eHealth Infrastructure
3.1.0 - release

eHealth Infrastructure - Local Development build (v3.1.0) built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) Build Tools. See the Directory of published versions

Resource Profile: ehealth-servicerequest

Official URL: Version: 3.1.0
Active as of 2024-05-27 Computable Name: ehealth-servicerequest


ServiceRequest is a record of a request for a procedure to be planned, proposed, or performed with or on a patient. Examples of procedures include diagnostic tests/studies, endoscopic procedures, counseling, biopsies, therapies (e.g., physio-, social-, psychological-), (exploratory) surgeries or procedures, exercises, and other clinical interventions. Procedures may be performed by a healthcare professional, a friend or relative or in some cases by the patient themselves.

Scope and Usage

In scope of the eHealth infrastructure ServiceRequests are used with CarePlans to express actual measurement activities to be performed by a Patient in the context of a CarePlan.

The eHealth profile of ServiceRequest has the following extensions:

  • ehealth-reuseCriteria which defines whether resource(s) resulting from conducting the activity, typically measurements or answering of Questionnaire may be reused and if so with which criteria. These are copied from the ActivityDefinition referenced in definition and can subsequently be adjusted to suit the particular Patient context
  • ehealth-referenceRange can contain one or more reference ranges against which values in measurements (resource(s) resulting from conducting the activity) can be compared. These are copied from the ActivityDefinition referenced in definition and can subsequently be adjusted to suit the particular Patient context
  • ehealth-sharingPolicy sets a stance on whether publication to national document sharing of the measurements (resource(s) resulting from conducting the activity) shall be allowed or not. The value is copied from the ActivityDefinition referenced in definition and can subsequently be adjusted to suit the particular Patient context.
  • ehealth-sharingApprovalPolicy Selects whether the approval of publication to national document sharing of measurements (resource(s) resulting from conducting the activity) must be done manually or if it is done automatically. The initial value will be inherited from the ActivityDefinition referenced in definition, but can subsequently be adapted for the particular Patient by adjusting the ServiceRequest.
  • ehealth-servicerequest-statusHistory contains history of changes in status, and is automatically maintained by the infrastructure.
  • ehealth-servicerequest-statusSchedule contains a list of scheduled changes in status. The infrastructure applies these changes automatically, and will remove the entry for the change once it has been applied.


Formal Views of Profile Content

Description of Profiles, Differentials, Snapshots and how the different presentations work.

This structure is derived from ServiceRequest

NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. ServiceRequest ServiceRequest
... Slices for extension 2..*ExtensionExtension
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
... episodeOfCare 1..1Reference(EpisodeOfCare)Associated Encounter episode of care
... referenceRange 0..*(Complex)Provides guide for interpretation.
... sharingApprovalPolicy 0..1CodeableConceptPolicy for approval of sharing a resource with national data banks
Binding: Sharing Approval Policies (required)
... reuseCriteria 0..1(Complex)Criteria to be met for reuse of responses to be allowed
... triggerEnablementCode 0..1codeEnablement of reaction to triggering conditions being met.
Binding: Trigger Enablement Code (required)
... statusHistory 0..*(Complex)ServiceRequest status history
... statusSchedule 0..*(Complex)ServiceRequest status schedule
... instantiatesCanonical 1..1canonical(ehealth-activitydefinition)Instantiates FHIR protocol or definition
... basedOn 0..0
... replaces 0..0
... code 0..1CodeableConceptWhat is being requested/ordered
Binding: Activity Definition Code (required)
... subject 1..1Reference(ehealth-patient) {r}Individual or Entity the service is ordered for
... performer 0..1Reference(ehealth-practitioner | ehealth-organization | ehealth-patient | ehealth-device | ehealth-relatedperson | HealthcareService) {r}Requested performer
... reasonReference 0..*Reference(ehealth-condition | ehealth-observation) {r}Explanation/Justification for service or service
... note
.... Slices for author[x] 0..1Reference(Practitioner | Patient | RelatedPerson | Organization), stringIndividual responsible for the annotation
Slice: Unordered, Open by type:$this
..... author[x]:authorReference 0..1Reference(ehealth-practitioner | ehealth-patient | ehealth-relatedperson)Individual responsible for the annotation
..... author[x]:authorString 0..1stringIndividual responsible for the annotation
... relevantHistory 0..*Reference(ehealth-provenance) {r}Request provenance

doco Documentation for this format

Terminology Bindings (Differential)

from this IG


Other representations of profile: CSV, Excel, Schematron