eHealth Infrastructure
3.1.0 - release

eHealth Infrastructure - Local Development build (v3.1.0) built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) Build Tools. See the Directory of published versions

Resource Profile: ehealth-task

Official URL: Version: 3.1.0
Active as of 2024-05-27 Computable Name: ehealth-task


A task resource describes an activity that can be performed and tracks the state of completion of that activity. It is a representation that an activity should be or has been initiated, and eventually, represents the successful or unsuccessful completion of that activity.

Scope and Usage

In scope of the eHealth Infrastructure, the Task resource is used for:

  • tracking an activity to be performed by a Practitioner, CareTeam or Organization. The entity responsible for performing the Task is identified through the extension ehealth-task-responsible.
  • coordinating which Practitioner has assigned or been assigned a Task. This is identified through owner.

Task resources are produced by the eHealth Infrastructure as reaction to measurements being submitted, measurements being submitted at odd timing or expected measurements not being submitted. Measurements in the form of Observation, QuestionnaireResponse or other resources are expected to be submitted by a Patient according to a measurement regime specified in a CarePlan and referenced CarePlan/ServiceRequest.

The context in which the Task is created is identified through episodeOfCare. The focus element describes what resource the Task responsible should be acting on and can reference any resource. The for element can contain a reference to a Patient and shall be specified if the Task pertains to a Patient as subject. In case episodeOfCare references an EpisodeOfCare, it is enforced that for references the same Patient as is referenced in the EpisodeOfCare.”

Use of Task for coordinating assessment of submitted measurement

The eHealth Infrastructure supports that automated processing rules can be defined as Library resources, attached to plans (through the complex of PlanDefinition/ActivityDefinition/Library and CarePlan/ServiceRequest) and applied to submitted measurements. This includes automated processing rules performing triaging based on comparison of submitted measurements against reference ranges specified in CarePlan/ServiceRequest.

The definition of each automated processing rule controls whether to create the following as a result of the applying the rule:

  • zero, one or more Communication resources of profile ehealth-message
  • zero, one or more Task resources of profile ehealth-task
  • zero, one or more ClinicalImpression resources of profile ehealth-clinicalimpression

A typical result of triaging, for instance, is expected to be:

  • A Communication referring to a Task - creation of this might depend on Task.priority being other than routine
  • A Task with focus set to the ClinicalImpression
  • A ClinicalImpression referring to a measurement (Observation, QuestionnaireResponse or Media)

In case no automated processing rule has been attached to the plan, the current fallback automated processing rule creates a Task that refers to a single measurement. This, however, could change.

A typical Task created by triaging is expected to have:

  • Task category is a coding that states need to assess a triaging result
  • Task ehealth-task-responsible that references the one or more CareTeam attached to the CarePlan
  • Task ehealth-restriction-category is a coding that can be used to restrict access to the task, for instance restricting a task so only CareTeam members involved in monitoring measurements can access it
  • Task priority reflecting the urgency set by the triaging rule
  • Task focus referencing the ClinicalImpression that was also created during triaging. Focus can be overridden by the automated processing rule to reference something different than the ClinicalImpression.

Use of Task for resolving missing measurement

In case the eHealth Infrastructure detects that a measurement submission is missing, it creates a Communication for the CareTeam(s) attached to the CarePlan stating that the Patient should be reminded to follow the measurement regime. It also creates a Task where:

  • Task category is a coding that states need to resolve why measurement submission is missing
  • Task ehealth-task-responsible references the one or more CareTeam attached to the CarePlan
  • Task ehealth-restriction-category is a coding that can be used to restrict access to the task, for instance restricting a task so only CareTeam members involved in monitoring measurements can access it
  • Task priority set to routine
  • Task focus references the ServiceRequest for the missing measurement

Use of Task for unexpected measurement

In case the eHealth Infrastructure detects a measurement submission at unexpected or odd time compared to the measurement regime, it creates a Task where:

  • Task category is a coding that states need to resolve unexpected measurement submission* Task ehealth-task-responsible references the one or more CareTeam attached to the CarePlan
  • Task ehealth-restriction-category is a coding that can be used to restrict access to the task, for instance restricting a task so only CareTeam members involved in monitoring measurements can access it
  • Task priority set to routine
  • Task focus references Observation, QuestionnaireResponse or Media (the measurement)

No use of Task for coordinating measuring to be performed by Patient

No Task resources are created to assist in adhering to a measurement regime.

Use of Task in coordinating activities across multiple patients

The Task extension ehealth-task-responsible enables that multiple entities (CareTeam, Practitioner, Patient, RelatedPerson) can be responsible for the Task. It is expected, for instance, that each CareTeam will provide support/monitoring of multiple patients. The Task resources for which a CareTeam is responsible can form a list sorted by priority to support triaging.

When a Task has been assigned to a particular individual (through Task owner) it is possible for the Task responsible(s) to reassign the Task. This way, CareTeam members can coordinate Task assignments (by adding Practitioner as Task owner and setting Task status) while preserving the CareTeam as fallback in case the Practitioner is unable to process the Task, for instance due to absence.


Formal Views of Profile Content

Description of Profiles, Differentials, Snapshots and how the different presentations work.

This structure is derived from Task

NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. Task 0..*TaskA task to be performed
... Slices for extension 4..*ExtensionExtension
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
... episodeOfCare 1..1Reference(ehealth-episodeofcare) {r}EpisodeOfCare
... taskCategory 1..1CodeableConceptCategory of task.
Binding: Task Category (required)
... restrictionCategory 1..*CodeableConceptRestriction category
Binding: Restriction Category (required)
... resolvedTiming 0..1(Complex)Resolved Timing
... groupIdentifier
.... assigner 0..1Reference(ehealth-organization) {r}Organization that issued id (may be just text)
... partOf 0..*Reference(ehealth-task) {r}Composite task
... intent S1..1codeunknown | proposal | plan | order | original-order | reflex-order | filler-order | instance-order | option
... priority S1..1coderoutine | urgent | asap | stat
... requester 0..1Reference(ehealth-device | ehealth-organization | ehealth-patient | ehealth-practitioner | ehealth-relatedperson) {r}Who is asking for task to be done
... owner 0..1Reference(ehealth-organization | ehealth-patient | ehealth-practitioner | ehealth-relatedperson) {r}Responsible individual
... note
.... Slices for author[x] 0..1Reference(Practitioner | Patient | RelatedPerson | Organization), stringIndividual responsible for the annotation
Slice: Unordered, Open by type:$this
..... author[x]:authorReference 0..1Reference(ehealth-practitioner | ehealth-patient | ehealth-relatedperson)Individual responsible for the annotation
..... author[x]:authorString 0..1stringIndividual responsible for the annotation
... relevantHistory 0..*Reference(ehealth-provenance) {r}Key events in history of the Task
... restriction
.... recipient 0..*Reference(ehealth-patient | ehealth-practitioner | ehealth-relatedperson | Group | ehealth-organization) {r}For whom is fulfillment sought?

doco Documentation for this format


Other representations of profile: CSV, Excel, Schematron