eHealth Infrastructure - Local Development build (v2.5.0). See the Directory of published versions
Table of Contents
0 Table of Contents |
1 Home |
2 Changelog |
4 Ehealth Documentreference Search |
5 Error Messages |
6 Event Messages |
7 Example Operations |
8 Guidance |
9 Operations |
10 POST Apply |
11 POST Binary Retrieve Document |
12 POST Care Plan Suggest Care Teams |
13 POST Care Plan Update Care Teams |
14 POST Create Episode of Care |
15 POST Episode Of Care Is Context Allowed |
16 POST Episode Of Care Update Care Teams |
17 POST Fetch Careplan and Episode of Care Stats |
18 POST Fetch Careplan Customization Stats |
19 POST Fetch Careplan Duration Stats |
20 POST Fetch Careplans by Patient |
21 POST Fetch Careteam Stats |
22 POST Fetch Measurement Stats |
23 POST Fetch Patient Devices |
24 POST Fetch Patient Gdpr |
25 POST Fetch Practitioner Gdpr |
26 POST Fetch Practitioner Stats |
27 POST Fetch Ssl Orders |
28 POST Get Patient Procedures |
29 POST Get Patient Procedures AT |
30 POST Import Organizations |
31 POST Library Evaluate |
32 POST Mark All Resources for Reindexing |
33 POST Migrate |
34 POST Persist Login |
35 POST Plan Definition Apply |
36 POST Plan Definition Export |
37 POST Plan Definition Import |
38 POST Schedule Careplan and Episode of Care Stats |
39 POST Schedule Careplan Customization Stats |
40 POST Schedule Careplan Duration Stats |
41 POST Schedule Careplans by Patient |
42 POST Schedule Careteam Stats |
43 POST Schedule Measurement Stats |
44 POST Schedule Patient Devices |
45 POST Schedule Patient Gdpr |
46 POST Schedule Patient Total |
47 POST Schedule Practitioner Gdpr |
48 POST Schedule Practitioner Stats |
49 POST Schedule Ssl Orders |
50 POST Submit Measurement |
51 POST Transform From APD |
52 POST Transform From PHMR |
53 POST Transform From QFDD |
54 POST Transform From QRD |
55 POST Transform to APD |
56 POST Transform to PHMR |
57 POST Transform to QFDD |
58 POST Transform to QRD |
59 Profiles |
60 Search |
61 Searchparams |
62 Service Event Tables |
63 Systematic Error Messages |
64 Systematic Service Event Examples |
65 Systematic Service Event Tables |
66 Terminology |
67 Trifork Error Messages |
68 Trifork Service Event Examples |
69 Trifork Service Event Tables |
70 Artifacts Summary |
70.1 careplan |
70.2 device |
70.3 document-query |
70.4 document-transformation |
70.5 library |
70.6 measurement |
70.7 organization |
70.8 patient |
70.9 plan |
70.10 questionnaire |
70.11 reporting |
70.12 task |
70.13 terminology |
70.14 Create a careplan |
70.15 Create an EpisodeOfCare |
70.16 Fetch careplan and episode of care stats |
70.17 Fetch careplan customization stats |
70.18 Fetch careplan duration stats |
70.19 Fetch careplans by patient |
70.20 Fetch careteam stats |
70.21 Fetch measurement stats |
70.22 Fetch patient devices |
70.23 Fetch patient GDPR |
70.24 Fetch patient total |
70.25 Fetch practitioner GDPR |
70.26 Fetch practitioner stats |
70.27 Fetch ssl orders |
70.28 Get patient procedures |
70.29 Import organizations |
70.30 import |
70.31 Persist login |
70.32 Schedule careplan and episode of care stats |
70.33 Schedule careplan customization stats |
70.34 Schedule careplan duration stats |
70.35 Schedule careplans-by patient |
70.36 Schedule careteam stats |
70.37 Schedule measurement stats |
70.38 Schedule patient devices |
70.39 Schedule patient GDPR |
70.40 Schedule patient total |
70.41 Schedule practitioner GDPR |
70.42 Schedule practitioner stats |
70.43 Schedule ssl orders |
70.44 Search measurements |
70.45 Submit measurement |
70.46 Transform from APD |
70.47 Transform from PHMR |
70.48 Transform from QFDD |
70.49 Transform from QRD |
70.50 Transform to APD |
70.51 Transform to PHMR |
70.52 Transform to QFDD |
70.53 Transform to QRD |
70.54 upload-external-code-system |
70.55 Create a clone of an ActivityDefinition |
70.56 Retrieve document |
70.57 Suggest care teams |
70.58 Modify care team assignment |
70.59 Is context allowed |
70.60 Evaluate |
70.61 get-data |
70.62 Traverse to SOR |
70.63 Create a careplan |
70.64 Export a PlanDefinition |
70.65 Import a Plandefinition |
70.66 Create a clone of a Questionnaire |
70.67 Export Appointment to iCal |
70.68 Create Patient |
70.69 Update Patient from KRS |
70.70 Person name lookup |
70.71 careteamParticipant |
70.72 appointmentGroupId |
70.73 intended-audience |
70.74 responsible |
70.75 communicationAbout |
70.76 administrativeStatus |
70.77 careTeamRecipient |
70.78 careTeamSender |
70.79 communicationCategory |
70.80 episodeOfCare |
70.81 communicationGroupId |
70.82 on-behalf-of |
70.83 period |
70.84 restrictionCategory |
70.85 threadId |
70.86 ehealth-actionguidance |
70.87 ehealth-activitydefinition |
70.88 ehealth-appointment |
70.89 ehealth-auditevent |
70.90 ehealth-careplan |
70.91 ehealth-careteam |
70.92 ehealth-clinicalimpression |
70.93 ehealth-communication |
70.94 ehealth-communication-request |
70.95 ehealth-composition |
70.96 ehealth-condition |
70.97 ehealth-consent |
70.98 ehealth-definedquestion |
70.99 ehealth-device |
70.100 ehealth-devicemetric |
70.101 ehealth-deviceusestatement |
70.102 ehealth-documentreference |
70.103 ehealth-episodeofcare |
70.104 ehealth-goal |
70.105 ehealth-group-appointment |
70.106 ehealth-group-videoappointment |
70.107 ehealth-guidanceresponse |
70.108 ehealth-library |
70.109 ehealth-media |
70.110 ehealth-message |
70.111 ehealth-observation |
70.112 ehealth-organization |
70.113 ehealth-patient |
70.114 ehealth-plandefinition |
70.115 ehealth-practitioner |
70.116 ehealth-practitionerrole |
70.117 ehealth-provenance |
70.118 ehealth-questionnaire |
70.119 ehealth-questionnaire-advanced |
70.120 ehealth-questionnaireresponse |
70.121 ehealth-relatedperson |
70.122 ehealth-servicerequest |
70.123 ehealth-skrs-patient |
70.124 ehealth-task |
70.125 ehealth-videoappointment |
70.126 ehealth-view |
70.127 Action Trigger |
70.128 Ehealth action guidance for |
70.129 Ehealth action guidance type |
70.130 Administrative status |
70.131 Answer condition |
70.132 Assigning careteam |
70.133 Base |
70.134 Base environment |
70.135 Title |
70.136 Careplan status history |
70.137 Careplan status schedule |
70.138 Careplan |
70.139 Decision |
70.140 Decision context |
70.141 Media investigation item |
70.142 View investigation item |
70.143 Recipient careteam |
70.144 Sender careteam |
70.145 Author organization |
70.146 Content |
70.147 Creator |
70.148 Description |
70.149 Privately owned |
70.150 Suppliers |
70.151 Calibration expires |
70.152 Properties |
70.153 Qualities |
70.154 Quality history |
70.155 Template qualities |
70.156 Context |
70.157 Employee title |
70.158 End meeting on end time |
70.159 Caremanager organization |
70.160 Status schedule |
70.161 Careteam |
70.162 General health condition |
70.163 Group id |
70.164 Guest PIN code |
70.165 EpisodeOfCare |
70.166 Guest PIN code |
70.167 Intended audience |
70.168 IT competence level |
70.169 Legal basis |
70.170 Max participants |
70.171 Meeting URL |
70.172 Modified role |
70.173 Name and address protection |
70.174 On behalf of |
70.175 CVR Number |
70.176 Municipality Code |
70.177 Provider identifier |
70.178 Region code |
70.179 Related to |
70.180 Organization Source |
70.181 Organization specialty |
70.182 Organization Synchronization status |
70.183 Telecom Custodian |
70.184 Telecom System |
70.185 Telecom Value |
70.186 Overview usage mode |
70.187 Patient contact note |
70.188 Performer |
70.189 Performing organization |
70.190 Period |
70.191 Predecessor |
70.192 Priority |
70.193 Date/time of re-used entity |
70.194 Purpose |
70.195 Quality |
70.196 Answer significance |
70.197 Feedback |
70.198 Questionnaire image |
70.199 Questionnaire intended organization |
70.200 Questionnaire recommendation |
70.201 Short text |
70.202 Questionnaire type |
70.203 Questionnaire response finding basis |
70.204 recommendation |
70.205 Reference range |
70.206 Registration deadline |
70.207 Releasable resource |
70.208 Resolved timing |
70.209 Responsible |
70.210 Responsible organization |
70.211 Restriction category |
70.212 Reuse criteria |
70.213 Revision |
70.214 Sharing policy |
70.215 Status |
70.216 Task category |
70.217 EpisodeOfCare |
70.218 Task responsible |
70.219 Team history |
70.220 Team schedule |
70.221 Thread id |
70.222 Title |
70.223 triggerEnablementCode |
70.224 Trigger Condition |
70.225 Usage |
70.226 useContext |
70.227 Version |
70.228 View for |
70.229 View type |
70.230 VMR URI |
70.231 Interpreter required |
70.232 Action guidance For Types |
70.233 Action guidance types |
70.234 Action |
70.235 Activity Definition Code |
70.236 Administrative Status |
70.237 Appointment Reason |
70.238 Appointment Service Type |
70.239 Appointment Type Codes |
70.240 Basic resource type |
70.241 Careplan Category |
70.242 CareTeam Category |
70.243 CareTeam Participant Role |
70.244 Clinical Impression Codes |
70.245 ClinicalImpression Decision Codes |
70.246 ClinicalImpression Finding Codes |
70.247 Communication Category |
70.248 Tilstandskoder |
70.249 Conditions |
70.250 Consent Category |
70.251 ContactPoint Custodian |
70.252 ContactPoint System |
70.253 Device Calibration Actor |
70.254 Device Calibration Period |
70.255 Device Calibration Type |
70.256 Device Measurement Unit |
70.257 Device Measuring Quality |
70.258 Device Safety |
70.259 SSL Service Types |
70.260 Device Supplier Roles |
70.261 Device Types |
70.262 Device Use Reason |
70.263 DeviceMetricPropertyTypes |
70.264 DeviceMetric Quality Types |
70.265 Document Class |
70.266 Document Type |
70.267 Policies for provenances |
70.268 UCUM printSymbol supplement |
70.269 eHealth Usage Context Type |
70.270 Event Type Codes |
70.271 Facility Type Codes |
70.272 FormatCodes |
70.273 FS III, helbredstilstande |
70.274 Goal Description |
70.275 Goal Target Measure |
70.276 Sygdoms- og diagnosekoder |
70.277 IT Competence Level codes |
70.278 Jurisdiction |
70.279 Library Type |
70.280 Measurement Sharing Policies |
70.281 MessageCategory |
70.282 MessageMedium |
70.283 eHealth Message Reason Code |
70.284 Modifier Role |
70.285 Observation Codes |
70.286 OIO BPP Roles |
70.287 OIO Organization Type |
70.288 Organization Relation Type |
70.289 Organization Source |
70.290 Organization Specialty |
70.291 Organization Synchronization Status |
70.292 Organization Type |
70.293 Overview Usage Mode |
70.294 PlanDefinition Recommendation |
70.295 Practice Setting Codes |
70.296 Priority |
70.297 Quality Types |
70.298 Questionnaire Item Control |
70.299 Questionnaire Item Image Format |
70.300 Questionnaire Item Significance Indicator |
70.301 QuestionnaireRecommendation |
70.302 Questionnaire Types |
70.303 Reference Range Type |
70.304 RegionalSubdivisionCodes |
70.305 RelationshipTypes |
70.306 Resolved Timing Type |
70.307 Restriction Category |
70.308 Situation Quality |
70.309 SorOrganizationSpecialty |
70.310 SorOrganizationType |
70.311 Task Category |
70.312 Topic Type |
70.313 Trigger Behavior |
70.314 Trigger Enablement Code |
70.315 eHealthUnitCodes |
70.316 eHealthUnit |
70.317 Usage Quality |
70.318 View For Type |
70.319 View Type |
70.320 KLTilstandeKoderSygepleje |
70.321 DK_IHE_ClassCode_VS |
70.322 DK_IHE_EventCodeLists_VS |
70.323 DK_IHE_FormatCode_VS |
70.324 DK_IHE_HealthcareFacilityTypeCode_VS |
70.325 DK_IHE_practiceSettingCode_VS |
70.326 DK_IHE_TypeCode_VS |
70.327 EventTiming |
70.328 Care Plan Status |
70.329 Action guidance types |
70.330 Action Type |
70.331 Action |
70.332 ActivityDefinitionCodes |
70.333 Administrative Status |
70.334 Appointment Reason |
70.335 Appointment Service Types |
70.336 Appointment Type Codes |
70.337 Basic resource type |
70.338 CarePlan Category |
70.339 CareTeam Category |
70.340 CareTeam Participant Role |
70.341 ClinicalImpression Codes |
70.342 ClinicalImpression Decision Codes |
70.343 ClinicalImpression Finding Codes |
70.344 Clone Operation |
70.345 Communication Category |
70.346 Conditions |
70.347 Consent Category |
70.348 ContactPoint Custodian |
70.349 ContactPoint System |
70.350 Device calibration actor |
70.351 Device calibration period |
70.352 Device Measuring Quality |
70.353 Device safety |
70.354 Device service types |
70.355 Device Supplier Roles |
70.356 DeviceTypes |
70.357 Device Use Reason |
70.358 DeviceMetric Property Types |
70.359 DeviceMetric Quality Types |
70.360 Document Class |
70.361 Document Type |
70.362 Policies for provenances |
70.363 UCUM printSymbol supplement |
70.364 eHealth Usage Contxt Type |
70.365 FS III, borgerens vurdering af betydning |
70.366 FS III, borgerens vurdering af udførelse |
70.367 FS III, Samfundsliv |
70.368 FS III, Mentale funktioner |
70.369 FS III, Mobilitet |
70.370 FS III, Praktiske opgaver |
70.371 FS III, Egenomsorg |
70.372 FS III, Kommunikation |
70.373 FS III, Udskillelse af affaldsstoffer |
70.374 FS III, Funktionsniveau |
70.375 FS III, Viden og udvikling |
70.376 FS III, Bevægeapparat |
70.377 FS III, Ernæring |
70.378 FS III, Smerter og sanseindtryk |
70.379 FS III, Psykosociale forhold |
70.380 FS III, Respiration og cirkulation |
70.381 FS III, Seksualitet |
70.382 FS III, Hud og slimhinder |
70.383 FS III, Søvn og hvile |
70.384 FS III, niveauer |
70.385 Goal Description |
70.386 Jurisdiction |
70.387 Library Type |
70.388 Measurement Sharing Policies |
70.389 Message Category |
70.390 Message Medium |
70.391 Modifier Role |
70.392 OIO-BPP Role |
70.393 OIO Organization Type |
70.394 Organization Relation Type |
70.395 Organization Source |
70.396 Organization Synchronization Status |
70.397 Overview usage mode |
70.398 Integer percentage codes |
70.399 PlanDefinition Recommendation |
70.400 Priority |
70.401 Quality Types |
70.402 Questionnaire Item Significance Indicator |
70.403 Questionnaire Recommendation |
70.404 Questionnaire Types |
70.405 Reference Range Type |
70.406 Resolved Timing Type |
70.407 Restriction Category |
70.408 Situation Quality |
70.409 SOR Organization Specialty |
70.410 SOR Organization Type |
70.411 Ehealth System |
70.412 Task Category |
70.413 Topic Type |
70.414 Trigger Enablement Code |
70.415 eHealthUnitCodes |
70.416 Usage Quality |
70.417 View types |
70.418 AddressType |
70.419 AddressUse |
70.420 CareTeamStatus |
70.421 ConsentState |
70.422 DaysOfWeek |
70.423 EpisodeOfCareStatus |
70.424 Questionnaire Item Type |
70.425 PublicationStatus |
70.426 RequestStatus |
70.427 ResourceType |
70.428 v3 Code System TimingEvent |
70.429 Regional subdivision codes |
70.430 FSIII |
70.431 Danish SNOMED CT Extension |
70.432 Danish SNOMED CT Extension |
70.433 Danish SNOMED CT Extension |
70.434 HL7 Terminology Maintenance Infrastructure Vocabulary |
70.435 Common Codes from BCP-47 |
70.436 NPU DK |
70.437 Sundhedsvæsenets klassifikationssystem (SKS) |
70.438 MedCom Message Codes |
70.439 DK_IHE_FormatCode_CS |
70.440 DAK-E Codes |
70.441 DK_IHE_ClassCode_CS |
70.442 Danish civil registration system - CPR |
70.443 Sundhedsvæsenets Organisationsregister (SOR) |
70.444 eHealth Environment |
70.445 eHealthIdentifier |
70.446 eHealthQuestionIdentifier |
70.447 eHealth Device Identifier |
70.448 Activitydefinition-code to do missing measurement |
70.449 ActivityDefinition code to Observation code |
70.450 Observation code to UCUM mapping |
70.451 conceptmap-obs-code-to-value-type |
70.452 UCUM code to PrintSymbol mapping |
70.453 OIO BPP roles to eHealth CareTeam participant role mapping |
70.454 291 |
70.455 312 |
70.456 appointment01 |
70.457 group-appointment01 |
70.458 group-videoappointment01 |
70.459 patient01 |
70.460 relatedperson01 |
70.461 videoappointment01 |
70.462 message01 |