trigger with a trigger condition specifying a number of measurement submissions (in this case, submission of QuestionnaireResponse) of the first action, answering of the initial Questionnaire. In the action trigger, it is also specified what reaction is to be performed on the depending action once the conditions are met. An example reaction is activation. This way, an action trigger defined in a PlanDefinition can be used such that submitted measurements on one or more activities can trigger activation of another activity in the Patient specific CarePlan.

An action trigger is defined in the element action.ehealth-actionTrigger with contents as follows:

  • ehealth-triggerCondition is a list of the conditions. Each trigger condition has contents:
    • actionID contains the actionID of the triggering action which shall be another action in the same PlanDefinition. It follows that actions intended to be used as trigger conditions must be given an actionID for the triggerCondition and the actionTrigger to function.
    • count specifies the number of measurements that must be submitted before the particular trigger condition is fulfilled.
  • triggerBehavior specifies whether all or at least one of the trigger conditions must be met
  • offset the offset applied to timing bounds of the depending action when trigger conditions are met and the reaction is performed.
  • action specifies what reaction shall be performed when trigger conditions are met. For now, activation of paused activity, that is change of ServiceRequest status from on-hold to active, is the only reaction defined.

Referencing information material

PlanDefinitions can reference information material intended for Practitioner, Patient or RelatedPerson. The material can be in the form of embedded material (of reasonable size) or referenced videos, PDF-files or printed material. Information material is contained or referenced using a DocumentReference resource and referenced from the PlanDefinition using the relatedArtifact element.

Title and description

A PlanDefinition has two sets of titles and desriptions. title and description are intended for the citizens and should be of a natural language. Whereas ehealth-employee-title and usage are intended for clinicians and should be of a specific and professional language.

Actions and Timing

Each action element must either have sub-actions or an action.definition. This makes it possible to create top-level group-actions that functions as containers for a number of related sub-actions.

It is possible to specify timing for each action in the action.timing[x] element. When the PlanDefiniton is applied to a Patient this will override any timing specified on the related ActivityDefinition.


Formal Views of Profile Content

Description of Profiles, Differentials, Snapshots and how the different presentations work.

This structure is derived from PlanDefinition

NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. PlanDefinition 0..*PlanDefinitionThe definition of a plan for a series of actions, independent of any specific patient or context
... Slices for extension 1..*ExtensionExtension
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
... recommendation 0..1CodeableConceptRecommendation state of the plan definition
Binding: PlanDefinition Recommendation (required)
... intendedAudience 0..*Reference(ehealth-organization) {r}The intended audience of the resource
... employeeTitle 0..1stringTitle for clinicians
... predecessor 0..1IdentifierPredecessor
... base 0..1IdentifierBase
... baseEnvironment 0..1IdentifierBase environment
... version 1..1stringBusiness version of the plan definition
... jurisdiction 0..*CodeableConceptIntended jurisdiction for plan definition (if applicable)
Binding: Jurisdiction (required)
... topic 0..*CodeableConceptE.g. Education, Treatment, Assessment
Binding: Topic Type (required)
... library 0..*canonical(ehealth-library)Logic used by the plan definition
... action
.... Slices for extension 0..*ExtensionExtension
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
.... overviewUsageMode 0..*CodeableConceptIdentifies whether the specified element and/or results of the element should appear in overview or table presentation.
Binding: Overview Usage Mode (required)
.... ehealth-actionTrigger 0..1(Complex)Reaction and trigger conditions
.... definition[x] 0..1canonical(ehealth-activitydefinition | ehealth-plandefinition)Description of the activity to be performed

doco Documentation for this format

Terminology Bindings (Differential)

from this IG
from this IG


Other representations of profile: CSV, Excel, Schematron